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Requiring Bounties in Specialization Collections is Stupid. I'll Say it.

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I have been trying for days to finish my Warpblade, and literally the only thing I have left is Aszar, Swinging Pendulum's bounty. I either can't get anyone to do it, or we don't get enough people to DPS him down before he despawns.


Either allow the event to scale down further, or require something else in place of bounties so I can actually get my weapon done. I'm about to just give up. I would rather be forced to go into a raid than continue banging my head against this nonsense.

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Use the LFG tool, as well as advertising in map chat, to get a group together and make sure you get the group BEFORE starting the bounty, otherwise even if people join right away they might not have time to get out there and kill it before it despawns.


It might also help to say it's needed for the Warpblade. Some people might not realise because they're not actively working on the collection but if they see a group is being formed and it'll help with the collection they might join to get it while they've got the opportunity.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Use the LFG tool, as well as advertising in map chat, to get a group together and make sure you get the group BEFORE starting the bounty, otherwise even if people join right away they might not have time to get out there and kill it before it despawns.


> It might also help to say it's needed for the Warpblade. Some people might not realise because they're not actively working on the collection but if they see a group is being formed and it'll help with the collection they might join to get it while they've got the opportunity.


This. I am very late to the game of crafting things (never wanted to do it) so now that I am working on these collections, I find the map population less than favorable. However, when I "apple-up" and call for help with reasons, it usually doesn't take long for others to show up. Thought I'd never get that darned caffeinated skritt, but each time I called it out I got 4+ others to show up.

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> @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> Wait for 'desolation bounty hunter' daily on the rotation. Get bounty. Turn on Apple. '/m Aszar, Swinging Pendulum bounty on my apple.' wait for 5-10 people. Engage. Thank your team.


That actually works very well. Did my specialization dailies (and bounty achievements) that way.


If there's already a bounty train on map, just join in, and wait till they get to that point. If they've already killed it, ask whether they can do it again - most squads will have no problems with doing a few requests.

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> @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> Wait for 'desolation bounty hunter' daily on the rotation. Get bounty. Turn on Apple. '/m Aszar, Swinging Pendulum bounty on my apple.' wait for 5-10 people. Engage. Thank your team.


This. Last time this daily was up I went after this exact bounty with a doomed to fail group of 2 people. A couple minutes of struggle and I typed '/mentor' in my chat and about 10 people showed up to beat up this rambling genie.

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I agree with those saying tags and wait for dailies.


The daily bounties are by far the best time to get any missing ones done since there is almost always people runing them.

I bought a commander tag a while ago but never got much use out of it (I know good waste of 300g right) but whenever I need a bounty or am doing one on a whim I usually put the tag on and announce the bounty in map chat and people come running.

It's not always a lot of people but it's usually enough to take the bounty down.


You don't need your own tag either, ask a friend or guildmate who has a commander tag to help you out if need be.

Coms doing bounties are almost always going to lure a group to them.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I agree with those saying tags and wait for dailies.


> The daily bounties are by far the best time to get any missing ones done since there is almost always people runing them.

> I bought a commander tag a while ago but never got much use out of it (I know good waste of 300g right) but whenever I need a bounty or am doing one on a whim I usually put the tag on and announce the bounty in map chat and people come running.

> It's not always a lot of people but it's usually enough to take the bounty down.


> You don't need your own tag either, ask a friend or guildmate who has a commander tag to help you out if need be.

> Coms doing bounties are almost always going to lure a group to them.


I'm throwing a tag on now and am still unable to complete it.

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Get 4 other guildies to do it. Preferably ones that can coordinate CC with you on voice comm and know about their class. You know, the ones that do fractals/raids regularly. It'll be walk in the park then. My guild does that all the time whenever a guildie requested it.


To be frank usually 10+ pug players who only know spamming all skills off CD without consideration of skill effects are more of a liability than help. And unfortunately (fortunate for general population though) most players can get by with that in open world.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Emberstone.2904" said:

> > I just had two commanders zerg it, and Aszala still didn't die.

> >

> > What the hell is going on?


> Bad random magic spawns(its little effects?) not enough DPS, not enough CC?

This is ridiculous. I'll say it again. Requiring a bounty for this is absolutely dumb. This is not fun.


If this is meant to be difficult, lock it behind a raid so I know I don't deserve to have the weapon. If you're locking it behind world events, this needs to be easier to complete because I'm now on seven attempts. It would be less painful if I could immediately respawn the bounty, but I can't. It's time-gated for some stupid reason.

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> @"Emberstone.2904" said:

> I just had two commanders zerg it, and Aszala still didn't die.


> What the hell is going on?


The fact that they're commanders is meaningless - that just tells you they spent 300g on a portable map marker. What's important in this situation is how many people they had with them, how many of those people knew what to do and how to do it, like when to use crowd control skills on his break bar (and to a lesser extent which of the Unstable Magical Abilities the boss had, because some are harder to counter than others) and whether all those people arrived before the bounty started or if they showed up after the boss had spawned with not enough time left to beat it.


Honestly I don't know what to tell you other than the advice given here does work, on a regular basis. If you join an organised group or form one before the boss spawns and make sure everyone is in the right place and ready to go when you (or whoever is leading) starts the bounty then it's very possible to kill it. But without that advanced preparation, especially relying on people showing up after the fight has started, it's almost impossible. But that's no different to any other bounty.

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Three weeks for a festival is good for business, bad for other parts of the game. Try in a few days.


I kind of agree with you on the sentiment as a recluse myself but the game is supposed to be a social one and I usually go "well I can't fault the devs for it even though it is not ideal for me," tag up, ask for help, if we do we do, if we don't come back another time.


I honestly find the "mystic weapon" requirement of HoT collections far more aggravating than this :expressionless:



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> @"Emberstone.2904" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Emberstone.2904" said:

> > > I just had two commanders zerg it, and Aszala still didn't die.

> > >

> > > What the hell is going on?

> >

> > Bad random magic spawns(its little effects?) not enough DPS, not enough CC?

> This is ridiculous. I'll say it again. Requiring a bounty for this is absolutely dumb. This is not fun.


> If this is meant to be difficult, lock it behind a raid so I know I don't deserve to have the weapon. If you're locking it behind world events, this needs to be easier to complete because I'm now on seven attempts. It would be less painful if I could immediately respawn the bounty, but I can't. It's time-gated for some stupid reason.


Oh please, bounty is the only THING that collections require you to focus for 2 nanoseconds. Break the damn bar, simple as that.

You don't trust me, try the HoT spec. collections and lets talk after that.

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