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Most OP Class Dec 14 2018


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voted revenant, i think it's the most valuable and important class in ranked as i can kill almost everything really quick

it's the best +1 class, not so much challenged in burst dmg compared to other burst specs


duelist and bruiser specs are more balanced imo although mes is a little too dominant


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I'm tempted to say everything is balanced after the last patch for once in this game's lifetime post PoF, but mesmer drew the long stick yet again.


The changes to portal didn't really change anything that people are upset with. All that did was strip mesmers of their mobility and team utility. For the most part, regardless of whether or not you play chrono or mirage, mes is largely unchanged after every other class was tuned up or down to be in line with eachother, and that's why i'd consider it S-tier; overpowered.

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As a DPS Mirage main, it still surprises me how well Condi mirages are doing overall, seeing how a lot of them are running macros to assist with clone generation. If it wasn't for the macros, I wonder if condi mirage would still be as dominant.


Boon beasts are also doing quite well and would be a really close second. I feel as if this poll should be more specific instead of blanketing a whole class based on the strength of 1 spec/build. Makes the results more specific thus more accurate.

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'Guild Wars 2 [vT] Soki Shatter Mesmer | Wow Big DPS Kappa'

Published on Dec 25, 2018


(1 shotting multiple players at the same time)


-all professions are Op>Power Creep at the moment. Mesmers are by far the most dangerous especially being able to 1 shot more than 1 players at the same time-


((As long Anet continue to not see anything wrong with their favorite: Mesmer, no serious action will be taken against Mesmer.Once again, Anet will give Mesmer 'a slap on the wrist for being too much out of control '))




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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > > > > > I think they are probably closer together, since everyone got nerfs.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Reapers dmg got nerfed in sustain and some of the dmg.

> > > > > > > > Warriors got nerfed in full counter pretty hard.

> > > > > > > > Thieves got hit with the nerf bat very very hard on lead attacks, so now they are forced to be in combat to get some, and rifle also got nerfed.

> > > > > > > > Eles got nerfed in sustain in tempest elite spec, and also nerfed in crit dmg.

> > > > > > > > mesmers got the most nerfs that ive seen:Jaunt got nerfed from 3 charges to 2, and the buffs chrono gives out was also nerfed such as quickness, but got buffed in power.Mesmers were hit very hard with the nerf bat in fact.

> > > > > > > > Guardians got some nerfs to some abilities with hammer I think, but I will need to be corrected.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Pretty much every class took a hit by the nerf bat.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Boonbeast was buffed to even more impossible to kill.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Anyone voting anything other than ranger on this poll doesn't know what they're talking about.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ranger has amazing trait synergy which many classes have also enjoyed but were nerfed in hefty amounts because of. Also if you think PvP soulbeast is busted try fighting it in WvW where ANet love skill splitting ranger from it's PvP nerfs so druid is as faceroll as ever (10s CA CD) and the stance cool down increases weren't implemented but the buff to dolyak stance is brought over.

> > > > >

> > > > > The only class which has been nerfed from playable to unplayable would be ele..about the rest, they remain viable despite these "hefty" nerfs, the trait synergy is still there just not as broken; trait synergy should be a target for each profession..not something to destroy. The CA cd sits in the same room with many other traits on other profession which received only pvp related nerfs, if you want to extend CA cd nerfs to wvw then...you should extend nerfs also on warrior endure pain, holo traits etc etc.

> > > > >

> > > > > About soulbeast, it remains a power spec with no innate sustain but kept alive by this boon generation gimmick, without which it would offer even less sustain than core ranger let alone druid, now I have been a strong advocate of removing/nerfing moa stance even more and yet...**ranger is far from being this one man army**

> > > >

> > > > You actually have to invest time and effort into elementalists if you want to be anything other than useless with it...

> > >

> > > I actually want elementalist to have more damage, oddly enough. I think when a lot of people roll elementalist they want to be that classic wizard able to hurl death on people from a distance. I wish Elementalist was a huge power / crit version of a scourge and could be super successful as a team damage carry the way Holosmith and Rev currently are, but with a more traditional caster flavor. I miss fresh air ele before they got that huge damage nerf, they were super fun to play and fun to fight against.

> >

> > Ele doesn't need buffs it needs all the power creep to be addressed. A lot of ele builds work by reducing damage taken and healing back up what damage it takes through really high sustained healing. Sustained healing means nothing if every hit chunks off half your health and thanks to FB we saw clerics amulet removed.


> I don't miss the time when any **below** average Joe could become a god overnight by playing arcana/water d/d ele at 800+ healing power...that's not how a class should work and regardless the healing of an ele is still there when treated and played properly; you talk about wvw but there I can match basically any class in 1v1 on a sword weaver and win in most cases, stall in others and it becomes boring, that's not how the game supposed to work : "healing back to full despite the tremendeous amount of mistakes"


> "Invincible healbot" is not a balanced concept and should not exist in any form or shape and that's why I advocate for nerfs on boonbeast and boonbeast only , listing all sustain of a ranger is nothing more than witchhunt, it's not balance discussion


> Getting good on ranger takes time and hundreds of deaths like any other class and like it happened to other professions now ranger has a "too" accessible build due to the excessive boon generation and this build I fully agree should be nerfed more, other than that I can match any ranger build with an ele and that says it all about the veridicality of most claims made in this thread


I'll just say this right now:


We didn't want this bs healing build. We've been trying to get away from healing for a LONG TIME. What we ele mains originally wanted was a bruiser build that didn't make us drop from one hit, but allowed us enough wiggle to trait something that wasn't fcking water.


We can't win. Our heal builds gets nerfed into the floor and our damage builds do absolutely jacksht for us. So we're the catch 22 class right along with Revenants as a whole.



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> 'Guild Wars 2 [vT] Soki Shatter Mesmer | Wow Big DPS Kappa'

> Published on Dec 25, 2018


> (1 shotting multiple players at the same time)


> -all professions are Op>Power Creep at the moment. Mesmers are by far the most dangerous especially being able to 1 shot more than 1 players at the same time-


> ((As long Anet continue to not see anything wrong with their favorite: Mesmer, no serious action will be taken against Mesmer.Once again, Anet will give Mesmer 'a slap on the wrist for being too much out of control '))


> G.L




lol NA WvW. I guess this is the reason NA seems to think focus is anything but garbage?

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