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Could we nerf mounts in central Tyria/HoT maps?

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I am not a big fan of mounts. I think there existence falls in contrary of map design, except in PoF where is not much in map design to begin with. It is mostly empty bluh.


Though a big advantage is that the mounts remove the need for movement speed skills. It was annoying and unnecessary to constantly waste a utility just to get movement speed so you are not a total slog. This probably is mounts biggest value m.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > i do see the underlying problem here, mounts do become a problem but on a different way.

> > not on old maps (because at times you are more penalized using them) nor on new LS chapters or rather, not the near future LS chapters.

> > no, the problem starts when we get a new expansion, when we get maps where mounts do have the advantage while others who never bought PoF got the disadvantage.

> > and i know, we can never know what awaits us, however, unless Anet keeps in mind mound supremacy things can escalate quite a bit.


> IMO, I am beating towards each expansion will now have their own innovative means of travel. Example if the next expansion is all under water we will have some means for faster underwater travel like we are getting the swim speed infusions but that is more mount type related. Seahorses, sharks, tidal currents and such, that or they will expand on the "you can rent one here" style of things for people that didn't opt for those expansions. But that implies a big IF they don't just grant people those options without the expansions.


Sorry OP Mounts rock and they aren't just given away. You have to complete missions and earn them so I don't blame anyone wanting to forego getting attacked by everything in the wild to get from A to B and evading everything. I also appreciate the mounts since I have been playing since beta and have made so many laps around Tyria that I don't wanna keep walking around like a peasant.


For the next expansion I hope for a new Race, and mounted combat along with a squid turtle.

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Only problem with mounts are some people using them for events in core areas, specially when the map in question is for a dailie, they just rush in with mounts one-shotting everything and completing all events in 10 seconds.

I even saw some people that get in, kill all mobs with skill 1, then remount and just press 1 again for next wave, rinse and repeat, c'mon you have one of the best combat in MMO's and you preffer to kill stuff by seeing you mount butt stomping them to death hehehe.

This is bad cause most of the time they already got their participation share on the event, but just want to finish it faster, leaving others without a chance to get a kill for participation (could put friggin Rangers on the equation too hehe).

And that's cause Anet already nerfed mounts damage in core areas.

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> @"Accountzeroone.7291" said:

> > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > Who are we to tell new players whether to zoom or not zoom?

> >

> > The "mount meta" only exists as much as you allow it to; the onus is on you to find people who want to play the game at your pace.


> That's a fallacy, the mount meta was forced on non-mount people by design. If they were no faster than swiftness the mount meta wouldn't have been forced on them. Try again.


I still run around without my mounts most the time unless I'm trying to rush to a world boss. Play the game at your pace, TALK to your friends IR get a mount your self to use when playing with them. There does not need to be a mount restriction, even WoW learned how bad that ends.

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I dont see the problem here....these areas are old and therefore its ok to let people rush them if they choose.

Nerf the mounts from these maps they will be even emptier.

You dont have to rush you know...it sounds like you friend is the problem in your situation.

The expacs in this game are ridiculously cheap and anyone who plays this game for even an hour a day should have them...so not having the expacs isnt an issue either.

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> @"Accountzeroone.7291" said:

> I tried to get back into GW2 pve again, my friend was a PVPer, who wanted me to walk him to the Arah dungeon, he had one of those new beetle mounts i have never seen before, i combo'd my own fields to put on swiftness by the time i did that he was already halfway across the map, things got even more absurd when I hit the water and he just space-shipped across it. Hard to believe they put in a mount even faster than the old ones were. I just gave up, and gave him directions to the dungeon, and then ported to the waypoint, and waited on him. Anet, since you chose to put mounts in the game, against what is probably 50 percent of the populations wishes at the time in favor of attracting the WoW/non GW2 MMO crowd, much to the chagrin of many of the core GW2 playerbase that has been around since 2012, could you at least nerf the mount speed to where it is no faster than swiftness? at least in the central Tyria and HoT maps? GW2 had no mounts for 5 years, and you choose to put in the most overpowered, race-car like ones in the game out of the history of MMORPGS.


> You've forced a mount meta onto players that have no interest in them, plain and simple. Not a single thought was given to non-mount players "Get a mount, or get out, and play some other MMO" was not the right attitude to have, at all; it's extremist decisions like this as well as earlier game changing events like adding vertical progression in the form of HoT masteries, and Ascended gear makes it look like Anet just decided to randomly forsake the unique GW2, along with it's unique playerbase, who was tired of the old, decrepit MMORPG tropes, and slowly replace them with non-GW2 mmorpgers who are into all the generic, stereotypical post-WoW mmorpg stuff. If we wanted that originally, we could simply have went to WoW. I could get used to the wacky, cartoony, immersion breaking obnoxiousness of mounts if they they were no faster than swiftness, but in their current state they completely, and totally trivialize the core Tyria, and HoT maps in every conceivable way; it's not open for refutation, they trivialize it from an objective point of view, they divide new players from veteran players, resulting in less player interaction by nature, they make the already small maps smaller by their very nature; lots of new people boost to 80... how many of them are going to get mounts after only playing a few days, zooming around core Tyria skipping over all the exploration? The absurdly overpowered GW2 Mounts are definitely something that wasn't thought through well enough for the long term health of the game at all.


This is a bunch of nonsense. OP got a serious case of the jealous. Just buy PoF and get the mounts. This nonsense of everyone else having to be nerfed just because you don't want to spend $30 is ridiculous.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> I admit I was against mounts when they were being originally suggested because at the time there were other areas of the game that needed development time and we have waypoints. Post mount release I think the mounts blend in well with Core, HoT and PoF and no wouldn't want to see them nerfed in core.


isn't that the problem with every suggestion, you want something while others complain about it and keep on saying it doesn't fit, following with Anet adding it anyway and all of a sudden ppl are pro about it.......talk about a bunch of hypocrites....



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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> isn't that the problem with every suggestion, you want something while others complain about it and keep on saying it doesn't fit, following with Anet adding it anyway and all of a sudden ppl are pro about it.......talk about a bunch of hypocrites....



Having your mind changed doesn't make you hypocritical. It would be hypocritical to say you hated mounts from the beginning and then, once PoF released, pretending that you advocated for mounts the whole time. But saying you initially hated the idea of mounts because of the implication that they'd simply be speed boosts that don't enhance gameplay especially with the high frequency of waypoints in core maps, and then ArenaNet showing that, no, mounts can entirely break expectations and can be done in mechanically interesting ways that enhance gameplay that simple speed boost mounts never could do and thinking 'hey, this is far better than i could have ever hoped for' does NOT make you a hypocrite. It means that ArenaNet managed to convince you that mounts can have a place.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> Not attempting to be flippant or silly or mean. I respect the OPs position and opinion. To me, this is always the answer, and I can't say it any better. Plus I enjoy remembering Robin from time to time. :3




> "I'm exercising the right not to walk."

> "Thank you Mr. Dalton. You just illustrated the point."


Most people here probably won't understand but I do. Your differences enrich this game and this life. Your unique path and how you choose to walk it enrich my life. This game can be viewed in so many different ways if people would just open their eyes and let their feet fall where they may and stop feeling like they should spend that energy seeking to control the foot fall of others.


We can all find value in the differences both in this game and in life. These multitude of views only can make us strong if we are together in agreement of the value of our different views and this poster sees that worth, and I feel wealthier for having seen it.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > isn't that the problem with every suggestion, you want something while others complain about it and keep on saying it doesn't fit, following with Anet adding it anyway and all of a sudden ppl are pro about it.......talk about a bunch of hypocrites....

> >


> Having your mind changed doesn't make you hypocritical. It would be hypocritical to say you hated mounts from the beginning and then, once PoF released, pretending that you advocated for mounts the whole time. But saying you initially hated the idea of mounts because of the implication that they'd simply be speed boosts that don't enhance gameplay especially with the high frequency of waypoints in core maps, and then ArenaNet showing that, no, mounts can entirely break expectations and can be done in mechanically interesting ways that enhance gameplay that simple speed boost mounts never could do and thinking 'hey, this is far better than i could have ever hoped for' does NOT make you a hypocrite. It means that ArenaNet managed to convince you that mounts can have a place.


but in it's core, saying it doesn't fit and then Anet makes it fit, defending mounts after implantation is hypocritical.

i see so many ppl saying (back then) that adding mounts is a bad idea and should never be added, now all of a sudden they are the ones being oh so pro about it.

in a way, their minds where changed, i see nothing but ppl whining about how bad an idea is till it's actually added in the game, that's hypocritical.

i have tons of ideas that would only improve the game, ppl complain it's not a good idea but never consider why it's a good idea, shunning it entirely.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> but in it's core, saying it doesn't fit and then Anet makes it fit, defending mounts after implantation is hypocritical.

> i see so many ppl saying (back then) that adding mounts is a bad idea and should never be added, now all of a sudden they are the ones being oh so pro about it.

> in a way, their minds where changed, i see nothing but ppl whining about how bad an idea is till it's actually added in the game, that's hypocritical.

> i have tons of ideas that would only improve the game, ppl complain it's not a good idea but never consider why it's a good idea, shunning it entirely.


I think it's the implementation that matters. The kind of mount people were completely against was as simple speed boosts, and to be honest I'd still be against something like that. But the mounts they implemented are way more than simple speed boosts, they help reach previously un-reachable places and the Griffon especially makes Heart of Thorns maps feel way different.


The problem with many forums ideas is that they are half-baked and usually people see the wrongs in them, it's the "job" of the one making the proposal to provide enough details on how such an idea would work.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> but in it's core, saying it doesn't fit and then Anet makes it fit, defending mounts after implantation is hypocritical.

> i see so many ppl saying (back then) that adding mounts is a bad idea and should never be added, now all of a sudden they are the ones being oh so pro about it.

> in a way, their minds where changed, i see nothing but ppl whining about how bad an idea is till it's actually added in the game, that's hypocritical.


No, not necessarily. It entirely depends on the context of the argument.


"I hate the idea of mounts" *mounts get implemented* "I've always said I wanted mounts"


That is hypocrisy, because the person is always claiming the high ground, as if they've never been wrong about a thing in their life. Their stance has completely flipped without pretending that they've ever thought otherwise. While these people do exist, I would hope they are in the minority.


"I hate the idea of mounts" *mounts get implemented* "You know what, I was wrong"


That is not hypocrisy. Saying "hey, I was wrong" or "hey, the way it was implemented has changed my mind on the matter" does not make you a hypocrite, because the person is not hiding the fact that they were against it previously, they're not pretending that they've always had the moral high ground. In essence, admitting that you've had your mind changed or that you were wrong before is, ultimately, the opposite of what hypocrisy is. Because the person is admitting fault.


> i have tons of ideas that would only improve the game, ppl complain it's not a good idea but never consider why it's a good idea, shunning it entirely.


To be fair, everyone has tons of ideas that they believe would improve the game. I have no doubt that the ideas you have would improve the game for you, but that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone would feel the same about those ideas, and in fact those ideas might make the game worse for other people. And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that your ideas should be put down, but there are always going to be people who believe differently than you and, in essence, would disagree with the ideas you propose.


Speaking personally, I haven't always been the most receptive to some of the ideas posted here on the forums, and on occasion I have been a jerk about my opinions, but I'm trying to be better about that. I don't speak for anyone except myself in that regard. I do understand the frustration that comes with getting your ideas shot down and I hope that you find a more receptive audience for your ideas in the future.

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Mounts are, after all, a "god mode" in core-Tyria, a incentive for purchasing PoF.


"Mounties" are able to skip all content of core-Tyria, nothing can harm them.


Now you can see, all these "mounties" become bored, more and more - no challenge. Some asking anet for more difficulties. If anet now does, what it is told, than bye bye to all coreplayers - they won't be able to compete any more.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > isn't that the problem with every suggestion, you want something while others complain about it and keep on saying it doesn't fit, following with Anet adding it anyway and all of a sudden ppl are pro about it.......talk about a bunch of hypocrites....

> > >

> >

> > Having your mind changed doesn't make you hypocritical. It would be hypocritical to say you hated mounts from the beginning and then, once PoF released, pretending that you advocated for mounts the whole time. But saying you initially hated the idea of mounts because of the implication that they'd simply be speed boosts that don't enhance gameplay especially with the high frequency of waypoints in core maps, and then ArenaNet showing that, no, mounts can entirely break expectations and can be done in mechanically interesting ways that enhance gameplay that simple speed boost mounts never could do and thinking 'hey, this is far better than i could have ever hoped for' does NOT make you a hypocrite. It means that ArenaNet managed to convince you that mounts can have a place.


> but in it's core, saying it doesn't fit and then Anet makes it fit, defending mounts after implantation is hypocritical.

> i see so many ppl saying (back then) that adding mounts is a bad idea and should never be added, now all of a sudden they are the ones being oh so pro about it.

> in a way, their minds where changed, i see nothing but ppl whining about how bad an idea is till it's actually added in the game, that's hypocritical.

> i have tons of ideas that would only improve the game, ppl complain it's not a good idea but never consider why it's a good idea, shunning it entirely.


That's not what the word means. As far as it goes, many people resist change. If people who initially resist an idea later try the implementation and then change their mind, that's adaptation, not hypocrisy. A hypocrite is someone who says one thing and does another. Were someone to say _now_ that mounts are bad while also using them without a thought in play, that would be hypocritical.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > isn't that the problem with every suggestion, you want something while others complain about it and keep on saying it doesn't fit, following with Anet adding it anyway and all of a sudden ppl are pro about it.......talk about a bunch of hypocrites....

> > > >

> > >

> > > Having your mind changed doesn't make you hypocritical. It would be hypocritical to say you hated mounts from the beginning and then, once PoF released, pretending that you advocated for mounts the whole time. But saying you initially hated the idea of mounts because of the implication that they'd simply be speed boosts that don't enhance gameplay especially with the high frequency of waypoints in core maps, and then ArenaNet showing that, no, mounts can entirely break expectations and can be done in mechanically interesting ways that enhance gameplay that simple speed boost mounts never could do and thinking 'hey, this is far better than i could have ever hoped for' does NOT make you a hypocrite. It means that ArenaNet managed to convince you that mounts can have a place.

> >

> > but in it's core, saying it doesn't fit and then Anet makes it fit, defending mounts after implantation is hypocritical.

> > i see so many ppl saying (back then) that adding mounts is a bad idea and should never be added, now all of a sudden they are the ones being oh so pro about it.

> > in a way, their minds where changed, i see nothing but ppl whining about how bad an idea is till it's actually added in the game, that's hypocritical.

> > i have tons of ideas that would only improve the game, ppl complain it's not a good idea but never consider why it's a good idea, shunning it entirely.


> That's not what the word means. As far as it goes, many people resist change. If people who initially resist an idea later try the implementation and then change their mind, that's adaptation, not hypocrisy. A hypocrite is someone who says one thing and does another. Were someone to say _now_ that mounts are bad while also using them without a thought in play, that would be hypocritical.


Pretty much this yes.


I was one of the people who /was/ against mounts, i didnt want the standard "just a speed boost" concept that almost every game has. When anet added mounts, i decided to give it a try knowing that if i didnt like it i would be done buying expansions. Thankfully, the mounts they added didnt just function as a speed boost, and the only issue i have is motion sickness from them if i use them for overly(6 or more hours) long game play periods. Im not a hypocrite, anet changed my mind, and i have no issues stating such.

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> @"Aryan Arlande.6184" said:


> Now you can see, all these "mounties" become bored, more and more - no challenge. Some asking anet for more difficulties. If anet now does, what it is told, than bye bye to all coreplayers - they won't be able to compete any more.


Compete with what? Mounts or not, no one is competing with anyone in open world PvE.

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One of the great things about GW2 is how all its locations feel worth visiting and revisiting, and gameplay is pretty consistent throughout the whole experience. Sure, jump puzzle areas and such have mount and glider restrictions (for obvious reasons), but other than that I'm not locked out from the new types of interactions just because I'm not in an expansion zone - and that is a good thing! It makes Tyria feel like a homogenous world, instead of some fragmented mess where only the latest expansion zone has any relevance.

(I also never was one to care much for mounts in MMOs, but I have to say GW2 implemented their use perfectly, and I'm really glad they didn't get buried under a ton of artificial restrictions!)

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