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Roller Beetle Racing is freaking awesome!


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Don’t know if there is a official feedback thread about beetle race, so i’ll post it here. Those races are a nice addition, but i’ve noticed that having a run of 32.000 seconds at the snowden drifts ones, doesn’t make u eligible for the achievement or the gold medal, even if it says Gold with a timer of 32.000. Please can u take a look on it? I cannot do even a millisecond less on this one, that’s really my best time on it after SEVERAL tries. Of course i can try more, but i’m not really a good racer

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I am certainly echoing the sentiments of many others in saying that I do enjoy the beetle races!


I feel that time trials could benefit from a rolling start, rather than from a standstill. One generally doesn't do qualifying laps from 0, so it doesn't really make much sense to have a dead start with the time trial. I also believe that we could benefit _immensely_ from having sector splits so we know where we might be making/losing time, along with seeing what time we pull when we complete each lap. It's incredibly frustrating to not know where you're making or losing time when you can't see _what_ time you're doing, only being able to see your personal best time.

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> @"Elspereth.1280" said:

> With the rental beetle, when you get dismounted (either from being in the water too long or by taking too much damage), is there a way to remount? When this happens to me I end up having to go back to the vendor and saying "hey! I still have time on my mount" and get remounted that way but that can take you totally out of the race.


I'm not 100% sure on this since I haven't needed any rental mounts, but since it is a time-based rental check your key bindings. You may need to assign one to the beetle (I use Shift-X) to toggle its mount and dismount. Possibly you'd have to actually be on a beetle while assigning the key? So the game knows to unlock the ability to do so?


On another note, I'm having a lot more fun in the races since a wonderful person finally succinctly explained drifting to me in Map last night. It's this simple: while moving at a good clip, hold down your drift key and aim your camera the way you want to go. Release the key when you are pretty much at your desired turn spot. I was doing all sorts of crazy rapid taps of drift while releasing my forward key (LMB/RMB actually) and only occasionally getting the beetle to turn. Doesn't help with the lagginess of racing in a pack but is wonderful for less crowded trials. Just need to sink it into muscle memory now. My very next trial after getting those instructions I came within .16 seconds of Diessa gold after having made a best time of over 10 seconds shy previously.

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I love these and hope for some more. I felt that races with the vanilla mounts were a bit dull TBH but the roller beetle has given mount races that little injection of player skill that they needed.


33.480 on Snowden after about 20 laps and slowly getting better. I would say that it'd be good if that particular race had more laps maybe 6 laps as otherwise you blitz through.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Thanks again for these positive thoughts and helpful suggestions and input. I've shared with the team in the weekly newsletter.



Dedicated Racing Forum, please. I literally joined forums recently just for Racing discussion. I bet the non-racers are annoyed with our racing discussion all over the place.

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> @"XYLO.7031" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > Thanks again for these positive thoughts and helpful suggestions and input. I've shared with the team in the weekly newsletter.

> >


> Dedicated Racing Forum, please. I literally joined forums recently just for Racing discussion. I bet the non-racers are annoyed with our racing discussion all over the place.


I am a, "non-racer," but do not find racing discussion in general discussion annoying.

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> @"Sirius.4510" said:

> It also needs a "reset" option on the time trial mode like the griffon adventures have. If I'm trying to get the gold chest and crash into a wall halfway around the course, currently I have to either pointlessly ride out the last minute of the course or F12 out to the character screen and waypoint back. Wouldn't eliminate the frustration but it would help.


Right to corner, press X.

Then the screen with reset pops up, which teleport you back to the start

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> @"Deathmortus.7852" said:

> Personnally, Brisban and Snowden are a bit difficult, a lot of try and no gold for me :expressionless:


It's easier to get gold times on the second and third laps of the races than in the time trials (because you're already travelling at top speed rather than starting from a dead stop).


With that in mind it'd be good if the timer for laps started when you passed the first checkpoint (they'd have to move the start point for the races, I think).

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Deathmortus.7852" said:

> > Personnally, Brisban and Snowden are a bit difficult, a lot of try and no gold for me :expressionless:


> It's easier to get gold times on the second and third laps of the races than in the time trials (because you're already travelling at top speed rather than starting from a dead stop).


> With that in mind it'd be good if the timer for laps started when you passed the first checkpoint (they'd have to move the start point for the races, I think).


Thanks for the advice, i've done Snowden on first try in race :+1:

And i approve your suggestion !

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> @"Will.9785" said:

> I'm glad you like it. I personally hate it. I feel like the beetle is the worst implemented mount in the game by a wide margin and its completely unfun to use. Being forced to grind lap after lap with glitchy mechanics and a choppy framerate to unlock something I've wanted since the game has been released is not fun to me in the slightest.


I didn't grind and still managed to ace all tracks after a week. :) My advice: Don't always speed up whenever you _can_ (same goes for using "Bond of Vigor"), rather _save_ the endurance for the right spots. You may think you are too slow this way, but in reality you are saving precious seconds. :+1:

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> @"Zagerus.8675" said:

> Just wanted to post a deep thanks for adding Roller Beetle racing to the game! It's truly one of the best racing experiences I've gotten from a video game - in GW2, what?! The physics are there, the learning curve and gradual progression that you expect from spending time trying to master a track is there. And it's just plain fun. The only request that I have is to do away with the "play" button to start the races. A starting line (or circle) with a 3..2..1 countdown at the start of races would just seal the deal on this being one of the best things that Anet has ever released for the game.


I'll wholeheartedly agree here, it's awesome!


My only complaint is the structure of the Beetle Race Daily, always having to wait out for what feels like forever 3 times just doesn't feel right and wastes way too many time just on sitting on the map and doing nothing, which can build up to 45 minutes to a whole hour in which you have 80% of your time just been sitting there and doing literally nothing and only 20% actual racing.


That should be fixed asap in my opinion, like make the daily linked to the Adventure / Time Trial itself and not attached to the group event, then it really would be perfect.

It's like that for HoT Adventure Dailies, so why not here too?

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  • 3 months later...

I spent 8-10 hours building a raceway inside of my guild hall. It's a fully decorated and functional circuit. Would it be possible to save my guild halls instance decorations and load them in another guild that has the same hall? Would anyone want a Mario Kart type decoration instance load that you could buy, with in game gold, and use in your hall?

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