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Easiest way to fix mirage


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When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.


What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.


Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:



With 3.5% endurance regen:



This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.


Other places to look at:


-Scepter 2 cd increased from 6s to 10s or one clone instead of two, not both


-5s icd on blinding dissapation


-I know the distortion trait is new, but it is way too strong. 20s of invulnerable while being able to attack is obviously unhealthy

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.


> What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.


> Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:

> 8/11


> With 3.5% endurance regen:

> 6/8


> This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.


Mirage cloak- "Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that grants Superspeed and Access to Ambush attacks" See unhindered combatant- make the dash leave purple butterflies


Boom fixed. And the coding is already available it's a simple copy and paste.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.

> >

> > What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.

> >

> > Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:

> > 8/11

> >

> > With 3.5% endurance regen:

> > 6/8

> >

> > This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.


> Mirage cloak- "Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that grants Superspeed and Access to Ambush attacks" See unhindered combatant- make the dash leave purple butterflies


> Boom fixed. And the coding is already available it's a simple copy and paste.


I’n pretty sure that is definitely not how it works. You can’t use skills while dashing. Not sure where you got the idea of copying and pasting code from.


Also the OP’s suggestion is to keep mirage’s identity but weaken its power a bit - yours is almost entirely opposite of that.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.

You know that mes isn't like a war who can facetank some attacks or a gard/holo who can heal back full life every 10 sec ?

They don't survive to vulnerability period and actually they can't anti-cap a point without kitting off point.

The more vulnerability they have, the more off point they fight (and the more kitting they do.). => the more frustrating to fight they will be because they will just take less risks. And if you make them pure +1 spec, thief and rev are better in this role.


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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable.


Whats interesting is that ANET has double standards. As you say they clearly don't want to destroy Mirage's class mechanic. However they most definitely do not feel the same way about other classes. Berserker or spellbreaker? They demolished berserker's class mechanic when they made berserk mode only act as level 1 burst. Does anyone even play berserker anymore outside of some snowflake builds?


And now with Full Counter. Which is the Spellbreaker's elite mechanic which has had its damage nerfed 83% since POF launch.


So when people say mesmer is ANET's favorite class, they're not kidding.


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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> Now load up all professions, see the amount of dodges per minute with vigor and post here the results.


So much this. Mirage has no means to recover endurance outside of sigil/rune choices (that everyone can use) and has vigour uptime inferior to many classes now.

There's really nothing wrong with Mirage Cloak if you're willing to understand it and actually play with it, instead of throwing your arms up in the air and giving up.

Any future Mirage nerfs should focus purely on condi output from axe/shatter combos. That is literally the only issue.

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> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable.


> Whats interesting is that ANET has double standards. As you say they clearly don't want to destroy Mirage's class mechanic. However they most definitely do not feel the same way about other classes. Berserker or spellbreaker? They demolished berserker's class mechanic when they made berserk mode only act as level 1 burst. Does anyone even play berserker anymore outside of some snowflake builds?


> And now with Full Counter. Which is the Spellbreaker's elite mechanic which has had its damage nerfed 83% since POF launch.


> **So when people say mesmer is ANET's favorite class, they're not kidding**>


I believe it all stems from Gwen Thackeray in Guild Wars.-a mesmer. Guild>G Wars>Wen

**Gwen is the emblem of Guild Wars.**

Guild Wars 2 is attribute to her


(long read)






"She was ten years old when the Searing struck Ascalon. Gwen lost her family, her home, and her childhood in a matter of hours as the sky-summoned fury of the charr shamans shattered the world around her. Thousands of Ascalonians died that day, and thousands more fled before the charr invasion. Gwen wandered alone in the wreckage of a nation searching desperately for the hand of a friend. Instead, she found the charr. More to the point, they found her."


"The charr did not kill young humans. They enslaved them. For seven long years, Gwen toiled under the constant lash of her taskmasters. As fellow prisoners broke under the strain or were slaughtered out of hand, the embers of fear in her soul sparked into a blaze of hatred. When she finally saw her chance, Gwen fled into the wilderness, vowing never to be enslaved again. She did not make it far...the charr recaptured her easily. They judged her useless to them. She should have been slain on the spot, but her captors decided she could serve them, at least one more time, as entertainment."


"The charr built arenas within their military camps dedicated to the glory of the legions. Inside these cruel stadiums they set unarmed humans against wild creatures, revelling in the blood sport and applauding as the beasts disembowell helpless humans. Now it is her turn. She is just another prisoner in a holding pen awaiting a brutal death for mere amusement. She prays for the strength to endure her ordeal. And she prays for the chance to strike back..."


"Gwen defeated the charr's pet monster through guile and good aim, and escaped into a maze of tunnels beneath northern Ascalon. In those ruins she found more evidence of the charr's handiwork...the entombed remains of years of death matches. In the depths of this abattoir she also discovered power, in the form of mesmer spells within the journals of a long-dead researcher."


"Stronger for her ordeal, but still alone in the heart of charr territory, Gwen set her sights on the distant mountains and the promise of freedom they offered from the pursuing warbands. She knew that if she were caught again, her death would be slow and painful. She would not be given the luxury of a merciful execution. Gwen's prayers were answered when she stumbled upon a group of free humans, a squad of Ascalonian soldiers operating deep behind enemy lines. They called themselves the Ebon Vanguard and their leader was Captain Langmar, a seasoned veteran."


"Gwen joined the Ebon Vanguard and served them well. Years of forced labor and punishments turned this innocent girl into a ruthless woman, her hands guided by rage and a deep fear of her captors. Over time she learned to cope with her emotions. She learned when to strike and when to hold back. In her short life, Gwen has known hatred as well as mercy, and knows when to choose between the two. She has become a true champion of Ascalon""


Founding of Ebonhawke


"When Destroyers began appearing in the Depths of Tyria, Ogden Stonehealer traveled north to find allies. At the Eye of the North, he found Gwen, who had temporary command of the Ebon Vanguard while Captain Langmar was on a mission in the Blood Legion Homelands. Langmar's return was long overdue, however, and a worried Gwen led a small force into charr territory, freeing Pyre Fierceshot from Flame Legion captivity and kickstarting the charr rebellion in the process. Later, she aided the dwarves against the Destroyers, and was present for the defeat of the dragon champion the Great Destroyer."


"Gwen attained command of the Ebon Vanguard during the Krytan Civil War, when Captain Langmar traveled to Kryta with the Ebon Falcons (the leader of whom, Lieutenant Keiran Thackeray, she was romantically involved with) to come to the aid of Ascalon's former enemy. When the White Mantle marched on Lion's Arch, Langmar escorted Livia, Blimm, and Zinn into the city, but lost her life to the mursaat near the Ascalon Settlement. Gwen, now in command of the Ebon Vanguard, led a search for Langmar and Lieutenant Thackeray, who had also gone missing in the fighting, and accepted his wedding proposal when the two were finally reunited."


"In 1080 AE, 10 years after the Searing, King Adelbern recalled the Ebon Vanguard to Ascalon City, where they were given a heroes' welcome. They were redeployed to the mountains separating Ascalon from the Crystal Desert, to guard against a dire threat the king warned was coming. On the journey, they lost many soldiers and civilians to charr. When they found their destination, an old mining town at the mouth of the mountain pass, they began to build what would become the stronghold of Ebonhawke. When the Kingdom of Ascalon finally gasped its last breath in the Foefire, Ebonhawke was just out of reach, leaving Gwen's people the last humans in Ascalon."


"Gwen eventually passed away and was buried in Ebonhawke. Her grave can be visited in the stronghold to this day. Her deeds were written about in Gwen's Story which inspired future generations about showing courage at the face of adversity. One of Gwen's descendants, Logan Thackeray, would play a major role in wars to come centuries later."










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Naah, more likely:

Community: Mesmer needs less dodges, less mobility, less sustain damage, less burst, less sustain, less clones, less hp.

Mesmer mains: Mesmer needs either less burst or less sustain damage and for mirage cloak not to activate while stunned.


> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> So when people say mesmer is ANET's favorite class, they're not kidding.


I would say ANet's favorite ~~class~~ profession is non of the 9, it's the forums' baddies.

"Elusive Mind is op" (which all mesmers warned before PoF released)

ANet deleted EM from game


"Look at how much evade uptime mirage has!"

ANet - Vigor nerfed to oblivion, rune of adventurer/sigil of energy nerfed


"Portal needs to go, it's so op"

ANet - Portal deleted


"Gosh BF needs to be tonedown!"

ANet - BF nerfed


"Are you blind ANet? Power mesmer is so op, 100-0 in one sec!"

Power block, Mental Anguish and Confunding Suggestions nerfed.


This are all true and you can look for the complains just before the nerf arrived on forums.


And there are many more examples, feel free to ask for them.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.


I have a fix for all classes then

When you choose specialization holosmith your damage reduced by 50%.

Soulbeasts lose 50% of his health

Spellbreaker lose 25% damage/vitality/armor.

Shall I continue?

I wonder if he realize absurd of his idea or not...probably not since this thread was created...

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.

> >

> > What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.

> >

> > Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:

> > 8/11

> >

> > With 3.5% endurance regen:

> > 6/8

> >

> > This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.


> Mirage cloak- "Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that grants Superspeed and Access to Ambush attacks" See unhindered combatant- make the dash leave purple butterflies


> Boom fixed. And the coding is already available it's a simple copy and paste.



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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.

> > >

> > > What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.

> > >

> > > Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:

> > > 8/11

> > >

> > > With 3.5% endurance regen:

> > > 6/8

> > >

> > > This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.

> >

> > Mirage cloak- "Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that grants Superspeed and Access to Ambush attacks" See unhindered combatant- make the dash leave purple butterflies

> >

> > Boom fixed. And the coding is already available it's a simple copy and paste.


> Gross.


Im not sure what is worse...this or 'full speed backwards for backpeddlers..." ... :thinking:

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.

> > > >

> > > > What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.

> > > >

> > > > Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:

> > > > 8/11

> > > >

> > > > With 3.5% endurance regen:

> > > > 6/8

> > > >

> > > > This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.

> > >

> > > Mirage cloak- "Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that grants Superspeed and Access to Ambush attacks" See unhindered combatant- make the dash leave purple butterflies

> > >

> > > Boom fixed. And the coding is already available it's a simple copy and paste.

> >

> > Gross.


> Im not sure what is worse...this or 'full speed backwards for backpeddlers..." ... :thinking:


Kiting away at super speed while able to take full bursts on players would be awesome I don't care what you say. You can take a full burst, move away at super speed, then about face once you're done. It would make scepter easily the best weapon set.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.

> > >

> > > What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.

> > >

> > > Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:

> > > 8/11

> > >

> > > With 3.5% endurance regen:

> > > 6/8

> > >

> > > This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.

> >

> > Mirage cloak- "Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that grants Superspeed and Access to Ambush attacks" See unhindered combatant- make the dash leave purple butterflies

> >

> > Boom fixed. And the coding is already available it's a simple copy and paste.


> Gross.


T_T I tried ok T_T


Besides I thought having a 450 dash then 2 seconds of superspeed would be fun :(

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > > When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.

> > > > >

> > > > > What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.

> > > > >

> > > > > Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:

> > > > > 8/11

> > > > >

> > > > > With 3.5% endurance regen:

> > > > > 6/8

> > > > >

> > > > > This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.

> > > >

> > > > Mirage cloak- "Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that grants Superspeed and Access to Ambush attacks" See unhindered combatant- make the dash leave purple butterflies

> > > >

> > > > Boom fixed. And the coding is already available it's a simple copy and paste.

> > >

> > > Gross.

> >

> > Im not sure what is worse...this or 'full speed backwards for backpeddlers..." ... :thinking:


> Kiting away at super speed while able to take full bursts on players would be awesome I don't care what you say. You can take a full burst, move away at super speed, then about face once you're done. It would make scepter easily the best weapon set.


It already is? Block, dodge, 1, shatter for the blind. Rinse and repeat, toss in a target break if needed lol


> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > When you choose that specialization change your base endurance recovery from 5%/s to 3.5%/s.

> > > >

> > > > What's broken is the mirage cloak mechanic and all that is attached to it. Clearly anet doesn't want to destroy the class identity they worked hard on, that's understandable. Easiest fix for everyone is to address to root of the problem: they have too much loaded on mirage cloak for how often it can be used.

> > > >

> > > > Current # of dodges wo/w vigor per 1m:

> > > > 8/11

> > > >

> > > > With 3.5% endurance regen:

> > > > 6/8

> > > >

> > > > This has the added benefit of spacing their defensive rotation out so they have periods of vulnerability, giving some much needed room for counterplay.

> > >

> > > Mirage cloak- "Your dodge ability is replaced by a long-range dash that grants Superspeed and Access to Ambush attacks" See unhindered combatant- make the dash leave purple butterflies

> > >

> > > Boom fixed. And the coding is already available it's a simple copy and paste.

> >

> > Gross.


> T_T I tried ok T_T


> Besides I thought having a 450 dash then 2 seconds of superspeed would be fun :(


No compensation buffs, that's how we got here in the first place :<

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