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Salvage Kits Can't Extract Runes Anymore? This is Stupid.

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Only BL kits ever had a 100% of salvaging upgrades. There was no guarantee with lower kits. That was a mistake to begin with even if the game didn't change lol. Don't blame others for your mistakes.


Now, you could ask support nicely to undo your mistake, and maybe they'll oblige. Or just do a few dailies to get the rune back. If losing 6g is a catastrophe, then I really don't recommend crafting ascended armor.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Ill only agree with that if theres an item you can purchase from a merchant with in game currency(be it 5-25 silver for example) that allows for the removal of runes, forcing players into the gem store for something they already could do in game, which has been lost, is something i will never agree with.


> What if it was 1g plus some other currency, and only worked on ascended gear, and salvaged it in the process?



That would be idiotic IMO.


> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Elricht Kaltwind.8796" said:

> > > > > > > > This update feels like it addresses a lot of problems all at once. First, and most noticeably, the rebalance has significantly changed how runes and sigils interact with a build, and added more depth to choosing which ones you run. I never thought I'd see the day when a Sigil of Force and a Sigil of Justice actually pose a dilemma. Awesome.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > **But secondly, it makes runes and sigils actually worth something, which has been sorely needed for years.** The majority of runes and sigils have been un-sellable since, more or less, the game's launch. They now suddenly feel like something that matters, rather than just something you buy full sets of from the trading post for a few silver when your character hits level 80 and forget about. I can see why a player would consider it inconvenient that runes and sigils aren't a dime a dozen any more, but often convenience must be forgone in favour of gameplay, balance, and quality-of-life. I'm sure lots of players would like it if it cost five gold to craft a legendary, but there are a lot of reasons that isn't the case. Mind you, I also don't see a lot of players on the forums going "I'm a casual player and this isn't fair! How can I ever get a legendary if they cost a lot of gold?"

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > ArenaNet didn't cheat or "swindle" you out of anything. Balance happens. Nerfs happen. You aren't entitled to runes and sigils for free. And if you read the fine text on your salvage kit, you'll find it doesn't claim to salvage runes any more. That's user error.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This guy gets it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > How well the system works long-term we will have to see and maybe the new system might need adjustments.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > While i agree, i still dislike *not* getting sigils from salvaging, id rather have the option to salvage them if i want to, rather than be forced to spend gems if i want a sigil from a weapon, or armor, and thats with my stack of extractors and a grand total of 2 BLS Kits.

> > > > >

> > > > > I get that, I'm not going to pretend as though this change was not designed with increasing importance of Upgrade Extraction devices or making BLSK more important.

> > > > >

> > > > > I just think long-term, if the system remains stable and works as intended, people will receive more materials overall or more value from all runes and sigils. The major negative affect will be that similar to gear, it makes everything you get just a value of gold which if gather enough of allows you to craft/purchase an item of desire. Then again, unless you really needed that sigil/rune of high value right at that moment in time, how many people just salvaged and sold a drop (or sold the exotic strait) on the TP anyway?

> > > >

> > > > Perhaps, i can also see the prices of all these materials dropping to below merchant value in the long run with the exception of the rarer versions, but even those i *could* see falling to those levels, and then they are just as useless, and worthless as pre change sigils where.

> > > >

> > > > Im glad they changed the runes, im glad they made them craftable, especially the ones that didnt have crafting recipes like the sigil of nullification. But, my grievance over all with this system is it makes BLC mandatory if you want the rune, or an upgrade extractor. Of which not everone has a stockpile or the endless versions like @"Zaklex.6308" does. The option to salvage them should exist, it shouldnt be mandatory.

> > > But the option to salvage them has a direct impact on the value of the salvaged crafting materials. If you can easily salvage runes and sigils off of equipment you'll significantly reduce the market for those salvaged materials, and thus run into the very problem you are painting in the first paragraph: the salvaged materials will be worthless, since most people will circumvent the crafting by extracting the runes and sigills outright.

> > >

> > > By forcing us to auto-salvage runes and sigills on equipment and only allowing a very costly (aka gemstore) convenience way to bypass the crafting stage, they have in fact laid the foundation for the crafting system to actually work. Once people get used to seeing runes and sigills as output of crafting disciplins there's a good chance the system will settle in a comfortable spot where getting masterwork (green) drops is actually more valuable than getting fine (blue) drops due to the added chance of rune and sigill crafting materials, and getting the rune or sigill you really want is a lot more convenient than it used to be, especially for the drop-only components (as the recent outcry about the sigill of nullification illustrates).

> >

> > Ill only agree with that if theres an item you can purchase from a merchant with in game currency(be it 5-25 silver for example) that allows for the removal of runes, forcing players into the gem store for something they already could do in game, which has been lost, is something i will never agree with.


> I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I think the goal of the change is that outright extraction of runes and sigils doesn't happen any more. Instead aquisition should be through the materials you get from salvaging equipment (and the occasional runes and sigils from stuff like level rewards or the rune bags the guild vendor sometimes offers). Thus the price of extracting runes and sigils intact (currently around 4 gold per bl salvage kit charge, or close to 30 gold per upgrade extractor) was purposefully set to a level that isn't negligible, not to force gemstore interaction, but rather to make people only do so in very special and specific circumstances.


> As for changing something you could do before, that's nothing new, neither in this game nor in other similar games. Multiplayer online games have a long lifespan, and they can only live for years if they evolve. Evolution means change, and change means things don't always stay the way they were. Just because we were able to do something at one point doesn't mean we'll be able to do it that way for all eternity.


I fully understood what you where trying to say, i do however completely disagree with it because thats what its going to do. You got an exotic drop and want the rune from it? to bad, if you dont have a BLSK or an extractor. I get the probable *why* they changed it the way they did, doesnt mean i have to, or will agree and accept it without voicing my complaints with a system.


As to changes that take away things a player could do and put it behind in this case paywall, you are correct its not new, its still something i will never agree, much like the changes to guilds with HoT. Changes are needed yes, this is one of those i feel should not be forced on people, optional, yes. Overall, its a good change, but i disagree with the changes to item salvaging.

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> @"Lambent.6375" said:

> What did some of you do with all your blsk?


> I just used them to salvage valuable runes, and ectos whenever I had too many black lion kits.


> I'd just be patient and put the items to the side until I get more from daily login.


I use them to salvage exotics and sometimes runes/sigils. But stuff got so cheap I even stopped caring about that. As a result, I may use the BL kit maybe once a week if even. Recently, I didn't bother to check and overwrote an Air rune.... it's a bit more pricey now. Whoops. Maybe I should wrote an angry post on the matter.

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Can we craft runes from dungeons now too? Because I can't really use the forge to get them anymore (not enough yellows/rares available and none are going to stack up anymore either) ... maybe this is only a problem I have because I prefered 2 hours spent on forging instead of 2 or 3 days spent running the dungeons for a full Set.

The other thing only needs some time... even the rare materials will drop in price and then we can craft everything. I don't see a problem as long as everything is indeed craftable (I'm not talking gambling with new materials but crafting).

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> You are continuing to use an outdated viewpoint by which to analyze the new reality and will thus continue to arrive at incorrect conclusions.


> Give the market some time to adjust. Right now everyone is salvaging and hoarding. Eventually they will start salvaging and selling. Once that happens you may experience a moment of clarity. If not, we can revisit your post.

Quality advice for people who won't need runes or sigils until the market has stabilized.


> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> This was announced two weeks ago that they were doing a complete update to how Sigils and Runes work and the salvaging of them, the onus is actually on you to keep with changes to the game.

> Well, now I have a use for the almost 75 BLK's that I have spread over various characters...and that Unlimited Upgrade Extractor I got one time is actually useful(besides the 150 regular Upgrade Extractors I have). Of course I'm not salvaging Exotics or others all that often at the moment, or ever, so that isn't an issue.

It's easy to keep up with the changes to the game when the game is literally your life. 75 BLKs? Sheesh.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> But the option to salvage them has a direct impact on the value of the salvaged crafting materials. If you can easily salvage runes and sigils off of equipment you'll significantly reduce the market for those salvaged materials, and thus run into the very problem you are painting in the first paragraph: the salvaged materials will be worthless, since most people will circumvent the crafting by extracting the runes and sigills outright.

They will likely end up being worthless eventually anyway. It will be the other materials, like ecto and t6 stuff, that will keep the prices of crafting high.


> By forcing us to auto-salvage runes and sigills on equipment and only allowing a very costly (aka gemstore) convenience way to bypass the crafting stage, they have in fact laid the foundation for the crafting system to actually work. Once people get used to seeing runes and sigills as output of crafting disciplins there's a good chance the system will settle in a comfortable spot where getting masterwork (green) drops is actually more valuable than getting fine (blue) drops due to the added chance of rune and sigill crafting materials, and getting the rune or sigill you really want is a lot more convenient than it used to be, especially for the drop-only components (as the recent outcry about the sigill of nullification illustrates).


You might have had a point if those additional costs didn't exist. They do however, and with time they will completely overwhelm the cost of lucents/charms and symbols.


And getting the rune/sigil you want may end up being more convenient in case of the more scarce runes, but it will be way less convenient (and costly) in case of the more common ones.

Hint: considering that most of the runes and sigils are still as useless as before, most of them will have their worth way, way below their cost of crafting to a degree even bigger than in the old system.


Also, you won't be using cheap runes off TP as a surrogate for the costly meta runes you can't afford, because the "cheap" ones won't be cheap. Neither will you be using surrogates obtained from drops, because you won't be getting any from drops.


That also means that the difference in quality of gear between the meta crowd and the casuals will increase even more.


So, as i see it, the only real gain from that part of the new system is on Anet's side from channeling some players towards gemshop.

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I wouldn't have a problem if crafting the runes you want was easier. I can't even make a single minor rune because in two weeks of normal gear salvaging, I only got two charms. You need 5 charms just to buy a single recipe for a minor sigil or rune, and more for crafting them. It will be MONTHS before I can outfit a single character in minor runes by crafting. Who the heck came up with this lousy arrangement?

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> I wouldn't have a problem if crafting the runes you want was easier. I can't even make a single minor rune because in two weeks of normal gear salvaging, I only got two charms. You need 5 charms just to buy a single recipe for a minor sigil or rune, and more for crafting them. It will be MONTHS before I can outfit a single character in minor runes by crafting. Who the heck came up with this lousy arrangement?


Just a question though ? Why is it so important to be able to craft minor runes if the game also provides crests and crystals to use ?

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > > > > @"Tatwi.3562" said:

> > > > > 1. It's clearly a change that was made expressly to drain gold from players in the hopes they will buy gems with real money.

> > > >

> > > > This change is one of the absolutely most requested one by forum people, so I would guess Anet made it because it was actually asked for.

> > > > > 2. I bought the game in 2012. I bought the two expansions. I purchased gems twice. If that's not enough for ArenaNet, too bad for them! Just going and changing the game in the hopes to squeeze more money from people like who play extremely casually is going to have only one result: I won't buy anything from you again.

> > > > >

> > > > > Stop making the game worse just to pressure people to buy gems. I can't believe how many times this has happened over the years....

> > > >

> > > > I have to say I don't feel pressured at all - I'm a casual player (by my own definition), and I very very rarely feel the need to get special runes or sigils. I'm just happy playing the game. If something nice comes my way I'll use a Black Lion kit - but that only ever happens very rarely.

> > > > If anything, it's the Heavy farmers who might feel the change since they probably don't have enough kits for the loot they get.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I do not believe this is what the forums asked for.. then again let us not forget of course the forums at best are nothing more than a minor trickle of the playerbase even if it were.

> > > This is just another effort to shift the game further towards microtransactions nothing more.

> > > If you wanted to gear up some ascended armour previous it was much quicker to do so and a lot cheaper. Now you either have to pray for RNGesus to smile down on you a lot or buy inflated rune prices or symbol prices.. this is just the next step on from the starved supply from the nullification bullcrap… The poster back then who laughed at the notion that the last update was a steer to wards such transaction that would then lead to BLSK's becoming a target, as well as extractors.. well now you have all the proof necessary, this is just another push to gem store transactions.

> > > This change is in no way an improvement, its a case of ANET fixing something that was not broken to start with but now offers a more lucrative microtransaction strategy across a broad base of the game. There was simply no reason to alter the way salvage kits worked, if you wanted the option to crunch the runes then there were far easier ways or at worst just allow the same kits to salvage runes at will once in the inventory.. placing ridiculous drop rates on the symbols is just the same push the nullification sigil utilised to push harder to use the TP and hope the mats and symbols become entrenched at much higher prices to warrant gemsales…

> > > TBH this more forced push to microtransactional requirements is a worrying sign to me, I've seen it before and it smells bad, which is a shame as I have supported Guild Wars since early GW1

> >

> > The problem is that, while some, including yourself, apparently, will feel "forced" into microtransactions, others won't feel the sting at all. For myself, I will buy things like bank space, and character slots, I am a self professed altaholic, and those are things I have to have in order to maintain that. I won't be spending a lot of gems on extractors, and if I ever thought I had to, I could focus entirely on changing my gold to gems, and never have to spend any money. I'm not in a big rush, so if it takes me a while, it takes me a while, I can stall a toon at a specific point and work others until I get what I need, or, I can work other aspects that I may not be caught up on, and since I'm relatively new, that's a lot of stuff to do until I feel "forced" to buy anything, that I haven't already listed, anyway.


> Oh I have more than enough gold in this game to do the same, but its not about just ourselves .. new players now will have an even tougher time gearing etc.

> Then again if we all just eat through our gold everytime something gets added or "fixed" in game then we have to spend that much more time trying to replace it.. which is why this game is all about farming and microtransactions these days and to me its a bad sign.. like I said in the nullification thread.. perhaps this is the shape of things to come. What will be micro transitioned next I wonder??




Erm, it's easier for new players to gear now. The whole scaremongering about new players gearing has always been that, since I have helped numerous players get started with gear and none of really impacts my budget gearing methods.


Plenty of cheap exotics on the TP now and gold was harder to get back then. You don't need superior runes to get started. I mean, I was doing Orr in green gear when I was still keyboard turning before it was made easier with crystals in armor. People will do fine.


I always find it funny we always go on about "muh new players" (not you in particular) in subjects about high end runes and ascended armor/expansion stats when that stuff isn't even necessary in content out of raids/high fractals. And if people were playing that, a couple of gold should not be a problem either. In reality, we're not really even talking about casual or new players, but rather players with hardcore expectations, yet don't play like one. That will just lead to failure. And frankly, I've never heard of anyone needing to actually buy gems because they needed gold. Except one guy that was buying primers because he could.

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> @"Shostie.6435" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > You are continuing to use an outdated viewpoint by which to analyze the new reality and will thus continue to arrive at incorrect conclusions.

> >

> > Give the market some time to adjust. Right now everyone is salvaging and hoarding. Eventually they will start salvaging and selling. Once that happens you may experience a moment of clarity. If not, we can revisit your post.

> Quality advice for people who won't need runes or sigils until the market has stabilized.


> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > This was announced two weeks ago that they were doing a complete update to how Sigils and Runes work and the salvaging of them, the onus is actually on you to keep with changes to the game.

> > Well, now I have a use for the almost 75 BLK's that I have spread over various characters...and that Unlimited Upgrade Extractor I got one time is actually useful(besides the 150 regular Upgrade Extractors I have). Of course I'm not salvaging Exotics or others all that often at the moment, or ever, so that isn't an issue.

> It's easy to keep up with the changes to the game when the game is literally your life. 75 BLKs? Sheesh.


We're going on year 7 now, 75 BLK over 7 years is not that much...and I didn't play at all for almost 18 months, so definitely not my life. I take frequent breaks from the game ranging from days to weeks. I do however spend some of my free cash on keys, just because I'm a consumer and this is one of the few places I wish to spend my money. That's where most of those BLK's came from.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Shostie.6435" said:

> > > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > You are continuing to use an outdated viewpoint by which to analyze the new reality and will thus continue to arrive at incorrect conclusions.

> > >

> > > Give the market some time to adjust. Right now everyone is salvaging and hoarding. Eventually they will start salvaging and selling. Once that happens you may experience a moment of clarity. If not, we can revisit your post.

> > Quality advice for people who won't need runes or sigils until the market has stabilized.

> >

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > This was announced two weeks ago that they were doing a complete update to how Sigils and Runes work and the salvaging of them, the onus is actually on you to keep with changes to the game.

> > > Well, now I have a use for the almost 75 BLK's that I have spread over various characters...and that Unlimited Upgrade Extractor I got one time is actually useful(besides the 150 regular Upgrade Extractors I have). Of course I'm not salvaging Exotics or others all that often at the moment, or ever, so that isn't an issue.

> > It's easy to keep up with the changes to the game when the game is literally your life. 75 BLKs? Sheesh.


> We're going on year 7 now, 75 BLK over 7 years is not that much...and I didn't play at all for almost 18 months, so definitely not my life. I take frequent breaks from the game ranging from days to weeks. I do however spend some of my free cash on keys, just because I'm a consumer and this is one of the few places I wish to spend my money. That's where most of those BLK's came from.

So, majority of your BLKs do come from gemshop, even if indirectly. Now, how much of them do you think you'd have obtained without gemshop purchases?


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> So, majority of your BLKs do come from gemshop, even if indirectly. Now, how much of them do you think you'd have obtained without gemshop purchases?


I stopped opening the chests from the login rewards 42 months ago (apparently 6 months after login rewards were added) because I had a inventory full of black lion salvage kits.

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This is no different than when they changed key farming. I used to be a key farmer it took a mere 15 mins on a new character, delete repeat. IT WAS EASIER now you can only farm a key once a week. I didn't like the change most people didn't like the change but guess what that change is still there. So you cant salvage a rune if you cant salvage a rune WHY Do I have so many still in my inventory after 3 hours of WvW??? Where did they come from? I have to re-salvage after salvaging and I use the copper fed and silver fed... So seems like you just had a sour roll on RNG best of luck.

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Okay what I got as loot in this time is :

2x more recipes (I forgot which)


4x Symbols of Control

5x Symbols of Enchantment

4x Symbols of Pain

2x Charms of Skill


Together they are 15 for a single sigil or rune I go with an aggressive 0.33 per unit

Result 5 Superior whatever ( I use the silver-fed salvage-o-matic)


This is a decent result and matches from what I had before the change




One bad side to this is in truth the extra demand on stuff you need now after the change for crafting you superior whatever some of the stuff are already short in supply before the patch like fresh water perls




Second is it doesn't / can't scale downwards the amount of charms and symbols you need doesn't change if it is superior , major or minor





Last where are the recipes for the superior sigil of mischief and superior rune of snowfall ?


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Shostie.6435" said:

> > > > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > > You are continuing to use an outdated viewpoint by which to analyze the new reality and will thus continue to arrive at incorrect conclusions.

> > > >

> > > > Give the market some time to adjust. Right now everyone is salvaging and hoarding. Eventually they will start salvaging and selling. Once that happens you may experience a moment of clarity. If not, we can revisit your post.

> > > Quality advice for people who won't need runes or sigils until the market has stabilized.

> > >

> > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > This was announced two weeks ago that they were doing a complete update to how Sigils and Runes work and the salvaging of them, the onus is actually on you to keep with changes to the game.

> > > > Well, now I have a use for the almost 75 BLK's that I have spread over various characters...and that Unlimited Upgrade Extractor I got one time is actually useful(besides the 150 regular Upgrade Extractors I have). Of course I'm not salvaging Exotics or others all that often at the moment, or ever, so that isn't an issue.

> > > It's easy to keep up with the changes to the game when the game is literally your life. 75 BLKs? Sheesh.

> >

> > We're going on year 7 now, 75 BLK over 7 years is not that much...and I didn't play at all for almost 18 months, so definitely not my life. I take frequent breaks from the game ranging from days to weeks. I do however spend some of my free cash on keys, just because I'm a consumer and this is one of the few places I wish to spend my money. That's where most of those BLK's came from.

> So, majority of your BLKs do come from gemshop, even if indirectly. Now, how much of them do you think you'd have obtained without gemshop purchases?



Good question...and any answer is going to be a complete guess because I didn't keep track, but I would probably say I've only received about half a dozen just the log-in rewards...a significantly lower amount than I currently have on hand, but they would probably still hang around because I really don't use them all that often. I may though begin salvaging more of the exotic armor and stuff I have in storage, since I doubt it'll be used any time soon.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > So, majority of your BLKs do come from gemshop, even if indirectly. Now, how much of them do you think you'd have obtained without gemshop purchases?


> I stopped opening the chests from the login rewards 42 months ago (apparently 6 months after login rewards were added) because I had a inventory full of black lion salvage kits.


This sounds legit....

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> @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > @"Astraea.6075" said:

> > but we don't have any information about how technically difficult this might have been to implement.

> Too technically difficult to make upgrades pull from gear again. A system that had already existed.

> Too technically difficult to make upgrades excluded from Salvage All. A system that had already existed by proxy of upgrades being unsalvageable.

> Too technically difficult to make upgrades salvageable by clicking. A system that currently exists.

> Too technically difficult to make a new option called "Salvage All/Avoid Mote". Could be made to exist as shown by the introduction of salvaging by rarity.


> mfw : https://media.tenor.com/images/a6c2c70dfa7185e8c75376429a8e2063/tenor.gif


> I suppose the plethora of broken events in this game are also too technically difficult to fix? They go untreated for months or even years after all.


Changing code to introduce new functionality can often cause issues with pre-existing functionality. I'm not saying that is the case in this instance, but that we don't know whether there were technical reasons why allowing a choice to salvage runes/sigils wasn't implemented. It's not a simple as you try to make it out to be.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > This sounds legit....


> I was just really unlucky. You get get 4 chances per month and I remember getting them more often than not because I didn't want them wasting space, and have no need to convert them to gold.


You probably had a ton of them from before login rewards were introduced (they were much easier to obtain then). Login rewards produce around 1 BLK per 2-3 months on average.


I had a ton of those before login rewards as well. I practically stopped getting new ones after that change, though.

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I am loving the new change. The only downside, for me, is that the Cooper fed is basically useless because it produces very little of anything. Silver is better and I have yet to try Mystic. As for my BLSK, I only ever used them for rare sigils/runes anyway, and I have quite a few saved up from login rewards, so nothing has changed for me in that regard. Now, though, I can craft my own sigils/runes, which will cut my costs tremendously since I am usually not too keen on buying the more expensive sigils/runes and would rather sell them when I can.


Glad we are done with the old system. The constant clicking on my mouse to empty my inventory was a royal pain...almost literally.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > This sounds legit....

> >

> > I was just really unlucky. You get get 4 chances per month and I remember getting them more often than not because I didn't want them wasting space, and have no need to convert them to gold.


> You probably had a ton of them from before login rewards were introduced (they were much easier to obtain then). Login rewards produce around 1 BLK per 2-3 months on average.


> I had a ton of those before login rewards as well. I practically stopped getting new ones after that change, though.


Remind me how did we get them before login rewards?

Seems like my old age is catching up to me.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > This sounds legit....

> > >

> > > I was just really unlucky. You get get 4 chances per month and I remember getting them more often than not because I didn't want them wasting space, and have no need to convert them to gold.

> >

> > You probably had a ton of them from before login rewards were introduced (they were much easier to obtain then). Login rewards produce around 1 BLK per 2-3 months on average.

> >

> > I had a ton of those before login rewards as well. I practically stopped getting new ones after that change, though.


> Remind me how did we get them before login rewards?

> Seems like my old age is catching up to me.

Funny thing, i don't really remember either (must be age as well). Map completion rewards, i think. Probably something else too. At this point i honestly remember only that i was swimming in them, and at some point some change happened and i suddenly stopped getting them.


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Healix.5819" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > This sounds legit....

> > >

> > > I was just really unlucky. You get get 4 chances per month and I remember getting them more often than not because I didn't want them wasting space, and have no need to convert them to gold.

> >

> > You probably had a ton of them from before login rewards were introduced (they were much easier to obtain then). Login rewards produce around 1 BLK per 2-3 months on average.

> >

> > I had a ton of those before login rewards as well. I practically stopped getting new ones after that change, though.


> Remind me how did we get them before login rewards?

> Seems like my old age is catching up to me.


Map completion. (Historically)

Black Lion Chests was a common drop. (Historically)


Achievement Chests. This is still a source.


I’m not seeing the issue still. You’re (general) not going to salvage to keep more Runes/Sigil as the favourable ones haven’t really changed. Neither has acquiring Black Lion Kits.

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