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[Feedback] Gem Aura outfit

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Eh, I like it. I can understand people saying the crystals don't mesh well with the rest, but considering the craziness of crystals on other outfits that have had them, these seem not as bad by comparison. I also like the the outfit's sleek, form-fitting formal look, which fits both sexes well, and that it covers the asuran toes, instead of having them clip through or chopping them off. And the crystals, while a bit much on the shoulders, at least don't have some ridiculous asymmetrical look over the whole outfit, with smaller ones along the wrists and legs fitting better and keeping the shoulder ones from looking out of place.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> I'm going to be brutally honest here, ANet. This looks like someone went for a walk in a nice, new outfit, and then the Shatterer did a flyby "pigeon drop" on them.


> Seriously.


> Good outfit, splattered with crystalline dragon poo. That's what I think of when I see this.


> Can we have a pre-dragon version?



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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> > I do not know what the issue is. I think the gems add a lovely, muted touch to a beautiful outfit. My Mesmer certainly agrees! <3

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/bKUrX6H.png "")

> >


> I kind of like the crystals as well. Not particularly fond of the formal wear aesthetic for an adventurer, but maybe for a mesmer...


I think it looks fine on females, but when I look it on my male Norn, those crystals really overpower the sleekness of the rest. On a female human, the crystals come to halfway the head, on a male norn, they go above the head...

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> I do not know what the issue is.


Of course not. You use the Elemental Sword skin. ;)


> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Goes well with the peppermint throne.


LOL! Hey, at least that throne is _supposed_ to look corny and funny, and it fits the season. I don't think the dev who designed that outfit was aiming for an "amusing" style. :p

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > One of the few outfits I’m not going to buy. Nice clean lines. No buttcapes. Then they added ginormous crystals on the shoulders that don’t fit the style of the rest of the outfit.

> >

> > What it could have had was a smaller mass of non spike crystals encrusting the shoulders, or no crystals at all as there are several outfits already with crystals and glow.


> I had similar thoughts with the ice encasement outfit: interesting work underneath covered up by crystal globs.


> But at least the tradition of laughable Wintersday outfit releases holds true.




"laughable" is a strong word. This is still a great outfit even with not ideal shoulders.

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I love the idea for the outfit but the shoulders and floating crystals are horrible and also the...whatever it is...on the legs


So much for them saying how they listen to people....

How many times did people say [including me]

- don't put unnecessary things all over the outfit/armor (belts, crystals, potions, pouches, etc.) and yet they still do it!

- don't make it have gigantic shoulders, they still do it

- don't have any floating things around, they still do it


It took them 6 years to add pants for light armor and it's filled with nonsense - crystals and belts and some other whatever it is around calf area

There are so many ideas for pants and they just decide to put pre-made accessories just to make them not too plain because they don't actually wanna put any effort into it, meanwhile raid gets new models for almost everything...oh but some nicer looking pants without unnecessary things, nope!

I'm still waiting for my hairs for 3+ years... while humans got 20 or so with expansion. I didn't see sylvari get any with HoT....

I'm so glad they have time to make useless chairs....

I'd rather have nicer armors and outfits than a chair

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I think the Gem Armor looks pretty classy. There's no other slick, (almost) one piece suit quite like it out there.


I do agree they went a little crazy on the crystal shoulders though, lol. I myself am a fan of svelte/body-hugging silhouettes that emphasize the curves of the body, rather than those that project outwards. But hey, difference in tastes.


Perhaps one day, we'll have a line of armor that are oriented towards subtlety instead of being heavily ornamented. Like a plain looking white dress that has fine filigree white lines that you can only see when sunlight reflects off them.


Or maybe an outfit that looks blue and black in certain lighting and white and gold in another. Haha.

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I find its interesting people are disliking the crystals on the shoulders.

Personally its the heels for me. Excuse me, what? Maybe for females if you want to keep that look (unless you hate heels then I absolutely respect your thoughts there) but on the male models it just... why. Why is that there?

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> @"Darkness.3942" said:

> I find its interesting people are disliking the crystals on the shoulders.

> Personally its the heels for me. Excuse me, what? Maybe for females if you want to keep that look (unless you hate heels then I absolutely respect your thoughts there) but on the male models it just... why. Why is that there?


The heels are there so you can give Kralkatorrik a nice back kick when you meet it.

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> @"Heraldusluminare.2946" said:

> > @"Darkness.3942" said:

> > I find its interesting people are disliking the crystals on the shoulders.

> > Personally its the heels for me. Excuse me, what? Maybe for females if you want to keep that look (unless you hate heels then I absolutely respect your thoughts there) but on the male models it just... why. Why is that there?


> The heels are there so you can give Kralkatorrik a nice back kick when you meet it.


ha-ha! good point.

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Wait a minute, don't you have an "hide shoulders" option?

I mean, outfit depends on your armor, so just go in your armor parts, untick shoulders and woosh it's done. It should work, I do that with hexed outfit to hide the headgear , that way it just look like a dress on my asura.


Edit: it works with unticking in equipments headgear, but not for shoulders and gauntlets, seriously why Anet? Plz allow us to hide shoulders of an outfit, same for gauntlet! ;(


Edit 2: Can hide gauntlets on my hexed outfit, very weird mechanic.


The fact that shoulders can't be hidden is a bug for me since, only some outfits works with hiding gauntlets.


Edit 3: Yup on some outfits you can hide shoulders.

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The concept art for it looks amazing. Seems like they removed an extra shoulder piece, which was a good idea.

I do like the crystals, just the execution of them for the guys is meh. Still may get it, the preview with all shadow abyss dyes looked nice. Like a fancier/sparkly-er Exemplar Attire suit.

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Donutdude.9582" said:

> > > I do not know what the issue is.

> >

> > Of course not. You use the Elemental Sword skin. ;)

> >


> Wha...hey! That's mean :(


I am sorry, it _was_ mean. ;) Just pointing out that our tastes differ. :)


P.S. I own the skin as well for sentimental reasons (GW1), but the fact that the elemental flames are static really makes it look like a big, colorful toy to me.


> @"Darkness.3942" said:

> I find its interesting people are disliking the crystals on the shoulders.

> Personally its the heels for me.


Eek! I did not preview it on any human or norn _female_ character, but **heels again?!** :/ I agree with you on that.


Edit: Ahhh, I misread. You meant the heels in general. I don't mind this on a male char, they aren't high heels after all. ;) I just hate high heels in classic fantasy RPGs in general.

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Can you color it so the crystals don't glow?


I think it's an interesting aesthetic but overly done. Crystal-wear exists in other avenues like Crystal Arbiter/Savant/the medium one and Ice Encased and while I feel it looks like the better light version of the Crystal outfit (Crystal Savant), it wasn't needed since outfits aren't limited by armor weight.


I'm not a fan of floaty-magic-glowie armor but if we wanted to differentiate the outfit from others, maybe make the floaty-glowie crystals "amass" around the shoulders once entering combat (like Exo-suit)?


That aside, I like the form-fitting design of it but I prefer Ice Encased (also form-fitting) if only because the "crystal" isn't floating above your costume.


Also, have you guys implemented "helm donning" for shifting into combat yet? Come on, Anet. Get on the ball, guys.

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