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Do you enjoy fighting Mesmers?


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I'm going to say no, but that's only because I don't full understand the poll. If I had the option i'd vote Mirage - no, Chrono - no, and Core - yes. I don't see many people playing core because they're likely power if they are, and playing power mirage is a objectively better in that regard. Core power mesmer is high-risk, high-reward. Power mirage is lower-risk, high-reward, and even then; that's the less frustrating version of mirage to fight against. Condi isn't fun. It's getting spammed with soft CC and bursted with conditions that unlike physical damage are nearly impossible to mitigate, and all the while having your target broken constantly. To top it, any time you finally set up for a decent burst they just dodge. I'm not going to call it overpowered here, but no; it's not fun to fight at all regardless of the matchup.


Chrono is even worse should chronobunk ever comes back. It's even worse than mirage really, when one spec removes the need to play about 10 others because it does everything they can do, and better at that. I dread the return of the days where a Chrono would take a point and would require 2-3 people just to stand a chance of forcing them off. This playstyle is making a sort of comeback and it's scary. Definitely not fun to play against. Never again.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > I do enjoy fighting core Mesmers. Chrono and Mirage simply rotates endless defensive cooldowns packed with offense.

> >

> > You enjoy fighting core mesmers because they suck and aren't viable.

> >

> > Regarding the question, I'm not crazy about fighting other mesmers and I don't mind it either, for me it is as fun as fighting other professions.


> No, I enjoy(ed) fighting mesmers because they werent all defensive cd cycling and clone spam. While the elite specs are just that.


That's pretty much any meta class atm tbh and certainly all elite specs. Fighting core mesmer now is like shooting fish in a barrel even when you're using core specs because when one class isn't well represented in the meta, like warrior and thief were in HoT for a while they buff baseline skills till they become meta.


Anyway @"Asur.9178" I don't like fighting mesmer builds that essentially load up on defences till they eventually kill you (so sc/sh-staff chrono) and I really don't like the condition spam mirages, I'd pretty much say all condi mirages tbh. I also do not like builds with mantra of pain, once again high rewards for spam and kite. Most glass mesmers are usually fine and as far as I can see condi chrono is fine when I'm playing core ele, weaver, holo, rev and mesmer. I imagine that most classes are not particularly pressured by them.

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> @"Apolo.5942" said:

> I dislike Mesmer in every incarnation it has had so far. Its non interactive, frustrating to play against and based on visual clutter in a very visually cluttered game.


>**I have said time and again that the Mesmer Class design is TOXIC, well 82% of the people voting here agree in one way or another**



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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > > Even aesthetically I hate Mesmer. Pink is the ugliest and most annoying colour there is, only brown is close to being as fugly. The existence of these hues are a farce and an eyesore. Purple is pretty bad too, but some shades of it are ok. Everything that is pink and brown would be better if it was another colour.

> >

> > So a Brown Charr Mesmer is the Epitome of Uglyness to you?

> Yes. Charr are also the worst race.


> Remove Charr.

> Rebuild the Great Northern Wall

> Make Ascalon Great Again


It's already in game. It's called Standard Enemy and Ally models.

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I would have put 'Only Mirage' except that the Phantasm rework made all mesmers truly awful to fight. I remember the good ole days when I saw a mesmer spawn a duelist or berserker and I had to think to myself if it was worth it to try to kill the add. Mesmers had to be more skillful back then too because they had to know what illusions they have out and whether it was worth sacrificing them for a shatter. There is no thought now; just spam illusion generation skills and shatters.

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The mere thought of someone actually designing a class with the intention of literally confusing them IRL to gain the advantage makes me both laugh and cry.

It wouldn't be so bad if GW2 had target nearest/next enemy PLAYER but of course because of the cancer king we aren't allowed. I hate clicking in combat..

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> I would have put 'Only Mirage' except that the Phantasm rework made all mesmers truly awful to fight. I remember the good ole days when I saw a mesmer spawn a duelist or berserker and I had to think to myself if it was worth it to try to kill the add. **Mesmers had to be more skillful back then too because they had to know what illusions they have out and whether it was worth sacrificing them for a shatter. There is no thought now; just spam illusion generation skills and shatters.**


The bolded part is actually completely incorrect. Phantasm builds for mesmers have not been a thing since 2013 till the phantasm rework because of 2 reasons:


1. Most phantasms would actually miss their attacks on a moving target.

2. Most phantasms actually did poor damage only really berserker and warlock if it ever hit.


In general all phantasms were better used as shatter fodder than to actually keep around and it was a huge problem. The rework, while not exactly what I would have liked was a much needed change to the class. Personally I would have had the phantasm skills as being strong attacks done by the mesmer that leave behind a clone instead of summoning AI to do the attack.

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> @"Mathias.9657" said:

> The mere thought of someone actually designing a class with the intention of literally confusing them IRL to gain the advantage makes me both laugh and cry.

> It wouldn't be so bad if GW2 had target nearest/next enemy PLAYER but of course because of the cancer king we aren't allowed. I hate clicking in combat..


actually tabulation key works like that LUL and there's also a key for the nearest target ... i think i'm missing the point here but hey whatever.


PS: I hate fighting mesmers too. Evading is enough in itself so dunno why they would add a target reset on some skills too.

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Yes, I love playing against mirages. As a Druid it’s the only skill-based 1v1 that still exists for me in the current meta. Every other duelist spec is a stalemate or a 100% unwinnable matchup. Mesmer also have high condi burst which makes them a fun challenge to survive while outnumbered.


So yes, I would MUCH prefer to fight a mirage than the majority of other meta specs which exist right now.

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I’ve always enjoyed fighting mesmers as a ranger main (Druid pretty much since it’s been out) something very satisfying about seeing through their bullshit and taking them out.


They’re also the only clsss that makes Glyph of unity worth considering, Miss the mirage plague days.

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mirages have too much of everything and are thus always a completely unfair fight where they're invulnerable during their burst, while cc'd, and run away when they run out of instant cast bs to one shot me with. Chronos and regular mesmers on the other hand aren't broken. They can still do some one shotty nonsense but i can react and fight back, interrupt it, punish specific skills and such, Play the damn game unlike fighting a mirage where i can try to dodge but the next twenty skills you HAVE to avoid to not get 17-24 stacks confusion (practically a stun) and tons of other condis (all the dmg needed to kill) are all spammed right after you deal with the previous one. Death or you have to run more condi clears than you'd need against any other condi class, so basically run an anti-mirage build, to stand a chance. If i do though i'd just get pwned by some power dude. btw yes with my regular build i can deal with scourges and condi guards and the like to an extent (that extent being that i have enough clears to fight until i should have the kill already), so i'm not just someone who runs too little anti-condi.

Of course though anet doesn't care and all the mesmer mains jump up and say that nothing is wrong.

I'm taking a big break from this game because anet's lack of kittens given to balance is insane.

I don't usually type this bad but i can't be bothered to give that much more kittens to this than anet gives kittens to balance.

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I'll just copy/paste from the other thread:


> My main gripe is that mirage can dodge AFTER being cc'd or stunned. I'm not talking about elusive mind. I'm talking about evading AFTER I land my longer cooldown Magnet to follow up with Pry Bar or Blowtorch or whatever and not spending a stun break or other long cooldown skill to get that effect.

> How am I ever supposed to land a CC-burst combo on a mirage if they can counter it with a dodge on a shorter cooldown?

> Dodging while cc'd is an extremely powerful effect. It allows low skilled mirages to make up for bad play by dodging after making mistakes in the first place.

> It breaks one of the unwritten rules of GW2 pvp combat. That is: If you get CC'd you spend a stunbreak or eat the follow up damage. That's how it works for every other class in the game. Stunbreaks are on long cooldowns (like, 30s+) and take up precious skill slots. Dodges recharge really quickly (like, sub-10s, especially with vigor/traits/etc) and do not take up a skill slot.


I like fighting chrono/core though.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> I'll just copy/paste from the other thread:


> > My main gripe is that mirage can dodge AFTER being cc'd or stunned. I'm not talking about elusive mind. I'm talking about evading AFTER I land my longer cooldown Magnet to follow up with Pry Bar or Blowtorch or whatever and not spending a stun break or other long cooldown skill to get that effect.

> > How am I ever supposed to land a CC-burst combo on a mirage if they can counter it with a dodge on a shorter cooldown?

> > Dodging while cc'd is an extremely powerful effect. It allows low skilled mirages to make up for bad play by dodging after making mistakes in the first place.

> > It breaks one of the unwritten rules of GW2 pvp combat. That is: If you get CC'd you spend a stunbreak or eat the follow up damage. That's how it works for every other class in the game. Stunbreaks are on long cooldowns (like, 30s+) and take up precious skill slots. Dodges recharge really quickly (like, sub-10s, especially with vigor/traits/etc) and do not take up a skill slot.


> I like fighting chrono/core though.


Basically this, I'm not a huge fan of the recent bunker chrono build that has come out because of the insane boon uptime and high invuln uptime but it's still punishable at least.

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mesmer is definetely THE neednoskill class for dummies. Or call it jedi syndrom, allowing RL mesmer to play their own RL role in the game. No L2P issue, just a L2balance from dev team. Basically, with mesmer, they invented the dream of any military leader : the self teleportating invisible tank. Woaw. Designed by clowns, for clowns.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

>I play mirage myself so i like fighting other mirages cause i know how it feels in their shoes


Same! It has limitations in what it can do and I like the even playing-field of it (and I then use Arcane Thievery to send the confusion, bleeding and torment back because I'm a terrible person).


> Lets take a moment to look at the fact that most people who actually enjoy fighting mesmers are also mesmers.


Hah! True fact. Mirage vs Mirage is super fun, though. You basically have to look for tells as to which is the real one, which is thematically appropriate for mesmers.


Advice for people fighting mirages: two evades and I'm down. Using distortion is too dangerous unless I can see a way out as it drops my DPS right off. Waste a couple of weak attacks to make me waste my evades, stand still and hammer away. I'll try to jaunt but it only takes me about two steps so I'm not going anywhere fast.

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> @"Sorem.9157" said:

> Lets take a moment to look at the fact that most people who actually enjoy fighting mesmers are also mesmers.


> **"pls we arent unfun accept us"**


Maybe it just so happens that we actually enjoy it.


I accept that majority don't, and if that leads to nuking the class to appease at least the vocal mass on here then so be it, even if in terms of gameplay there's a lot of negative hyperbole and misguided l2p issues.

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