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Does anyone else not get excited by Living World?

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Not trying to be negative, just being honest, I personally don't get excited for Living World and I'm not excited for this one either. I'm just not really sure what everyone else looks forward to. Just to check out the new map? I mean I guess, but there's so many maps already, what's one more? What will this map provide which is unique? The story is something of a novelty I suppose, hardly something you await with bated breath. There's other things, like a new fractal... but it's just one new fractal, really, it doesn't feel very substantial. A new legendary weapon doesn't really feel like "content" either.


I dunno. I want to be excited, maybe I'm just not getting it?

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I kind of agree... it's gotten spread too thin since midway through Season 3. First three maps had me so excited, then I found myself less and less enthused. There is such a thing as "too many choices." I got burnt out on PVE at some point during Bug in the System and started giving people free loot bags in WVW. Couple weeks ago I decided to get my roller beetle and continued the story up to that point but again I struggle to go forward.


I still think "one episode, one map" is a bad idea. The maps are great but I care less and less about exploring them. I do the story instances and move on.

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I only care about the achievement points, tbh. But the last couple Living Worlds had a okay story so I sorta wanna see how it continues. More maps is good though since it opens the map more. Hoping the entire map opens up before the game dies or becomes GW3.

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I explicitly play and log in for the story, and in case of expansions to play around with the elite specs. Achievements (points) are something I'm not interested in, just like Playstation trophies if that comparison works, unless it's something I don't think of as hassle (others may call it wanting to get free stuff). And while there are surely some armor or whatever that looks not like visual cancer feats illuminated christmas tree, I've reached a point for years which makes me metaphorically shudder just from thinking about farming stuff over and over and over; strangely collecting the parts for the Beatle Mount was quite fine for me. Hence, once I'm done with LS on one or sometimes a second character, I move back to single player rpgs. Contrary to popular belief, no hard feelings whatsoever.

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Yeah I agree. Any new content is good but we wait months for a couple of hours of new gameplay with no real replay value, at least for me. We get a little bit of new story, a new map that I will probably never visit again, yet another currency that I might buy one or two things with and never use again. Once my Main has gone thru it I really have no reason to do it again. I think their idea of doing all LS and getting away from expansions is a bad idea. I've already forgotten most of the story from the past several episodes because it comes in such little tidbits. I want a big chunk of stuff I can get immersed in, not "Oh that hour and a half I played Tues morning 3 months ago? What was that about again?" Expansions in GW1 were practically entire games by themselves. Factions, Nightfall, Eye of the North you could spend months running around in, anyways 'nuff said.

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I've stopped hyping myself for it.

New chapters have been very 50/50 on quality. Either the story goes south and sideways and/or the map enemies are super annoying and/or the achievements are an annoying mess.

I'll probably push to get map completion and the new mastery, finish the story, then... go back to what I was doing, because seeking achievements means either looking up the checklist on Dulfy or . . . *waiting*. So much waiting.

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Generally, the content that excites me is either (1) new story/map/OW content, or (2) build/mechanics changes (balance or new skills or e-specs).


I don't really raid, WvW, or PvP much, I'm way too low on in-game and IRL cash to get the latest and greatest from the gem shop or new gear, and while I eventually get to new fractals, it's usually well after release.


So, yeah, I'm normally pretty excited for LS releases.

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I'm not as excited as I should be, and I don't know why. I loved the story of Core and HoT during my first play throughs, but somewhere around LS3 the story became more about something I had to get "through" rather than enjoy. I remember being more focused on getting ascended trinkets, or getting through PoF so I could get the griffon.


Once all that was done, I found myself farming PvE content (map completion, metas, fractals) as well as journeying in to WvW, where currently I spend about half my playtime. Not sure why I'm not bored of fractals or achievement farming, yet can't be bothered to complete LS S4 maps. I just unlocked Suns Refuge yesterday, and the map seems interesting, but I doubt I'll bother getting all those collections (for now).


My intent was to wait until the weekend anyways, to give ANET time to patch any bugs with quests or collections; Ive seen many an angry post about such over the past few releases. Maybe this episode will be different.

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I haven't been genuinely excited about LS content since the end of Season 1. Moving everything to instances killed most of my enthusiasm. I play MMORPGs to be among crowds of people, preferably outdoors, not alone in a sealed room. There's been absolutely nothing since Season 1 to compare with Scarlet's Armies or the Fall of Lion's Arch. We've had much more enjoyable content in the Side Stories than most of what we get from the LS proper.


I do like to see the new maps but they are so formulaic now that even that interest is waning. This time, when I started the new LS and heard we had to go do more "trials" I pretty much gave up. I logged out and after I finish this comment I'm going to go and play another MMO instead.

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I normally get excited for new stuff. This time, however, I don't even feel like logging in. I don't give a rats ass about the story(rather it's a slog), so living world, for me, is all about masteries, armor, and QoL changes. The skins this time, however, are locked behind expensive crafting, so my enthusiasm is ~0. I get they want to make crafting useful, but the bladed armor method of obtaining skills is much better, imo. I saw someone suggest having the exotics unlockable through just map currency while requiring crafting for the ascended versions.

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