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For or against, more products derived from the Guild Wars universe?


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I think to be sure that the universe of the game persists in future years (because yes, the game will not survive fifty years unfortunately) they should write in the novel as the last three outputs (edge ​​of destiny, ghost of Ascalon, sea of ​​sorrow), but on the history of Guild Wars (first opus) and Guild Wars 2 (second opus), centralized on the history of the game, so the character that we have played. (Guild wars : propheties, faction, nightfall, eye of the north etc...) / ( Guild wars 2 : History of Zhaitan / Season 1/2/3/4/5/etc... / Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire ).


Arenanet, think about it ! Thank you


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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"rylien.3824" said:

> > centralized on the history of the game, so the character that we have played.


> I'm confused, you want them to write a novel about our characters? There are millions of variations of that character so it's impossible to write a story about them.


They will still have to choose a guideline ... but they can change it to be slightly neutral, until they say "inspired" from the main story ... :)



The choices given in general are also not important for the final narrative, so it will not be a bad thing for the written story.


For the rest they invent a surname and first name for the commander, and to the limit if they wish they make 5 special editions each time according to the race chooses to incarnate the commander. But, this is not a problem in itself if they make a selection: at the limit they give us a vote to choose which race will incarnate the commander in the Book History.


And in the worst case: they limit the description of the commander.




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> @"rylien.3824" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"rylien.3824" said:

> > > centralized on the history of the game, so the character that we have played.

> >

> > I'm confused, you want them to write a novel about our characters? There are millions of variations of that character so it's impossible to write a story about them.


> They will still have to choose a guideline ... but they can change it to be slightly neutral, until they say "inspired" from the main story ... :)



> The choices given in general are also not important for the final narrative, so it will not be a bad thing for the written story.


> For the rest they invent a surname and first name for the commander, and to the limit if they wish they make 5 special editions each time according to the race chooses to incarnate the commander. But, this is not a problem in itself if they make a selection: at the limit they give us a vote to choose which race will incarnate the commander in the Book History.



There is no way to "stay neutral". The looks and attitude of the commander changes based on the player, their race, gender, appearance, their outfit and how it changes over time, their profession is different for every player. Voting for these won't work, plus it would take an insane amount of votes to make the story proper. Further, there are choices during the story that change future events. It's impossible to take our unique characters and write a story about them that will make all players happy (potential buyers)

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I haven't voted because I'm not clear on whether the poll is asking specifically about the product the OP proposed, or similar products, or simply more products in general and my answer is different for each one.


I've got no interest in a book that tells the story of the games. There are a few instances where I've enjoyed a story in two (or more) different formats - for example I like the book 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?', the movie Bladerunner which was based on it and the game of the same name based on the movie, but then all 3 are quite different. But I can't see a novel of the GW2 story being all that interesting to me - I'd check the Wiki page to find out which story choices have been declared 'canon' - but I already know the story so I don't have any desire to read a novelisation of it. One "solution" to that would be to change it - don't just write out the in-game dialogue and describe the events - but then is it really a book of the game any more?


I would however be interested in more books based on GW lore and history, even one/s set during the games but from the perspective of a different character. For example there's a Warcraft short story I really enjoyed called The Last Guardian; it's set during Warcraft 1 (for those who don't know World of Warcraft was preceded by 3 strategy games, this was the first one - not the 'vanilla' release of WoW) which is all about the two mages who instigated the whole mess via a crazy demon-inspired plan to rip a hole through the universe. Most of it happens at the same time as the events of the game and it's telling the same story but it's a totally different perspective from the one you get as a random commander of the human or orc army so even knowing the game's story very well I found it interesting because there was a lot in there I wasn't aware of, or had never considered from that perspective. Something like that would appeal to me.


But I don't think it would serve the OP's purpose of preserving the game's world and lore beyond the lifespan of the games themselves. Novels based on games tend to be _very_ niche, I doubt even the majority of people who have played the games read them and I'd be surprised if anyone reads books based on games they haven't played. (For a very quick comparison based on data I had to hand - Guild Wars 2 has 285 reviews on Amazon.co.uk, Ghosts of Ascalon has 58.)

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I voted against and I shall tell you why.


Though they are part of the same franchise, they are two completely different games set in completely different times with their own unique identities. As much as I have enjoyed the homages and throwbacks to the first game, I feel that Guild Wars 2 should be treated as its own game and allow it to push the boundaries freely without having to constantly reference the original game.


EDIT: I've re-read the OP and feel I may have misjudged it. Nonetheless I'll leave my comment as is.

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At the limit, an encyclopedia that brings together all the visuals / graphics / history and chronology, the whole tradition of the game, including the story in summary of what happened from Guild Wars 1 to Guild Wars 2. account of each extension and living world, but to do it it would be necessary to wait until the end the story of the game.

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> @"rylien.3824" said:

> At the limit, an encyclopedia that brings together all the visuals / graphics / history and chronology, the whole tradition of the game, including the story in summary of what happened from Guild Wars 1 to Guild Wars 2. account of each extension and living world, but to do it it would be necessary to wait until the end the story of the game.


Not necessarily. There was a similar book released for the Legend of Zelda series, at the same time as Skyward Sword was released and that definitely wasn't the end of the series. Arguably the main appeal of that was the first public, official timeline for the games but it also had a lot of other cool information in there, including concept art, written character and setting concepts, and a lot of background info and lore which didn't directly make it into the games. It's a really nice book IMO. If the series goes on long enough to justify it they could release another one for the newer games.


Something like that for the Guild Wars series would be really interesting. Of course they'd have to be careful about giving away things they don't want to tell us yet - for example apparently the full sylvari origin story was planned before release and they wouldn't want to have included that in a book before it was in the game - but I'm sure there would still be enough content for a book. I have the GW2 art book and the little art books which came with the GW1 special editions, but those are just art, they don't include much information on what the designs are, what inspired them or what other ideas they inspired. I'd love to have a book which brings everything together.

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