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camping what should be done


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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> ...if you take a camp or keep and you stay thare for like 5 min its not camping its defending if its constint fighting. but if you stay in that area for over 20 min yes you are camping. ...


I disagree here: Maybe the enemy server wanted to make sure their caravans bring sups to their objectives (or to upgrade)?


I understand that it's frustrating to run into these guilds/groups that spawn-camp camp but that's WvW... Other players play deadeye or throw siege at you.. Just go back to spawn, move on and maybe learn from your mistakes for the next encounter.



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Sitting in a camp or structure is not camping, it is defending, which is a major part of the game mode, both WvW and PvP reward score off of holding points, if you don't like that, well....this is the wrong game for you, as you are asking people to be punished for just playing the game mode. You are willingly going back to the same camp that has a better player than you in it, either learn from it, or go to another camp. There are 5 on the BL maps, pick one and go for it. As for spawn camping, it's almost impossible, as the players coming from spawn have at least 3 areas to exit from that are very far apart, not only would they have to guess which one you are going to come out of right, they would have to also be ungodly fast to beat you there. If you are getting killed going out of spawn....go out another exit, you are choosing to go into the same fight over and over again, that is on you.


If you were not allowed to be in a point (camp, structure etc) for more than 5mins, you would never be able to defend or upgrade anything, which is part of the game mode. Upgrading something can take hours, holding camps is hard, but is needed to get a structure T3, if what you are requesting was done, it would take all day to get something T3, if ever.

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If you see a camp that's higher than T0 itself, or is near a > T0 structure, it's probably going to be defended. A T2 or T3 camp is likely to have a small squad guarding it. If it's T0 and someone is just camping it for free bags (Honey Pot), well you can just keep trying or find a different place to cap.


If it's not a crucial camp to whomever is holding it, they will eventually get bored and find something else to do.

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this post is hillarious, i dont even know if this is serious or just a troll post.

OP you do realize that this WHOLE gamemode is about DEFENDING your stuff, you need camps to upgrade your structures.

HOW can you ever think its grieving when ppl defend their camps and kill you ?

in this mode you can NEVER call it grieving if someone kills you, geez, its an open pvp area, ppl can do what they want and if you try to take their stuff its just normal that they dont give it to you for free.

It blows my mind how anyone could even think about ppl being punished for playing the gamemode how it is supposed to be played. Attack and Defend. if you dont have the fighting power to take something and cant be sneaky about it. then you dont deserve it. period.


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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> wow almost none of you have helped me at all and are makeing the issue worse. yes camping is a issue for reals peps play games to get our of real life becosue some of the peps get bulled like me do so when you come to a game you get camped now you get bulled in game and now in forums tooo you do know you are part of the issue now **becosue this will couse someone to kill themself** and you dont want camping gone becouse you dont want to take the responsability of what you were do was rong on so meany levels. now someone stated how about i chamge maps every week i get camped no mater how meany times i change my map. yes this is a issue unless you be constructuve dont post you kitten bs comments here becosue your makeing this issue worse by trying to say it no my responsability to stop other peps actions but every action has a opiset reaction. i have just posted a toon of facts in my posts read and think of constructive responses from now on.

someone with such a strong emotional reaction should probably stay away from WvW, the game or the internet and seek help.

there is alot of unguarded camps to take, if you want to minimize hostile encounters, play at off hours preferabily in the desert and leave few tracks while walking the map

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> you are still part of the issue and have not read everything redshark and i see you are a camper that is willing to kill camp a player to the pint that kill themself nice to know


You know you are talking about "people killing themself because of bullying" right?

I would drop this topic immediately!


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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> you are still part of the issue and have not read everything redshark and i see you are a camper that is willing to kill camp a player to the pint that kill themself nice to know


seriously dude, you seem to NOT understand what this gamemode is about.

If you dont understand the concept of WVW there is honestly no incentive to argue alot more with you.

all i can tell you is, that ALL the ppl here tried to explain to you why you are wrong right now and that those "camping" ppl cant and should not be punished for playing the game the way it was basically meant to play. Nobody tried to bully you, everyone just stated their opinion on why you are wrong. Do you rly think you know better than ALL of these ppl here ?


OH and also, if you are that mentally unstable, that you "threaten to kill yourself" because of ppl killing you IN A GAME and because of ppl in the forum, then i HIGHLY recommend to look for help by a psychiatrist and stay away from pvp gamemodes where usually you will meet SOME players that will kill you over and over again or even write mean texts to you.


Anyways, trying to blame us for "becosue this will couse someone to kill themself" is pretty cheap and wont help you in any way.


have a good day


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We ARE helping you. LOL. Holy crow. We are explaining EXACTLY what is going on and why. They are NOT camping, they are defending. Which is completely okay for them to do. They HAVE to do that to some extent if they are interested in making their towers or keeps anything other than T0. You DO NOT have to keep going to the same camp over and over again if someone is there to defend it, you can choose to go to a different camp heck even a different map! You can wait out the people who are sitting in the camp, believe me after a while that kitten gets boring and you end up going somewhere else to do something else, THEN flip the camp. You can get better as a player so that you can then take on the people in the camp and defeat them. You can call out in Map Chat that you need help flipping a camp and there will be other players that will come and join you to flip the camp. YOU HAVE OPTIONS! USE THEM!

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Funny... I had an argument with a guy about a camp in our ebg third that wasn't in our hands yesterday... He somehow thought they were "camping" . I explained him they weren't. They were defending the camp, which happened to be theirs, they were most likely roamers, and they wanted some fights out of that camp. No.. "They were camping because roamers roam" plus they were playing ganking classes, so they "were camping". I was called an ignorant.. I just gave up, told him taht he won the bike and told him to go back to pve...

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I know it's not always fun to lose a fight, or to be prevented from taking an objective, but that is the nature of world vs world gameplay. World vs world is meant to be like an open world sandbox mode that allows players to play how they want. ALL players can move around to take objectives, stop other players over and over and over, defend an area as long as they want... really whatever we desire, and that's the beauty of this mode.


The devs in this game made it so if you lose a fight you do NOT have to "soul walk" back to get your character, and you do NOT lose any gear either. The worst that happens is you have to respawn back to a safe zone.


If you keep losing a fight, and really want to get back at the enemies, then YOU have to ask your side for help. It's not easy fighting good players, or fighting outnumbered, so do NOT try it alone. Ask in TEAM chat for help and see if you have any friends or guild members who can help.


When you find yourself getting too frustrated then TAKE A BREAK. It's ok to come back later and try again, because world vs world will always be there.

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As someone who camps camps, and someone who likes to attempts camps that are being camped, I can say that maybe is 1% griefing...and thats highballing it (in t2/3 anyway). I do it for the defence, and/or if I know there will be fights (im very fight oriented). Also there are achievements/titles for defending points.


Helps im typically a solo/duo roamer and have little issue fighting groups larger than me. Ill lose, but I try to down someone as if I can, its a win in my books lol

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