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Unsummon All Minions for Necromancer


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This is one of the reasons my necromancer doesn't use minions very much. They're fine in combat when you're actually using them, but I find it annoying to still have them all following me around afterwards. Even if they're not attacking anything, sometimes it just irritates me that I'm trying to talk to NPCs and my minions are standing on top of them. I'd prefer to be able to unsummon them and then call them back when I need them.


I'd be fine with a button to unsummon all minions with no buffs, no special effects, just get rid of them. (And I think making it a button rather than putting them on a time limit or whatever would be preferable, because then it's up to the player whether to keep them or get rid of them.)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > we need some kind of control like pets do, just because they are minions doesn't mean you can't control them.

> > better yet, the whole point of being a necromancer is that you control the undead.


> Not necessarily. Just because you can animate/raise dead things doesn't necessarily mean absolute control over them.


Trying to apply the logic of reality to a game that involves 10ft tall cats swinging greatswords, and sentient walking/talking plant people, seems like a stretch.....

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I definitely think that it should be up to the player when to de-summon. I do like those minions that a Reaper can summon via Shout, which conveniently expire soon after summon, but I like having the Flesh Golem (the only other minion I use since leveling up to a specialty) follow me around since it's a nice decoy if I'm just trying to quickly harvest something or open a chest and some enemy tries to interfere.

> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I wonder if the ability to de-spawn minions while in combat might be seen by the devs as an unfair advantage in competitive play by allowing one class to exit that state quicker than other classes?

I see being able to toggle aggression in a Ranger's pet and not having timers to summon them (IIRC) as an advantage over minions, so I don't think that pop-able minions (if no buffs, conditions, healing, or damage is done when they pop) would be unbalanced or necessarily step on Ranger's toes (not wanting to blur classes too much is a valid concern, but Rangers would still have greater variety and control with pets). Maybe popping minions could have a cooldown timer too to prevent spamming if that's an issue.


EDIT: I saw you specified "competitive." I haven't tried PvP or WvW yet, so I couldn't say. However, if such an ability were to cause problems there but not PvE, it could be disabled for those modes like how mounts/gliders are disabled for JPs.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I wonder if the ability to de-spawn minions while in combat might be seen by the devs as an unfair advantage in competitive play by allowing one class to exit that state quicker than other classes?


How is that unfair? Ranger can stove pet anytime, just like any other class can stove weapon. Gawddem minions keep attacking while I need to run

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > I wonder if the ability to de-spawn minions while in combat might be seen by the devs as an unfair advantage in competitive play by allowing one class to exit that state quicker than other classes?


> How is that unfair? Ranger can stove pet anytime, just like any other class can stove weapon. Gawddem minions keep attacking while I need to run


/shrug I dunno. Was just tossing the idea into the mix.

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hum, might found a solution...

Someone told me Tonic can unsummon all minions, so i tied it and it works, but you cannot use tonic during fight which makes this pointless.

However, I found if you are using a Norn or Human, you can use your transform elite ability 0 (to Animal Spirit Forms & Avatar of Melandru)and that will unsummon all your minions!!! not sure what other classes that doesnt have transfor ability can do.



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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> hum, might found a solution...

> Someone told me Tonic can unsummon all minions, so i tied it and it works, but you cannot use tonic during fight which makes this pointless.

> However, I found if you are using a Norn or Human, you can use your transform elite ability 0 (to Animal Spirit Forms & Avatar of Melandru)and that will unsummon all your minions!!! not sure what other classes that doesnt have transfor ability can do.



The thing is you have to sacrifice your skill 0 slot, could have use it for Flesh Golem... I still think GW2 need to have Necromancer a "Unsummon All" F2 skill.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > we need some kind of control like pets do, just because they are minions doesn't mean you can't control them.

> > > > better yet, the whole point of being a necromancer is that you control the undead.

> > >

> > > Not necessarily. Just because you can animate/raise dead things doesn't necessarily mean absolute control over them.

> >

> > just because you have a pet doesn't mean you have full control over it, same thing.


> Just ask us ranger mains how much control we have over our pets. Always running off and aggro-ing things they shouldn't. :)


> Also, pets probably have some level of intelligence, being sentient. Undead things, perhaps not so much. Of course, one might argue that being mindless, undead should be easier for a necro to control, but the counter to that might be that the magic granting animation to these creatures might not be sufficient for that.


Since dead bodies dont have intelligence they should be a flesh puppet of necromancer. If ranger which is nit a mage class has enough magic to merge with its pet then a mage class can have enough to control dead flesh. Btw shouldnt mage class be high on magic :bigthink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> hum, might found a solution...

> Someone told me Tonic can unsummon all minions, so i tied it and it works, but you cannot use tonic during fight which makes this pointless.

> However, I found if you are using a Norn or Human, you can use your transform elite ability 0 (to Animal Spirit Forms & Avatar of Melandru)and that will unsummon all your minions!!! not sure what other classes that doesnt have transfor ability can do.




Not a good trade to omit your only hard cc (flesh golem)

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Hugheszie.6291" said:

> This is how I make my minions go away.

> Mount up, mount down, mount up, mount down - QUICKLY.


> Do this and they despawn. Sucks but it works. It also works sometimes when you don't want it to and have to wait for the cooldown to resummon.


You can't mount up being in combat

There are no mounts in pvp, wvw

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Hugheszie.6291" said:

> > This is how I make my minions go away.

> > Mount up, mount down, mount up, mount down - QUICKLY.

> >

> > Do this and they despawn. Sucks but it works. It also works sometimes when you don't want it to and have to wait for the cooldown to resummon.


> You can't mount up being in combat

> There are no mounts in pvp, wvw


Ah, I should of said, in PVE when you're out of combat. Never considered the other modes.


WVW sucks when i'm running off and my minions are headbutting a damn gate half a mile away... I'm like "GUYS PLZ COME HERE"

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > we need some kind of control like pets do, just because they are minions doesn't mean you can't control them.

> > better yet, the whole point of being a necromancer is that you control the undead.


> Not necessarily. Just because you can animate/raise dead things doesn't necessarily mean absolute control over them.


Zhaitan disagrees with you strongly :angry:

kralkatorrik also now disagrees with you strongly complements of Zhaitan :astonished:

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We need some kind of command like pets for sure.

This could potentially be solved by a minion focused elite spec but it'll probably be easier to just give Necromancers another F skill if they use Minion skills to force them to follow you.


A bigger problem I have with minions is that there are quite a few things in the game that count as transformations so if you get hit by them it will instant kill all your minions..

I absolutely hate that.

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