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What are your petty grievances in GW2?


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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Collection achievements being locked.


> * Plays through whole area with all story missions, bounties and dynamic events.

> * Unlocks collection

> * Has to do much of the encounters over again because when I did them, it did not count for the collection.


brb, chewing on the scenery. Grr.


Reminds me that Season 2 operated like this for achievements. Finish story, *then* the achievements unlock. And getting back to where you could try them was easily 10 minutes worth of unskippable dialog.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Reminds me that Season 2 operated like this for achievements. Finish story, *then* the achievements unlock. And getting back to where you could try them was easily 10 minutes worth of unskippable dialog.


KITTEN YOU, WINDMANE, KITTEN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rage:

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Maguuma Jungle is very unpopular (except for Tarir & Dragon Stand)


Hard to get Mastery Points in Maguuma, all zones are a no go due to mob density and difficulty (the same for map exploration in maguuma) , when talking about solo exploration


Expensive high end gear (aka ascended), it might drops before you can craft it (4 pieces already did for me).




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* Not being able to exchange WvW infusions for a different one. (They all cost the same, why can't we exchange them?)


* NPCs that neither walk nor run. So you get to jitter step if you have to follow them.


* No way to combine Black Lion Salvage kits together to just have one that has a bunch of uses. (Pretty please... My bank space would love you if this became a thing)


* Elite spec icons not showing in LFG. (Is that a druid in that fractal group or just a soulbeast?....)

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I can't date Canach.

Hydras. Mordrem snipers. Chak.

Tangled Depths and Draconis Mons.

I do not, in fact, have the title Champion of Orr.

I can't date Canach.

Typos that I can't just go in and fix myself.

My Commander hasn't has a mental breakdown yet, which is completely unrealistic.

I can't date Canach, and that would really head off the mental breakdown.

Kas and Jory aren't married. Actually...where is Marjory?

...looks at promising AFC thread from April...Malyck when?

I can't date Duchess Chrysanthea. Who is she? Bring her back with Malyck or something?

The Weaver's Antipodes have cloth on them, so it doesn't just look like my hands are covered in fire and water.

I can't date Canach.

There aren't many, if any, armor pieces that represent the element of earth, for me to mix into my ele's look.

Bolt is actually pretty ugly, I just use it for the footsteps and particle effects :/ Change it to look like the Storm Dagger skin, but bigger.

I can't date - you know what, you know who I want to date, just make a dating sim for April Fool's or something.

Completely non-petty Season 3 spoiler since I'm absolutely allowed to throw one in: my character's parents were killed in the service of the Shining Blade, and I didn't like Anise anyways after how she handled Canach. There is _no_ way I would have joined the Shining Blade, much less sworn a death pact. Probably the thing I least like in-game.


_Almost_ all of these are petty as far as I'm concerned. Nothing gamebreaking, except the fact that I can't date Canach ;)

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> @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> 12. Trahearne gets a statue. for doing nothing. and we do not get statues of our Order mentors... who gave their lives to save thousands. Tybalt... never forget.


Tybalt was imho the most developed NPC in the game, comedy and tragedy side by side.

Call me snowflake - sometimes i made an alt, just for the purpose to meet him again, then put an halt on the story before he had to die.


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> @"Aryan Arlande.6184" said:

> > @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> > 12. Trahearne gets a statue. for doing nothing. and we do not get statues of our Order mentors... who gave their lives to save thousands. Tybalt... never forget.


> Tybalt was imho the most developed NPC in the game, comedy and tragedy side by side.

> Call me snowflake - sometimes i made an alt, just for the purpose to meet him again, then put an halt on the story before he had to die.



See, i disagree with that even with me playing 90% Charr for most of my game hours, i found Tybalt to be annoying beyond belief and despite my love of the OOW, i pick the Priory everytime because i much prefer Sierans attitude and excitement about the world.

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farming winter berry’s and see someone at next tree fighting enemy’s and gather berry’s. and then i get there and the whole bunch of mobs spawn again. spawn time is too short. it’s just to annoy players.


tornado cc in ls4 zones. what a frustrating cc. i am sure the dev who created that don’t play guildwars 2 himself.


enemy’s with long range aggro and keep you in combat for few minutes or follow you till the other side of the map.


slow movement cc in some zones. like silver wastes. the cc or slow spell is kitten 19 seconds. i always get aggro and with chest farm the group always go away. it’s a rush. no one wait for another.


i can go on but i have to sleep so i stop now.

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> @"Vallune.8150" said:

> When dealing with inventory management at the bank & trading post (it doesn't seem to matter which one, these people always find me) and there is a huge flash encompassing the whole screen and a very loud, annoying "PHHWWWOOMMMPHH" sound.

> There is usually then a brief pause, during which time I am usually thinking something along the lines of "surely they are not going to do that right here.. again.. ", and then of course it happens.



> Seriously, there is a special circle of hell reserved for all the people who level characters using tomes right next to the bank.


Wait that sound is in the open world!?!? I am so sorry... I never realized, I presumed it was an audible queue only i could hear.

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> @"Calvsie.3675" said:

> > @"Vallune.8150" said:

> > When dealing with inventory management at the bank & trading post (it doesn't seem to matter which one, these people always find me) and there is a huge flash encompassing the whole screen and a very loud, annoying "PHHWWWOOMMMPHH" sound.

> > There is usually then a brief pause, during which time I am usually thinking something along the lines of "surely they are not going to do that right here.. again.. ", and then of course it happens.


> >

> > Seriously, there is a special circle of hell reserved for all the people who level characters using tomes right next to the bank.


> Wait that sound is in the open world!?!? I am so sorry... I never realized, I presumed it was an audible queue only i could hear.


Yeah, that and the charr player who stands around in Divinity's Reach with the chainsaw doing nothing else.

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Petty grievances.

1) Racial skills being either entirely useless OR almost entirely useless.

2) ANet refusing to include dangling story threads or mysteries into their LIVING WORLD. Why weave past stuff into current stories when we can leave that stuff hanging in the wind.

3) Lack of dresses. There's a whole lot of butt capes, open face skirts, and mini skirts running around. Some times I don't want my elementalist to be running around in combat go-go boots and a dashing mask. Okay... maybe I do want to keep the mask.

4) Outfits are really hard to get. Yeah I know it's a cosmetic item, but it's nice to have a way to change up your look without having to cram your bank or bags full of different armor, or burn through your transmutation charges, cause those do go fast if you're not careful. It'd be nice to have more ways to get outfits besides gems, more examples of Hexed Outfit.

5) stop for one moment in Elona that's not a town and get attacked by mobs cause you dared to tab out to change a podcast.

6) Sand Lions, Scarabs, Dust Mites inhabiting the same map and usually within a few feet of each other. MY EYES I CAN'T SEE!!

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> I don't know exactly why, but I can't stand it when people only use the Raptor and nothing else. Also it makes me angry when people idle for no reason at a node or vista. I start to wonder why and then it makes me angry. Also people running around like Chistmas trees (aka tons of auras etc.).


Can't speak for others, but I use the raptor and nothing else because that is my only mount. I did just enough of POF to get the mount and I am still putting my characters through HOT.

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1) The fact that redundant Mastery XP does not spill over to the next track if you just filled out your bar.

2) Not being able to auto-sort your bank in some ways.

3) Not being able to skip the Tutorial

4) XP tomes not having the "Use all" option.

5) Still some items left that need their name to be spelled out in order to destroy, even though there is no use for them anymore (after acquiring them for a collection).


Only the first is a real peeve, the rest is really petty. :)


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> @"Atriark.8905" said:

> 3) Lack of dresses. There's a whole lot of butt capes, open face skirts, and mini skirts running around. Some times I don't want my elementalist to be running around in combat go-go boots and a dashing mask. Okay... maybe I do want to keep the mask.


THIS. It took me forever to make my elementalist human female not look like an exotic dancer. Seer coat, Durmand Priory legs, Ascended boot skin, Student's gloves (lol) worked for me.


> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> 1) The fact that redundant Mastery XP does not spill over to the next track if you just filled out your bar.


How about the fact that your XP is going to waste if you haven't unlocked the last mastery track? I had this happen. I had all PoF masteries except Roller Beetle and I capped them all. I had an empty mastery bar for weeks until I could find the time to complete LW and the collection. At least hide the related mastery track (like Raids or Griffon) until you unlock the mount and give the players the repeatable Spirit Shard track to at least make it FEEL like you're not wasting XP.



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> @"Elspereth.1280" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > I don't know exactly why, but I can't stand it when people only use the Raptor and nothing else. Also it makes me angry when people idle for no reason at a node or vista. I start to wonder why and then it makes me angry. Also people running around like Chistmas trees (aka tons of auras etc.).


> Can't speak for others, but I use the raptor and nothing else because that is my only mount. I did just enough of POF to get the mount and I am still putting my characters through HOT.


Yeah I get that. Many newer people who have bought both expansions but want to finish first older content get the raptor. Makes sense.

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1. Watching Zarifah play like a real sniper with range and hit you with shots, while you get Out of Range message while trying to fire back

2. With all the technology, how does Engineers still have the same old turrets with no upgraded versions or improvements

3. With Asuras being extremely intelligent, how come the heat issues has not been fixed with the Photon Forge for Holosmiths

4. Protection from Branded buff, does what exactly?

5. Unknown instant killed moments.

6. No Public test server


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This has probably been said before but...


1. All the miscellaneous junk items that had one use back in season 1 or 2 or some side story that you don't want to get rid of for fear of it being useful at "some point" in the future. Can we please just get a clear direction for these items...Tassi's Relay Golem anyone?

2. All of the wardrobe and dye unlocks that I had but got rid of way back before they made the wardrobe and dye systems...

3. Inconsistencies of Legendary Collections...can we please just unify the systems...

4. Hero points locked on spending them...why doesn't this just function how feats used too...where we could refund the points spent on a specialization and spend them on a new one...replaying the same boring content over and over again is...well...boring.

5. This is the big one: One shot Masteries...I'm looking at you Vine Swinging...Please Anet...either open up the use of these mastery skills to the whole game or let us refund mastery points and spend them where we want.

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