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Thank you Gandara!


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> @"Hollywood.3490" said:

> > @"Botinhas.2018" said:

> > 1. Your roamers that fail to gank and just run away as soon the ganking of a zerg build players fails.


> No, they should fight 1v50.


> > 2. Okay... I guess you are special


> How did you figure that out?


> > 3. Cause since no siegehuggers on T1, no reason to drop.


> No dear. Gandara just had less people. Suddenly you realised that there's an opportunity to flex muscles and e-kitten over enemy server and you just used that. Also, remember the legendary thread that popped right after Deso got first linked with WSR :-D


> > 4. Break time over, go build more ac's. I put 3 stacks on TP since they selling like candies


> How does one make money off of people they hate and still whine like a bizzitch?


1. You have re-read since you can't understand simple english, gandara roamers try gank a single player with zerg build, said player fights back, gandara ganker runs away till the safety of his own tower.

2. I'm a detective

3. So now you saying gandara has more people, and still can't even field one decent zerg to fight aggainst.

4. Who says i hate gandara? I enjoy it tbh, in fact i hope you can gather more players with same mentality from all around to join there and stay there. Create a big happy place and boast echother's e-peen of how beasts you are for defending a keep. Enjoy the wine and cheese

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > @"Hollywood.3490" said:

> > > > > > @"Arctisavange.7261" said:

> > > > > > The real actual reasons why we left bay and came back was due to the half a gazillion supply traps you guys had everywhere, the cow shots from inner bay, the mortars shooting back and forth when ever possible (even outer mortars, sigh), the 6 shield gens you guys had aimed to be used towards our catas and the trebs we built strictly meant to kill your trashy siege.

> > > > > > The amount trashy sieging you guys did was beyond dull and boring so we had to hop home bl to grab some supplies and give more attempts on cracking inner open.

> > > > >

> > > > > So, try going off the beaten path. It saves supply really. And you won't have to blame others for your own failures. Use roamers to flip camps, kill caravans and tag/distrupt other stuff on the map, so we have to split and reduce the amt of ppl to defend particular structure. In a zerg you have more than enough ppl to pull bomb others from siege and get rid of them, so coordinate, rinse and repeat.

> > > > >

> > > > > *sigh* Just another proof that zerg carries commander and not vice versa... Repeating "stack on me" 100 times in voice chat does not mean you are eligible for commanding FYI.

> > > > >

> > > > > > At some point i just cba anymore cause it was getting BORING AS HELL and you guys werent bringing nobody to fight. So instead i decided to hell with the wall and siege monkeys, ill just go fight WSR whose not hiding behind walls and actually wants fights.

> > > > >

> > > > > No, WSR don't want fights. Otherwise they wouldn't be running 40 scourges and 10 firebrands in a squad. They just want to farm and e-kitten, hence they all bandwagoned to that server. Their quality of players is below T1 Fractal pugs, which proves why there are very few roamers and if you run into any, they're all spellbreakers lol. Fight servers my kitten.

> > > > >

> > > > > > One of the biggest reasons for avoiding fights with WSR in the beginning was due to them having more players then we had. There were some fights with them where we had equal numbers and it was fun but most of the time they got 20-40 extra more players hoping into their crew as soon as people on other maps in WSR realized that "hey, theres this AG group wanting to fight us in green bl, lets join in for the fun".

> > > > >

> > > > > So you are looking for fights, then you're admitting to kitten'ing out of them because enemy has more players. See? YOU even think it's not fun or worth it to stand against a blob of metamorons. Congratulations and thank you, just proved my point.

> > > > >

> > > > > > So to sum it up - the only thing you guys managed to do is kill our siege with your siege and be a total dissapointment in many levels.

> > > > >

> > > > > To sum it up... You deployed ZERO roamers. Actually no; those two we managed to find were running SA Deadeyes. Talking about dissapointment... lol

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I'm from at and this is spot on lol. "Fight servers" who come with full map blob. Can easily devide that into 2 or even 3 smaller zergs and have a few small havoc grps going around.

> > >

> > > As much of a savage comment it was from Hollywood, "fight servers" dont want to organize havoc groups to flip your objectives because they simply dont care about those. Ppt is boring, they want fights with another blob. The fact that they are avoiding enemy blob because it's stronger apparently is quite sad actually, especially since lots of people transferred away from the said matchup.

> > >

> > > Everybody knows that attacking structures is the best way to attract big masses. The problem is that gandara doesnt have competent people for organized fights, no commander to organize pugs - everyone just runs their roaming builds, constantly sit on on siege behind the walls and cloud around enemy if they arent near any objective. If 2 enemy zergs/blobs are fighting they'll build siege (trebs, catas, ballistas) in closest objective and shoot enemies from there since nobody will ever give them attention if there's more attractive group to fight.

> > >

> > > Basically the only way to fight gandara is to somehow manage to get into their inner keep/LR (preferably garri) and farm the kitten out of them since all of them are whiteknights like OP who think that holding t3 keep is the most noble thing in gw2. They'll keep respawning since they always have tons of people on the map, you'll keep farming them since they cant do anything against 50+ people since they run roaming builds and AC's arent that good anymore at killing organized blobs.

> >

> > I don't think this is a gandara problem, I can't think of any other server apart from vabbi that does this. No 1 in interested in fighting a full karma train map blob that is apparently looking for fights. The point I said about splitting up is you well get your fights far easier as people are more willing to engage you rather than afking on siege vs the 70 man map blob.


> Shhh. "Fight guilds" and "fight servers" overstack and exist to farm pug servers. Somehow that adds a feeling of superiority.


No, i get my feeling of superiority by reading novels about how well i shoot ac from my t3 keep all day. This guy wrote a WOT about how they sat in their keep all day and you are talking about how the fighting servers feel superior? :D

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> WIthin 10 posts you guys went from wholesome to matchup thread. Good job.


> > @"aintiarna.4869" said:

> > WSR: Farming bags for 2hrs inside enemy keep without ever flipping it, Skrim k/d > 3.0 = win.

> > Gandara: Everyone respawning 10 times from spawn, stopped keep from flipping, skrim PPT > 200 = win

> >

> > Different worlds, different cultures, completely different definitions of what constitutes a win. It's quite fascinating really. I wonder what alliances will do to all this.


> I would say the game telling you who won constitutes as winning, doesn't matter if you like it or not or that it doesn't really give you anything.



Now you get points for kills servers that choose to fight can at least stay in the game. On WSR we will go for a reset to look for big fights, the commander literally says don't cap and for us to not attack the lord if they genuinely think it will die and we could flip.


Sounds like Gandara had fun defending and WSR had fun fighting despite the many ACs that no doubt littered the keep, I'd say that's a win all round and isn't that the point?

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> @"Botinhas.2018" said:

> 1. You have re-read since you can't understand simple english, gandara roamers try gank a single player with zerg build, said player fights back, gandara ganker runs away till the safety of his own tower.


You said it like nobody else in the world does that. Also, you missed the part where the whole zerg turns around.


> 2. I'm a detective


Geez, you must be smart :-D


> 3. So now you saying gandara has more people, and still can't even field one decent zerg to fight aggainst.


We field players to fight. Nobody gives a damn about your metamoron ego. Landing bubble/shade bomb sounds so much fun... oh man... high quality player generated content.


> 4. Who says i hate gandara? I enjoy it tbh, in fact i hope you can gather more players with same mentality from all around to join there and stay there. Create a big happy place and boast echother's e-kitten of how beasts you are for defending a keep. Enjoy the wine and cheese


Of course you don't. You also don't want to drop out of T1, cuz boring. You don't want to break into structures because 50+ ppl is not enough to do that.





Everything is summed up just above your first post here. Excuses, rage whispers, hatemail, so on and so forth... Seems about right.

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Yay PVP vids!


As I have been saying. What AC's are we talking about? LMAO

Inner walls had some and you guys pulled out. You guys then positioned yourselves on the outer area (outer walls had siege cleared) away from AC fire and just ate everything we threw at you. There's no individuality to your play, you guys just stood there and took everything while waiting for your commander to make up his mind. It's a mindless meta-crutching zerg basically.

That wasn't even the garrison fight where all the siege was cleared and you guys still wiped several times.


I guess the trauma of having 5+ ACs fire on you has been burned into memory that whenever you start losing the memory of those ACs resurface and take over your reality.


EDIT: I'm that purple tempest that keeps poking at your rears with earth bombs causing 10+ of your group to not be able to play follow the leader. XDDDDDDDDDDD


Also, that video was the fight where AG dodged WSR's 25 man group at the bridge/wurm gate with their 50 man because they thought they couldn't win (post earlier in the thread).

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> When combat is so fast that you have to speed up the video to x4 to be able to see some action. Quality content :+1:


> "bubble/shade bomb so fun"


> Here watch me spam 2 buttons on my dragon banner because I'm not a metamoron.


I believe you just insulted yourself. Read it again.

I'll spell it out for you just in case. You were fighting randoms who were poking at you from every direction. It's a slow process poking away at a 50 man group but your brains were even slower by not responding AT ALL.

When the enemy is something you can't simply roll over with shades and bubbles you cease to function.

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> @"joshster.1264" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > When combat is so fast that you have to speed up the video to x4 to be able to see some action. Quality content :+1:

> >

> > "bubble/shade bomb so fun"

> >

> > Here watch me spam 2 buttons on my dragon banner because I'm not a metamoron.


> I believe you just insulted yourself. Read it again.

> I'll spell it out for you just in case. You were fighting randoms who were poking at you from every direction. It's a slow process poking away at a 50 man group but your brains were even slower by not responding AT ALL.


I'm not even in that matchup. In fact I wasnt even playing the game. As I said, I find more content in here than in game ;)


You just proven why your server is boring to play against. You dont fight, you just poke at 2k range and run away behind walls.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"joshster.1264" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > When combat is so fast that you have to speed up the video to x4 to be able to see some action. Quality content :+1:

> > >

> > > "bubble/shade bomb so fun"

> > >

> > > Here watch me spam 2 buttons on my dragon banner because I'm not a metamoron.

> >

> > I believe you just insulted yourself. Read it again.

> > I'll spell it out for you just in case. You were fighting randoms who were poking at you from every direction. It's a slow process poking away at a 50 man group but your brains were even slower by not responding AT ALL.


> I'm not even in that matchup. In fact I wasnt even playing the game. As I said, I find more content in here than in game ;)


> You just proven why your server is boring to play against. You dont fight, you just poke at 2k range and run away behind walls.


What are class mechanics? How many classes does GW2 have?

How do you fight an organized comp that's meant to roll over everything?

No sir, we're just smarter. It's also <900 range fyi.

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Best comments so far were the salty tears about Gandara forming a cloud which picks away at you but has no centre you can use your meta blob against.


Guess what? It's achieving exactly what it is supposed to do, which is counter the cheese SB/scourge meta you're running. That you can't handle it and can't adapt to it just makes it all the more fun to play.


May take a while to whittle away your meta blob, but it's very effective with no comm.


As for using siege- it's part of the game. You want to ball up and play scourge bomb/portal then we might throw down a ballista or two to disrupt it and give you a false focus (you'll bomb the ballista, so predictable) whilst we down your support having dodged away.

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Do you also tag up to escort dollies on home border every reset? I see gandara is very serious about that as well, they even run scrappers and thieves for stealth and 5 people per dollyak. Why be a metamoron when you can escort dollyaks and play intended content. #ScourgeMetaIsALie #NotMetamoron #JustRegularOne

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> Do you also tag up to escort dollies on home border every reset? I see gandara is very serious about that as well, they even run scrappers and thieves for stealth and 5 people per dollyak. Why be a metamoron when you can escort dollyaks and play intended content. #ScourgeMetaIsALie #NotMetamoron #JustRegularOne


Gandara community guild does its guild missions just before reset. So, yeah. The 'metamoron' thing hit a nerve there, huh

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> When combat is so fast that you have to speed up the video to x4 to be able to see some action. Quality content :+1:


> "bubble/shade bomb so fun"


> Here watch me spam 2 buttons on my dragon banner because I'm not a metamoron.


> @"steki.1478" said:

> I'm not even in that matchup. In fact I wasnt even playing the game. As I said, I find more content in here than in game ;)


> You just proven why your server is boring to play against. You dont fight, you just poke at 2k range and run away behind walls.


> @"steki.1478" said:

> Do you also tag up to escort dollies on home border every reset? I see gandara is very serious about that as well, they even run scrappers and thieves for stealth and 5 people per dollyak. Why be a metamoron when you can escort dollyaks and play intended content. #ScourgeMetaIsALie #NotMetamoron #JustRegularOne


I just quoted all your comments from this page so that you can read them all again and find out what's wrong about your thinking process. Comparing _one_ (maybe sometimes actually two) player with a stick to whole 50+ ppl blob full of metaslaves. If you have problems with the speed, then youtube has amazing function that allows you to change video speed to 0.5 or even 0.25.


You weren't there, don't know MU situation yet you act like you were part of it, mhm.


So what, lets all stand in 1 line, without any organised group and let enemy zerg train over and get all loot? Yes, that wouldn't be boring (PS: Its called _havoc_ or _cloud_ strategy, but forum/discord warrior probably already know those basics)


No, Gandara players just transforms into dollies and organised group of mesmers portals them around the map to speed up upgrading process. Once again, first play MU then start typing.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> I mean..if you fail to farm defenders you just die after 10 minutes of trying, not after hours. Defenders can glide into garri in 30 seconds, attackers need to walk for minutes and deal with gangers and walls/gates which takes extra time. It's pretty obvious who's "winning bags".



except you can fail to farm defenders and not dying yourself - specifically in situation when defenders play smart and are only ACing you from the safety of their walls - in which case you can stay inside for hours without farming anyone - and not wiping yourself.


> As for the loot comment I dont get it either, but it's just fun seeing people respawn over and over again and still dying (for me it doesn't even matter if it's people from my server, laughing at trash people is always fun since they don't realize what's going on).


the loot comment came from your use of phrases "farmign defenders" and "they are walking lootbags to them"


> I don't play for bags nor I play for 1-pushing. All I play are organized zergs with as least siege as possible and if ppt has to be done for that, so be it, it's part of wvw anyway. Doesn't happen often, but I dont need to play the game 24/7 and feel good about ppt I did over night, champ bags I got during ktrain or bags I got from farming idiots. It's all brainless gameplay that serves purpose to raise people's ego and keep them playing repetitive content. Forums/discord offer better content than game anyway. :trollface:


therefore "prohint 1" still applies - if you want a proper "fight" with server that has bigger focus on PPT than it has on zerg clashes just for the sake of zerg clashes, you need to pose a danger to what they care for in magnitude sufficient for them to call in EBG. In this specific case actually try to reset their precious t3 keep - I'm quite sure you'd get your zerg clash if you have actually tried to reset the keep with sufficient efficiency to not get stopped on inner by a bunch of random roamers.

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