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New PvE event


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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> So what would the positive carrot be to get ppl to play this event?


The fun of getting a different play experience, like the WvW events are for example. Would fit perfectly for wintersday, no?


> @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:


> No


Care to elaborate on why?


> @"Glider.5792" said:

> This is how you make people quit the game for next 1-2 weeks.


I would personally enjoy such an event.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > So what would the positive carrot be to get ppl to play this event?


> The fun of getting a different play experience, like the WvW events are for example. Would fit perfectly for wintersday, no?


> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> >

> > No


> Care to elaborate on why?


> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > This is how you make people quit the game for next 1-2 weeks.


> I would personally enjoy such an event.


Care to explain the play patterns that would make this enjoyable for not only you, but a good majority of the playerbase? Would it have something to do with not getting kicked from meta groups because of bad individual dps or not having to play chrono?

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:


> Care to explain the play patterns that would make this enjoyable for not only you, but a good majority of the playerbase? Would it have something to do with not getting kicked from meta groups because of bad individual dps or not having to play chrono?


Shhh, noone has ever been forced to play chrono, chronojail isn't a thing.


I just feel like it would be a nice added challenge to play with these particular conditions on you permanently and having to adapt one's rotation to these circumstances. Seeing what classes/builds would excel in such an enviroment would also be interesting

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> OP could organise a party and not allow(or limits) anyone in it to use boons. *Personally tried it and letme tell you its not pleasant.*


> Can easily come up with reasons against OP's idea eg. Limits diversity by hindering some classes viabilty. Much more difficult to find reasons to support it :frown:.



Well those specific boons I only wanted "banned" to make sure that the chill+slow event is experienced as intended, I have nothing against boonshare mesmers quite the contrary actually, how this kinda event would "kill" chrono would be the main argument against it, but if it's just for 1-2 weeks I am sure most people stuck in chronojail would appreciate the chance to play something else during such a fun event.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:


> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > This is how you make people quit the game for next 1-2 weeks.


> I would personally enjoy such an event.


Honestly, you would be a "wierd" exception then. How could people possibly enjoy constant movement at 1/3 of base speed (you barely move at all then, unless using movement abilities) and every single skill taking 50% longer to cast at all time. I would exit the instance as soon as i would enter it, seeing that im not moving even 50% of my normal speed. During combat, you would keep interupting your skills, since now everything would take 1second+ to cast. OH and skills would also recharge at 66% rate due to chill.


Any other condition would be fine/better (except imobilize), yet you chose 2 of them which have the worst possible impact on gameplay and enjoyment.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > So what would the positive carrot be to get ppl to play this event?


> The fun of getting a different play experience, like the WvW events are for example. Would fit perfectly for wintersday, no?


> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> >

> > No


> Care to elaborate on why?


> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > This is how you make people quit the game for next 1-2 weeks.


> I would personally enjoy such an event.


I love you for saying a 2 week long kick in the balls is equal to a WvW event.


Because its true.


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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:


> > > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > This is how you make people quit the game for next 1-2 weeks.

> >

> > I would personally enjoy such an event.


> Honestly, you would be a "wierd" exception then. How could people possibly enjoy constant movement at 1/3 of base speed (you barely move at all then, unless using movement abilities) and every single skill taking 50% longer to cast at all time. I would exit the instance as soon as i would enter it, seeing that im not moving even 50% of my normal speed. During combat, you would keep interupting your skills, since now everything would take 1second+ to cast. OH and skills would also recharge at 66% rate due to chill.


> Any other condition would be fine/better (except imobilize), yet you chose 2 of them which have the worst possible impact on gameplay and enjoyment.


Well it would definitively be very different, stealth skipping for example wouldn't really be possible, while certain movement skills would be a lot stronger than they currently are in PvE. Interrupting your own skills really would just be a gitgud issue tho. It would also be interesting to see how hard some of the content would be with these disadvantages, I would guess even the first raid bosses like VG, Gorse and Sabetha would be more adequately challenging than they currently are.

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:


> I would guess even the first raid bosses like VG, Gorse and Sabetha would be more adequately challenging than they currently are.


Yeah... you wouldnt even be able to do VG greens and outrun Sabetha walls/possibly couldnt get to cannons in time.... And no, movement skills wouldnt help since not every class has them available and they would also have longer CDs due to removal of alacrity and permanent chill. A momevent skill with base 20s cooldown (with alacrity 15 sec) would now be permanently at 28s.


Some more cases of bosses which would just get screwed mechanic wise:

* Sloth poison/mushroom eating

* Matthias fire/poison

* KC orbs

* SH walls (WTF???)

* Dhuum greens/getting to last 7 nodes (gonna be too slow and most dps will die outside of bubble)

* CA orbs


There are prolly more, but these are the ones that came to mind first. Like realy... think about the actual outcomes first before suggesting these kind of ideas. As an idea it might seem "interesting", but when you actualy think about it you see how almost everything breaks instantly.


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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:


> > I would guess even the first raid bosses like VG, Gorse and Sabetha would be more adequately challenging than they currently are.


> Yeah... you wouldnt even be able to do VG greens and outrun Sabetha walls/possibly couldnt get to cannons in time.... And no, movement skills wouldnt help since not every class has them available and they would also have longer CDs due to removal of alacrity and permanent chill. A momevent skill with base 20s cooldown (with alacrity 15 sec) would now be permanently at 28s.


Outheal greens. You can just dodgeroll through the line before the fire spawns. Get thieves with shortbow for cannons.


> Some more cases of bosses which would just get screwed mechanic wise:

> * Sloth poison/mushroom eating


Should be possible with mid strategy


> * Matthias fire/poison


Fire one could be tricky, poison would just need more heals, you do still have your dodges as movement skills too


> * KC orbs


You don't need to move much here if you spread out properly


> * SH walls (kitten???)


Well you already run 1 scourge here for epi, you would need a second probably because epidemic, make both pick up sand swell, problem solved


> * Dhuum greens/getting to last 7 nodes (gonna be too slow and most dps will die outside of bubble)


Dhuum would prolly be tricky, would need classes with at least 1 preferably 2 strong movement skills, dps timer might also be very harsh during last 10% here.


> * CA orbs


You won't be able to get as many orbs using as few people, but you could probably get enough to survive if you assign more people and they spread out more


> There are prolly more, but these are the ones that came to mind first. Like realy... think about the actual outcomes first before suggesting these kind of ideas. As an idea it might seem "interesting", but when you actualy think about it you see how almost everything breaks instantly.


I did think of the outcome tho

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> >

> > > I would guess even the first raid bosses like VG, Gorse and Sabetha would be more adequately challenging than they currently are.

> >

> > Yeah... you wouldnt even be able to do VG greens and outrun Sabetha walls/possibly couldnt get to cannons in time.... And no, movement skills wouldnt help since not every class has them available and they would also have longer CDs due to removal of alacrity and permanent chill. A momevent skill with base 20s cooldown (with alacrity 15 sec) would now be permanently at 28s.


> Outheal greens. You can just dodgeroll through the line before the fire spawns. Get thieves with shortbow for cannons.


> > Some more cases of bosses which would just get screwed mechanic wise:

> > * Sloth poison/mushroom eating


> Should be possible with mid strategy


> > * Matthias fire/poison


> Fire one could be tricky, poison would just need more heals, you do still have your dodges as movement skills too


> > * KC orbs


> You don't need to move much here if you spread out properly


> > * SH walls (kitten???)


> Well you already run 1 scourge here for epi, you would need a second probably because epidemic, make both pick up sand swell, problem solved


> > * Dhuum greens/getting to last 7 nodes (gonna be too slow and most dps will die outside of bubble)


> Dhuum would prolly be tricky, would need classes with at least 1 preferably 2 strong movement skills, dps timer might also be very harsh during last 10% here.


> > * CA orbs


> You won't be able to get as many orbs using as few people, but you could probably get enough to survive if you assign more people and they spread out more


> > There are prolly more, but these are the ones that came to mind first. Like realy... think about the actual outcomes first before suggesting these kind of ideas. As an idea it might seem "interesting", but when you actualy think about it you see how almost everything breaks instantly.


> I did think of the outcome tho


You're forgeting about the perma retal and slow hough, add everything together and it no longer works. "You can outheal" No you cannot when noone is perma 100% hp due to retal. Also, due to permanent slow you will have ALOT less dps, so you cannot waste time afking/memeing around.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> You're forgeting about the retal and perma slow though, add everything together and it no longer works.


What retal? The only thing that really would be hard is actually dps timers, which during such an event would be need to be a bit longer, as pulling anywhere near normal dps is obviously impossible, other than that most bosses should be possible to complete with the right comps/strategies

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > You're forgeting about the retal and perma slow though, add everything together and it no longer works.


> What retal? The only thing that really would be hard is actually dps timers, which during such an event would be need to be a bit longer, as pulling anywhere near normal dps is obviously impossible, other than that most bosses should be possible to complete with the right comps/strategies


Oh i mixed the fractal part here (also bad idea as stated in that post)

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > You're forgeting about the retal and perma slow though, add everything together and it no longer works.

> >

> > What retal? The only thing that really would be hard is actually dps timers, which during such an event would be need to be a bit longer, as pulling anywhere near normal dps is obviously impossible, other than that most bosses should be possible to complete with the right comps/strategies


> Oh i mixed the fractal part here (also bad idea as stated in that post)


I figured as much


While we're on the topic retal wouldn't hurt very much with permanent slow and chill you know...

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > > @"Glider.5792" said:

> > > > You're forgeting about the retal and perma slow though, add everything together and it no longer works.

> > >

> > > What retal? The only thing that really would be hard is actually dps timers, which during such an event would be need to be a bit longer, as pulling anywhere near normal dps is obviously impossible, other than that most bosses should be possible to complete with the right comps/strategies

> >

> > Oh i mixed the fractal part here (also bad idea as stated in that post)


> I figured as much


> While we're on the topic retal wouldn't hurt very much with permanent slow and cripple you know...


Still would depending on class, almost every ele skill is multi hit (on staff at least), guard skills are almost all multi hit etc. It would hurt, ALOT. Dont forget, you atack slower, but all heals are also slower. In the end retal hits and heal application will be same ratio.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> Still would depending on class, almost every ele skill is multi hit (on staff at least), guard skills are almost all multi hit etc. It would hurt, ALOT. Dont forget, you atack slower, but all heals are also slower. In the end retal hits and heal application will be same ratio.


Depends on how the retal is scaled ofc, like dmgwise as much as gorseval for example isn't particularly brutal, you can usually survive when there is little to no CC even if you slam glyph+shower there, tho this belongs in the other thread really

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> New event idea. While in fractals/raids/dungeons you permanently have Slow and Chill on you that you can't clear and you are immune to resistance/quickness/alacrity. Have it be like a 1-2 week event.


Why would this be good for the game? The OP has explained that they would like it, but not why. Nor why or how they expect others to have fun.


This strikes me as (another) example of making things harder for the sake of being harder, not because there's something inherent to being slower that makes the challenge more fun.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > New event idea. While in fractals/raids/dungeons you permanently have Slow and Chill on you that you can't clear and you are immune to resistance/quickness/alacrity. Have it be like a 1-2 week event.


> Why would this be good for the game? The OP has explained that they would like it, but not why. Nor why or how they expect others to have fun.


> This strikes me as (another) example of making things harder for the sake of being harder, not because there's something inherent to being slower that makes the challenge more fun.


Well how others would or wouldn't find it fun is a bit hard for me to comment on, but I can explain why I would find it fun. I think it would be fun to have to adapt to completely new rotations during 1-2 weeks. I think it would be fun because during these 2 weeks the meta would be completely different and that would be refreshing as a temporary thing. I would also find it fun because you would get to see how others can adapt to such circumstances.



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