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If there was one very important advice you would give to a class in Conquest, what would it be?


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The most important advice any one can give or receive is very simply: do your VERY best not to die.

There are EXTREMELY niche times when u should die on point, "holding" 2 or 3 people for 10 seconds doesn't actually help your team despite popular belief.

What helps your team is NOT dying, disengaging a lost fight BEFORE you have no cooldowns or hp left, and rotating quickly to another fight or to defend a point you already own.

You are worth more to your team alive; you can't help them win fights and/or defend nodes if you are on respawn.

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learn what your class/build can and cannot do. when you lose, don't get stubborn, get smart and rotate somewhere else. this isn't just about capping points, rotating leads to better fights if your team is losing team fights.


don't run into outnumbered fights. sometimes you will see a team fight from far away and know that you will get there too late. gotta learn to recognize this and not feed the enemy team kills.


going after the map mechanic isn't always a good thing, especially if your team isn't built for team fights. stalling the enemy teams capture of it for as long as possible while you 3 cap is better.


if youre gonna go down to focus fire, don't run off point. stay near mates no matter what, cuz guess what, if you run away no one can help you or res you. if you see a mate getting focused, jump in and help them. this is the number one best thing you can do in team fights. don't tunnel vision on any one thing, focusing targets is good but keeping your team alive is better.


if you have the build for it, defend points instead (for example far point) of capping and running away. if your team is getting kills (look at bottom right) then you will most likely get some action soon. if your team is getting a lot of kills, then you will be outnumbered pretty soon and a decap might be better. if you've got the skills to stay alive then a 1v2 (2 enemies) for as long as possible would help your team out a lot.


think about what your enemy is going to do by putting yourself in their shoes. this means understanding what each of the enemy team members is likely running as a build and what they are capable of.



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Every class - If you have a ranged weapon or teleport spam, play super passively and peak sightlights like a frightened child while spamming your most powerful abilities. If you have to enter into melee, build in order to eat every enemy attack like a complete idiot yet not die because of it.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> learn what your class/build can and cannot do. when you lose, don't get stubborn, get smart and rotate somewhere else. this isn't just about capping points, rotating leads to better fights if your team is losing team fights.


> don't run into outnumbered fights. sometimes you will see a team fight from far away and know that you will get there too late. gotta learn to recognize this and not feed the enemy team kills.


> going after the map mechanic isn't always a good thing, especially if your team isn't built for team fights. stalling the enemy teams capture of it for as long as possible while you 3 cap is better.


> if youre gonna go down to focus fire, don't run off point. stay near mates no matter what, cuz guess what, if you run away no one can help you or res you. if you see a mate getting focused, jump in and help them. this is the number one best thing you can do in team fights. don't tunnel vision on any one thing, focusing targets is good but keeping your team alive is better.


> if you have the build for it, defend points instead (for example far point) of capping and running away. if your team is getting kills (look at bottom right) then you will most likely get some action soon. if your team is getting a lot of kills, then you will be outnumbered pretty soon and a decap might be better. if you've got the skills to stay alive then a 1v2 (2 enemies) for as long as possible would help your team out a lot.


> think about what your enemy is going to do by putting yourself in their shoes. this means understanding what each of the enemy team members is likely running as a build and what they are capable of.




someone pings this pls. couldn't have said it better myself =]

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