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Do you think GW2 should have Addons?

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> As Danikat says, allowing add-ons creates an incentive for developers not to put functionality into the base game. I am in favor of consumers holding businesses to higher standards, not enabling businesses to cut corners and self half-kittened products for premium prices.


> So, no, I am not in favor. For that matter, I also believe that ANet should create its own DPS meter _if_ it's going to allow such to be available at all.


This. Way too many game makers these days push a shoddy product to market with the presumption that players will fix any shortcomings with addons.


On that note, there is much criticize about Blizzard and WoW, but they were smart about how they handled addons. Blizzard used to pay attention to the addons people were using and on many occasions, adapted the functions of popular addons to improve the stock game UI. "Oh, shamans want timers for their totems and they're using an addon for it? Why don't we just build that into the game?" And that's what they did. There is no reason, other than motivation, that GW2 can't take a similar path for self-improvement.



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I want a completely customizable UI. I'd like to see both mine and my opponent's health bar without darting my eyes up and down the screen, similar to how fighting games place health bars. though I would actually center them a bit above the skill bar but a little bit below where your character is. I want a more customizable squad UI, especially for raids. As a Chrono main I like to see the amount of quickness and alacrity my squad subgroup has, but you can't see that if you have the "View as Grid" option which gives you a better understanding of the total squad's health and any downs. I also wish there was a an option to see my Target's Target.


![](http://i.imgur.com/UoJqXOi.jpg "")


Kind of close to this, where you can see the player and the target health bars about exactly where I want them. But boons and conditions on the player would be under their Icon as well. That way it helps minimize how much your eye needs to move around the screen to gather information.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"Zin Dau.1749" said:

> > Then there are counter-examples where devs added UI features after community addons became popular. Thus improving QOL for all players even without using addons.


> Other companies may have done so. However, take the DPS meter in use in GW2. If you think ANet is going to provide one... well, I don't.

They won't be adding dps meter, because, while they do allow that addon, they _don't support it_. It's the same as with separate LFG tabs for raid selling.


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