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Best Minis


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What minis people here like to use?


![](https://i.imgur.com/RoVAnFt.png "")

I think that having tiny Roller Beetles makes them exponentially more cute. Especially so when they are next to the larger beetles.

All of them must have grown a lot to get so big.


![](https://i.imgur.com/oKofq8j.png "")

Also before the beetle I always had [Mini Chauncey von Snuffles III] following me. He is the fanciest cat, and I like how he is easy to spot thanks to his round shape and dark fur. He also does a nice stretch sometimes.


I've also used various other minis, but the Roller Beetle one gave me the idea to start this thread.







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I've a bias for the Mini Karka which for years was the only thing of exceptional value I owned ^^ until they came around again and the price dropped down by thousands of gold XD


I'm really fond of my mini Carin the Indomitable too which I only got yesterday.

Reason being that I have avoided raids since they were added to the game thanks mostly to the elitism around them, but last night we managed to organize 10 friends to finally attempt a raid and despite being totally disorganized, running PvE builds that were not designed for it and with absolutely no expectations to succeed we managed to down Carin on our second attempt in what could only be described as a superb run.

Nobody died and the team worked so well despite 7 of us being total noobs who were learning the mechanics on the fly..

Even though I know Carin is one of the easy bosses etc I'm still pretty proud of how well we handled the second attempt despite the first being a total cluster....... xD

It was like first attempt chaos and failure.. second attempt everyone had evolved into a pro who knew exactly what they were doing lol

The mini Carin that dropped for me is going to be a reminder of that moment ^^

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Don't really notice or care about them. Either I'm on a map where they are hidden because of population, or I'm in WvW where only newbs keep their miniatures out making them easy to spot through veils / gyros. I think I have them unchecked on almost all of my characters...


But when I don't have them unchecked, it's the Mini Puppy (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Puppy) which I got via wardrobe unlock.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Paging @"Danikat.8537" :)


> *all* the minis doesnt count! XD


Awww, but it's so hard to choose! Part of the reason I collect minis is because I genuinely like so many of them I'd end up getting most of them anyway,


I usually either pick a random one, or one I think fits with what's going on or the character I'm playing, but if I'm honest I do have some favourites. The Mini Helmed Moa Racer is probably the one I use most, because it just looks so silly in its oversized hat. I also really like the Holographic Branded Minotaur and Branded Wyvern (I wish there were more branded minis - other than the RNG mini pack), and the mini Catmanders.


There's also several I like because they remind me of good experiences. Top of that list has to be the mini llama, which is relatively easy to get, but when it was first released it only came from the Tournament of Legends and amazingly 4 of my friends were ~~crazy~~ kind enough to enter with me (who had never played PvP before) so we could try and win them. We got through the first round by blind luck - the other team didn't show up - then got our kittens handed to us in the second, but it was enough to get the llamas and I was literally jumping with joy. Similarly the mini Dolyak, which is the reason I finally got into WvW and the mini Liadri - I know that fight wasn't difficult for everyone, but I lost count of how many attempts it took me so actually beating her was amazing.


I also really like the mini Springer Ramona because of the wonderful story behind it, and everyone trying to figure out how to make it was fun, even if we did have to try throwing every rabbit themed item in the game into the Mystic Forge.


(And my least favourite, aside from the spiders which creep me out, are the mini wolfborn because they're all identical except for their haircut and one of them has tattoos.)

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There are a lot of fun minis. (And a lot of dull ones, too.) Some principles I use to choose:

* Match the race: asura might get Zojja, charr with Rytlock, etc

* Match the look: a mesmer with glowy Requiem armor might get the Riftbringer.

* Makes a sound: Ellen Kiel ("Time to lay down the law"), Gnashblade ("I was the favorite!"), the Twisted Watchworks, the Chickenado,

* Match the MountFit: Aqua Pup, Summit Wildhorn, Ice Raptor, ...

* Special Effects: Mini Fire Tornado is a source of light (i.e. glows in the dark), Spooky Skeleton (let's you know when it's night)

* Fan Service: Southsun Kasmeer or Faren, depending on your taste.

* Nostalgia: Tybalt, Black Moa (GW1 edition),

* Fun Animation: Largos, Mossheart,

* Dorky: Undead Chicken, Jack-a-lop,

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For me its the Elemental Hydra mini. The first time I saw one of those in PoF i thought "now thats something I want to have as a mini" and was disappointed that it wasnt available back then. Good thing they introduced it with ls4ep2, and I'm using it since. I really like the design of the hydra with its' different heads with the 3 different elements.

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The only flying minis I have tried are the Mini Spooky Ghost, and the floating dragon people get at the start of the game. More birds is something I will definitely try in the future though.


Also for this Winter's Day I'm considering assembling a Mini Large Snowbal. I'm yet to complete any minis that combine into other minis.

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> @"Willhart.8230" said:

> Also for this Winter's Day I'm considering assembling a Mini Large Snowbal. I'm yet to complete any minis that combine into other minis.


It's fairly straight-forward, although it can be expensive. I recommend waiting until near the end of Wintersday as the minis will go down in price as more people open gifts (assuming of course they still drop from gifts this year - if not then earlier is better).


Also, I don't think this matters for the snowball, but if you're making one where you need 2 or 3 of the same mini you need to use alt+click+drag to split the stack because you need them in separate spots in the Forge and you can't put the same stack in twice.

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I use different minis depending on what I find fitting for the character and mood (e.g. I have a few golemancer asura that run around with golemancer runes, racial golem skills, and golem backpack, of course they need a golem mini to round out the set ;) ), but my personal favourite mini is the mini snowman, as that was a gift from a good friend when it was fairly new.

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> @"CharterforGw.3149" said:

> "That one that doesn't exist yet" ;)


For me that would be a mini Mistfire Wolf.


I love the wolf even if it isn't a very useful elite skill, and I'd love to have a mini of it. Every so often I forget that there isn't one and go to equip it, then go to find out why I haven't got it yet and where it comes from, then get disappointed all over again when I remember it doesn't exist.

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For asuras I like Mini Old Tom or Mini Toxx the most because those Golems are the same height as my asuras :)





For my human dragonhunter I love to use the Mini Svelicht Raven because it's shiny...and my whole dragonhunter is shiny xD They look good together.




And for my human ranger I love to equip the Mini Jackal Mount together with the Jackal Pup Backpack. I like to pretend that I am raising a Jackal family :D I love to use the jackal mount and I wish we could get a jackal pet for the ranger too :D





edit: oh, and of course Aurene...who doesn't love Aurene?! <3

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