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Your Unpopular Opinions about something in GW2

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Mounts still don't belong in this game.

I am happy with what I have done in game and enjoy playing through it again from slightly different perspectives.

The sense of accomplishment from this game is satisfactory.

I appreciate and enjoy new content being added, despite disagreeing with some of their design and feature choices. (see #1)

The level of difficulty is perfectly fair in context.

I think ArenaNet are doing a good job. Even if they stopped tomorrow, I would be disappointed, but satisfied with the game as-is.

Games don't need loot tables to be fun, not even MMOs with incremental stat upgrades.

I have no issues with the Gem Store, other than hoping for options that cater more directly to my tastes.

I miss unlocking my weapon skills by using them, even if it meant being stuck with one attack skill for a few minutes or having a "drought" of ability unlocks between levels.

Guild Wars 2 has always delivered exactly what was "promised" to me, and continues to do so at a reasonable pace.

I think "personal housing" is dumb, but don't care enough either way to argue or consider arguments.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Wardrobe unlockers from BLTC chests should contain exclusively gemshop and black lion chest skins and not skins you can earn via normal playing. It is getting more and more pf a joke now that they also added stuff like dungeon armors and ambrite weapon collections.


I agree but at this point I just tossed 100g into getting all those old skins collected so they get out of my wardrobe unlocks.



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> @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> Option 2) I always thought[ this Skyrim mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48160/?tab=images " this Skyrim mod") was a great example of how to do armour on women right. These people are going up against dragons and the undead. They need **protection**, not novelty bras!


> ![](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/48160-1-1387322681.jpg "")

That's a mod I'd put squarely into the conservative, mundane quadrant of armor diversity. As for protection, it largely comes down to how magic works in the setting:


Mundane world with little or no magic

Armors are created using basic non-magical materials (cloth, hides, metal, etc) to provide protection to the wearer. This often leads to very bulky armor. The vital organs are nearly always covered. Any aesthetic considerations are secondary at best, and often not even a consideration at all. IOW, you just pick which ever armor gives the best protection, but are basically stuck with however ugly it may look.


Fantasy world with moderate to high levels of magic

Armor leverages magic to provide most or all of its protection. As a result, there is no longer a need to use typical non-magical materials or design for armor. The source of magical protection can be imbued directly into other types of materials, including items that are quite small (gem, crystal, etc) which provide protection across a much larger area, up to the full body of the wearer. In some settings, a set of enchanted jewelry can potentially provide as much or more defense than mundane armors. As a result, armors no longer need to be bulky, nor do they have any need to physically to cover vital organs since the magical protections are fully capable of extending across the entire body of the wearer. Since the defensive property of the armor is now based on (and limited by) the magic infused within it, one of the key differentiating points becomes the appearance. Thus, once the defensive property is satisfied, the aesthetic considerations become paramount.


Where does GW2 fit into this spectrum? With world-dominating dragons, floating castles and a plethora of magical spells getting slung all over the place, it sure seems like it's trying to be a fantasy world with high-magic. Yet the many of it's armor designs seem mired in some kind of quasi-mundane design philosophy where the entire concept of fantasy magic gear has been inexplicably forgotten or intentionally repressed.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> > **Human design is terrible, especially the females. They all look like anime girls--too long, too skinny, and like they've had cheap breast enhancements.** I can't stand to look at them.

> > Wing back pieces look universally stupid on every character.

> > Scarlet Briar was awesome and I miss her.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/CDM9r8Y.png "")



Well done. She actually looks nice. The vast majority of female humans I see look more like this: https://gw2.mmo-fashion.com/kimmie-is-creepy-af-fort-aspenwood/

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> @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> > > **Human design is terrible, especially the females. They all look like anime girls--too long, too skinny, and like they've had cheap breast enhancements.** I can't stand to look at them.

> > > Wing back pieces look universally stupid on every character.

> > > Scarlet Briar was awesome and I miss her.


> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/CDM9r8Y.png "")

> >


> Well done. She actually looks nice. The vast majority of female humans I see look more like this: https://gw2.mmo-fashion.com/kimmie-is-creepy-af-fort-aspenwood/


Great deal of people just make little dolls on skimpy outfits instead of playing actual fashion... Aprentice/Winged legs and Sorcerer/Winged chest must be the most overused skins in this game.

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> @Weindrasi.3805 said:

> Human design is terrible, especially the females. They all look like anime girls--too long, too skinny, and like they've had cheap breast enhancements.


Opposite of those criteria : Non-human models, prefer male over female models, rugged looks, short, fat/plump, with breast(?).

My answer : Dwarf! :tongue:.

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @Weindrasi.3805 said:

> > Human design is terrible, especially the females. They all look like anime girls--too long, too skinny, and like they've had cheap breast enhancements.


> Opposite of those criteria : Non-human models, prefer male over female models, rugged looks, short, fat/plump, with breast(?).

> My answer : Dwarf! :tongue:.


That would be a stone in Tyria tho...

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CC in this game is absolute cancer. Be it snare, knock-up, -down, -back, fear, stun, pull, shit just lasts way too long.


Also as a casual PvE player, named NPCs in this game are just awkward and thoroughly, utterly unlikable, all of them. Except Rox I think it was, who just doesn't talk much and her new VA sounds really good.


I don't have issue with LGBT people, none at all, but this game's fascination with lesbianism and their constant shoving it in our faces I find annoying. I'm just not that interested in the sexual orientation of these pixels.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> > > > **Human design is terrible, especially the females. They all look like anime girls--too long, too skinny, and like they've had cheap breast enhancements.** I can't stand to look at them.

> > > > Wing back pieces look universally stupid on every character.

> > > > Scarlet Briar was awesome and I miss her.

> >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/CDM9r8Y.png "")

> > >

> >

> > Well done. She actually looks nice. The vast majority of female humans I see look more like this: https://gw2.mmo-fashion.com/kimmie-is-creepy-af-fort-aspenwood/


> Great deal of people just make little dolls on skimpy outfits instead of playing actual fashion... Aprentice/Winged legs and Sorcerer/Winged chest must be the most overused skins in this game.


For heavy it's definiteliy got to be the Aetherblade leggings, which funny because I actually used the Aetherblade leggings in that set. Though that set is supposed to be inspired by Casca from Berserk who had a realistic breastplate and leather slacks.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > > @Weindrasi.3805 said:

> > > Human design is terrible, especially the females. They all look like anime girls--too long, too skinny, and like they've had cheap breast enhancements.

> >

> > Opposite of those criteria : Non-human models, prefer male over female models, rugged looks, short, fat/plump, with breast(?).

> > My answer : Dwarf! :tongue:.


> That would be a stone in Tyria tho...


Wait, I thought they were against silicon breasts?

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> @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> Oh interesting idea for a thread. Ok, my unpopular opinion:

> They should add player collision to GW2.


They actually did, in a way. The new social awkwardness instability in fractals has us shoving everybody around, because now players exert a force on each other when they get nearby.



Unpopular Opinion: the thumbs down option should be back. That way, we can see how unpopular these opinions really are.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Rashagar.8349" said:

> > Oh interesting idea for a thread. Ok, my unpopular opinion:

> > They should add player collision to GW2.


> They actually did, in a way. The new social awkwardness instability in fractals has us shoving everybody around, because now players exert a force on each other when they get nearby.



> Unpopular Opinion: the thumbs down option should be back. That way, we can see how unpopular these opinions really are.


Oh my god if that instability comes to wvw it will be so amazing! Thanks for mentioning that =D

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1. Season 1 of LS was the best- everything else has gone steadily down hill and will never amount to the fun and quality of S1. That watch work giant 5 ring fight, amazing.

2. I hardcore ship my norn mesmer with Braham. no fucks given.

3. there is no meaningful lore in the game- and gw1 is and will always be better than gw2

4. Gemstore updates are the focus now.

5. never should have went free to play.

6. the player base is not as good as they used to be.


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I'm great with unpopular opinions lol


1. The lore needs more gay men specifically norn.

2. Men need more skimpier armor sets.

3. Jumping puzzles suck.

4. Dailies suck.

5. Logan and Grytlock are gay. Loglock 4 life.

6. Character customization is lacking for Male Norn.

7. Weapons skins suck across the board.

8. The overall plot leaves alot to be desired.

9. Main characters beside Log and Lock suck.

10. Soundtrack is boring and repetitive.

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- Female armors look like they've been designed by a 12 year-old kid with raging hormones, and a Victoria's Secret catalog for visual reference.

- Story is discombobulated, and pulls you into too many directions.

- The game has an identity crisis; it doesn't know if it's a MMORPG or a Super Mario/Mega-Man jumping game.

- Rolling Beetle is one heck of a useless mount.

- The narrative is kiddie level.

- Raids only caters to a minority, when resources could be used elsewhere.

- PvP and Raid communities are toxic.

- This game needs a reboot, and refocus on Humans vs Charr.

- This game needs to reconnect wit what made GW so much fun.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> We don't need RL or PC issues in the game. It is fantasy. For some an escape.


It's already PC. Women can be more naked than the men, there are more lesbians than gays, and the women have more customization than men and that's a problem. I do understand what your saying but everything is gonna be PC whether you like it or not. Not to mention its just basic equality.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> > **Human design is terrible, especially the females. They all look like anime girls--too long, too skinny, and like they've had cheap breast enhancements.** I can't stand to look at them.

> > Wing back pieces look universally stupid on every character.

> > Scarlet Briar was awesome and I miss her.

> [...]

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/CDM9r8Y.png "")


The armor you picked conceals the flaws female humans have:

* shoulders: too narrow

* posture: awful, especially the awkwardly inward-bend left knee

* only _one_ decent player model, the rest looks either anorexic and/or like they have breast and buttock implants (and many players are using those :s )

* very limited selection of decent armor (the rest features too much skin and/or high heels and/or other stuff no serious adventurer would wear; often, the dimensions of leg size, hip size etc. are totally off as well)

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