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what will be the new big selling point for the next xpact?


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guild built dungeons

guild built halls that you can do gvgs in

new pvp modes

claimable pve objectives that give resources (there is a separate area where you tick a box to enter combat). also have to fight for them, you set a window of opportunity when you can defend yours or attack someone elses. anyone can just walk up and attack. can set limits to party sizes.


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> @"dace.8019" said:

> Not housing - it's too dull.


That's what ESO players said but now they love it, especially because it's a free port to a nearby wayshrine + the devs added an option to put extra storage boxes into houses. In other words, there are MANY ways to make housing interesting and useful for every kind of player. Anet is creative enough to make housing unique just like they made mounts unique and more fun than other MMOs! A few years ago not many people wanted mounts in GW2 and now everyone is crazy about them because Anet did it RIGHT and that's why OUR housing would be EPIC too.

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> @"Aryan Arlande.6184" said:

> Harleys, jets and bombing carpets, to pulverize whats left of core-tyria


> May be some heavy tanks, powered by bloodstonedust


> And a button for mapcompletion, QoL


Dont even need bloodstone dust, the Charr have steam tanks ready to go! :D

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> That's what ESO players said but now they love it, especially because it's a free port to a nearby wayshrine + the devs added an option to put extra storage boxes into houses. In other words, there are MANY ways to make housing interesting and useful for every kind of player. Anet is creative enough to make housing unique just like they made mounts unique and more fun than other MMOs! A few years ago not many people wanted mounts in GW2 and now everyone is crazy about them because Anet did it RIGHT and that's why OUR housing would be EPIC too.


Difference between housing and gliding/mounts, it can't be used in actual content. Gliding and mounts help traverse the map, they are an integral part of the gameplay in the new zones. All housing can do to tie into the content is offer trophies and similar crafting materials to add decorations to your home, some extra storage and maybe some free teleports. Housing is useless in combat (unless they give us turtle shells as "houses"!), it's useless in traversing/exploring maps, useless in any form of meaningful gameplay so making housing the selling point of the next expansion would be silly. Housing is more like Guild Halls, a nice to have side feature/activity but not the core new feature of an expansion.


I'd rather we get a complete overhaul of underwater combat, underwater mounts, underwater exploration, in a mostly underwater expansion. But that's probably for expansion 4

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:


> Difference between housing and gliding/mounts, it can't be used in actual content. Gliding and mounts help traverse the map, they are an integral part of the gameplay in the new zones. All housing can do to tie into the content is offer trophies and similar crafting materials to add decorations to your home, some extra storage and maybe some free teleports. Housing is useless in combat (unless they give us turtle shells as "houses"!), it's useless in traversing/exploring maps, useless in any form of meaningful gameplay so making housing the selling point of the next expansion would be silly. Housing is more like Guild Halls, a nice to have side feature/activity but not the core new feature of an expansion.


This is true, while i wouldnt mind housing, having it as the major selling point of an expansion would be a terrible idea imo as it adds nothing to what the vast majority of gameplay in this game is. Housing should be a portion of an expansion but not the main focus. Elite Specs are pretty much a guarantee for all expansions so in all honest about the only thing they can really do as a major selling point is:


1.) new weapon types.

2.) a new race.

3.) a new continent(not just Cantha, but any place we havent been.)



> I'd rather we get a complete overhaul of underwater combat, underwater mounts, underwater exploration, in a mostly underwater expansion. But that's probably for expansion 4


This made me gag >.<

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Housing is more like Guild Halls, a nice to have side feature/activity but not the core new feature of an expansion.


Sure, housing does not have to be the one and only "big selling point" like the title suggested, only ONE of them like guild halls in HoT. :) Like I said the system is already in the game because of guild halls, it shouldn't be too hard/expensive to turn it into player housing. <3

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Player housing, even if it's just in home instance upgraded.

Finish Under water combat, this seriously does need to come before they add any sort of Air combat. due to UW still not being finished.

Customizable Mercenary slot. Much like in GW1, since we can summon random pets, flame elemental, even a sunspear to battle. Give us players one we can summon for when the map is very low population. Treat the mercs much like the mini's as when the map's fill up they depart (vanish)

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Here is what I would like to see:

Build Templates

9 new elite specs

4 new maps with the same quality and design philosophy as the PoF ones

Some new content for guilds (I dont belong to any real one but I feel the game could really benefit from it at this point)

Some new fractals (2 or three would be nice)


Here is what I don't want:

Player Housing or any other gold/time sink with no progression to my toons or QoL benefit

Expansions to Underwater combat. I do not enjoy it at all. I wouldn't want to see it the focal point of my gameplay for more than a mission or two.

Any form of "ship building" or vehicle combat.

Any kind of return of Season 1 other than a fractal or two

A passive gathering system like Fishing


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Passive side events like:

- A decent Fishing system, unique fish, hook sunken items of rare value, Ahievements of 'catching them all', weeky fishing tournament with a global leaderboard and decent rewards, gain masteries in being a more adept at fishing/types of fishing (river, ocean), BLTC items like a row boat, canoe, larger boat for multiple people.

- Treasure hunting with a comprehensive lore book, journal/codex attached to it with illustrations, with hiding locations where there are puzzles to solve. Bit like raiders of the lost ark stuff.


What I really want is lots of new big zones like PoF maybe more deep forest stuff not like HoT (which is a messy jungle) but more like a red wood forest (think Bitterfrost forest combined with Timberline falls but way more dense) and interesting new creatures (different models, and much larger), new specializations for all my toons, another couple of mounts.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Anet have proven with Hot-Ls3-PoF-Ls4 that they have been getting A LOT better with single player stories. That's what I'll be looking forward to, at least. ;)


Totally wrong direction. GW2 emphasises solo play way too much anyways. When people join groups/squads then (and it isnt about mindless open world stuff) they wonder why they are doing so bad.

The only thing that would open GW2 up for further updates to compete with rival games would be a engine rework. The current architecture is ancient tbh and makes optimizing new stuff around an inflexible architecture time consuming. So I hope for that.

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> @"Holy Security.9724" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > Anet have proven with Hot-Ls3-PoF-Ls4 that they have been getting A LOT better with single player stories. That's what I'll be looking forward to, at least. ;)


> Totally wrong direction. GW2 emphasises solo play way too much anyways. When people join groups/squads then (and it isnt about mindless open world stuff) they wonder why they are doing so bad.


.... are you telling me what I should look forward to, or assuming the type of content I enjoy and my competency at playing it? ;P All I said was that I liked the story.

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