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What kind of new mounts would you like to see added to the game?


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Too early? Never to early to dream :)


* Underwater Quaggon mount. Yes Please! The animation of it walking on land with you riding it would be hilarious to say the least!

I can see a speed boost here while under water and even future maps or mobs / monster that would make this mount come in handy.

Plus it would just be icing on the cake for those decked out in full quaggon armor and weapons!



* 5 seater Elephant mounts :) Since we are in the desert, it seems to fit. Group play is what this game is designed around right, why not travel together too :) Now if we had new dungeons on difficult content maps, it might make a little bit more sense, but really this would be just another end game fun thing to strive for. :) Though i never played GW1 and am not sure elephants exist in this game. So maybe some other large animal, Giant Dolyaks perhaps or even tamed Orges? hehe. I mean hey, they invented Springers, so i'm sure some big animal mount could be added also.


* Cat mounts - I know there was an early stage Tiger Mount. I'm thinking their skill would be a STEALTH mount. nuff said? Imagine a new dungeon for mounts! maybe not. maybe so! I can always dream. If guild hall has mounts i can see a dungeon getting them too :)


Seriously though, they added 5 mounts and i'm sure they are thinking about adding more.

BUt in the short term it's probably going to be things like deck out your mount in this fancy new battle armor or something. :)

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Tunneling Mount. You get swallowed whole by a Wurm(or Sandshark, Devourer) and can then move underground, undetected. It would be a slow but stealthy mount, great for tunneling towards a group of those nasty Ranged mobs and pop up between them. Unmount skill could be like an AoE spit.



Some musings:

You can only tunnel on the 2d plane of the surface, no tunneling upwards through a cliff. A cliff of any kind would just stop you dead, basically it would work (and look from the outside) as that tunneling animation from the Funbox.


If tunnneling undetected for an infinite amount of time through large swaths of dangerous mobs would be considered too OP (branded area comes to mind) then you could link the actual Tunneling time to your Endurance. You could ride the Mount normally as any Mount (Not a fast mount) and then when you activate the Tunneling mode (skill 2) you would see a swallow animation and then the tumbling-boulders animation of tunneling.


As with any mount, you can not Mount it during Combat. Activating the Tunneling mode while you are being attacked/spotted while riding it is possible but I think it would be too OP if your Stealth would take you out of Combat, and make you undetected. Or maybe not, since that part would still be Endurance based.


It would have to be a large mounts to make the Swallowing part somewhat credible. But let's face it: mobs swallowing players whole are a thing already in GW2. :) I think Wurm would work best.


Remember the Wurmride in GW1?

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Wyvern skin for griffon mount (I need this!)

Mordrem wolf skin for jackal

Mordrem raptor (or whatever they are called) for raptor mount


A horse (movement skill would be sprinting and #1 skill would be granting quickness or other useful buffs after charging at your enemies)


And a shark or dolphin for underwater content .

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I'm still hoping Anet doesn't go overboard with mounts and mount skins (though I'm sure it'll happen). But if we get new ones, then I'd want something like Sadaharu from Gintama as a mount XD


Some sort of underwater mount would be quite good too, a dolphin or sea turtle of some form. But I doubt we'll get underwater ones unless we get new underwater content.

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I definitely want a stealth mount bc getting past some of those mobs is annoying sometimes . I was actually instinctively wanting to stealth as I play mesmer and have played thief sneaking through hot.


I too want a cat like mount. But the tunnelling wurm sounds epic and hilarious. The five seater for a whole party maybe with one main driver and a whole lot more vitality would be also epic and is such a good idea.


Tbh that's how we should be thinking. I'm sure there may be skins but it would be great if we kept in line with our mount system where each has its own features and unique qualities.


I'd like an underwater mount like a shark or dolphin but that's probably not til an expansion that focuses on underwater combat and maps. And if we keep to expansion systems mounts may only be something added in POF and a new expansion would be new navigation systems.


I'd also like the ability to upgrade armour somehow for our mounts which increases their toughness or vitality so it doesn't get knocked out from under us so easily.

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I want an underwater mount too, skimmer is nice, but I'd rather be able to decide whether I move on the surface or below it. I know ANet likes to pretend underwater doesn't exist most of the time, but I immediately thought that I'd love to have a dolphin mount when I did that one event in Crystal Oasis harbour cleaning up after the Consortium.


That and racial/cultural mounts or skins (my Asura wants his corgi stat :P)



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I want to see Aurene becoming our grown up Dragon Mount for personal story instances, basically of the size of Vlast would be I guess fitting for that job :D

For normal persistent maps, I'd love to see also too a Wyvern Skin for the Griffon Mount with some kind of Dragon Breath as Dismount Attack that burns and torments and feels being similar epic, like the fire breath of a Hydra


Horse would work only as Human only "Racial Mount", which is somethign I would love to see too, each race gettign its own Racial Mounts.


Norn = Shapeshift to Animal Form

Humans = Horses/ Moas

Asuras = Golems

Charr = Motorbikes

Sylvari = Thorn Wolves




I want more unique different Mount Types with own Masteries.


- Speedsters = Feline agile elegant nimble Mounts whose speciality is to evade incoming attacks, while you ride them and which run the fastest of all mounts

- Spiders = Climbing and running on Walls or using Spider Nets, to slowly get from a high place downwards and use the spider net liek a rope and with them you can reach places, no other moutn can reach in a unique movement kind of way, like hanging on a wall, seeign everything upside down xD, removing them due to arachnophobia of peolel is a terrible bad joke, when you conside all other spider mobs in the game ...if you argumentate with such lousy reasons, then there shouldnt exist any spider enemies at all in the whole game ...

- Stalkers = Mount with the ability to perform Stealth to reach unseen places, where you need to reach them quickly unseen

- Carriers = Large Mounts with that you can carry up to 5 people at the same time , so basicalyl "War Taxis" ^^, stuff like Junundu Wurms, Siege Devourers/Turtles where other players can interact with you, while you control basically your mount

- Summons (Elemental Beasts) = Unique Mounts that you practicaly summon by performing a magical ritual, which require some preparation to use them, but are therefore in their effects and what they can do for you in combat very useful when you initiate the combats with them (could be also working as Class Based unique Mounts, with this being the ones for Elementalist), a Necromancer coulds instead summon a Bone Dragon, and so on ..

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> @Nikal.4921 said:

> Underwater mount, Seahorse. No ideas on what its skills would be though.


> Terrain mount, horse. Because I miss it from other games.


> @ the OP, a stealth mount would be cool.


I could see a unicorn skin for griffon. That would be your horse. :) when griffions run, kinda reminds me of a horse for some reason. Plus then my short bow could match my mount :D

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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:


> Some sort of underwater mount would be quite good too, a dolphin or sea turtle of some form. But I doubt we'll get underwater ones unless we get new underwater content.


I like the idea of an underwater mount alot, but i was thinking amphibious mounts of some kind, mainly used for water but can be ridden on land hence quaggons and sea turtle =good idea . Wouldn't want these mounts to go the way of never seen underwater legendary weapons nowadays except for that one Fractal or just around Orr :D but yea needs new content so probablly xpac3? btw i love underwater combat, maybe devs rework how wells and other things work under water? but i love the 3 axis fights!

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Any mount for swimming, A water snake Or something like that. I know skimmers go over But, be nice to go fast under. Also be nice if we can ride vehicles or ships when having group of people to fly. And boats for water for groups also. And a submarine for underwater. Or one of those boats like in the first g I Joe movie. That would satisfy everything about the game. Well besides housing.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> Any mount for swimming, A water snake Or something like that. I know skimmers go over But, be nice to go fast under. Also be nice if we can ride vehicles or ships when having group of people to fly. And boats for water for groups also. And a submarine for underwater. Or one of those boats like in the first g I Joe movie. That would satisfy everything about the game. Well besides housing.


I would absolutely love to have sea exploration with the use of a boat/ship. Spent so much time and had so much fun just sailing around in AC:Black Flag. Although I doubt it would be as good in GW2 as I'm imagining as the games just not designed for that sort of thing.


In fact if we just got a ship or airship docked somewhere as a personal instance with our home nodes as an alternative to player housing I'd be over the moon with that! I just want a ship of some sort XD

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