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Which class counters Mirage in WvW roaming?


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Mirage comes as a dodge-evade anti CC build, with stealth, teleports, and clones on top. Additionally, Condi mirage can easily include some toughness and vita, and force it's opponent to avoid moving and using skills due to torment and confusion pressure.


So I guess, one might want to look for builds, that provide short windows of high burst, and AoE as an option, to deal with than army of clones.


Still, counter =/= kill in this case.

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I feel like condi rev has a decent matchup against condi mirage if you trait Pulsating Pestilence in Corruption. A counter? Probably a stretch, but well-timed condi transfers can be devastating, especially when facing the condi burst that mirages can put out. The resistance is a godsend too. Most condi mirages I encounter don't pack a ton of cleanse so can't necessarily survive the counter-pressure super well.


Not sure what counters power mesmer.

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Nothing counters a good mirage so you can stop patting yourselves on the back for beating bad ones. Even if you did get a good one low, it will do this thing called running away and resetting and come back to kill you. Mobility needs nerfed for most classes, or ride the lightning needs buffed.

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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> Nothing counters a good mirage so you can stop patting yourselves on the back for beating bad ones. Even if you did get a good one low, it will do this thing called running away and resetting and come back to kill you. Mobility needs nerfed for most classes, or ride the lightning needs buffed.


Or maybe the devs should start putting in some anti-mobility skills if they refuse to nerf mobility.

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Casually leaving Revenant out of your list. #FeelsBadMan.


I don't know what _counters_ Mirage, but my definition of it is something that makes a fight either a 25/75 or a 1/99. Because of the freedom we have with stats, foods, etc. in WvW, it very much depends on build. Still, I'd like to create my own list related to the OP's based on personal experience/observation.


**Revenant** -> Guardian, Warrior

**Thief**-> Mesmer, Warrior

**Guardian**-> Thief

**Ranger** -> Necromancer, Warrior

**Mesmer** -> Revenant, Ranger

**Necromancer** -> Engineer, Elementalist

**Elementalist** -> Mesmer

**Engineer**-> Thief

**Warrior** -> Elementalist, Necromancer


**Revenant** has the mobility, low cooldowns, unblockables, boonstrips, burst and siphons to be difficult for _Guardians_ and _Warriors_.

**Thief** has mobility, blinds, stealth (de-targeting) and CC to be difficult for _Mesmers_ and _Warriors_.

**Guardian** has the blocks, cleanse, Stability, teleports, CC and burst to be difficult for _Thieves_.

**Ranger** has the mobility, range and consistent pressure to be difficult for _Necromancer_ and _Warrior_.

**Mesmer** has the condition application/burst, stealth (de-targeting), evades and mobility to be difficult for _Revenant_ and _Ranger_.

**Necromancer** has the melee pressure, Chill application and boon strips/corrupts to be difficult for _Engineer_ and _Elementalist_.

**Elementalist** has the burst negation (blocks/invulns and Shocking Aura), evades, sustain and cleanse to be difficult for _Mesmer_.

**Engineer** has the melee pressure, reveals, durability and CC's to be difficult for _Thief_.

**Warrior** has the soft CC resistance, sustained condition removal, melee pressure, CC's and health regeneration to be difficult for _Elementalist_ and _Necromancer_.


I'm probably thinking about builds and past experiences with fights too specifically for that list to be very accurate but, some of them I'm pretty certain of. Again though, thanks to the freedom we have with our builds in WvW, I don't think there are as many true counters as there are in PvP, but there are definitely lots of fights where one side is going to have a clear advantage.

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Are you talking power or condi because there's a world of difference between the two.


Even then weapon choice will significantly affect the match up.


Power: (GS-sw/t)

Most power guards

Soulbeast - will eventually win regardless.


Most thief builds especially stealth campers.


There's also a lot of builds and classes that won't die or will have a decent match up. It also depends of the build, mesmer can run scepter and do tons of damage on confusing images as well as having a 4.8s CD block which summons 2 clones to shatter but it will have poorer mobility. Only lightly armoured targets need to worry about power mesmer, the rest running nearly 3k toughness you can face tank a full shatter and not worry.


Condi: (anything really)



DH maybe.

Having more numbers.


In a straight up 1v1 condi mirage is insanely strong especially running scepter and staff but it scales incredibly poorly so if it becomes a 3v3 the condi mirage might not die but you don't need to worry about if you have AoE damage and a support or area cleanses.


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I'd say the only class that can't really counter Mirage in some form is Necro. It just doesn't have the toolset available to deal with it.


With everything else, it really depends on what you consider a "counter". Medi Guardian counters condi Mirage through big cleaving burst and ports, but Firebrand counters Mirage by essentially rendering the Mirage's dps redundant, which is incredibly potent in team fights.


Generally anything that can cleave and port to target can serve as a Mirage counter.



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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> So---

> I just have to ask..

> If you think nothing counters mirage..

> Are you sure the problem isn't you and that maybe you aren't good against them because you haven't learned how to fight them?




I mean you have streamers/youtubers like wooden potatoes talking about how much he hates the class and how it makes SPvP unwatchable. This kind of blind hatred is common among the community. Honestly, most of the forumers seem to just want to delete mesmer.

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It's kind of difficult to put such a clear label on what counters what in wvw given there's a whole spectrum of builds from pure power to pure condi and everything in between.


Nevermind different weapon sets and skills having different strengths/weaknesses.


I really don't think there's a general answer - more of a case by case situation - players and builds.

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As a power mirage the two things I have had trouble with in wvw is some variation of boon corrupt reaper and full condi mirage. I've only come across one of each of these that gave me trouble and never figured out why these two were an issue. Granted I never changed my build to counter them either. A good DE can be a problem also.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> In the past, I recall that:


> * Thief counters Mesmer

> * Guardian counters Thief

> * Ranger counters Necro

> * Warrior counters Ranger

> * Elementalist counters something

> * Engineer counters something

> * Necro counters something

> * Mesmer counters something


> What are the current soft/hard counters between classes/builds?


in wvw the only mirage counter is another mirage or to break it before he can react, a good mirage will hardly lose a duel if he knows how to fight those in front of him ☺

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> **Thief** has mobility, blinds, stealth (de-targeting) and CC to be difficult for _Mesmers_ and _Warriors_.

This really depends on both builds... Ranged thief is almost completely hardcountered by a reflection mesmer. Overall I would also say that a mesmer should be able to stand toe to toe with most thieves.

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Power mirage running full zerk with zero toughness can be countered by literally every single profession.

Especially professions with good toughness and blocks and invulns can do even a 100 -0 on a mirage.


On the other hand pure condi dire/trailblazer mirages are countered only by other condi mirages, or really good power mirages who runs inspiration.


Even soulbeast which is right top 1vs1 spec in the game with zero counters doesn't have a super easy match against trailblazer mirage, so probably it's a draw or the better player wins (if nobody runs away and reset the fight).


Holosmith can melt power mirage with an holo leap and 2 autos, he struggle a bit more against condi as well, if he runs condi cleans elixir the chances to win are higher.


After playing myself between power and condi you are an insane difference in skill.

With condi mirage i was winning constantly numerous 1vs2 and even some 1vs3, you can afford many many mistakes and get away with it.

With power you must time all your burst and evade chains correctly or having less than 2k armor you will get oneshot by literally anything if you mess up.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > **Thief** has mobility, blinds, stealth (de-targeting) and CC to be difficult for _Mesmers_ and _Warriors_.

> This really depends on both builds... Ranged thief is almost completely hardcountered by a reflection mesmer. Overall I would also say that a mesmer should be able to stand toe to toe with most thieves.


S/D still counters condi and power mirage (mes overall) pretty well

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