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Most absurd thing you heard in game...

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Guild Wars 2 community is a nice community. But sometimes I have to read some jawdropping absurds on chat that I can't even comprehend how someone can belive it.


Other day I was doing fractals, and there was this one person that was complaining "Oh there must be someone with a lot of toughness on this group". Then I said I had 1,7k (I was running my commander's set on chrono still) and he was like "Man, you are making the dungeon harder for us. Monsters hit harder when there someone with a lot of toughness on the group" (Wtf???)


What about you? What are the most absurd things you've read ingame?

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I've seen a few very new people complaining about kill stealing before being told that's not an issue in this game.


And one poor guy who spent his first week carefully picking up only 1/3 of drops to make sure he left enough for everyone else until he finally noticed no one else even tried to take them and figured if out.


I'm sure I've seen some weird misconceptions from more experienced players too but I can't remember the specifics now.

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I heard a guy complaining about someting, can't remember what now, and when the conversation turned to the history of the usage of certain terminology and th (now dead) latin language the conversation went to:


Guy "But isn't Latino Latin?"


Me "No, that's mostly for spanish people"


Guy "Oh, I thought Latino and Latina were guy/girl variations of someone who spoke Latin"


Me *Facepalm*

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> "Where is my hard solo PVE content and exclusive rewards?" says the new guy playing an MMO ><


Most MMOs have hard solo content out there in the world, typically with unique items for those people.


As for exclusive rewards. We have them in GW2 as well. the PvP ranked rewards are exclusive (the title anyway). However, Asian MMOs tend to have even skins and items that are exclusive and limited, including getting one means you are locked out of getting more. Aion had a few such things (mostly wings or titles, titles give stats in Aion), but finding them was like looking for a specific needle in a needle stack.


Even WoW has exclusive rewards and tough solo content. One of the toughest was in Vanilla WoW, the legendary bow for hunters required you to solo a boss in the open world. This boss one shot you if it ever hit you with ANY attack. The quest would auto fail and you would have to start over if anyone else attacked the boss, healed you, buffed you, healed your pet, buffed your pet, if you attempted to start the quest with any of these buffs already on you or your pet, and if anyone debuffed the boss. So at literally any time someone could troll you by forcing your quest to fail, or fail your quest while trying to genuinely help. This on top of the rediculous fact you could only do like 100 damage to the boss a hit and it could one shot you with the slightest of grazes. On average the fight would take between half an hour to an hour plus depending on how risky someone wanted to be. Oh, this is on top of the fact that random mobs can still aggro you/try to kill you while kiting the boss.


Every MMO out there has solo content designed to push you, and reward you for pulling it off. GW2 is actually a rare one that doesn't really have anything. Thought this is prolly due to the fact if they included something people would whine that it can't be done by x class for whatever reason.

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> @"Automaton.2751" said:

> @"Runiir.6425" I really think you've gone off topic here dude. ^_^


Yeah I totally did, hah.


To rectify that...

I've heard it stated, by more people than is honestly sane, that you get a higher chance of a precursor from the mystic forge if you first die right before you toss in your weapons.

I still think people believe it too...keep finding dead bodies where right after they are rezzed...they run over to the forge immediately.

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Came across this conversation recently

We were talking about raids and a guy in the guild showed interest and asked how to get into raids. I told him to join training guild, it's where he can learn without too much pressure or put up with toxic pugs. Another guildie jumped in and said "I would like to join a training guild to get into raid too but my guild list is full."






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"Druid sucks. I want massive DPS". You switch to the nearest thing this game has to a dedicated healer spec and wonder why your DPS has gone down? Yeah no. I told him to try soulbeast instead.


I spend a bit of time with someone yesterday repeatedly asking me for a portal to a vista but would not tell me which one. English wasn't his first language (but it was enough to get on with) but he just didn't answer any questions. He indicated he had vision problems so found the jumping puzzle part of it hard... but also there wasn't a vista anywhere near him. I tried my best to find it, but I gave up and said sorry eventually. About an hour later he messaged me again and I went over and helped him, as he was standing by it but couldn't do the jump.


It was absurd in a sort of surreal way... "Use portal" to where? "try here" Where do you want to go? "the surface breaks portal" Which vista do you mean? "use portal please, I not do jump"

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A long time ago.

I was a guild officier and base necro just got Shroud 5.


3 Necros of our WvW Guild insisted to run 500 condi dmg only for that skill.

(Back in the day condi was completely worthless).


After over one hour of discussion, he and 4 other necros left the guild because of it.




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Gold beggars. In a game where accumulation of gold is a by-product of literally every activity you could engage in, asking others to give you theirs is equivalent to asking them to play the game so you don't have to. This, and in general the sentiment that people want to minimise having to actually play the game, baffles me. If you don't like playing, don't play.

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> @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> I spend a bit of time with someone yesterday repeatedly asking me for a portal to a vista but would not tell me which one. English wasn't his first language (but it was enough to get on with) but he just didn't answer any questions. He indicated he had vision problems so found the jumping puzzle part of it hard... but also there wasn't a vista anywhere near him. I tried my best to find it, but I gave up and said sorry eventually. About an hour later he messaged me again and I went over and helped him, as he was standing by it but couldn't do the jump.


> It was absurd in a sort of surreal way... "Use portal" to where? "try here" Where do you want to go? "the surface breaks portal" Which vista do you mean? "use portal please, I not do jump"


I've seen a few variants of this. Most often a conversation in map chat that goes something like this:

Player A: Can anyone help?

Player B: with what?

A: Hero challenge

B: Which one?

A: The one by me

B: we can't see you. Where are you?

A: so you won't help?


Or they just never say what they want help with and then complain no one will help.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I've seen a few variants of this. Most often a conversation in map chat that goes something like this:

> Player A: Can anyone help?

> Player B: with what?

> A: Hero challenge

> B: Which one?

> A: The one by me

> B: we can't see you. Where are you?

> A: so you won't help?


I sometimes imagine that said player is just starting their first course in comparative literature and been asked to write in the style of Samuel Becket. Or Monty Python.



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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> > I spend a bit of time with someone yesterday repeatedly asking me for a portal to a vista but would not tell me which one. English wasn't his first language (but it was enough to get on with) but he just didn't answer any questions. He indicated he had vision problems so found the jumping puzzle part of it hard... but also there wasn't a vista anywhere near him. I tried my best to find it, but I gave up and said sorry eventually. About an hour later he messaged me again and I went over and helped him, as he was standing by it but couldn't do the jump.

> >

> > It was absurd in a sort of surreal way... "Use portal" to where? "try here" Where do you want to go? "the surface breaks portal" Which vista do you mean? "use portal please, I not do jump"


> I've seen a few variants of this. Most often a conversation in map chat that goes something like this:

> Player A: Can anyone help?

> Player B: with what?

> A: Hero challenge

> B: Which one?

> A: The one by me

> B: we can't see you. Where are you?

> A: so you won't help?


> Or they just never say what they want help with and then complain no one will help.


Mastery points as well. Last week, while working on one of the POF weapons in CD, guy asks about the sludge pool of death MP. I tell him he needs skimmer, so he whispers to ask about the "one in the other zone". Assuming he's talking about Desert Highlands, I ask If it's the one through the portal or the one in the prime evil tomb, response, "the one in the other zone"...

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> > I spend a bit of time with someone yesterday repeatedly asking me for a portal to a vista but would not tell me which one. English wasn't his first language (but it was enough to get on with) but he just didn't answer any questions. He indicated he had vision problems so found the jumping puzzle part of it hard... but also there wasn't a vista anywhere near him. I tried my best to find it, but I gave up and said sorry eventually. About an hour later he messaged me again and I went over and helped him, as he was standing by it but couldn't do the jump.

> >

> > It was absurd in a sort of surreal way... "Use portal" to where? "try here" Where do you want to go? "the surface breaks portal" Which vista do you mean? "use portal please, I not do jump"


> I've seen a few variants of this. Most often a conversation in map chat that goes something like this:

> Player A: Can anyone help?

> Player B: with what?

> A: Hero challenge

> B: Which one?

> A: The one by me

> B: we can't see you. Where are you?

> A: so you won't help?


> Or they just never say what they want help with and then complain no one will help.


Ah, that one is really common in HoT maps. Rather frustrating.

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