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[Feedback] Gem Aura outfit

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One of the few outfits I’m not going to buy. Nice clean lines. No buttcapes. Then they added ginormous crystals on the shoulders that don’t fit the style of the rest of the outfit.


What it could have had was a smaller mass of non spike crystals encrusting the shoulders, or no crystals at all as there are several outfits already with crystals and glow.



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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> One of the few outfits I’m not going to buy. Nice clean lines. No buttcapes. Then they added ginormous crystals on the shoulders that don’t fit the style of the rest of the outfit.


> What it could have had was a smaller mass of non spike crystals encrusting the shoulders, or no crystals at all as there are several outfits already with crystals and glow.


Maybe if we ask nicely, they will add another version of the outfit without the "piles" and call it "Ornate Gem Outfit" or something along the lines? ;)

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> One of the few outfits I’m not going to buy. Nice clean lines. No buttcapes. Then they added ginormous crystals on the shoulders that don’t fit the style of the rest of the outfit.


> What it could have had was a smaller mass of non spike crystals encrusting the shoulders, or no crystals at all as there are several outfits already with crystals and glow.


I had similar thoughts with the ice encasement outfit: interesting work underneath covered up by crystal globs.


But at least the tradition of laughable Wintersday outfit releases holds true.



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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Maybe if we ask nicely, they will add another version of the outfit without the "piles" and call it "Ornate Gem Outfit" or something along the lines? ;)


Or just give us an option to hide shoulders on EVERY Outfit. x_x I'd buy more Outfits that way.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Maybe if we ask nicely, they will add another version of the outfit without the "piles" and call it "Ornate Gem Outfit" or something along the lines? ;)


> Or just give us an option to hide shoulders on EVERY Outfit. x_x I'd buy more Outfits that way.


I think the issue is that they would have to split every outfit into pieces = a lot of work. I also believe most outfits aren't designed with shoulders being hidden in mind, so there are probably some missing textures or holes = they would have to fix that, too.

I surely would be happy if they did, but not sure if they want to invest time and effort into that.


Some outfits have hide-able gloves though.

If at least, they could start making outfits with this kind of "customization" (being able to hide gloves and shoulders).

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Maybe if we ask nicely, they will add another version of the outfit without the "piles" and call it "Ornate Gem Outfit" or something along the lines? ;)


> Or just give us an option to hide shoulders on EVERY Outfit. x_x I'd buy more Outfits that way.


This! So many outfits I've passed up because the shoulders just ruin things.


Just make it so we can hide helms, shoulders and gloves on outfits, since those are the areas where individuals' sense of style seem to really differ from the dev's. Those are the three parts of outfits that usually get complaints in our guild. Well, those and the ubiquitous butt-capes and boob targeting.

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My feedback is I wish it wasn't an outfit. If this was an armor skin, it would've been an instant buy. I could do SO much with it, if I could've combined it with some of my current fashion. Hell, might've found some new/better combos. Unfortunately not only is it an outfit, but I also don't particularly care for it outside of a few of my female characters. Looks kinda crappy on dudes. Might buy it one of these days, but it's a pass for the time being.


If they are going to continue making outfits, I wish they would release them with an optional skin versions. Hell, I would shell out a bit more for that version. Spend time, money, and other resources to get some of my fashion right. Some of these outfits be A1 but man. I ain't put all them resources into my fashion, just to pay more to fully cover it all up.

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> @"DiabolicalHamSandwich.8756" said:

> If they are going to continue making outfits, I wish they would release them with an optional skin versions. Hell, I would shell out a bit more for that version. Spend time, money, and other resources to get some of my fashion right.


Shell out **a bit more**? You mean a lot more! :D I would pay up to 2k Gems for a new Gem Store armor skin. Seriously. People buy the fancy 2k mount skins so they would buy the armor skins too, I guarantee it! Everyone knows that the real endgame is fashion. :P I have every Gem Store armor but only 3 Outfits! I know armor skins are more work but we don't need a new one every week, just release 3-4 new sets per year at a high price, that's all. Of course it probably won't happen but I can dream, right? :astonished:

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I'm going to be brutally honest here, ANet. This looks like someone went for a walk in a nice, new outfit, and then the Shatterer did a flyby "pigeon drop" on them.




Good outfit, splattered with crystalline dragon poo. That's what I think of when I see this.


Can we have a pre-dragon version?

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> I'm going to be brutally honest here, ANet. This looks like someone went for a walk in a nice, new outfit, and then the Shatterer did a flyby "pigeon drop" on them.


> Seriously.


> Good outfit, splattered with crystalline dragon poo. That's what I think of when I see this.


> Can we have a pre-dragon version?


Hah hah hah hah!! So true, though! =)

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I do like it despite the shoulders but they certainly lessen its general usefulness as a look. My problem isn't so much the presence of the crystals as the shape of them. Same problem I have with the Elegy/Requiem heavy chest, the shoulders seem to be a rigid confining shell clamping the arms to the wearer's sides. It looks hideously uncomfortable and impractical. I just squint past that to enjoy the rest of it.


I mean, I prefer close fitting shoulders rather than perched architectural monstrosities, but they still need to look like the shoulder joint can move.

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To my eye it looks like they tried to weld together two different styles. The body of the outfit is sleek and elegant. It’s formal and somewhat restrained. But then from the shoulders up is Mardi Gras craziness.


And yes, it does rather look like the person was unfortunately underneath the Shatterer when he flew by.

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