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Your Unpopular Opinions about something in GW2

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> @"Grimmtooth.4163" said:

> There was an interesting thread on reddit about a week ago.

> It asked you to state an opinion you have about something in GW2 that the community at large tends to disagree with.

> I have opinions but am not on Reddit for..well..reasons.. so I thought I would start one here.


> Too many people copypasta builds off snowcrows without understanding the assumptions they make. They assume you have tons of buffs & healer with you. They then they try to use these glass cannon setups solo in open world then have tons of trouble in areas like Tangled Depths & Lake Doric. Here's a tip buy a couple of extra ascended trinkets in either Solider(Pow) or Dire(Condi) & carry them in your bags. Swap to them in areas you keep getting one-shoted by mobs.

> Your millage will vary based on profession & build but as a general rule of thumb Snowcrows Undervalue Precision (because of crit cap) & Overvalue Ferocity & Expertise.



1) The vociferously "casual" community is overwhelmingly driven by resentment and laziness... and is 10x more toxic and repulsive than the raiding/CM-fractal community.


2) The ability to buy unlimited gold from the gemstore absolutely murdered this game.


3) The lack of any upgrades to gear (after ascended) makes the game meaningless, incentiveless, and boring after about eight months.


4) Anet has the resources to give us better content at a faster pace. They'd just rather pocket the money than reinvest it in the game (knowing that they can count on our low expectations and ease of amusement).



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> Think adding maps every few months is a waste of time and resources


Wouldn't be if each map had its own armor that you can earn by completing stuff on the map, like every bounty gives you the helmet, every dynamic event the gloves, etc. Then you'd see people there no matter the time of the year, cause new people would discover that there's a skin that they're interested in for their character in X map from X living story episode.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > Think adding maps every few months is a waste of time and resources


> Wouldn't be if each map had its own armor that you can earn by completing stuff on the map, like every bounty gives you the helmet, every dynamic event the gloves, etc. Then you'd see people there no matter the time of the year, cause new people would discover that there's a skin that they're interested in for their character in X map from X living story episode.


They kinda did that with the Corsair armor, but sadly you can also earn them through reward tracks and very little effort

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1. Wholeheartedly hate wing backpacks

2. Powerlessly watching this game walking steadly into a Korean art style.

3. Less fluffy stuff and more dark oriented weapons/armor, this is a "war" game FGS

4. I think character customization is being neglected in favor of mount skins

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I'm not sure if each these are unpopular opinions, , but they are likely controversial opinions at the very least. Based on various forum posts I've seen previously, I suspect I'm probably in the minority for several of these:


1 ) The armor designs in GW2 are extremely bland, overly tame, and generally not appealing. On a 2D chart of armor designs with one axis being mundane to fantasy, and another axis being conservative to revealing, GW2's armor and outfit choices are mostly clumped into one quadrant (mundane, conservative) which really hurts the armor diversity. The game badly needs an infusion of new armor designs (and potentially new artists to make them) that cater to those other quadrants of armor diversity that have been severely neglected.


2 ) The dye system is powerful, but it is largely wasted in this game due to #1. Even with the plethora of dyeing options plus mixing and matching of armor pieces, there aren't any combinations that I actually like. At best, I see them as merely tolerable. The phrase "Lipstick on a Pig" comes to mind.


3 ) Support should be added for 3rd party client-side-only cosmetic modding of the game (similar to how 3rd party cosmetic modding works for Skyrim). This could help address #1. I know there are concerns about how this might be abused in certain game formats like WvW or PvP, but if the mods were limited to being available in just PvE formats, that would still be really useful.


4 ) Transmutation charges should be removed entirely. Instead, either allow item skins to be changed for a small cost of coins (maybe a few silver per item), or simply allow any unlocked skin to be applied to any item for free.


5 ) They never should have added raids. It was a step in the wrong direction for the game and has led to a polarized playerbase which endorses elitism. Gating the only form of PvE Legendary armor behind raid content further compounded the problem.


6 ) Adding the wallet was fundamentally a bad idea. While it is useful implementation, having it in place has given ANet a green light to just continue further currency bloat. Instead of adding endless types of currency, the designers should go back and rethink how currency should be used and awarded. Fundamentally, there should be a maximum of 5 major currencies:

* One to allow real money inflow to the game (gems for example)

* A base global currency awarded in all game formats (gold for example)

* One type for participation in PvE

* One type for participation in WvW

* One type for participation in PvP


That's it. No other currencies are needed. Anything else should just be items or mats which are able to be bought and sold using those currency types, either via merchants or the trading post. Stuff like LS currencies, Laurels, Spirt Shards and so forth should be replaced by other basic currencies.


7 ) Black Lion Keys and Chests should be removed. Any special items available exclusively from black lion chests should be made available via merchants in game using other base currency types, or possibly via collections.


8 ) They should never add any more playable races to the game. Five is already too many.


9 ) Waypoint Fees should be phased out. They were intended as a gold sink, but there are already tons of other gold sinks so these are no longer needed. If they don't want to remove them instantly, they could possibly offer a new set of achievements or collections for players to work toward that incrementally reduce waypoint costs until eventually they are free.


10 ) ANet should not make a GW3, at least not until some new gaming platform emerges that completely disrupts the PC gaming platform, or the developers are forced for specific reasons (technical, legal, etc) to abandon further development on GW2. Otherwise, all development effort should remain on GW2 in the form of updates, LS chapters, expansions, etc.

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I would rather have gold sold for gems than 1000's of gold seller bots.

Regarding my music answer, I don't wholeheartedly *hate* the music, some of it is great..but it doesn't give me the feels as when some of Soule's Music comes on.

I just wish some of the craftable gear looked a bit better or you could choose a look when you craft. I really don't find the ascended stuff pretty. I'm sure if they made in game armour better people would still buy from the store. Even with some lovely GW1 (kurzick and vabbi i'm looking at you) stuff I still got a few skins. ;)

I miss the monk class.

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Guildwars 2 is not a contact-platform, female players are not looking for relationships in general.


Environmental weapons are the most overpowered things in this game.


Guildwars 2 was a rising star because it was different from the others. Turning the game into a WoW clone (e. g. by forcing the trinity) will bind more WoW-players. But we lose the unique/special status and turn into a sand grain on the beach.


Websites and communities that enforce the efficiency-thinking, ruin our community. We are currently a bunch of slackers, unable to make own decisions. If something is not written in the meta-guide, it does not exist at all and thinking about it is a waste of time. New players get instantly directed there, without alternatives.


Zafirah is an awesome character.


Too many things in this game give an achievement.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Jumping puzzles are not fun nor are they engaging content that enriches the player experience. This is an MMO not a platformer game, and if I wanted jumping puzzles or jumping elements, I'd sign up for Super Mario Bros online.


I feel like no one has ever said that JPs are engaging or enriching. They're a minor part of the game, universally tucked away where they're unobtrusive and can be ignored.

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I genuinely like the story and the characters. That includes Trahearne and Braham.

I don't like that raids were added to the game.

I don't like SAB.

The Praise Joko meme is annoying.

I wish they had never stopped making the collection/scavenger hunt parts for pre-cursor crafting, it was my absolute most favorite part in making the 2 legendaries I have... now it feels sad to make one without that part.

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GW2 is a game thats going nowhere. A MMORPG with little to no RPG elements for the sake of being different. A multiplayer game that encourages you to play SOLO at every stop. A game without any significant HC community because the game pushes them away with a sledgehammer. A game that releases tiny sprinkles of content across its 3 "games-within-a-game" once in an ice age to encourage people to play "a little bit of everything" despite the game modes being so different that most players enjoy 1 of them and are left empty-handed. GW2 is an MMORPG for the person who likes to log in for 15-30 minutes tops on a week day and maybe 2 hours during the weekend. Its a side dish, a tiny thing made for you to snack on, not a main dish for you to eat your fill from.

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1. Raids saved GW2 PvE, got me into a community I've been apart of for years, and are perhaps singlehandedly the reason I'm still playing this game even though my interests are more in other areas at the moment like SPvP. Most meta events and even T4 fractals feel braindead, mostly playing alone together than actual group play the way raids offer.


2. I would rather have traditional quests with talking to NPC's having a quest log, returning to NPC's to finish the quest and get your reward than Renowned Hearts and Achievements. Some of the current event achievements are genuinely cool but do suffer from being crowbarred into the achievement UI instead of a nice organized quest journal. [Traditional questing can be an amazing tool for crafting smaller scale stories and knowing that I can never just find an object that starts an interesting quest or talk to an NPC that can send me on an unique journey to places I've rarely ever been would go a long way in making GW2's world feel less hollow and more substantial](

"Traditional questing can be an amazing tool for crafting smaller scale stories and knowing that I can never just find an object that starts an interesting quest or talk to an NPC that can send me on an unique journey to places I've rarely ever been would go a long way in making GW2's world feel less hollow and more substantial"). Dynamic Events should always been the meat and potatoes of GW2 open world, but having a few traditional quests would have been a huge boon for the game.


3. Every single legendary weapon should have required you to fight a Liadri or Turrai Ossa level solo boss in order to actually get the legendary. And they would all have benefited from a little bit of traditional questing in addition to the large material sinks. Collections suck, all of the busy work and almost none of the flavor, lore, story and pay off of questing. The game should lock more interesting skins behind content with actual skill checks just in general. Legendary armor and raid weapons and titles are the only items in game where I think "Oh wow yeah this person completed this content. That takes a good amount of effort."


4. WvW sucks, zerg combat sucks, and the only good things about the game mode is the feeling of going about your business in the open world trying to do your own goals knowing someone could jump you at any minute, or that you could be the ganker instead. It sometimes gives me nostalgia flashbacks to my time in Vanilla WoW and Aion in that regard.


5. SPvP is single the most fun aspect of GW2, where GW2's combat shines at it's fullest and where literally every single skill has interesting components to it and it deserves a massively higher population than it currently has.


6. ArcDPS with build templates is an amazing tool, I hate hearing people whine about it, and I wish the game was more mod friendly or had a more customizable UI. For example, I would love to have my UI look a bit more like this than the current layout especially in SPvP where I could see my health, my opponent's health, my boons and conditions and endurance, and my enemy's boons and conditions in one convenient location than having my opponent's health, boons and conditions on top, my health and endurance on the bottom, my boons and conditions on the bottom and to the side.

![](https://i.imgur.com/rgAFMzf.jpg "")


7. I find the clamor for core specs to be just as good as elite specs in all areas of the game and in every way hilariously misguided and pointless. It's far more important for each elite spec to have a unique niche in PvE and PvP than for core specs to be just as good as elite specs in every way. If core ranger could heal a raid and provide might just as well as a Druid there would never be a reason to use druid. Same with mesmer vs. chrono. Same with Firebrand and DH. Same with Revenant and Renegade.


8. Fractals are pretty boring. The reward structures and game play are fine if a bit easy outside of CMs, but they're so deliberately disconnected from everything in the game world that they feel lame and inconsequential compared to raids or the Vanilla Dungeons, and gating T4's behind agony resistance while raids are doable in exotics feels bizarre and misguided. If fractals were similar to raids and dungeons where they were modern day events happening in real parts of the world and not pointless mists mumbo jumbo would have been huge.


9. I hate the overuse of mists in general. WvW is the mists. SPvP is the mists. The 5 man content is the mists. They should have actually had even a halfhearted attempt to actually tie in these game modes into the world itself, like have conquest be a part of the Lion's Arch Arenas which canonically exist. And the lobby could have NPCs that feel halfway related to the rest of the world, like how in World of Warcraft the battlegrounds all had actual establishing lore and the Arena's were canonically run by the Steamwheedle Cartel, an actual in game organization you could interact with in PvE. Something similar could have been done with WvW.


10. Reimplementing Living World Season 1 is important. Whenever I get IRL friends into the game, play with them through their story, and have to explain this awful gap followed by LWS2 introducing half a dozen characters and entire factions like the Zephirites all at once is never not awkward.


11. Overall GW2 is in the best place it's been in it's entire life in regards to open world PvE, instanced PvE, and SPvP.


I might do more later.

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