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Revenants Need a Nerf


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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > "I died by someone who is better then me, better nerf the entire class." Is all I'm reading here.

> Implying if revenant killed you means he is better than you ... Ppl still delusional about it ?


I didn't say the Rev was better because he killed him, it was clear from the post that OP doesn't know anything about Revenant and their kit and just got outskilled.

Revenant does not have any high CC whatsoever. Evades neither. No instant teleport, he has 2 shadowsteps; One with 1200 range that has an animation and can be interrupted. One with 600 range that is instant. Rev has 2 unblockable attacks after using shiro's shadowstep and one unblockable attack with shiro's F2(barely good), but it has a high energy cost so you can't just spam it like op makes it look like they can. Revenant has CD on skills.


So this is really a l2p issue here.

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Rev has evade and cc on staff on one skill. Sword has a ton of evades and a no cd stun break/dodge. Then there are cc in Shiro and Glint. Staff also has another cc, but it has a very easy to meet condition before it becomes an AoE cc. It also has a teleport on sword 5 and the Shiro one.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > "I died by someone who is better then me, better nerf the entire class." Is all I'm reading here.

> > Implying if revenant killed you means he is better than you ... Ppl still delusional about it ?


> I didn't say the Rev was better because he killed him, it was clear from the post that OP doesn't know anything about Revenant and their kit and just got outskilled.

> Revenant does not have any high CC whatsoever. Evades neither. No instant teleport, he has 2 shadowsteps; One with 1200 range that has an animation and can be interrupted. One with 600 range that is instant. Rev has 2 unblockable attacks after using shiro's shadowstep and one unblockable attack with shiro's F2(barely good), but it has a high energy cost so you can't just spam it like op makes it look like they can. Revenant has CD on skills.


> So this is really a l2p issue here.


I stopped to read at 'evades either' because they can chain lots of evades . Not long time ago Poosi was complaining about revs and been blown away from full to zero instant xD was hilarious to watch .

Also no idea what op playing

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > "I died by someone who is better then me, better nerf the entire class." Is all I'm reading here.

> > > Implying if revenant killed you means he is better than you ... Ppl still delusional about it ?

> >

> > I didn't say the Rev was better because he killed him, it was clear from the post that OP doesn't know anything about Revenant and their kit and just got outskilled.

> > Revenant does not have any high CC whatsoever. Evades neither. No instant teleport, he has 2 shadowsteps; One with 1200 range that has an animation and can be interrupted. One with 600 range that is instant. Rev has 2 unblockable attacks after using shiro's shadowstep and one unblockable attack with shiro's F2(barely good), but it has a high energy cost so you can't just spam it like op makes it look like they can. Revenant has CD on skills.

> >

> > So this is really a l2p issue here.


> I stopped to read at 'evades either' because they can chain lots of evades . Not long time ago Poosi was complaining about revs and been blown away from full to zero instant xD was hilarious to watch .

> Also no idea what op playing


Revenant has no acces to vigor unlike any class. So you'll have a slow endurance regeneration and less dodges than other classes. Besides dodges Revenant has 3 skills that can evade attacks. Staff 5 wich has a 20s CD. Shiro's Riposting Shadows wich uses 30 energy on use. Sword 3 wich 7-10 times bugs out and doesn't want to work properly(fix this anet).


Anyone saying Revenant has a lot of evades are completely delusional and forget about Mesmers, Weavers and thiefs who have way more evades.


Also if a Revenant was supposed to chain Riposting Shadow he will be unable to attack for a long time as he would be without any energy to use offensive skills.


Again, this is a l2p issue. OP got destroyed by someone he doesn't know how to play against and asks for nerfs after.

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> @"DaShi.1368" said:

> Rev has evade and cc on staff on one skill. Sword has a ton of evades and a no cd stun break/dodge. Then there are cc in Shiro and Glint. Staff also has another cc, but it has a very easy to meet condition before it becomes an AoE cc. It also has a teleport on sword 5 and the Shiro one.


Sword has one evade wich 7/10 times doesn't even work. Sword does not have any no CD stunbreak/dodge. Shiro has but like I said before, it uses 30 energy . Using riposting shadows makes it so the Revenant is unable to attack after due to no energy. ez kill. Nobody uses Shiro's elite ability to stun people, 50 energy on use is not worth it and you'll barely even have so much energy on Shiro anyway. The only CC Revenant has that is worth using is 20s CD staff 5 and 45s CD Glint elite.

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> Revenant has no acces to vigor unlike any class. So you'll have a slow endurance regeneration and less dodges than other classes. Besides dodges Revenant has 3 skills that can evade attacks. Staff 5 wich has a 20s CD. Shiro's Riposting Shadows wich uses 30 energy on use. Sword 3 wich 7-10 times bugs out and doesn't want to work properly(fix this anet).


> Anyone saying Revenant has a lot of evades are completely delusional and forget about Mesmers, Weavers and thiefs who have way more evades.

So im delusional because rev actually can chain lots of evades? Nice logic dud , you forgot that RS also give endurance for using it . He can swap legend after exhausting shiro as well to . But thats not my business really xD

> @"DaShi.1368" said:

> I play power herald rev. And another one beat me! :angry:



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> @"DaShi.1368" said:

> Rev has evade and cc on staff on one skill. Sword has a ton of evades and a no cd stun break/dodge. Then there are cc in Shiro and Glint. Staff also has another cc, but it has a very easy to meet condition before it becomes an AoE cc. It also has a teleport on sword 5 and the Shiro one.


Sword has one interruptable evade skill, hardly a "ton".

Shiro cc is one of the most telegraphed skills in the game and will cost Rev his entire fighting capabilities for next several seconds, no good Rev will ever use that unless super convenient scenario, only the Glint one is good.


Good sneaky job mentioning staff CC twice, almost fell for it.

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > Revenant has no acces to vigor unlike any class. So you'll have a slow endurance regeneration and less dodges than other classes. Besides dodges Revenant has 3 skills that can evade attacks. Staff 5 wich has a 20s CD. Shiro's Riposting Shadows wich uses 30 energy on use. Sword 3 wich 7-10 times bugs out and doesn't want to work properly(fix this anet).

> >

> > Anyone saying Revenant has a lot of evades are completely delusional and forget about Mesmers, Weavers and thiefs who have way more evades.

> So im delusional because rev actually can chain lots of evades? Nice logic dud , you forgot that RS also give endurance for using it . He can swap legend after exhausting shiro as well to . But thats not my business really xD


If you think Revenant has the same amount of evades like Weaver, mesmer or thief do then yeah you're delusional. In order to even be close to chaining dodges you need to be in shiro, a very fragile stance with barely any healing. Any revenant in shiro can be easily killed.




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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > "I died by someone who is better then me, better nerf the entire class." Is all I'm reading here.

> > > > Implying if revenant killed you means he is better than you ... Ppl still delusional about it ?

> > >

> > > I didn't say the Rev was better because he killed him, it was clear from the post that OP doesn't know anything about Revenant and their kit and just got outskilled.

> > > Revenant does not have any high CC whatsoever. Evades neither. No instant teleport, he has 2 shadowsteps; One with 1200 range that has an animation and can be interrupted. One with 600 range that is instant. Rev has 2 unblockable attacks after using shiro's shadowstep and one unblockable attack with shiro's F2(barely good), but it has a high energy cost so you can't just spam it like op makes it look like they can. Revenant has CD on skills.

> > >

> > > So this is really a l2p issue here.

> >

> > I stopped to read at 'evades either' because they can chain lots of evades . Not long time ago Poosi was complaining about revs and been blown away from full to zero instant xD was hilarious to watch .

> > Also no idea what op playing


> Revenant has no acces to vigor unlike any class. So you'll have a slow endurance regeneration and less dodges than other classes. Besides dodges Revenant has 3 skills that can evade attacks. Staff 5 wich has a 20s CD. Shiro's Riposting Shadows wich uses 30 energy on use. Sword 3 wich 7-10 times bugs out and doesn't want to work properly(fix this anet).


> Anyone saying Revenant has a lot of evades are completely delusional and forget about Mesmers, Weavers and thiefs who have way more evades.


> Also if a Revenant was supposed to chain Riposting Shadow he will be unable to attack for a long time as he would be without any energy to use offensive skills.


> Again, this is a l2p issue. OP got destroyed by someone he doesn't know how to play against and asks for nerfs after.


Funny how you missed out the block on staff and that riposting shadows gives you half a dodge.


You also forgot to mention how phase traverse and deathstrike can be used both offensively and defensively.


Also LUL at complaining about weaver evades, sure it's annoying and objectively too much but a weaver ain't going to 100-0 you in 1-2s.

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