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> @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> decent meta events in Central Tyria would be amazing.


There are tons of events in Central Tyria. I assume you meant larger scale ones like what we have in HoT, PoF, and LS? The major I issue I see is that even though you get scaled down in lower level zones, like when a LV80 goes to fight Toxic Spider Queen, you still retain all your trait lines and utility skills. It would be pretty hard to build a meta around LV 20-30 characters who only have access to 1 trait line without making it dirt easy for LV 80 players, or super hard for leveling players.


That is why predominantly the larger meta events take place in the Orr regions, which are technically "endgame" zones for the core game.


As for revamping, it won't happen. ANET has repeatedly stated they have no plans to touch dungeon content, but instead are focusing on new fractals. I agree it would be nice if they tied group content to the LS, as that is what the dungeons were for the core game, but the concept of the fractal (fragments of time) doesn't really sync up with that.



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The reason that existing dungeons won't get revamped is that the tools used to make those parts of the game have been superseded by newer, better tools. They didn't design them originally to be able to easily evolve over time, so fixing or adjusting minor things is a headache and a half.


The reasons that they won't be adding any other dungeons is that Fractals are dungeons, just with a lobby access point, rather than differing ones in the open world.

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it's been how many years since devs gave up on dungeons?


people used to do it for the liquid gold, but after anet removed it, dungeons are now abandoned in ArenaNet's dungeon (pun intended)


if a revamp is needed, I would like to see only the Story instance to be changed to teach new players the mechanics like dodge, break bars, group stacking, combo fields, etc, and to be a mandatory part of the personal story.

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What disappoints me about this game is that virtually nobody does dungeons when it is the appropriate level to do them. Open world events & personal story completion is jammed down your throat when you ask people if they want to run something. The only time people run dungeons is if they can put a full group together with friends or guildmates. I wish they would implement a queue finder system to help people get grouped up for dungeons & then ported into the dungeon when it is ready. Many other games out there have these sort of things but GW2 for some reason just lets people look in LFG and then have to go there themselves.

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I think the game needs them. Many people avoid Raids because of the difficulty and large party requirement(including Myself) and others wont touch any PVP/WVW content, so once they beat the story they leave the game until next living season etc, and they come back for those. They love the game and story but there is no new content for them. The ONLY reason one of my friends wont play GW as much is because of dungeons.

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Dungeons are still HARD enough to TRASH players of their expected level and experience. Most casual players avoid dungeons because they do not give substantial REWARDS for time INVESTMENT. As a bonus, they do not offer any ascended equipment to farm for. Meta groups can earn 400x amount of liquid gold by selling raids than selling dungeons. Without the driving force of Meta, casual pug players drop the content in no time. New players left frustrated without guidance in harder dungeons. Dungeon rewards can be earned by trade-killing in private pvp arena.


There is no easy fix in dungeons. Dungeons are not just a map where you can add an NPC to tell you to go to the next point to kill a boss and collect the rewards. The DEVs who coded dungeons left the team years ago and they struggled to carry their legacy - or even fixing the bugs when new things were added. Every content needs to be built upon technical feasibility. SO unless you're an able coder, please understand and accept its limitation.


I don't know what to comment about scaling dungeon events to the number of people like a bounty squad. Really?!

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> @"gaymer.1648" said:

> What disappoints me about this game is that virtually nobody does dungeons when it is the appropriate level to do them. Open world events & personal story completion is jammed down your throat when you ask people if they want to run something. The only time people run dungeons is if they can put a full group together with friends or guildmates. I wish they would implement a queue finder system to help people get grouped up for dungeons & then ported into the dungeon when it is ready. Many other games out there have these sort of things but GW2 for some reason just lets people look in LFG and then have to go there themselves.


That is unfortunate, as the dungeons tell a story that folds into the personal story for the core game. Want to see where Rytlock and Logan begin to mend fences? That happens inside Citadel of Flame. Interested in what is keeping Destiny's Edge from reforming? Head into Sorrow's Embrace.


It is what it is though. If you really want to run dungeons, then hunt for a guild that is interested in that content and group up with them. I don't buy the "difficulty" bit as Story Mode is pretty easy for every dungeon I can think of - it's just there are zero rewards for doing story mode other than...the story.

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The old dungeons are extremely bad designed: Too hard for noobs, too trivial for veterans. There is absolutely no middleground. But they won't touch them anymore. That's why we have fractals. Still I think dungeons add flavour to the game. They usually are themed after the areas of the new expansion which I like. I would appreciate some new dungeons in the new areas be cause of this.

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The major downside to dungeons has always been that they are rather hard content for groups of newbies. A single skilled level 80 is able to carry everyone but that shouldn't be a requirement. Story dungeons should be on the easier side to fit groups of inexperienced low levels. This would at least fix the issue of players not being able to follow a part of the story, even if not the most important of parts.

The intend behind the explorable paths has always been to provide a challenge for everyone involved, even level 80s. They are simply outdated in terms of mechanics but even more so in terms of rewards. There is little reason to run dungeons over much easier low tier Fractals.

The easiest way to make people return would be the addition of Ascended gear to the Dungeon NPC. This could be done by adding another tier of Dungeon Armor. It would turn dungeons into a starting point for everyone interested in progressing towards Fractals and later raids. A place to farm for Ascended gear, not unlike we used to farm dungeons for our first set of Exotics so many years ago.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"gaymer.1648" said:

> > What disappoints me about this game is that virtually nobody does dungeons when it is the appropriate level to do them. Open world events & personal story completion is jammed down your throat when you ask people if they want to run something. The only time people run dungeons is if they can put a full group together with friends or guildmates. I wish they would implement a queue finder system to help people get grouped up for dungeons & then ported into the dungeon when it is ready. Many other games out there have these sort of things but GW2 for some reason just lets people look in LFG and then have to go there themselves.


> That is unfortunate, as the dungeons tell a story that folds into the personal story for the core game. Want to see where Rytlock and Logan begin to mend fences? That happens inside Citadel of Flame. Interested in what is keeping Destiny's Edge from reforming? Head into Sorrow's Embrace.


> It is what it is though. If you really want to run dungeons, then hunt for a guild that is interested in that content and group up with them. I don't buy the "difficulty" bit as Story Mode is pretty easy for every dungeon I can think of - it's just there are zero rewards for doing story mode other than...the story.

Yeah, at bare minimum the story dungeons need to get the Victory or Death treatment, becoming true solo instances and added into the personal story at the appropriate places.

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> @"Regn.1924" said:

> Dungeons are the most unpleasant experience that this otherwise wonderful game has to offer. I hate to think that they might define how new players see end-game content.


I am a new player that just hit level 80 and without having riaded/fractal'd yet i can say the dungeons were very very easy but had some great end bosses in the higher levels.

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Dungeons could be a very good tool for story telling.

I would rather see the return of dungeons than some "easy mode for raids" tbh....which, in all honesty, is all they really are already.


Newer ones wouldnt even have to be long / have big areas.

Boss 1 --> grp event --> Boss 2 --> mini puzzle --> Endboss.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> Dungeons could be a very good tool for story telling.

> I would rather see the return of dungeons than some "easy mode for raids" tbh....which, in all honesty, is all they really are already.


> Newer ones wouldnt even have to be long / have big areas.

> Boss 1 --> grp event --> Boss 2 --> mini puzzle --> Endboss.


So kinda like the new fractals we get?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > Dungeons could be a very good tool for story telling.

> > I would rather see the return of dungeons than some "easy mode for raids" tbh....which, in all honesty, is all they really are already.

> >

> > Newer ones wouldnt even have to be long / have big areas.

> > Boss 1 --> grp event --> Boss 2 --> mini puzzle --> Endboss.


> So kinda like the new fractals we get?


ye basically

They dont necessarily need to be hard or anything.

Just something to tie current stories to...like the climax to the story behind a newly introduced zone.


Its just that I personally would prefer this over "easy mode raids", since there are people out there that dont like the idea of "gating" actual story behind raids.

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Yes.. dungeon has always been a better accepted part of the game compared to raids or fractal by most players. As mentioned by others they can make it glory again by making new dungeons on new maps.. with new dungeon armours ..new dungeon ap.. new small and not tedious material or gold farm/grind.. new dungeon story.. almost like the wintersday’s snowmen lair etc

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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> Dungeons are still HARD enough to TRASH players of their expected level and experience. Most casual players avoid dungeons because they do not give substantial REWARDS for time INVESTMENT. As a bonus, they do not offer any ascended equipment to farm for. Meta groups can earn 400x amount of liquid gold by selling raids than selling dungeons. Without the driving force of Meta, casual pug players drop the content in no time. New players left frustrated without guidance in harder dungeons. Dungeon rewards can be earned by trade-killing in private pvp arena.


> There is no easy fix in dungeons. Dungeons are not just a map where you can add an NPC to tell you to go to the next point to kill a boss and collect the rewards. The DEVs who coded dungeons left the team years ago and they struggled to carry their legacy - or even fixing the bugs when new things were added. Every content needs to be built upon technical feasibility. SO unless you're an able coder, please understand and accept its limitation.


> I don't know what to comment about scaling dungeon events to the number of people like a bounty squad. Really?!


I know of one easy fix. Rework dungeon exotic armor to accept +5 infusion. This way there would be a simple gear progression in game.


Not the best solution but it might juts work.


But this all is water under the bridge, devs not going to touch that content as far as I understand.



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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> The old dungeons are extremely bad designed: Too hard for noobs, too trivial for veterans. There is absolutely no middleground. But they won't touch them anymore. That's why we have fractals. Still I think dungeons add flavour to the game. They usually are themed after the areas of the new expansion which I like. I would appreciate some new dungeons in the new areas be cause of this.


Fractals have same issue. There's no middle ground. I'm a dedicated PvX guy. I have been here since pre-launch of vanilla, and I can faithfully say there is no place for me in fractals. Taking mind that I pug only, then T1-3 are too easy, and T4 is too difficult. Instabilities are a gimmicky annoyance rather than a fun meaningful mechanic. Pugs don't learn to stack. Meta is same as vanilla, but now it's stack, buff, and dps rather than just dps. Newer fractals that came out since HoT are longer and have steeper learning curves along with not so original and fun content. Who wants to bounce a ball on their head to advance to the next stage? Add this altogether along with how you can farm easier and more in open world, and fractals have just become trivial for a long time vet.

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