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What are your petty grievances in GW2?


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This is pretty petty: Opening each Desert Crafting Material Coffers requires a total of 5 clicks + scrolling (double-click to open, scroll to the bottom of the list for the only items worth choosing after you've already gotten each of the 9 account-bound recipes, click to select, click the Accept button, finally click the Yes confirmation.)


An improvement would be to place the two items that you will repeatedly select at the top of the scrolling list, and eliminate the final Yes/No choice by letting Accept act as sole confirmation.


It's very minor in the overall scheme of things, but maybe the dev that sensibly re-ordered the daily achievement categories in most-recent-first order, located on the left side of the Achievements panel, will see this and take pity ;)

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When dealing with inventory management at the bank & trading post (it doesn't seem to matter which one, these people always find me) and there is a huge flash encompassing the whole screen and a very loud, annoying "PHHWWWOOMMMPHH" sound.

There is usually then a brief pause, during which time I am usually thinking something along the lines of "surely they are not going to do that right here.. again.. ", and then of course it happens.



Seriously, there is a special circle of hell reserved for all the people who level characters using tomes right next to the bank.

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Being suppressed from updating your LFG for minutes after having to adjust it to look for different roles 3 times.


The Sylvari Male voice acting. When making a evil Necrotic plant than summons fleshy undead at launch day, I didn't really expect to be stuck with a jovial over done brit for 6+ years.

Single reason I have main character chatter disabled across the board, as I'm tired of facepalming every time that character opens his mouth.


No elite specialisation Icons in LFG.


Chrono being irreplaceable as meta since years and comps getting stale.


> @"kapri.5918" said:

> Having my character shout that their "fury is rising" or similar non important noise. Or the fact that I got treasure... I really wish I could turn that off.


Options -> Sound Options -> Disable Player Chatter

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> Being suppressed from updating your LFG for minutes after having to adjust it to look for different roles 3 times.


> No elite specialisation Icons in LFG.


> Chrono being irreplaceable as meta since years and comps getting stale.


> > @"kapri.5918" said:

> > Having my character shout that their "fury is rising" or similar non important noise. Or the fact that I got treasure... I really wish I could turn that off.


> Options -> Sound Options -> Disable Player Chatter


Wait, so my human can stop trying to outrun centaurs?!?!?! Thanks a million, it gets on my nerves from time to time as well.


Also, everything else this person said, +100.



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My grievances are more more often towards people rather then the game itself.


1. Cheaters/hackers in the game. (Pretty self explanatory...)

2. Elitist jerks. (Hey fine, you don't want to play with 'noobs'. Sorry your life outside of the game is so terrible/time constrained that you have to be a complete ass-hat about it.)

3. The 'PvP culture' that basically encourages the two above. (Try and balance PvP all you want... it's toxic players and try-hard jerks that will keep reducing your PvP and WvW population by making everyone else just walk away from the game modes...)

4. The Forums. (Not the actual forums themselves. But rather the hyperbolic, over the top tone that it often takes when people start complaining. I mean fine, you don't like something in game. Let people know. Don't act like it's the end of the world and that the Devs are incompetent just because you don't like something...)



Hmm. I guess those are hardly 'petty' grievances. *shrugs* Oh well...

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Part Two


1.) The overly long aggro and leash range of mobs in POF.

2.) The massive damage mobs, and the large patrols they added in POF with the overly long aggro ranges, and long range attacks that can kill my ele in two hits because lawl no ability to fight back at range.(no, its not a L2P issue, i dont have any issues on my ranger who can kill them at range, or survive long enough to get into melee.)

3.) Break Bar damage not shown in the UI.

4.) targeting completely random yellows or whites when im trying to attack a vet or higher thats knocked me off my mount.

5.) Not being able to wear the clothes that NPCs have, the hairstyles they have, in the case of Charr the fur colors and patterns they have as well.

6.) Being forced to listen to NPCs talk over and over to get achievements in the story.

7.) Not saving some of my tonics and such i got years ago for the novelties tab :(


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> @"Deimos.4263" said:

> Everytime Trahearne talks about "Clawr Island." There's no 'r' you daft tree!!!!



**Intrusive R**


"any word that ends in the non-high vowels /ə/, /ɪə/, /ɑː/, or /ɔː/; when such a word is closely followed by another word beginning in a vowel sound, an [r] is inserted between them."

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> People who block me and whisper me, talking kitten while I can't say anything back.


To be honest, there's absolutely nothing anyone can say to make these kind of people alter their behavior. It's literally like pounding your head against a brick wall.


Silence is the best way to go. It's infuriating, shows that you don't give a kitten, and these commenters won't get any satisfaction.

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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > People who block me and whisper me, talking kitten while I can't say anything back.


> To be honest, there's absolutely nothing anyone can say to make these kind of people alter their behavior. It's literally like pounding your head against a brick wall.


> Silence is the best way to go. It's infuriating, shows that you don't give a kitten, and these commenters won't get any satisfaction.


this was a issue in GW1 as well people would block you than talk smack. in both cases the same simple case needed to be implemented messaging a person automatically unblocks them

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> ^On that note, *what the heck happened to Faolain's voice*? It started out in a vaguely British accent...sort of...but it slipped every other word, and there was one place in Season Two (when you first go into Caithe's memories) where Faolain's accent audibly slides off *over the course of a single sentence* until she's just talking in a plain American accent and stays that way for the rest of Season Two and into Heart of Thorns. So, another petty grievance: voice actors who don't even bother with the accent. [Edit: The wiki and [the old archived forums](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/lwd/Faolain-the-American-Sylvari/ "the old archived forums") has something about this, evidently it was noticed during the release of Season Two and "explained"...it's still rather ridiculous.)


So Faolain stop speaking with British accent and began to speak in USA English once her evilness became irredeemable?


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Lack of cast bars and the ability to see the target of enemy mobs. I know a lot of players are able to read the movements of mobs and act accordingly, but I tend to have my camera set out far, and with that and the visual clutter seen in any group setting, I get hit far more than I would otherwise.


In other MMOs like WoW you can see the ability your target was about to use as a cast bar underneath their portrait, and could act accordingly by using an interrupt or a cool down ability. You also could see the target of your target, so if the boss decided to target you for something, it was instantly noticeable and you could prepare/react as necessary.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Lack of cast bars and the ability to see the target of enemy mobs. I know a lot of players are able to read the movements of mobs and act accordingly, but I tend to have my camera set out far, and with that and the visual clutter seen in any group setting, I get hit far more than I would otherwise.


> In other MMOs like WoW you can see the ability your target was about to use as a cast bar underneath their portrait, and could act accordingly by using an interrupt or a cool down ability. You also could see the target of your target, so if the boss decided to target you for something, it was instantly noticeable and you could prepare/react as necessary.


While I agree this would be nice I guess this falls under the not playing the ui part.



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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> anything ascended takes tons of time to get (except things from laurels) and it's always stuck behind the horrid frikin crafting, as long as the crafting system isn't anywhere close to fun i will never enjoy crafting one bit and never get it to 450 let alone 500.


Crafting in GW2 is very punishing, I agree completely. BUT, the silver lining is that all end game gear is acquired either through crafting or exchanging currency to NPC vendors, which is a far better experience than killing bosses on a daily/weekly basis and HOPE that the item you want drops, and then HOPE that you are the one to receive it. The lack of RNG in GW2 is very refreshing.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > anything ascended takes tons of time to get (except things from laurels) and it's always stuck behind the horrid frikin crafting, as long as the crafting system isn't anywhere close to fun i will never enjoy crafting one bit and never get it to 450 let alone 500.


> Crafting in GW2 is very punishing, I agree completely. BUT, the silver lining is that all end game gear is acquired either through crafting or exchanging currency to NPC vendors, which is a far better experience than killing bosses on a daily/weekly basis and HOPE that the item you want drops, and then HOPE that you are the one to receive it. The lack of RNG in GW2 is very refreshing.


you and me have a completely different view on RNG with GW2, this game has the worst kind of RNG. (ppl playing for about 6 years and no precursor drop while ppl who play for about 6 months getting 2 in one month)

also, that silver lining isn't anything positive, i rather kill a boss several time then grafting months on end and still getting nowhere close to something useful.

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Crafting here is fine. Play a game like Aion when you need a craft a yellow weapon which needs to proc to make a orange weapon that also has to proc to get a purple and then that has to proc to get the best stats. If at any point the craft doesn't proc and even fails you need to start over. If i made an ascened weapon in GW2 I get that weapon. I certainly don't want to go though having to do instances to get a drop and hope your roll goes your way. Been there, done that as they say. Maybe explain how to make crafting fun?

I actually hate the fact if anything, some items are locked behind fractals and dungeons for leggie stuff as it is.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > anything ascended takes tons of time to get (except things from laurels) and it's always stuck behind the horrid frikin crafting, as long as the crafting system isn't anywhere close to fun i will never enjoy crafting one bit and never get it to 450 let alone 500.

> >

> > Crafting in GW2 is very punishing, I agree completely. BUT, the silver lining is that all end game gear is acquired either through crafting or exchanging currency to NPC vendors, which is a far better experience than killing bosses on a daily/weekly basis and HOPE that the item you want drops, and then HOPE that you are the one to receive it. The lack of RNG in GW2 is very refreshing.


> you and me have a completely different view on RNG with GW2, this game has the worst kind of RNG. (ppl playing for about 6 years and no precursor drop while ppl who play for about 6 months getting 2 in one month)

> also, that silver lining isn't anything positive, i rather kill a boss several time then grafting months on end and still getting nowhere close to something useful.


Well, using your example, having terrible luck and not getting a precursor doesn't restrict you from crafting a Legendary - it just means you either have to spend gold on buying one from the TP, or crafting it yourself. In my sense of the word, having terrible luck in an RNG environment means never getting the item period - ever!


As to your second point, having played in both systems, I have to disagree. Nothing is more soul crushing than repeating the same content over and over with zero progress to show for it. Yes, accumulating 250 Amalgamated Gemstones is a pretty painful task, but you know every day you complete a HoT meta you are guaranteed 1 of them, and again, you can always purchase them off the TP or craft them yourself out of other materials.


Imagine instead you needed less than 250 Amalgamated gemstones, but they only had a "chance" of dropping from each HoT Meta chest? It wouldn't feel that great to open the meta chest and get only regular loot.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > anything ascended takes tons of time to get (except things from laurels) and it's always stuck behind the horrid frikin crafting, as long as the crafting system isn't anywhere close to fun i will never enjoy crafting one bit and never get it to 450 let alone 500.

> >

> > Crafting in GW2 is very punishing, I agree completely. BUT, the silver lining is that all end game gear is acquired either through crafting or exchanging currency to NPC vendors, which is a far better experience than killing bosses on a daily/weekly basis and HOPE that the item you want drops, and then HOPE that you are the one to receive it. The lack of RNG in GW2 is very refreshing.


> you and me have a completely different view on RNG with GW2, this game has the worst kind of RNG. (ppl playing for about 6 years and no precursor drop while ppl who play for about 6 months getting 2 in one month)

> also, that silver lining isn't anything positive, i rather kill a boss several time then grafting months on end and still getting nowhere close to something useful.

There is only one kind of RNG. The worst one. Anything that depends on RNG will be always awful.

So I concurr with Turkeyspit: I'll choose a boring crafting over an abysmal RNG, any time.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > ^On that note, *what the heck happened to Faolain's voice*? It started out in a vaguely British accent...sort of...but it slipped every other word, and there was one place in Season Two (when you first go into Caithe's memories) where Faolain's accent audibly slides off *over the course of a single sentence* until she's just talking in a plain American accent and stays that way for the rest of Season Two and into Heart of Thorns. So, another petty grievance: voice actors who don't even bother with the accent. [Edit: The wiki and [the old archived forums](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/lwd/Faolain-the-American-Sylvari/ "the old archived forums") has something about this, evidently it was noticed during the release of Season Two and "explained"...it's still rather ridiculous.)


> So Faolain stop speaking with British accent and began to speak in USA English once her evilness became irredeemable?

> ...


She spoke with a British accent in the Twilight Arbor story. Er...what could vaguely be construed as a faux British accent...*sort of*...it slipped every other word.


But yes, I suppose the [Evil Brit ](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilBrit "Evil Brit ")trope can't really apply to her. :tongue:

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > anything ascended takes tons of time to get (except things from laurels) and it's always stuck behind the horrid frikin crafting, as long as the crafting system isn't anywhere close to fun i will never enjoy crafting one bit and never get it to 450 let alone 500.

> > >

> > > Crafting in GW2 is very punishing, I agree completely. BUT, the silver lining is that all end game gear is acquired either through crafting or exchanging currency to NPC vendors, which is a far better experience than killing bosses on a daily/weekly basis and HOPE that the item you want drops, and then HOPE that you are the one to receive it. The lack of RNG in GW2 is very refreshing.

> >

> > you and me have a completely different view on RNG with GW2, this game has the worst kind of RNG. (ppl playing for about 6 years and no precursor drop while ppl who play for about 6 months getting 2 in one month)

> > also, that silver lining isn't anything positive, i rather kill a boss several time then grafting months on end and still getting nowhere close to something useful.


> Well, using your example, having terrible luck and not getting a precursor doesn't restrict you from crafting a Legendary - it just means you either have to spend gold on buying one from the TP, or crafting it yourself. In my sense of the word, having terrible luck in an RNG environment means never getting the item period - ever!


> As to your second point, having played in both systems, I have to disagree. Nothing is more soul crushing than repeating the same content over and over with zero progress to show for it. Yes, accumulating 250 Amalgamated Gemstones is a pretty painful task, but you know every day you complete a HoT meta you are guaranteed 1 of them, and again, you can always purchase them off the TP or craft them yourself out of other materials.


> Imagine instead you needed less than 250 Amalgamated gemstones, but they only had a "chance" of dropping from each HoT Meta chest? It wouldn't feel that great to open the meta chest and get only regular loot.


and what about instead of a material drop it actually drops the weapon instead?

like i said, i rather kill a boss a bunch of times than farm and grind the hell out of something just for mats, not to mention the horrible timing and need to play things i seriously hate.

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Dying in WvW and seeing multiple lootbags (and sometimes chests with rares in them) appear at my corpse, and there's nothing I can do about it - because by the time I even spawned and was even able to get back, they'd be gone. I think it's the most stupid thing in the entirety of GW2 - I earned that loot fair and square.


Also, the ridiculous TP fees. You basically get taxed twice. One for listing the item, and then another for actually selling it. No wonder people resort to having to buy gems - because for the average person, they can simply never make enough money for all the goodies that come from the gemstore. It's so wrong on so many levels. At least in Runescape you don't have ANY fees to list something on their equivalent that is 'the grand exchange'.

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