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Anet, Please Never Do What Blizzard Just Did to Diablo Franchise


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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > I'd play gw2 on mobile. Just sayin'. Y'all need to get over yourselves, besides the developers are right - who here does not own a mobile phone?

> >

> > Who here does not own a PC?

> >

> > I do not own a tiny phone for games any more than I own a good PC for phone calls.

> >

> > That dev’s comment was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

> >

> >


> For the sake of demolishing your rather awkward argument, one can own a good PC for making phone calls. In fact, I call my Dad on Skype all the time and he's usually in his office taking the call on his PC :)


> Aaanyway most PC gamers, being naturally interested in technology (otherwise why would they own a PC instead of a console?), have phones capable of actually doing more than making the Nokia beep. The developers are correct in their assessment that mobile is the way to go. You may not particularly enjoy that, and apparently neither did the audience, but being able to play Diablo on your phone would be pretty great. It's not as if the game was ever particularly complex or graphically demanding. Like I said, I'd definitely play that, even though the only game I presently have on my phone is one that I made.


> Don't knock it until you've tried it, is what I am saying.


I've played diablo 3 and it was much more complex than any phone game. Stockholders didn't seem to think that the developers were correct.

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > I'd play gw2 on mobile. Just sayin'. Y'all need to get over yourselves, besides the developers are right - who here does not own a mobile phone?

> >

> > Who here does not own a PC?

> >

> > I do not own a tiny phone for games any more than I own a good PC for phone calls.

> >

> > That dev’s comment was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

> >

> >


> For the sake of demolishing your rather awkward argument, one can own a good PC for making phone calls. In fact, I call my Dad on Skype all the time and he's usually in his office taking the call on his PC :)


> Aaanyway most PC gamers, being naturally interested in technology (otherwise why would they own a PC instead of a console?), have phones capable of actually doing more than making the Nokia beep. The developers are correct in their assessment that mobile is the way to go. You may not particularly enjoy that, and apparently neither did the audience, but being able to play Diablo on your phone would be pretty great. It's not as if the game was ever particularly complex or graphically demanding. Like I said, I'd definitely play that, even though the only game I presently have on my phone is one that I made.


> Don't knock it until you've tried it, is what I am saying.


Do you own the, "good PC," for making phone calls? Or do you own a good PC for other reasons, but choose to use it for Skype as well?



Personally I think that the whole Diablo Immortal scenario was bad PR/Marketing, but that a gaming company choosing to produce a product on a platform where many people play games is not only acceptable, but expected.

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"Do you guys not have phones? You have phones right?"


> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> I'd play gw2 on mobile. Just sayin'. Y'all need to get over yourselves, besides the developers are right - who here does not own a mobile phone?


Actually, No. I don't.

At least, not a phone that does more than call and text.

Phones are for calling; PC's are for games and internet--I have never felt a need or desire to mix the two.

(Before someone asks, no, I'm not old. Mid 20s here)



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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> You guys butchered my nerdy dark fantasy MMOs, turning them into cheery kiddie shows, well now you're getting replaced by the Farmville and Candy Crush crowd.


Youre living about a decade in the past...


And Farmville and candy crush are mostly Facebook games alongside mobile games.


I feel alot of this commotion is the older generation of gamers swinging their sticks about anything that isn't PC or console, feeling threatened by the growing mobile gaming market unwilling to adapt to what the new generation plays.


Every big gaming company is releasing big titles soon or has released big mobile titles in the last few years. Not all of it good ofcourse, but still alot of pretty good games out there. But this is hopefully just the beginning. It's about time some big players hit the mobile market, hopefully able to up the overall quality. Or ofcourse, fall victim to the draw of money and create a cashgrab.


IDK if anything, I would almost feel excited if ArenaNet took it on to innovate there and bring out a quality GW mobile game.


Idk why people are asking for a dumbed down on-the-side side gw oriented mobile game. Better do it right, than spend time making junk.

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> @"Dashingsteel.3410" said:

> > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> > > > @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> > > > I'd play gw2 on mobile. Just sayin'. Y'all need to get over yourselves, besides the developers are right - who here does not own a mobile phone?

> > >

> > > Who here does not own a PC?

> > >

> > > I do not own a tiny phone for games any more than I own a good PC for phone calls.

> > >

> > > That dev’s comment was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > For the sake of demolishing your rather awkward argument, one can own a good PC for making phone calls. In fact, I call my Dad on Skype all the time and he's usually in his office taking the call on his PC :)

> >

> > Aaanyway most PC gamers, being naturally interested in technology (otherwise why would they own a PC instead of a console?), have phones capable of actually doing more than making the Nokia beep. The developers are correct in their assessment that mobile is the way to go. You may not particularly enjoy that, and apparently neither did the audience, but being able to play Diablo on your phone would be pretty great. It's not as if the game was ever particularly complex or graphically demanding. Like I said, I'd definitely play that, even though the only game I presently have on my phone is one that I made.

> >

> > Don't knock it until you've tried it, is what I am saying.


> I've played diablo 3 and it was much more complex than any phone game. Stockholders didn't seem to think that the developers were correct.


Nothing terribly complex about it, there are certainly more strategic offerings on mobile than d3, e.g. Hearthstone. The question is, can they design a control system that allows for any complexity in the game's combat? I think they can. Beyond that, there's absolutely no reason not to make a Diablo mobile game. I think mobile gaming is unfairly derided as dumb and for casual players, but that's precisely the stigma console gamers faced. It turns out that the companies developing for those platforms were truly at fault. Consoles are perfectly capable of putting out engaging, complex and fun games. Mobiles are in a similar predicament, they just need a developer to take them seriously.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Mobile gamming is future. It will replace pc and consoles i am sorry but profit wise


I mean eventually it will yes, phones are already getting stronger and stronger as we get better at making smaller components. When it comes to mobiles though, the controls are the problem, i have pretty large thumbs and that makes it hard to move around on a screen on most phones that are "normal" sized. There is such a thing as going to fast though, and thats kinda whats going on now.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > Mobile gamming is future. It will replace pc and consoles i am sorry but profit wise


> I mean eventually it will yes, phones are already getting stronger and stronger as we get better at making smaller components. When it comes to mobiles though, the controls are the problem, i have pretty large thumbs and that makes it hard to move around on a screen on most phones that are "normal" sized. There is such a thing as going to fast though, and thats kinda whats going on now.


The interface really is all that's holding mobile gaming back. Virtual joysticks are a poor solution as you have no tactile feedback and your thumbs cover part of the screen. Unfortunately there are few alternatives right now.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Mobile gamming is future. It will replace pc and consoles i am sorry but profit wise


Mobile gaming will not replace pc and consoles. There are plenty of people who like large screens for gaming. I can't imagine some of the beautiful gaming worlds being reduced to such tiny screens. I've recently been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and reducing that game to a phone size screen would be a crime.


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I think the biggest problem is that they've announced the mainstream title won't be going to PC... to a bunch of PC players. Even if the game will be good, cheap, and available, it is still like Blizzard is turning their nose up at their dedicated fans. People put a lot of money into their gaming rigs, just to play Diablo and Overwatch. Changing platforms is like throwing away all of the time and effort put in to building those rigs.


There's other reasons, too. Gaming preferences, concerns about cash grabs and a F2P market, data rates and requiring bigger/stronger phones, etc.

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What does it tell me, when a game series goes to mobile?


-> "We have run out of ideas for the series, don't have any more inspiration for it and just want to milk it dry, using a well known name and the most common device to trick as many people into spending some last bucks on it, before we throw it into the pit of 'once great games and ideas abbandoned due to greed'."


It happens when a game developer gets told by their managers, who never had any real interest in computer games, who only sees the big $-signs all day, that a product could be making a lot more profit, if it was burned up for a quick buck using the same schemes that have killed other game series already, instead of longterm profit. No matter the damages to the companies image - the manager is well off anyway, they'll get profit no matter if the company goes down (which, hey, Blizzard won't do, at least not quickly, but still...).

It's pretty much the EA way of turning a great game series, which developers once poured their hearts into, which they spend a lot of time and energy on, trying to create something fascinating and marvelous, something that was probably even from gamers for gamers - or at least from people who loved what they did, into nothing but a way to make profit, into just yet another bland "play and forget" kind of massproduct. No soul, no replayability. Because that way they can make a sequel quickly, which people will "have to buy". Shiny but with no depth. Not for the fun, not because they love what they do, just for the money.


That is the dark and horrible road Blizzard seems to be going further and further along, ever since they joined up with Activision. A very sad story.

What can we do about it?

Do - not - buy - it.

Only money can show these maximum profit focussed vultures that what they do is horrible and wrong.

But apparently there is still too much cattle out there who loves being milked for money. And that's why their concept works, despite all the hate they get.

That's why they do it. So, blame those people for supporting this profit model.


A nice example for what it takes to get a big company to reconsider their stance is the Battlefront II debacle, where it took Disney to threaten EA for them to budge. Money matters, not the gamers opinions. For the managers the company itself is just as replacable as the developers of the games themselves. Someone leaves or "gets left"? Just hire a new one. Company milked dry? Just buy a new one to burn up. EA's been doing this for decades now. Works _wonder$_ apparently.



I may not be happy with all of the decisions in regards to monetary profit from GW2 - some items on the shop I consider horribly overpriced (mounts, to point out one thing), but they are at most only borderline gameplay influencing, nothing which really gives you a real edge over other players. It is not great, but one can live with it. "Especially since you could buy it with ingame currency" - even if that is not really a sensical thing to do unless you get very lucky and find some very, very valuable items. Farming enough gold to buy lots of gems to get what you want is way more time consuming than going out and, if you don't yet work, for example, mowing the neighbours lawn for a few bucks.

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The thing about this is that they scrapped revealing Diablo 4 for Blizzcon and instead went with just the mobile game. So Diablo 4 was set to be revealed and they changed their minds at the last minute. If Bethesda can hype people up for ES6 with just a 30 second trailer of nothing but a sweeping landscape, Blizzard could have easily sated the their fans by having a 15 second blurb of one of the Diablo 4 characters talking and then showing the placard. With the way they did this, an do remember, the amount of people that actively check forums is smaller than the amount of players, they basically made Diablo fans who didn't check forums feel like that was the only thing they worked on was the mobile game; not knowing that there were other Diablo projects in the mix.

And that there is their weakspot that caused the backlash. They assumed a lot of fans check the forums when in reality, it's streamers and youtubers that they go to for information. And even then, they hinted for months that Diablo 4 was coming on the forums, which in turn the streamers and youtubers talked about and well, then the reveal for the mobile game, the streamers and youtubers voiced the displeasure and cascaded down from there. Overall, they should not have scrapped their Diablo 4 reveal at the last minute and showcased just a mobile game at their own convention.

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Can you send your mobile game into a bigger screen? And add controller support?

IMO that's the future, but I think we are not there yet. Most current mobile games are just cheap mass produced stuff with super grindy mechanics and 0 production value.

The day you can use your smart-device to properly run AAA titles on your living tv, that's the day I will begin to play on mobile.

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