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Rune and Sigil Changes - 13 November 2018 [Merged]

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Lolivia.3219" said:

> > "A majority of runes and sigils are also changing to create greater variety and versatility and to promote more active gameplay."

> >

> >

> > Anet employee 1: lets change every 60% to 100% and all 10% damage to x-species to 7%to x-species + 3% overall and just call it a day

> > Anet employee 2: sold, lets make tyria great again

> > what a joke


> So, you don't like the changes. I get that, and you're entitled to your opinion. But "what a joke" and a snarky pretend conversation don't really make for meaningful feedback. Don't like it? Explain why. Have a better idea? let's hear it.


You mean the dozens and dozens of amazing suggestions made by the community to either spice the game up or how to add or balance or change things to game modes like wvw in the previous years that get completely ignored by Anet eventhough people make polls and the majority of the people liking the changes presented ? We never get a response on meaningfull feedback or suggestions being made by the community so maybe he doesnt think it even has impact to explain why.



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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> 66 percent swiftness from sigil of speed. I assume you only see that boost in combat?


> Wonderfull effort by ANet, love what you did overall.


The rune of speed picked up the 66 too. Run a Rune of Speed/Soulbeast in WvW as a havoc run speed booster and to catch runners, bond the bird and you have swiftness on demand, hammer/mace dwarf revivie same thing. Wonder how many people are going to be reported as speed hacking in the first week?

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > 66 percent swiftness from sigil of speed. I assume you only see that boost in combat?

> >

> > Wonderfull effort by ANet, love what you did overall.


> The rune of speed picked up the 66 too. Run a Rune of Speed/Soulbeast in WvW as a havoc run speed booster and to catch runners, bond the bird and you have swiftness on demand, hammer/mace dwarf revivie same thing. Wonder how many people are going to be reported as speed hacking in the first week?


I've been running this since the update and its amazingly fun to catch up and kill.

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Why the more RNG? so now upgrades now require these symbols. which are a rare salvage. the price of upgrades are going to skyrocket, going to make the game more difficult for casuals and new players. good thing i bought what i needed for my last character slot before this started. make the symbols craftable from lucent motes please.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> Durability runes got buffed

You might want to look again. Unless the effect in game is different than the one on patch notes, i see a nerf from 20% to 15% boon duration.


> @"Hanakocz.5697" said:

> Those changes are not "just 60% to 100%" but "getting rid of RNG" . Thus I see them as good.

Moving a sigil of water from 30% to on crit does not get rid of RNG. It just moves it somewhere else.


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I really wonder what the altruism runeset did to the dev for them to slay it with a "transfert condition from nearby allies on you" effect. Even necromancers would rather not have anything to do with such effect, why forcing this on a runeset? The runeset should have been renamed into runes of masochism or runes of the hypochondriac. Taking other's problems onto yourself isn't called "altruism", helping others to solve their issues is called "altruism".


In gw2 taking your allies conditions onto yourself isn't a "good" way to support them. Since release it never made satisfying result in any kind of build and this runeset won't help this effect to miraculously change this fact. (Ah maybe when the necromancer could gain lf by bouncing back and forth condition with his minion but it was short lived anyway)


Other than that I could see a lot of "weak" runesets becoming even weaker and a lot of "strong" runesets becoming stronger. It's to the point that there is quite a few runesets that are now so underwhelming that it would have been better to just remove them from the game.

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To be honest, as a long-time player, I can tell you, that I really appriciate all changes, especially the QOL changes. And I tested it, just buying some "Click-Em-All" items, last time I was doing this I was like - merch-TP-bank and right now after buying 20-30 "Unid weps" i had to visit this strange places around 1 (wordly -ONE-time). So it DEFINATELY QOL upgrade!


Thank you ANET,




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To me, effects that add 'X % of boon Y' are mostly useless, especially for fury and swiftness. Runes with those effects are useless for most of my builds, except maybe occasionally in open world (and it's not really needed there). That severly limits the number of choices that I have available, which is a pity imho.

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Is it me or does salvaging items (with runes/sigils on them) automatically salvage the runes/sigils at same time? Some items from i.e. dungeons contain sigils/runes I like to use being a rune/sigil (like in old system after salvage) and not salvaged into dust.


I.e Twilight Arbor gears giving Superior Runes of the Nightmare after you salvage the gear it was in.

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This is horrible.


- a great majority of special effects have been moved from spot 2 or 4 to 6. Before, you were encouraged to use six of the same rune but you could still mix things up, for example 2-4 scavanger/vampirism would give you two life-stealing chances running on different cooldown. Now there is no point. This further reduce build diversity, it's a step in the wrong direction.

- a lot of special effects were plain removed. There is the obvious Demon Summoning sigil, but also the bird attack from the sigil of the flock, and more. Tyria is a less fun place now.

- the rune of Rata sum and the rune of the Grove lost the cool racial skill attack.

- lots of cool 'on hit' passives were removed to promote 'active play style' , whatever that is supposed to mean.

- Rune of the Sanctuary was one of the only way for a warrior to gain Retaliation (apart from the trait), now it's gone. This is true for other boons on other runes as well, that could have been valuable for some profession that had low access to them.

- some sigil now demand annoying requirement, like 'a flanking strike' for the sigil of ice. Guess my Ice-themed ele will have to find something else to put on her staff.

- several runes got more stats bonus. So more power creep - again, a step in the wrong direction.

- and finally, this was an opportunity to fix the Rune of Svanir, but it's still 5 sec useless frost aura with 90 sec cooldown.


Honestly, some changes here and there are okay, but for the most part I really dislike this patch. Some ideas like the flanking strikes would have work better on new sigil/runes instead of changing the existing ones. I have to change every runes and sigils on about all my characters now.


For the part about no longer being able to salvage runes/sigil, and the changes to crafting, I don't know yet, this could be an improvement - although there wouldn't have been a need for this if the loot we gain was not so flooded with equipment.

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> @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> Patch notes : "Salvage Kits: The chance to extract a rune or sigil from equipment is now a chance to salvage the upgrades directly into their crafting materials. This does not affect Black Lion Salvage Kits, which will continue to always extract upgrades intact."


> PSA : use of Black Lion Salvage Kits on exotic runes and sigils don't give you all the materials !

> Example, i use 5 of them -> no charms and no symbols, just some lucent motes :(


Same results here. Thanks for not letting me feel lonely.


On a related note, I was using Silver Salvage-o-matic. That SHOULD have the same chance as BLTC kits, right?

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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> I was a bit disappointed about losing my Superior Sigil of Demon Summoning :< My necromancer used a variety of skills to have a very large amount of minions, combined with Runes of the lich, "Rise!" and core necromancer Bone Minion and Life Steal minion, with Lich Form, I could play a very special kind of necromancer that specialized in having a huge horde of monsters, with Fleshreaver as a peak power spike (it also helped that Fleshreaver fit a Necromancer).


> In a way, I Really appreciate the Torment duration for my renegade, but I feel like my necromancer lost a Bit of Identity :<


I have to second this...I loved popping up that Fleshreaver in a fight to put a "KA-POW!" into the mix. lol Its not a game changer for my 1-man-army MM...but it is rather sad...maybe the folks can look at creating a new Sigil for the Fleshreaver Summon...maybe maybe? :)

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the change to nullification really pisses me off.


There aren't many ways for eles to remove boons. So take it away. Make it a THIEF ONLY sigil.


WTF? ANET? Really? OP thieves are a problem and you make a useful sigil thief only? the persons who greenlighted this, do they actually play the game? Outside of core pve?

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > > 66 percent swiftness from sigil of speed. I assume you only see that boost in combat?

> > >

> > > Wonderfull effort by ANet, love what you did overall.

> >

> > The rune of speed picked up the 66 too. Run a Rune of Speed/Soulbeast in WvW as a havoc run speed booster and to catch runners, bond the bird and you have swiftness on demand, hammer/mace dwarf revivie same thing. Wonder how many people are going to be reported as speed hacking in the first week?


> I've been running this since the update and its amazingly fun to catch up and kill.


not that rangers with their longbow range and insane multipliers needed any more help with that.

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> @"Darlgon.9273" said:

> > @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> > Patch notes : "Salvage Kits: The chance to extract a rune or sigil from equipment is now a chance to salvage the upgrades directly into their crafting materials. This does not affect Black Lion Salvage Kits, which will continue to always extract upgrades intact."

> >

> > PSA : use of Black Lion Salvage Kits on exotic runes and sigils don't give you all the materials !

> > Example, i use 5 of them -> no charms and no symbols, just some lucent motes :(


> Same results here. Thanks for not letting me feel lonely.


> On a related note, I was using Silver Salvage-o-matic. That SHOULD have the same chance as BLTC kits, right?


No, Silver Salvage-o-matic has always matched *Master* salvage kit - 80% chance to remove upgrade.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:


> Since I can't post on a release notes thread (obviously), can I say thanks for the "before" and "after" release notes on the runes and sigils. This is soooo useful (esp as I forgot to note down my equipped ones earlier!)


> I'm surprised the buff per charges sigils were kept though. Thought they'd be the first to get axed being as they are pretty anti-gw2 in the way they work



Except that some of the "before" descriptions are inaccurate, and I wonder how many I _didn't_ recognize. Case in point: Rune of the Necromancer. In what universe does that description belong with this rune? Doesn't match the old tooltip, doesn't match the wiki entry, doesn't match the way the rune worked. "Healing Power"? What are you smoking?


Some sigils with effects that proc'd by chance on hit or crit now only proc on flanking strike? So, now only usable by some Adventurer classes? They're the only ones with flanking attacks. You just made them useless to two-thirds of the game's classes.


I appreciate that you were trying to improve them, but failing to mention some runes and sigils had some people freaking out in map chat that they were removed from the game, when in fact they hadn't changed at all. And if "flanking strikes" are something all classes can do now, you also failed to mention that. As often as Anet is criticized for incomplete or unclear communications, you might have tried a little harder.


And I agree with someone else on this page that making BL salvagers the only way to extract upgrades intact is little else than a cash grab.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

> > Patch notes : "Salvage Kits: The chance to extract a rune or sigil from equipment is now a chance to salvage the upgrades directly into their crafting materials. This does not affect Black Lion Salvage Kits, which will continue to always extract upgrades intact."

> >

> > PSA : use of Black Lion Salvage Kits on exotic runes and sigils don't give you all the materials !

> > Example, i use 5 of them -> no charms and no symbols, just some lucent motes :(


> Hmmm. If that's counter to the messaging, would you mind posting that in the Bugs Forum, as well? I'll then point to it for the devs. Thanks!


It's not exactly counter. The message is that if you salvage an item containing a rune or sigil with a BLK, you will get that rune or sigil in your inventory rather than motes or symbols. Lesser kits just go straight to the salvage mats.


However, it is a concern that with regard to the runes and sigils themselves a BLK salvaging exotics only gives motes rather than the much rarer symbols. I also used a BLK on some exotic sigils, account bound ones I had been saving (Ruthlessness, I think?). I wanted to gather up some Symbols of Control so as to work towards learning the recipe for Nullification as I would like to craft those for Requiem Armor at some point, and my three story-granted sigils of control gave me nothing but motes.

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