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Ban and gold confiscated for being RMT trolled ...

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2 days ago, someone sent me a lot of gold by mail... I reported it and didn't take the gold in the mail... I posted a ticket on in-game support needing advice on how to deal with that situation.

Result: 5min ban (ok that's nothing) but all my gold is gone... (gold from the gold seller are still in my inbox because that's the only proof I've got ...)

I contacted support on GW2 website and saw the "warning ticket" for RMT breaking rules... They didn't want to hear anything, didn't want to take any proof of the fact that I've been trolled by someone else.

And now they just said to me that they don't want to hear about me anymore... return the mail but I will not get refunded of anything...

I saw on Reddit that I'm not the only one in that situation ...

Can I do something to prove I'm innocent of what they accuse me?

Have a nice day/night




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Ask for your ticket to be escalated to a senior staff member. And wait patiently.



* Take a screenshot of the mail.

* Press the 'report' button to report the mail.

* Return to sender

* Under no circumstances should you accept the gold.



None of us here can do anything, because we (a) aren't going to have all the facts (we don't even have all of your side of the story, let alone any of ANet's data) & (b) even if we did, we can't influence ANet's actions. If they made a mistake, their lead will figure it out. If it's more complicated than implied here, then the lead will do their best to explain, in general terms, why they acted as they did. (They won't be able to be too specific, to prevent scammers from getting details that allow them to game the system.)

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I take a screenshot of everything. I report the mail, the sender, posted a ticket on in-game support (before the ban and "warning") and on GW2 web service (after) BUT I will not send back the mail with the gold sent because the support said that they will not refund me and that's the only proof I have (account name, gold still in it because I don't want to touch it). So? I'm guilty of something I've never done and I get confiscated my golds ... in any way they don't want to here my point at any moment. (I'm perfectly aware of scammers can use intel of people that experience the same thing ... so I will not tell anything publicly nor the gold amount I received nor the amount I lost ... I just can say that I lost less than the gold in the mail ... so if I wouldn't be honest I could take it and get 200 golds easy... ).

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(Yeah I saw that on Reddit)

I hope so ... I just don't want that to happen to any other player of the game... my only concern is about the support's last message: "any further responses regarding this issue will be closed without further work" ... and for my financial situation: they already confiscated all my golds (I'm nearly at 6 golds now ... reward for 2 raids and 1 daily).

Friends playing the games are a little worried about things like that happening to them ...

For now, the only answer I have to their nervousness is to spam their mail inbox with empty mail so they can't receive a mail like the one I received (and all the problems resulting from it...).

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> @"Sapinzeus.1932" said:

> Last answer of support : [https://imgur.com/gallery/gcXhl3x](https://imgur.com/gallery/gcXhl3x "https://imgur.com/gallery/gcXhl3x")


Maybe there are some language barriers causing the problem?


Clearly, the support staff member who responded to your ticket is German, yet you keep communicating in imperfect English with them. Your response does not clearly state which gold you are referring to when you asked to have it returned: the amount sent to you via mail or the gold you had accumulated from playing the game.


Perhaps you should try again in German.

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@"Ashantara.8731" the only problem is here: I don't speak German at all and I'm not a native English speaker myself so yeah the problem could be a language barrier ... the only thing I wanted was to communicate to explain my point with "my broken English".

@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" thanks I will keep that in mind ... but if they keep log of everything they could see that I contact them before being "warn" and not the opposite.

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> @"Sapinzeus.1932" said:

> Hi,

> 2 days ago, someone sent me a lot of gold by mail... I reported it and didn't take the gold in the mail... I posted a ticket on in-game support needing advice on how to deal with that situation.

> Result: 5min ban (ok that's nothing) but all my gold is gone... _(gold from the gold seller are still in my inbox because that's the only proof I've got ...)_


I'm pretty sure that your mistake is right here. The recommended procedure is:

* Receive the mail (OK, you don't have a choice about this, but the process begins here.)

* Report the mail in-game.

* _**Return**_ the mail to the sender.

* Do not delete the mail. Do not keep the mail. Above all, do not take the gold from the mail.


You don't need to keep it around as "proof". It's all logged on the servers, so they will know what you did with it. Leaving the mail in the in-box makes it look like you want to keep it.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> Maybe some gold seller confused your name with a different account's name?


Apparently, some people buy gold from gold sellers, but give a not-their-own account as the receiver in an attempt to get that other account suspended for RMT. That's why it is critical to just report the sender and return the mail without taking the gold out of it.

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> @"Sapinzeus.1932" said:

> @"Ashantara.8731" the only problem is here: I don't speak German at all and I'm not a native English speaker myself so yeah the problem could be a language barrier ... the only thing I wanted was to communicate to explain my point with "my broken English".


I am very sorry. I assumed you were German because of the GM's German name. How come you ended up with the German support team then when you are not located in the region? Truly strange.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Sapinzeus.1932" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" the only problem is here: I don't speak German at all and I'm not a native English speaker myself so yeah the problem could be a language barrier ... the only thing I wanted was to communicate to explain my point with "my broken English".


> I am very sorry. I assumed you were German because of the GM's German name. How come you ended up with the German support team then when you are not located in the region? Truly strange.


No problem. I'm french so in Europe, there are many languages spoken so it's normal to think there is only one support for Europe's servers (I assume so prefer to spoke in English because that's a "universal" language).


> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > Maybe some gold seller confused your name with a different account's name?


> Apparently, some people buy gold from gold sellers, but give a not-their-own account as the receiver in an attempt to get that other account suspended for RMT. That's why it is critical to just report the sender and return the mail without taking the gold out of it.


Yeah, but I wasn't aware of that type of trolling before being targeted. Like I said: I needed advice from the support for what I needed to do ... but the time I know what to do I was already banned and golds confiscated (my golds, not the golds in the mail .... they are still in the mail sent to me...). There is a thread on Reddit about it:


> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Sapinzeus.1932" said:

> > Hi,

> > 2 days ago, someone sent me a lot of gold by mail... I reported it and didn't take the gold in the mail... I posted a ticket on in-game support needing advice on how to deal with that situation.

> > Result: 5min ban (ok that's nothing) but all my gold is gone... _(gold from the gold seller are still in my inbox because that's the only proof I've got ...)_


> I'm pretty sure that your mistake is right here. The recommended procedure is:

> * Receive the mail (OK, you don't have a choice about this, but the process begins here.)

> * Report the mail in-game.

> * _**Return**_ the mail to the sender.

> * Do not delete the mail. Do not keep the mail. Above all, do not take the gold from the mail.


> You don't need to keep it around as "proof". It's all logged on the servers, so they will know what you did with it. Leaving the mail in the inbox makes it look like you want to keep it.


(I wasn't aware of that recommended procedure until I was already ban+golds confiscated).The only problem here is: if I resend the mail, with golds, the support tell me that: 1- I will not be refunded of the golds they confiscated (that are my golds ... the golds sent by the RMT troll are still in my inbox), 2 - They will not remove the "flag" on my account for being an "RMT user" so if I get trolled another time like that my account will be ban for 6 months or permanently.

To conclude, I was considered guilty at the moment the mail got into my mail inbox...

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They apparently can't remove the gold from the mail, so they simply take it from your account instead. The gold in the mail is now "your" gold. If you choose to return the mail to the sender instead, you will need to fight support to get your original gold back by elevating your ticket and explaining the situation.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Sapinzeus.1932" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" the only problem is here: I don't speak German at all and I'm not a native English speaker myself so yeah the problem could be a language barrier ... the only thing I wanted was to communicate to explain my point with "my broken English".


> I am very sorry. I assumed you were German because of the GM's German name. How come you ended up with the German support team then when you are not located in the region? Truly strange.


The URL shows it's the French version of the support site, plus the agent's signature is in French.


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@"Healix.5819" I tried to explain that to support but they didn't want to understand ... If I take the golds I will earn golds (200 golds to be exact: golds in the mail minus golds that have been removed). I'm not interested in golds but I want the situation clarified with them because (like I already said): if I get trolled like that another time my account could be ban... for 6month or permanently...


The signature could be automatically generated. Like the MRT transaction detection...

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I report it ... if I would keep the golds sent to me I wouldn't report the mail, nor the sender, nor contact the support BEFORE being ban and golds confiscated (my golds in my inventory)... I know it's a pretty serious accusation but I'm not the only one in this case ... The only thing I accuse the support is: they didn't want to discuss the problem with me ... (but the fact, because it's a fact proved by some people on Reddit, is: you're considered guilty of RMT rules breaking at the moment the mail hit your mail inbox and if you're not connected at that moment or if you don't know how to react: you're guilty ... it's an automated system).

and even after they "resolved" the problem with others they stated that they only punish people who are ACCEPTING the golds ... but they are still in my inbox so I just RECEIVED them... source of the statement :

If you want a screen of the mail still in my inbox I can send you one but in private message or something like that (to not reveal the amount needed to ban someone if the system detects a certain amount of money transiting).

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Why would the amount be a 'secret'? You've already said if you took the Gold you would have 200G more than what was removed from your account, and the whole Reddit brouhaha before was about 200G being sent.


Regardless, you have to discuss this with the CS Team and/or a supervisor, though it's stated that 'no further discussion' only comes after 1 or more Team Leads (supervisors) have reviewed the issue.


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Why would the amount be a 'secret'? You've already said if you took the Gold you would have 200G more than what was removed from your account, and the whole Reddit brouhaha before was about 200G being sent.


> Regardless, you have to discuss this with the CS Team and/or a supervisor, though it's stated that 'no further discussion' only comes after 1 or more Team Leads (supervisors) have reviewed the issue.


> Good luck.


To be sure ... rules could have changed from the last time: I don't want my experience to be used as a source to improve RMT technics or RMT trolling ... (the amount I received is more than 200 golds so the only thing good in that story is that someone spent some real money trying to ban me ...)

I've tried to discuss ... but they repeat the same thing every time. I just want to discuss the problem with a GM to explain my point to prove that I've done nothing wrong (concerning RMT purchase).

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