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New patches and 'I'm quitting' posts


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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> just to point it out the nerfs to chrono nerfed every other profession more than it did to chrono, that kinda shows how much endgame content was revolved around Chrono.. Reminded me of the Monks in Gw1 :p


You're not wrong. The entire endgame meta revolved around chrono, and without it everybody is doing much less.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> TBH I find it silly seeing all the 'I'm quitting' after every balance patch springing up across the profession threads. That's just like running from a problem, not willing to adapt and change from whatever build/role you have been accustomed to.


> As a necro main, we've been on the end of many hard hitting patches but I've never thought of quitting.


> Yes some of the changes can be silly and hard to understand to some.

> Yes I would gripe and complain. But that's it.

> To me a new patch is always a matter of adapting and trying out new builds/specs/playstyles/composition against the new metas run by other classes. That is part of what keeps things fresh and fun.


> Adapt and try something new with your class!


I don't know about any "I'm quitting" posts, but GW2 skill updates rarely ever really change anything about how any class plays. They're just a page about numbers arbitrarily going up and down. No new playstyles ever emerge; the game just gets the same builds shuffling up and down a ladder of "effectiveness" within a hard-counter meta.

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Why does it matter?


The forums have always been a place of 'doom and gloom'. If people want to take the time to express their displeasure with something and or inform Anet that they are so displeased with something that they are no longer going to continue playing the game then I don't see a reason to pooh-pooh about it. Feedback is feedback.


I've been logging in during updates to ensure I get the new content and don't have to pay for it later but, aside from that, I haven't played GW2 in something close to 6 months or so. Why? Burnout, mostly. Sure, not being happy with some of the changes plays a small part - a very small part, mind you - but it does play a part. When a class plays one way and you enjoy that way of playing but a change comes along and removes that as an option, or makes it infinitely less viable, a certain level of displeasure is to be expected.

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> just to point it out the nerfs to chrono nerfed every other profession more than it did to chrono, that kinda shows how much endgame content was revolved around Chrono.. Reminded me of the Monks in Gw1 :p


The problem is how the game evolved stacking was a long time a basic strategy in the beginning of the game. Then it was not possible anymore and with "Social Awkwardness " it has been punished inside fractals . Raids included mechanic which forced you to move constantly same mechanics were introduced later also in fractals and it also became standard in wvw to nearly constantly moving.


The problem is how can you share boons in this environment ? The hot fix for this mess was since day 1 of HoT the chrono with its SoI. The only imbalance I see in this class is its actually 3 classes in one the same problem which the FB has and maybe Rev. On the boon side chrono was extremely powerful but they brought it down by reducing what alacrity does.


Does overpowered class decisions has to do how the meta looks like also in chrono's case I think they wanted a not so powerful dps class to have this kind of support abilities which invented the utility support class with a bit of dps.


Short answer to how it looks now ?

A.)Not every chrono has change their stuff which I painfully noticed in the fractals

B) I don't see a great shift in the fractals meta most of the people still search for the same old meta.

C) The dps curve became more sharp either you have boons or you don't.

D) A lot of the time most players have the identical DPS (8.xk) only HLS, DH(in burst) and berserker warrior seems to stray away from it.

E) I have still the feeling I die more often then before

F) Wvw meta became more aggressive more cc/pull and rev hammers because it works easier now because of this players die faster so you either have to push faster or doing pirateship.


Lets see what they do tomorrow I already found some games I can play.

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I don't get why people need to make a big display, are they trying to make appeals to A-net for change? Because it doesn't work that way.

Also fun fact, everything get it's chance to be OP.


I can get people being burnt out, I can get people being displeased, I can get people being salty and full of outrage.

But if you're going to stop playing, just stop. (and maybe send me your gold if you're done for good.)


Also pretty sure "I'm quitting" posts are against the forum rules.

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> @"Llethander.3972" said:

> Why does it matter?


> The forums have always been a place of 'doom and gloom'. If people want to take the time to express their displeasure with something and or inform Anet that they are so displeased with something that they are no longer going to continue playing the game then I don't see a reason to pooh-pooh about it. Feedback is feedback.


> I've been logging in during updates to ensure I get the new content and don't have to pay for it later but, aside from that, I haven't played GW2 in something close to 6 months or so. Why? Burnout, mostly. Sure, not being happy with some of the changes plays a small part - a very small part, mind you - but it does play a part. When a class plays one way and you enjoy that way of playing but a change comes along and removes that as an option, or makes it infinitely less viable, a certain level of displeasure is to be expected.


And the other players who have left over time because they've had to deal with that class, how do they get measured?

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Llethander.3972" said:

> > Why does it matter?

> >

> > The forums have always been a place of 'doom and gloom'. If people want to take the time to express their displeasure with something and or inform Anet that they are so displeased with something that they are no longer going to continue playing the game then I don't see a reason to pooh-pooh about it. Feedback is feedback.

> >

> > I've been logging in during updates to ensure I get the new content and don't have to pay for it later but, aside from that, I haven't played GW2 in something close to 6 months or so. Why? Burnout, mostly. Sure, not being happy with some of the changes plays a small part - a very small part, mind you - but it does play a part. When a class plays one way and you enjoy that way of playing but a change comes along and removes that as an option, or makes it infinitely less viable, a certain level of displeasure is to be expected.


> And the other players who have left over time because they've had to deal with that class, how do they get measured?


Why does it matter?


What does someone leaving the game because they don't like playing against a particular class have to do with someone who decides to leave the game because their class has been made worse to play? You're comparing apples to oranges. What about the people who started playing because they liked a particular class and playstyle who had their playstyle removed? (Here's looking at you, Turret Engi.) Or how about the folks who sunk an immeasurable number of hours into a particular class so they could do one thing really well - gear sets are expensive - and then that playstyle is made less viable, less desired, or just un-fun? Now all of that time, effort, and in-game resources that they used to buy/craft the gear for that class was wasted and they're left wondering "what was the point?"


Some people don't feel the need to say anything. Some people feel so strongly that they feel the need to say something. If you don't like it simply don't click on the thread. Creating threads to complain about people saying that they're leaving for [insert reason here] does just as much as those threads.

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QQ I deserve to be OP, because I was OP for so long my class carried yours. I hope I read that post wrong.

I wasn't a fan of all the PvE changes Mesmer sounds too complicated for me to try/learn now, but similarly in PvP I played so hard I was breaking a sweat while troll build mesmers got to freely press all the buttons and still win 100% against zerk, 50% against marauder.

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