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My opinion about recent issues


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This is the holiday season where many people are finally getting a chance to play GW2 more, but to recent bad calls players have been left unhappy about the game as a whole. To start the holidays with Chrono-gate and now following it up with a the relinks for WvW being messed up. This is leaving thousands of players unhappy. Why was the axing of the chrono and the nerfing of the other classes not pushed off till Jan? Why was there not a Dev on hand for a reset night where you had relinks? Major changes right before a busy time is not a good way of doing things. Not having staff on hand on a known busy night is just a bad call.

This is a problem and shows a lack of forethought from the people in charge of those areas. I like this game and do not want to see it die off, but many more of these kinds of mistakes will cause people to move to different games.


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Using exaggerated terms like "chrono-gate" to blow a needed change to the game out of proportion and making blanket generalisations of how unhappy people are doesn't exactly help. The mistake was to make one single class in the game able to deliver support so incredibly well that noone even considered doing any highend activity without that class, sometimes not even dungeons or lowlevel fractals. This was not how it was supposted to be.


All players should be considered, and not only chronos and those who chose to completely rely on only them. The classes that were frequently "left over" because in every group 1 out of 5 slots was always already taken by a chrono probably are not as unhappy as you paint the picture.

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I guess no other game makes mistakes, ever. It's all perfect on the other side.


One of your two examples is a balance patch that was necessary even if some people don't like it. There are plenty of people who don't play mesmers who are happy to see mesmers taken down a peg. And from my point of view, the mesmer patch didn't hurt my build or mesmer at all. I'm doing the same job before and after the nerf. So you know, not all mesmers even are going to be upset over the changes.


The other error Anet knows about and it'll get fixed. Not sure why we need this kind of hyperbole to talk about a mistake Anet knows about and said they're working to fix.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> Using exaggerated terms like "chrono-gate" to blow a needed change to the game out of proportion and making blanket generalisations of how unhappy people are doesn't exactly help. The mistake was to make one single class in the game able to deliver support so incredibly well that noone even considered doing any highend activity without that class, sometimes not even dungeons or lowlevel fractals. This was not how it was supposted to be.


> All players should be considered, and not only chronos and those who chose to completely rely on only them. The classes that were frequently "left over" because in every group 1 out of 5 slots was always already taken by a chrono probably are not as unhappy as you paint the picture.


Ah yes and the result is we ad another (DPS) chrono to the meta people in the high end content like T4 fractals+ cms and raids rather leaving the game then completely resign having such support with them(without support no FUN) and I'm with TE the majority of bigger patches this year were a disaster from the community point of view some maybe were necessarily like bringing down DPS but weren't loved from who effected them.


I also thought about what would happen if Arena NET tries to push the DPS Chrono out of meta by further nerfing SoI. Funny things happens let say you reduce the SoI to 3 sec then you haven then 3 chronos in the fractal meta if you make it SoI 1 sec people would start using 1 rev + 1 dps rev + 1 DPS Chrono and when you then nerf rev's skill to increase boon duration too then everything breaks.( no boon support)


People should accept this game has since hot classes which fill in certain rolls also finding no spot in groups is nonsense usually the chrono is the last who joins if the group is full either join another or open your own. On top of this Arena NET made sure you can always fill every DPS class a DPS slot in the fractals and most in Raids but not anymore .


From point of view of the endcontent players Arena NET stole a slot in the meta setup rather then giving one . There already raid groups who run with 9 chronos + 1 druid and this is not a joke or a troll. So far I heard these are the easiest group composition for raids gild to adapt to while giving so far the best performance.


I wouldn't be shocked if this is the new meta SC will give out

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> The mistake was to make one single class in the game able to deliver support so incredibly well that noone even considered doing any highend activity without that class, sometimes not even dungeons or lowlevel fractals. This was not how it was supposted to be.


While I completely agree with this statement, I would like to add this: When you nerf a profession in one department (support), you need to make it stronger on the other end (namely DPS) or else the profession becomes useless compared to others - and then complaints are inevitable and IMO warranted.


I rarely play Mesmer (if ever), so I am not an expert on the matter - but wouldn't the Mesmer need a complete overhaul from scratch to achieve a proper balance? I know that the few times I've played Mesmer in PvE (not raids, not dungeons, just common questing), I always felt quite underwhelmed with the profession (probably the reason I don't touch it very often).

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> While I completely agree with this statement, I would like to add this: When you nerf a profession in one department (support), you need to make it stronger on the other end (namely DPS) or else the profession becomes useless compared to others - and then complaints are inevitable and IMO warranted.


> I rarely play Mesmer (if ever), so I am not an expert on the matter - but wouldn't the Mesmer need a complete overhaul from scratch to achieve a proper balance? I know that the few times I've played Mesmer in PvE (not raids, not dungeons, just common questing), I always felt quite underwhelmed with the profession (probably the reason I don't touch it very often).




This was post-nerf.

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Firstly, a balance should be re-established, during too much times we heard chronos/ mesmers strongest class, we need several specs to be reworked, and that recent change making sigil and runes even more unobtainable is a real joke. (Nullification still around 7-8 g btw). I play mostly engineer since the beginning and feel bad for that profession. Whereas the scrapper idea sound awesome, it needs several fixes, even for those awful gyros. You can survive with a pistol-shield but harder with the rifle, which one is the weakier I've ever seen. The thing that kill everything is the long recharge cooldown during which you would like to swap to dual pistols but oopsie, we don't have weapon swap. Don't speak about kits apart grenades and might flamethrower. Holosmith is viable, so I only play that spec now. During 6 years, I only saw bad changes about engie that should be reverted:

-Re-add surcharging skills for turrets

-Re-add 5 vulnerability per immobilization

-Our health back, was at 26500 hp, now 22250.

-Add USEFUL trait for scrapper, like diminushing recharge, gaining protection.

-Make gyros stronger.


Ref: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_historical_traits

See major firearms "Sitting duck"

"Energy conversion matrix" was awesome too.


Apart that, I will say that longbow dragonhunter is a bit weak compared to how strong greatsword dragonshunter is.


Can't really say something about other classes, my deadeye, reaper and weaver are okay.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> When you nerf a profession in one department (support), you need to make it stronger on the other end (namely DPS) or else the profession becomes useless compared to others - and then complaints are inevitable and IMO warranted.


I don't follow that logic at all. If a profession is vastly overpowered in one department, and it is nerfed to be "merely" equal with other top-tier professions in that respect, it doesn't mean that it also needs to be compensated with buffs in another aspect. The point of the nerf is to bring it in line with other professions, not keep it overpowered, but in a slightly different way.



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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > While I completely agree with this statement, I would like to add this: When you nerf a profession in one department (support), you need to make it stronger on the other end (namely DPS) or else the profession becomes useless compared to others - and then complaints are inevitable and IMO warranted.

> >

> > I rarely play Mesmer (if ever), so I am not an expert on the matter - but wouldn't the Mesmer need a complete overhaul from scratch to achieve a proper balance? I know that the few times I've played Mesmer in PvE (not raids, not dungeons, just common questing), I always felt quite underwhelmed with the profession (probably the reason I don't touch it very often).


> https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/a6760s/its_danger_time_3840k_dps_power_chrono_slow_and/


> This was post-nerf.


And again, your post talks about GROUPS, not solo Mesmers. I explained that I was NOT talking about groups. A Mesmer in open world PvE just sucks compared to all other professions, hence no fun, hence me not being particularly interested in that profession.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> Using exaggerated terms like "chrono-gate" to blow a needed change to the game out of proportion and making blanket generalisations of how unhappy people are doesn't exactly help. The mistake was to make one single class in the game able to deliver support so incredibly well that noone even considered doing any highend activity without that class, sometimes not even dungeons or lowlevel fractals. This was not how it was supposted to be.


> All players should be considered, and not only chronos and those who chose to completely rely on only them. The classes that were frequently "left over" because in every group 1 out of 5 slots was always already taken by a chrono probably are not as unhappy as you paint the picture.


It works well if you do it like this. "On December 11 2018 the chrono-gates were opened to release the chrono-prisoners from their chrono-jail." :p


Allowing one class to provide all the boons was just a stupid idea. It screws over the design of every other class.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> A Mesmer in open world PvE just sucks compared to all other professions, hence no fun, hence me not being particularly interested in that profession.


This is a highly subjective statement. I'm sure that there are many mesmer players who would disagree that OWPvE mesmer "sucks".

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > A Mesmer in open world PvE just sucks compared to all other professions, hence no fun, hence me not being particularly interested in that profession.


> This is a highly subjective statement. I'm sure that there are many mesmer players who would disagree that OWPvE mesmer "sucks".


Indeed. I am perfectly fine with mine. In fact the last two patches have only made it better. Except maybe for the Lost Time change.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> And again, your post talks about GROUPS, not solo Mesmers. I explained that I was NOT talking about groups. A Mesmer in open world PvE just sucks compared to all other professions, hence no fun, hence me not being particularly interested in that profession.




That post is about the DPS capabilities of a mesmer. Yes, using group buffs (as all benchmarking does) but it is still quite applicable to solo content. Additionally, as others have pointed out, your claim that mesmer in open world "just sucks" is 100% subjective, and doesn't appear to be a widespread opinion based on everything I've read and heard.


Finally, my post was responding to this statement of yours: "When you nerf a profession in one department (support), you need to make it stronger on the other end (namely DPS) or else the profession becomes useless compared to others - and then complaints are inevitable and IMO warranted." It disproves this point. That's why I posted it.



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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > And again, your post talks about GROUPS, not solo Mesmers. I explained that I was NOT talking about groups. A Mesmer in open world PvE just sucks compared to all other professions, hence no fun, hence me not being particularly interested in that profession.


> ?


> That post is about the DPS capabilities of a mesmer.


...in a group environment (like what other professions can provide for the Mesmer to have 100% slow time on the enemy to work with). Solo, the Mesmer will still be mediocre like always.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > The mistake was to make one single class in the game able to deliver support so incredibly well that noone even considered doing any highend activity without that class, sometimes not even dungeons or lowlevel fractals. This was not how it was supposted to be.


> While I completely agree with this statement, I would like to add this: When you nerf a profession in one department (support), you need to make it stronger on the other end (namely DPS) or else the profession becomes useless compared to others - and then complaints are inevitable and IMO warranted.



I love how so many people who dont main, or even play mesmer get pissed off when they nerf that class, but when its done to Eles(Except they nerf both our DPS and our "Support" repeatedly i should add.), nobody comes to defend Eles except for those players who main Ele. Except in the most recent(meteor shower fiasco),and i strongly suspect that was only because of WvW zergs.



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The problem is that other classes got nerf hard as well or have been nerf nearly every balance patch and its getting lost in the chrona. I hate to see other classes get nerf to fix a problem of balancing but there are classes that are far worst off for balancing and its only getting worst with each update and the devs know it and seem to want to keep nerfing the classes.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > A Mesmer in open world PvE just sucks compared to all other professions, hence no fun, hence me not being particularly interested in that profession.


> This is a highly subjective statement. I'm sure that there are many mesmer players who would disagree that OWPvE mesmer "sucks".


It's not highly suggestive, it's just wrong. If mesmer sucks in PVE, it's because the person doesn't know how to play it.

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I think this is a biased post. No matter how far your into the game unless this new player is into raiding, chrono nerf truly doesn’t matter. If your in wvw just bring a few more chronos in the squad, throw wells and signet bounce.


As far as wvw. Not everyone in the game is a wvw fan. As much as great as wvw is. A lot of people including me have gone on a wvw strike, and are waiting for the guild alliances. So as far as dropping the ball? No. Anet is doing a fine job.


So you mentioned 2 things that have to truly do with end game with a (new player). New players are not into endgame content till they are through things in the beginning. I’m sorry but I’m not going to throw a brand new player into a new raid, and then try to explain to them the off chrono nerf, when they barely know what the chrono elite spec is. Same thing for wvw. Wvw is gear related and I’d advise no new bunnies to get killed by wolves 24/7. That would make hem rage quit.


As much as you put these complaints, let’s bring out the good.


They brought up a new winters event. For new players and old. They brought up a raid that even casual players can beat within 5-10 minutes. And they shown the trailer to a new episode, so everyone has hopes for what’s next.


Think this is more of a complaint then truly getting in the new players shoes. New players don’t raid, new players don’t wvw. New players pvp. And do world content trying to do gear grinds, and lead into fractals. Etc.


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:


It's quite easy to make arguments against selectively edited quotes. Chrono DPS is quite high when solo, and certainly high enough to melt open world mobs, as can virtually every spec. There are plenty of people who enjoy the class in the open world. Feel free to read those responses in this thread.


Regardless of all this back and forth, I don't see how the nerfing of support Chrono has anything to do with mesmer's open world PVE capabilities.

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