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What's the best class for soloing open world content?


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As title says, I would like to know what is the best class to solo open world content. Or at least what classes can handle it.


I'm talking about soloing champion enemies(bounties in PoF) or just doing group events on my own. So far I've been playing as Deadeye and it works out just fine in most situation, but it kind of get's old ~~and I bought that sweet gem aura outfit and now I want to play as a female character because ungh dat sweet booty and voluptuous personality~~.


I'm currently working on 3 characters - a mesmer, an engi and a ranger. I saw some people solo champs as these. What was your experience with these classes? Are there better alternatives? I also tried playing as a Reaper ~~because of 2b cosplay~~, but I didn't like it much and it didn't work out when soloing champs.

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You can solo bounties/HP champs with any class, I'm sure. But certainly some seem to have an easier time of it. Without having tried them all for this purpose I can't say for certain, but having done about 80% of the PoF bounties solo (including legendaries) and 100% of the HoT HP champions, Mirage is pretty well set up to do it.


I'd use something like this setup. You can also use Viper, Dire, or basically any condi set and it will work.




I don't have a lot of video of this specific setup as I took a break from GW2 shortly after building my Trailblazer set, but I have tons of videos up on my channel using Viper. Here's Trailblazer Mirage vs. Legendary Starcaller solo:


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- Best i'll go with Mesmer/Mirage (Condi), capable of solo pretty much anything, close to infinite dodges, monster dps, greatly benefits from sigil of stamina, sigil of energy and rune of tormenting. Downside : a pain in the @ss to level up, object enemies from core tyria doesn't take condi. I'm able to solo 2 champs at the same time or a champ with an army with it.


- Second best is Necro with either Scourge or Reaper, what can i say ? You get your private army. Downside : your army death = you're screwed, balance patch hit really hard.


- Equal to second place is Ranger/Soulbeast, everything becomes easy with a bear right ?, you have multiple ways to reset your pet HP during the fight. Downside : there are just 2 of you, might have a hard time if 1 vs too many unlike necro and mesmer, scrub play like bearbow = auto kick from any group contents.


Honorable mention

- Rev either Condi or Power Renegade, CC maniac, ton of life leech, decent dps, greatly benefits from rune of tormenting if go with condi build and a lot of choice for power build. Downside : Always felt like it lack of something and unfinished, pretty hard to manage both cooldown and energy mechanic at the same time.

- Warrior/Spellbreaker Sun and Moon style, monstrous HP regeneration, good CC, easy to play. Downside : extremely lack of ranged option with only a rifle for power build, Condi war is fragile although it has decent ranged option.

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Thanks for the info, people. It's very useful.


I tried out Mirage and even though I was not a fan of the idea at first(mostly because of how much you have to invest into Viper gear) I really like it now. Still getting used to juggling my illusions around but even so, it feels good.


Tried Necro with minions as well and it was good too due to all damage reduction and agro. Kind of sad that shouts don't have much use aside from the "Rise!". Still didn't like it as much as Mirage, as sometimes I would feel like I have nothing to do in the middle of the fight aside from spamming the second ability on my greatsword and there are also moments where amazing minion AI just makes them kamikaze into enemies.


Currently leveling up Ranger and it looks very promising so far, it feels that enemies pay more attention to your pet 99% of the time, so it's a rather relaxing experience.


Warrior on the other hand really disappointed me, compared to all the other classes mentioned it's just meh. It works good against trash mobs but doesn't even stand close to Mirage, Deadeye and Necro when it comes to surviving against all odds for long periods of time. Maybe I'm playing it wrong, maybe exotic gear is just not enough and ascended might help, but it's just "meh" at best.

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Boon Berserker Soulbeast: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Soulbeast_-_Boon_Berserker


The Swiss army knife of open world builds.



- berserker gear is very cheap (use the named level 80 berserker sets)

- insane self sustain

- a pet to draw agro

- insane mobility with both permanent swiftness and short cooldown leaps

- very tanky

- very straightforward and simple build



- ideal runes are expensive

- not as much damage as say Mirage

- relies on boons (which is almost never an issue in open world or story)


Otherwise Necromancer and Mirage as mentioned are very strong. Firebrand properly built works too.

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> @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> As title says, I would like to know what is the best class to solo open world content.


I would say [Dragonhunter (Power DPS)](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Dragonhunter_-_Radiant_Greatsword "Dragonhunter (Power DPS)"). Does bombastic burst damage, has a high survivability thanks to blocks, healing and mobility.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A lot of time has passed, I've been busy working on 6 characters simultaneously, but I'll share some of my experience for those interested.


Dragonhunter was terrible. Bow is just too weak and relies too much on CC that doesn't work well against champs. Or anything, really. I almost gave up on the Guardian because of how bad it was. I found Firebrand to be a much better spec. I use a Greatsword and Scepter/Focus as my weapons and Zeal+Radiance trees. And it's pretty good. I replaced berserker gear with valkyrie gear and feel pretty tanky now. Constant Retaliation + Fury provide good damage and max out my crit, mantras provide a lot of condi cleanse, stun breaks and blocks. Tomes are kind of wonky though, but still, they provide some help and you get to keep passives going even when they're on cooldown. A great class in most situations.


I changed my opinion on the Warrior. I still consider it to be on the weaker side (and I guess I'm not alone, since I checked out the warrior sub-forum and a lot of people there are very upset with the current state of the class), but after giving it another go, I realized that it's not too bad. Very good damage and decent CC. Survivability is kind of on the low end imo, since you have to be in melee to deal good damage, which usually is a very bad idea, and makes soloing phase-shifted bounties pretty much impossible. It's very weird to me that Warrior only gets 7% life leech in PvE from crits and only with a dagger off-hand, while Deadeye can easily have 20% life leech with ranged and melee weapons due to perma-Fury, I suppose people at Arenanet know more than me about the Risk and Reward principle.


Ranger on the other hand disappointed and confused me. Right now I have only used the Soulbeast elite spec and it just feels weak to me. Sustain is great, yes, but damage is just "meh". Daggers just feel weird to use and require condi gear. Stances are cool I guess, but compared to other classes it's just disappointing and boring. I haven't played much as a ranger though, so maybe I will discover it's greatness later.


Holosmith was a surprise for sure, but a welcome one. Never expected to have a shield hero experience as an engineer, heh. Very tanky due to all the damage resistance, blocks and dodges you can get. Good sustain due to water/light fields combos, CC and health regen from heat therapy. And good damage too. A little bit lacking in terms of ranged options while in Photon mode though. Still, it's a very fun class to play as in solo. And it's very good in groups too, since you can share boons, healing and condi cleanse with other players easily. Plus a cool factor of being a kitten knight if you equip a shield. I also got myself a rune of the Ogre, since it provides decent damage and a pet. Works pretty well, Rock Dog draws agro and, as I already said, can be easily sustained due to AoE nature of Holosmiths survivability.


Deadeye, Reaper, Mirage and Holosmith are the easiest and most effective classes/specs to use while soloing ANYTHING. At least from my casual experience.

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You really want greatsword for dragon hunter. Longbw is a bad weapon. Like, really bad. If you are not averse to swapping weapons, get a scepter and a focus on back bar for the symbol and the continuous damage thing (focus4 I think).


Warrior can be very survivable. It is build. And Warrior has in-sane CC. Just use maces on backbar. But yes, not the best spec to solo bounties.


I'd use axe for front bar on ranger instead of dagger. Stacks might too. And Maul - Hilt Bash - Maul - Worldy Impact is pretty impressive damage.


All aside, Reaper is pretty much the best for soloing open world group mobs. Shroud is insane damage, greatsword is pretty impressive in terms of utility and damage and axe builds up life force pretty fast. Not my first choice, definitely, but based on what you are looking for I'd say give it another chance.



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> @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> A lot of time has passed, I've been busy working on 6 characters simultaneously, but I'll share some of my experience for those interested.


> Dragonhunter was terrible. Bow is just too weak and relies too much on CC that doesn't work well against champs. Or anything, really. I almost gave up on the Guardian because of how bad it was.


I'll just mention here that a core guardian with decent traits is probably the most OP and efficient profession there is for open world pve, so you might give them another look.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> > A lot of time has passed, I've been busy working on 6 characters simultaneously, but I'll share some of my experience for those interested.

> >

> > Dragonhunter was terrible. Bow is just too weak and relies too much on CC that doesn't work well against champs. Or anything, really. I almost gave up on the Guardian because of how bad it was.


> I'll just mention here that a core guardian with decent traits is probably the most OP and efficient profession there is for open world pve, so you might give them another look.


Oh, when I said "I almost gave up on the Guardian because of how bad it was." I was talking about Dragonhunter Guardian. I know that core is good, that's why Dragonhunter was even more disappointing to me.

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> @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> > > A lot of time has passed, I've been busy working on 6 characters simultaneously, but I'll share some of my experience for those interested.

> > >

> > > Dragonhunter was terrible. Bow is just too weak and relies too much on CC that doesn't work well against champs. Or anything, really. I almost gave up on the Guardian because of how bad it was.

> >

> > I'll just mention here that a core guardian with decent traits is probably the most OP and efficient profession there is for open world pve, so you might give them another look.


> Oh, when I said "I almost gave up on the Guardian because of how bad it was." I was talking about Dragonhunter Guardian. I know that core is good, that's why Dragonhunter was even more disappointing to me.


The secret to DH is -- never ever use a bow. People take DH for the upgraded Virtues and Procession of Blades (and the Elite, sometimes). GS guard is already a bursty, somewhat mobile PBAoE build, and PoB just takes that to the next level.

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I have all 9 classes, each with at least ascended weapons, trinkets and coat/pants, and properly runed/sigiled. It takes a while to outfit in ascended, so the lesser armor parts get done last, if at all. Besides, one doesn't really need an ascended outfit to camp a chest.


All have soloed at least one level 80 champion, and usually several. This is a requirement I put on myself so I can at least learn to play the class a little bit. I'd not claim master level play, just an understanding of what it's supposed to do beyond autoattack.


Any class can sleepwalk an at level Veteran and 2 adds, so make that your "do I really know what I'm doing test". Sometimes a new one will offer a surprise and you'll have to scramble, but most you just mow down. If they are giving you much trouble at all, pay more attention to the game mechanics, including the quality of your gear.


Generally, the run away easiest for most people to solo with would be the ranger. Why? you have a wide variety of controllable pets, and can bring a choice of 2 to any fight. Pets distract the boss, you use your longbow so fight from range, and will rarely get hit. You don't even have to learn to play the game to solo it with a ranger. You let the pets tank, rotate to keep them fresh, and kite if the boss is so bad you have to live through a rest period for both pets. Even mobs way over there are easy. No need to chase them down, just fire away. When I run a new Living World zone, or a living story, it's on a ranger. None of the stuff will be too hard for it, as it has to be easy enough for 80% of the players to get through.


Next would be any class with a semi-controllable pet, most notably necros and GS or staff mesmers. Distract the mob(s) with allies, use your ranged dps to kill while they are distracted.


Melee is much tougher to solo. This is a twitch game, meaning you have to dodge away from damage at the correct time, so each boss must be learned and styles adapted. You have to learn to survive by avoiding being hit.


Now comes the time when you've taken your ranger into a really bad solo fight in some instance, and you find both pets mangled, you are having a really bad time staying alive, ascended armor or not. You are reviving inside the instance with your 2nd set of armor falling off (after the first already has). What to do now?


Log in your mirage. If it can't do it, it's not going to get done.


I used to think a necro was unkillable until the mirage came along. If you are unkillable, eventually you will win. But you're going to have to learn to play it.

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> @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> As title says, I would like to know what is the best class to solo open world content. Or at least what classes can handle it.


> I'm talking about soloing champion enemies(bounties in PoF) or just doing group events on my own. So far I've been playing as Deadeye and it works out just fine in most situation, but it kind of get's old ~~and I bought that sweet gem aura outfit and now I want to play as a female character because ungh dat sweet booty and voluptuous personality~~.


> I'm currently working on 3 characters - a mesmer, an engi and a ranger. I saw some people solo champs as these. What was your experience with these classes? Are there better alternatives? I also tried playing as a Reaper ~~because of 2b cosplay~~, but I didn't like it much and it didn't work out when soloing champs.


Hmmm I think probably my gaurdian, I have not done allot with him yet, then most likely ranger, mesmer, warrior, it seems to me the warrior would be the most efficient.

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> @"Michael.9403" said:

> Now comes the time when you've taken your ranger into a really bad solo fight in some instance, and you find both pets mangled, you are having a really bad time staying alive, ascended armor or not. You are reviving inside the instance with your 2nd set of armor falling off (after the first already has). What to do now?

Errr... This doesnt happen since PoF. because it *cannot* happen.


Last I checked soulbeast pets was immortal on a 3s or so cd. Flipping into bm and back out ressurect a pet from dead (well, "downed") to 100% hp. In fact it doesnt have to be dead, just go in and out for 100% hp, every time. Pets can tank champs forever.


Or did they fix this?


Either way, the easiest way to check how it perform is just to try something. For example the djinn alcove on the first desert map, just pull all of them and fight, should be easy. The other day I ran through crucible story solo, I actually died once on the necro lol (I forgot I could dodge since I never had to do it until the final boss fight).

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> @"Ryou.2398" said:

> > @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> > As title says, I would like to know what is the best class to solo open world content. Or at least what classes can handle it.

> >

> > I'm talking about soloing champion enemies(bounties in PoF) or just doing group events on my own. So far I've been playing as Deadeye and it works out just fine in most situation, but it kind of get's old ~~and I bought that sweet gem aura outfit and now I want to play as a female character because ungh dat sweet booty and voluptuous personality~~.

> >

> > I'm currently working on 3 characters - a mesmer, an engi and a ranger. I saw some people solo champs as these. What was your experience with these classes? Are there better alternatives? I also tried playing as a Reaper ~~because of 2b cosplay~~, but I didn't like it much and it didn't work out when soloing champs.


> Hmmm I think probably my gaurdian, I have not done allot with him yet, then most likely ranger, mesmer, warrior, it seems to me the warrior would be the most efficient.


I really have to learn to play warrior. On my condi renegade, power soulbeast, and reaper I am almost unkillable. On my other chars I can hang in for a really long time. On my warrior (spellbreaker) I charge in and die immediately. Sometimes I sit there laughing at my monitor like a madman at how fast I die. I cannot get the hang of it. When the HoT mobs blanket the whole area in AoE and a sniper off to the side I have no answer. Obviously it's my issue and not the profession. Condi Renegade is my main and I have the crutch of ranged, same with Soulbeast. Reaper has an army that keeps aggro off of you.When I have to melee in tough situations I'm toast. I think I am going to force myself to sit in Verdant Brink until I L2P. I want to feel how awesome warrior is too!

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I found my warrior the most straightforward for taking on prolonged fights. I have a defensive based Warrior using mace and shield and with high health, toughness and passive healing he can stand withstand most things., He just takes a while to kill things. Same with my support guardian.


Otherwise my Reaper and Daredevil are my go to, esp with daredevil's near infinite dodging capacity

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  • 3 months later...

> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Misquesh.9504" said:

> > A lot of time has passed, I've been busy working on 6 characters simultaneously, but I'll share some of my experience for those interested.

> >

> > Dragonhunter was terrible. Bow is just too weak and relies too much on CC that doesn't work well against champs. Or anything, really. I almost gave up on the Guardian because of how bad it was.


> I'll just mention here that a core guardian with decent traits is probably the most OP and efficient profession there is for open world pve, so you might give them another look.


Mind to share what that "decent traits" build would be? Love the guardian aesthetic and I mainly open world pve so that sounds the build I'll need.

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I know this thread is old but if the discussion still go on i want to add that condi renegade with rune of torment is very powerful in OW. The healing is insane plus CC and high Aoe burst. You also bring quite decent supports with Orders from Above and Soulcleave. If you are tired of necro i suggest give this one a try.

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> @"Eros.6801" said:

> I know this thread is old but if the discussion still go on i want to add that condi renegade with rune of torment is very powerful in OW. The healing is insane plus CC and high Aoe burst. You also bring quite decent supports with Orders from Above and Soulcleave. If you are tired of necro i suggest give this one a try.


Do you know the build or what traits it's using? The healing from the rune seems rather small so I'm assuming you are getting heals from other sources as well?

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I love necro for open world — very fun and survivable class! Reaper is my favorite but Scourge has grown on me now too.


Is Mirage still recommended for open world? Viper’s with staff or axe with two offhand weapons? It’s never felt quite right to me, not sure why, probably something I’m doing wrong. I feel like the damage is not as high as Reaper or Guardian and I have to dance/dodge about more to survive, especially compared to necro.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Eros.6801" said:

> > I know this thread is old but if the discussion still go on i want to add that condi renegade with rune of torment is very powerful in OW. The healing is insane plus CC and high Aoe burst. You also bring quite decent supports with Orders from Above and Soulcleave. If you are tired of necro i suggest give this one a try.


> Do you know the build or what traits it's using? The healing from the rune seems rather small so I'm assuming you are getting heals from other sources as well?

I also wonder what the definition of "healing is insane" here is, lol.


Last time I took my healer/condi torment renegade to the test vs my healer/power minion reaper, there was absolutely *zero* contest. The reaper beat the snot out of it both in terms of self healing and in terms of survivability. I mean pick any zone, any champion and you can be asleep at the keyboard while taking no damage - and chances are high said champion is busy bashing your minions. The renegade require constant attention and honestly, I've died even on lowly champs like the manor spider in whatever the zone is called north of LA. But maybe I'm doing something wrong.


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Here is the build i run

[gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNApXlnXMfNSumvJRZzHlst5kSY38SJ4burkFNlKtDChS4/HLyksdACgIA-jBSAQBB4MAESlfS7BAAgDBg12fIiq/EQ9B3UJIA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNApXlnXMfNSumvJRZzHlst5kSY38SJ4burkFNlKtDChS4/HLyksdACgIA-jBSAQBB4MAESlfS7BAAgDBg12fIiq/EQ9B3UJIA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNApXlnXMfNSumvJRZzHlst5kSY38SJ4burkFNlKtDChS4/HLyksdACgIA-jBSAQBB4MAESlfS7BAAgDBg12fIiq/EQ9B3UJIA-e")


- This is purely for solo OW, story, necro still hold the top spot, nothing can compare to MM necro in term of solo but 2 years of necro i quite bored of that . it's like you said @"Dawdler.8521" efforts is needed.

- I run Devastation simply because i want more healing, you can run Invocation if you need stunbreak and condi cleanse.

- The healing combo is very easy, first one is ofc Unyielding Anguish just place it down in middle of enemy group. Second one is the more enemies you hit the more heal you get mace #3 this one heal for a fairly good amount, always use this with mace #2. Third one is SB #3 yes this one is tricky but mainly for heal from ranged combines with place down Soulcleave + SB #3 your HP can get back up alot, combo with SB #4 if you can for extra burning, remember to deactivate Soulcleave afterward. Last one is Embrace the Darkness only use this one when your energy runs low then swap lengend.

- Two emergency heal skills, Renegade is all about constantly applying torment.

- Darkrazor is a very powerful CC on low cd plus light CC from axe #4 #5, Darkrazor can be killed and CCed but this should not be a problem, plus sometimes Icerazor can even takes a brief aggro for you.

- Biggest downside is energy management ofc and gear up is quite expensive for an OW build, but once you get a hang of it this build is really good. I too have necro but i started to have alot of fun with this one instead. After a month of trying i can't go back to the slow necro anymore.

- Rune of torment is the key to this build, won't works without it. 70% of my healing comes from the runes.

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