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BOONS & CONDITIONS for each class


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so its clear that anet wants to make class more unique and team composition more versatile.


what do you guys think about this direction


boons - each class hold several major boons abilities and minor ones

major boons abilities - share with 10 allies, longer duration like 5 sec base, higher stacks application.

minor boons abilities - share up to 5 allies , shorter duration like 2 sec base, lower stacks


same goes for conditions - each class have major dmg conditions specialty and minor for cover ones.



major - stability, aegis and retaliation

minor - regen, protection swiftness and might


main burn dmg with minor cover conditions



major - stability, might, fury

minor - swiftness

main bleeding and confusion condition and minor cover conditions



those boons based on legends so not all available at the same time


major - regen, protection, might, fury and swiftness

minor - stability, resistance, alacrity and vigor


main torment and burning condition with minor cover conditions



major - none

minor - might, fury and vigor


main poison and bleeding condition with minor cover conditions



major - none

minor - vigor, fury, swiftness and regen


main poison and burning condition with minor cover conditions



major - retaliation

minor - quickness, swiftness and fury


main poison and confusion condition with minor cover conditions



major - regen, protection, might and swiftness

minor - vigor, fury and stability


main bleed and burn condition with minor cover conditions



major - none

minor - might and swiftness


main torment and bleed condition with minor cover conditions



major - quickness, vigor and alacrity

minor - retaliation, stability, might and swiftness


main torment and confusion condition with minor cover conditions


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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> so its clear that anet wants to make class more unique and team composition more versatile.


> what do you guys think about this direction


> boons - each class hold several major boons abilities and minor ones

> major boons abilities - share with 10 allies, longer duration like 5 sec base, higher stacks application.

> minor boons abilities - share up to 5 allies , shorter duration like 2 sec base, lower stacks


> same goes for conditions - each class have major dmg conditions specialty and minor for cover ones.


> **Guard**

> major - stability, aegis and retaliation

> minor - regen, protection swiftness and might


> main burn dmg with minor cover conditions


> **Warrior**

> major - stability, might, fury

> minor - swiftness

> main bleeding and confusion condition and minor cover conditions


> **Revenant**

> those boons based on legends so not all available at the same time


> major - regen, protection, might, fury and swiftness

> minor - stability, resistance, alacrity and vigor


> main torment and burning condition with minor cover conditions


> **thief**

> major - none

> minor - might, fury and vigor


> main poison and bleeding condition with minor cover conditions


> **Ranger**

> major - none

> minor - vigor, fury, swiftness and regen


> main poison and burning condition with minor cover conditions


> **Engi**

> major - retaliation

> minor - quickness, swiftness and fury


> main poison and confusion condition with minor cover conditions


> **Ele**

> major - regen, protection, might and swiftness

> minor - vigor, fury and stability


> main bleed and burn condition with minor cover conditions


> **Necro**

> major - none

> minor - might and swiftness


> main torment and bleed condition with minor cover conditions


> **Mesmer**

> major - quickness, vigor and alacrity

> minor - retaliation, stability, might and swiftness


> main torment and confusion condition with minor cover conditions



Ehh ranger is major might as druid and fury

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Mesmer can apply aegis in a variety of ways, but only to 5 allies. Healing = Lesser Chaos Storm when using Chaos spec. Staff 5 = Chaos Storm. Inspiration on signet usage casts distortion on self which when that occurs provides aegis to allies. Activating F4 for Distortion does the same thing. Chrono can apply with Well of Precognition as well. All of these are <30 second application sources I would consider it a minor one.

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Thief gets no stealth? You could look a bit harder at what the professions already offer. My instincts suggest each profession will have two or three buffs to share while those professions currently able to share more than that will have that capability removed or restricted to only themselves.



Sharable buffs in any profession may even be mutually exclusive; e.g., you can share might _or_ vigor but not both on the same build.

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first i want to clarify few things


ppl mention some class which can proc boons. i am talking about sharing boons which per se consider as a support even with dmg classes (take the power rev build)


for example thief can proc self might and get 25 might easily (but with short duration and when several scenarios have met) while sharing might fury and swiftness with ally is other story.


sure druid can have self might etc but sharing it is a different story.


this is why i am talking about sharing boons. each group need to think which boons they need and to build combination of classes and build which proc them.

the result if implement right can yield a good variety of builds and class and composition of groups

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> @"Tajiseed.7831" said:

> While I think your argument is logic and well structured, for me it takes away some of the natural asymmetry that makes the game organic and interesting.


so far there is almost none asymmetry. wvw need FB in each party while the last change which stability can proc to 10 ppl push further for more variety. so instead of 2 FB maybe now you can have in 10 ppl group only 1 with other support class.

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I think the original suggestion identifies too many shared boons per class. I think if you make too many available to share, the value of having classes share boons is actually diminished. I think it should be more like (just do Guardian for one example):


Major: Aegis, Retaliation

Minor: Protection

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I think the original suggestion identifies too many shared boons per class. I think if you make too many available to share, the value of having classes share boons is actually diminished. I think it should be more like (just do Guardian for one example):


> Major: Aegis, Retaliation

> Minor: Protection


i though of it at the start but than decide to give 3 class (each armor class- almost) same unique boon . with exception of unique boons theme like alacrity and aegis

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> so its clear that anet wants to make class more unique and team composition more versatile.


> what do you guys think about this direction


> boons - each class hold several major boons abilities and minor ones

> major boons abilities - share with 10 allies, longer duration like 5 sec base, higher stacks application.

> minor boons abilities - share up to 5 allies , shorter duration like 2 sec base, lower stacks


> same goes for conditions - each class have major dmg conditions specialty and minor for cover ones.


> **Guard**

> major - stability, aegis and retaliation

> minor - regen, protection swiftness and might


> main burn dmg with minor cover conditions


> **Warrior**

> major - stability, might, fury

> minor - swiftness

> main bleeding and confusion condition and minor cover conditions


> **Revenant**

> those boons based on legends so not all available at the same time


> major - regen, protection, might, fury and swiftness

> minor - stability, resistance, alacrity and vigor


> main torment and burning condition with minor cover conditions


> **thief**

> major - none

> minor - might, fury and vigor


> main poison and bleeding condition with minor cover conditions


> **Ranger**

> major - none

> minor - vigor, fury, swiftness and regen


> main poison and burning condition with minor cover conditions


> **Engi**

> major - retaliation

> minor - quickness, swiftness and fury


> main poison and confusion condition with minor cover conditions


> **Ele**

> major - regen, protection, might and swiftness

> minor - vigor, fury and stability


> main bleed and burn condition with minor cover conditions


> **Necro**

> major - none

> minor - might and swiftness


> main torment and bleed condition with minor cover conditions


> **Mesmer**

> major - quickness, vigor and alacrity

> minor - retaliation, stability, might and swiftness


> main torment and confusion condition with minor cover conditions



I love how necro got no boons ??

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > so its clear that anet wants to make class more unique and team composition more versatile.

> >

> > what do you guys think about this direction

> >

> > boons - each class hold several major boons abilities and minor ones

> > major boons abilities - share with 10 allies, longer duration like 5 sec base, higher stacks application.

> > minor boons abilities - share up to 5 allies , shorter duration like 2 sec base, lower stacks

> >

> > same goes for conditions - each class have major dmg conditions specialty and minor for cover ones.

> >

> > **Guard**

> > major - stability, aegis and retaliation

> > minor - regen, protection swiftness and might

> >

> > main burn dmg with minor cover conditions

> >

> > **Warrior**

> > major - stability, might, fury

> > minor - swiftness

> > main bleeding and confusion condition and minor cover conditions

> >

> > **Revenant**

> > those boons based on legends so not all available at the same time

> >

> > major - regen, protection, might, fury and swiftness

> > minor - stability, resistance, alacrity and vigor

> >

> > main torment and burning condition with minor cover conditions

> >

> > **thief**

> > major - none

> > minor - might, fury and vigor

> >

> > main poison and bleeding condition with minor cover conditions

> >

> > **Ranger**

> > major - none

> > minor - vigor, fury, swiftness and regen

> >

> > main poison and burning condition with minor cover conditions

> >

> > **Engi**

> > major - retaliation

> > minor - quickness, swiftness and fury

> >

> > main poison and confusion condition with minor cover conditions

> >

> > **Ele**

> > major - regen, protection, might and swiftness

> > minor - vigor, fury and stability

> >

> > main bleed and burn condition with minor cover conditions

> >

> > **Necro**

> > major - none

> > minor - might and swiftness

> >

> > main torment and bleed condition with minor cover conditions

> >

> > **Mesmer**

> > major - quickness, vigor and alacrity

> > minor - retaliation, stability, might and swiftness

> >

> > main torment and confusion condition with minor cover conditions

> >


> I love how necro got no boons ??


also ranger and theif got no major boons to share. self boons will remain as they were.

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> so its clear that anet wants to make class more unique and team composition more versatile.


> what do you guys think about this direction


> boons - each class hold several major boons abilities and minor ones

> major boons abilities - share with 10 allies, longer duration like 5 sec base, higher stacks application.

> minor boons abilities - share up to 5 allies , shorter duration like 2 sec base, lower stacks


> same goes for conditions - each class have major dmg conditions specialty and minor for cover ones.


> **Guard**

> major - stability, aegis and retaliation

> minor - regen, protection swiftness and might


> main burn dmg with minor cover conditions


> **Warrior**

> major - stability, might, fury

> minor - swiftness

> main bleeding and confusion condition and minor cover conditions


> **Revenant**

> those boons based on legends so not all available at the same time


> major - regen, protection, might, fury and swiftness

> minor - stability, resistance, alacrity and vigor


> main torment and burning condition with minor cover conditions


> **thief**

> major - none

> minor - might, fury and vigor


> main poison and bleeding condition with minor cover conditions


> **Ranger**

> major - none

> minor - vigor, fury, swiftness and regen


> main poison and burning condition with minor cover conditions


> **Engi**

> major - retaliation

> minor - quickness, swiftness and fury


> main poison and confusion condition with minor cover conditions


> **Ele**

> major - regen, protection, might and swiftness

> minor - vigor, fury and stability


> main bleed and burn condition with minor cover conditions


> **Necro**

> major - none

> minor - might and swiftness


> main torment and bleed condition with minor cover conditions


> **Mesmer**

> major - quickness, vigor and alacrity

> minor - retaliation, stability, might and swiftness


> main torment and confusion condition with minor cover conditions



Necro would have **protection** as a minor actually and it likely will become a major along with **might** if anet does this rework correctly so yeah...

And it would be **bleed / torment** with **major** cover conditions instead of minor cover like you have generalized for everything else.


In your list i think mesmer still has too much they should **lose alot of pretty much every boon** they can currently produce, and literally only be focused mostly on **quickness** and **alacrity** as their strongest sharable boons. THOSE 2 boons alone are strong enough to be worth more than every other boon in the game combined. Those kinds of boons are game changing boons that will for ever keep them in the meta for end game content.


Ele also has slightly too much in your list i dont think they will be sharing might and fury maybe regen and protection.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> If ANet is planning on culling down group boon access for classes, it makes me wonder if a spec like Herald will become more sought after in various content since boons are an inherent part of Glint's design and can't really be taken away.


dont think so cause other class can cover some of their boons (like ele as sugested, guard with mesmer as for now ect...) the idea is to give group to build a unique combination depends on several meta's and not only 1.

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