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Came back. Can't play with friends.


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> @Silver.2076 said:

> I wonder why it's so hard for guilds to achieve something together, or at least stay together if their environment doesn't fit them anymore. I mean, it's still Guild Wars, not Community Wars.


True. They can achieve something together. Nothing about our current system prevents that.

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> @GDchiaScrub.3241 said:

> Huh? You mean waiting in Queue doesn't deter people anymore? Oh wait because of the full status we only get queues on reset/weekends. Never mind.




Pretty much this, "Full" status is actually smaller than it used to be especially if your server flits between "Very High" and "Full" and it makes queues not much of a thing. As you point out, queues aren't much of a deterrent anymore, unless you're on a team with enough server links to cause queues all the time in which case people just grin and bear it because it is created by the server links.

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> @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> Guilds on locked servers can't recruit the experienced players they want. It's bad for the community.


Servers are locked because it's already full of experienced players. Unlocking would draw even more experienced players away from other worlds, thus making it bad for the rest of the community. There's no middle ground that's on balance good for everyone. That will continue to be true as long as humans exhibit human nature, by flocking to "winning" servers, while being unwilling to pay any gems at all to voluntarily migrate to open worlds.

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> @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> Guilds on locked servers can't recruit the experienced players they want. It's bad for the community.


I think the word you are looking for here is poach, not recruit. I agree it sucks people can't play with their friends. That said, there is no reason to open a T1 or T2 server atm. Every time this thread comes up we always end up having the same conversation.

1. Someone stopped playing.

2. During that time their guild bandwagoned to a T1 blob server

3. Now they are playing again and want to be in T1.


I really don't get everyone's "need" to play in T1. I have done it, and also ridden the fall to the bottom with my server. I have been on the same server since launch. It seems people only want to play with friends if they can play in T1. T4 has been quite interesting lately.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> > @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> > Guilds on locked servers can't recruit the experienced players they want. It's bad for the community.


> I think the word you are looking for here is poach, not recruit. I agree it sucks people can't play with their friends. That said, there is no reason to open a T1 or T2 server atm. Every time this thread comes up we always end up having the same conversation.

> 1. Someone stopped playing.

> 2. During that time their guild bandwagoned to a T1 blob server

> 3. Now they are playing again and want to be in T1.


> I really don't get everyone's "need" to play in T1. I have done it, and also ridden the fall to the bottom with my server. I have been on the same server since launch. It seems people only want to play with friends if they can play in T1. T4 has been quite interesting lately.


Lol wut? I just transfered off a T4 server because the lack of fights. Also because outside of two guilds, said server cared less about winning. And ran Yolo failscade builds.

There is nothing in T4 other than watching towers hoping for a lone solo roamer. So 10 to 15 off yall can hoard on it's death. Then go back to boring ole Player vs Door for the rest of the day. Non NA prime this is btw.

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> > @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> > Guilds on locked servers can't recruit the experienced players they want. It's bad for the community.


> I think the word you are looking for here is poach, not recruit. I agree it sucks people can't play with their friends. That said, there is no reason to open a T1 or T2 server atm. Every time this thread comes up we always end up having the same conversation.

> 1. Someone stopped playing.

> 2. During that time their guild bandwagoned to a T1 blob server

> 3. Now they are playing again and want to be in T1.


> I really don't get everyone's "need" to play in T1. I have done it, and also ridden the fall to the bottom with my server. I have been on the same server since launch. It seems people only want to play with friends if they can play in T1. T4 has been quite interesting lately.


My main is in T4 and that's a lie lol. It's dead, the most "roaming" you'll typically see is running into the same solo roamer over and over for an hour and banging heads until someone logs or switches maps.


People want to play in T1 because the player quality and quantity on both sides is vastly improved. I can solo roam, duo roam, or 10 man squad with havoc guilds just about any time of the day and find engaging activity. Can I do that in T4? The pugs hardly dodge and walk backwards since all the new people get sent down there and all the veterans are in T1. T4 is for garbage duelers that like bullying fresh installers.

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I think there is a wide range of players' tastes when it comes to WvW. Whether roumer, blobber, defer or figther, it will not be able to please everyone. That's why I believe that free change of the worlds and thus of the environment is absolutely necessary and part of the game.


Give players more freedom!


Does anyone know if major changes to the server system are planned? I find it hard to believe that these problems are tolerated willingly. A kind of guild and server community upgrade would be fine! We probably can't hope for feedback from the wvw team.

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To me, they should implement some "free transfer to low/mid server population", which could bring advantages:


1. players will be able to play with friends without paying a transfer

2. top guilds could decide to move together to a smaller server on the last day, to duck up the onse who previously transfered just to leech easily into wvw.

3. servers could be differently populated ( maybe some "rewards" for guild transfers, to induce more players ).

4. once the population has decreased, change the max limit players on the top servers, lowering him in order to not let players to come back to a single one ( the new cap should be decided by the numbers of active accounts, or something like this ).


Because let's be honest.

The fact that you can't play with friends it's not a good thing.

But also the fact that some servers are High pop and some low is not that good too ( and merge em into a single wvw squad does not do the work, cause wvwers are into larger servers ).

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My guild often recruits in pve, but plays a lot of wvw. We can't bring players who have never played wvw before with us and teach them how to play. Often players don't want to try wvw because they don't know how to play it and know nobody in it. But they can't transfer into our server because it's full.


How is blocking players from ever starting wvw in the first place preventing stacking?

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> @Hesacon.8735 said:

> My guild often recruits in pve, but plays a lot of wvw. We can't bring players who have never played wvw before with us and teach them how to play. Often players don't want to try wvw because they don't know how to play it and know nobody in it. But they can't transfer into our server because it's full.


> How is blocking players from ever starting wvw in the first place preventing stacking?


If your guild is on a locked server then your guild recruiting spam should have disclaimer that to participate with guild in WvW you must be on your server.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> To me, they should implement some "free transfer to low/mid server population", which could bring advantages:


> 1. players will be able to play with friends without paying a transfer

> 2. top guilds could decide to move together to a smaller server on the last day, to duck up the onse who previously transfered just to leech easily into wvw.

> 3. servers could be differently populated ( maybe some "rewards" for guild transfers, to induce more players ).

> 4. once the population has decreased, change the max limit players on the top servers, lowering him in order to not let players to come back to a single one ( the new cap should be decided by the numbers of active accounts, or something like this ).


> Because let's be honest.

> The fact that you can't play with friends it's not a good thing.

> But also the fact that some servers are High pop and some low is not that good too ( and merge em into a single wvw squad does not do the work, cause wvwers are into larger servers ).


As much as I agree that not being able to play with friends sucks, your logic is flawed fron several standpoints:


1.) Server transfers for Gems are a business model that makes WvW worth keeping up for Anet. Moving to a low pop server is very, very easy already. Takes under 200g, which is easily farmed in less than a month by CASUAL play. If you really want to get it fast, buy gems or sell mats.


If your team doesn't want to move, its not because of the cost, its because they're enjoying themselves in the server or they dont like you enough to move (hell I dont like any single person enough to move my whole guild, even if it was free).


2.) Guilds already move to smaller servers on their own account when they get tired of the blob or the server itself.


3.) No, this would encourage people to just jump for the rewards (free + reward).


4.) T1 servers are RARELY open, the max limit is already set, this is already implemented.

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> @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

> > @Ubi.4136 said:

> > > @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> > > Guilds on locked servers can't recruit the experienced players they want. It's bad for the community.

> >

> > I think the word you are looking for here is poach, not recruit. I agree it sucks people can't play with their friends. That said, there is no reason to open a T1 or T2 server atm. Every time this thread comes up we always end up having the same conversation.

> > 1. Someone stopped playing.

> > 2. During that time their guild bandwagoned to a T1 blob server

> > 3. Now they are playing again and want to be in T1.

> >

> > I really don't get everyone's "need" to play in T1. I have done it, and also ridden the fall to the bottom with my server. I have been on the same server since launch. It seems people only want to play with friends if they can play in T1. T4 has been quite interesting lately.


> My main is in T4 and that's a lie lol. It's dead, the most "roaming" you'll typically see is running into the same solo roamer over and over for an hour and banging heads until someone logs or switches maps.


> People want to play in T1 because the player quality and quantity on both sides is vastly improved. I can solo roam, duo roam, or 10 man squad with havoc guilds just about any time of the day and find engaging activity. Can I do that in T4? The pugs hardly dodge and walk backwards since all the new people get sent down there and all the veterans are in T1. T4 is for garbage duelers that like bullying fresh installers.


While I can't argue with the quantity of players on T1 servers, I can definitely argue with quality. I've been on BG and left due to the lack of skill there. How I define skill may differ from your definition, but nope, T1 is not where I want to be.


All the vet players are most certainly not in T1. "T4 is for garbage duelers that like bullying fresh installers"? Just...no.

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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

> > > @Ubi.4136 said:

> > > > @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> > > > Guilds on locked servers can't recruit the experienced players they want. It's bad for the community.

> > >

> > > I think the word you are looking for here is poach, not recruit. I agree it sucks people can't play with their friends. That said, there is no reason to open a T1 or T2 server atm. Every time this thread comes up we always end up having the same conversation.

> > > 1. Someone stopped playing.

> > > 2. During that time their guild bandwagoned to a T1 blob server

> > > 3. Now they are playing again and want to be in T1.

> > >

> > > I really don't get everyone's "need" to play in T1. I have done it, and also ridden the fall to the bottom with my server. I have been on the same server since launch. It seems people only want to play with friends if they can play in T1. T4 has been quite interesting lately.

> >

> > My main is in T4 and that's a lie lol. It's dead, the most "roaming" you'll typically see is running into the same solo roamer over and over for an hour and banging heads until someone logs or switches maps.

> >

> > People want to play in T1 because the player quality and quantity on both sides is vastly improved. I can solo roam, duo roam, or 10 man squad with havoc guilds just about any time of the day and find engaging activity. Can I do that in T4? The pugs hardly dodge and walk backwards since all the new people get sent down there and all the veterans are in T1. T4 is for garbage duelers that like bullying fresh installers.


> While I can't argue with the quantity of players on T1 servers, I can definitely argue with quality. I've been on BG and left due to the lack of skill there. How I define skill may differ from your definition, but nope, T1 is not where I want to be.


> All the vet players are most certainly not in T1. "T4 is for garbage duelers that like bullying fresh installers"? Just...no.


The "vets" I have seen in T4 were literally too garbage for T1. Their guild was food nightly. Yet in T4 they have fun destroying Footmans and Squires all night.


I have met many people on BG that I can say are among the best players in WvW from what I've seen (I've been on ET twice, DR, JQ, SoS twice, IoJ/YB during links, and now NSP).


I can help you meet some good BG players to let you see if there's still a lack of skill level lol. You sure you didn't just get butthurt because you died one time because a pug couldn't rez you?

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I just like T4 myself because of the less lag feature and small scale fights.


The problem I have is old friends coming back to join up and the price tag to transfer to a T4 server doesn't really make sense in the wvw world. When you have the outnumbered buff 80% of your time on my server, no way is the pop "very high".

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Have an alt in T1, the roamers there are no better than the roamers I fight in T4. Adjusting for population, you'll find more quality roamer in T1 simply because there are 10 times as many people (or whatever the actual population difference is). Claiming quantity = quality is disingenuous.


I still say open the servers and let the game break so it can be built from the bottom up again.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> To me, they should implement some "free transfer to low/mid server population", which could bring advantages:


> 1. players will be able to play with friends without paying a transfer

> 2. top guilds could decide to move together to a smaller server on the last day, to duck up the onse who previously transfered just to leech easily into wvw.

> 3. servers could be differently populated ( maybe some "rewards" for guild transfers, to induce more players ).

> 4. once the population has decreased, change the max limit players on the top servers, lowering him in order to not let players to come back to a single one ( the new cap should be decided by the numbers of active accounts, or something like this ).


> Because let's be honest.

> The fact that you can't play with friends it's not a good thing.

> But also the fact that some servers are High pop and some low is not that good too ( and merge em into a single wvw squad does not do the work, cause wvwers are into larger servers ).


This seems like perhaps one solution, but they would lose a lot of money implementing it. I am not usually a cynical person, but I'd be kidding myself if I didn't recognize how much they make from transfers.

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> @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> So let's put in another feature for transferring, Guild transfer. It looks to see if your entire guild's roster can move to a server without making the destination server full.


> Let's also look at the exploitation that can happen with what you want.

> Say I have a 50 player guild and 48/50 transfer and there's some system that allows the ones that couldn't transfer a free pass to join their friends.

> What is there to prevent a 500 player guild from creating a 50 player transfer guild and manipulating the 50 player roster so that they always have 2 left on the old server. Eventually they will be able to have all 500 transfer.


you'd have to get confirmation from either every user, or don't transfer the people who decline. if you wanted to initiate a guild transfer, I could see it working, but it'd have to cost atleast 8000-20000 gems otherwise it's a huuuuuuuuuuuuge discount. give a huge clear and vivid box that makes you type the transfer server destination's name in and press OK so there can't be any mistake on the people who don't want to transfer, and it might work.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> Have an alt in T1, the roamers there are no better than the roamers I fight in T4. Adjusting for population, you'll find more quality roamer in T1 simply because there are 10 times as many people (or whatever the actual population difference is). Claiming quantity = quality is disingenuous.


> I still say open the servers and let the game break so it can be built from the bottom up again.


I mean it's the same principle as better sports teams from bigger Universities vs small ones. Sure, there's more quality from the bigger one because there's more of a population to pull from, but that does not mean I am claiming quantity is quality lol.


Don't even get me started on levels of activity throughout the day, T4 is RIP. I only PvP on my main now with how dead it is. No one has addressed my point of how I can log into a T1 server any time of the day and still find fights whether it be solo, party, or squad.


I agree that all servers should be open so everyone can stack wherever and blow up queues. Then people start destacking naturally.

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> @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

> > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > @BeepBoopBop.5403 said:

> > > > @Ubi.4136 said:

> > > > > @Swamurabi.7890 said:

> > > > > Guilds on locked servers can't recruit the experienced players they want. It's bad for the community.

> > > >

> > > > I think the word you are looking for here is poach, not recruit. I agree it sucks people can't play with their friends. That said, there is no reason to open a T1 or T2 server atm. Every time this thread comes up we always end up having the same conversation.

> > > > 1. Someone stopped playing.

> > > > 2. During that time their guild bandwagoned to a T1 blob server

> > > > 3. Now they are playing again and want to be in T1.

> > > >

> > > > I really don't get everyone's "need" to play in T1. I have done it, and also ridden the fall to the bottom with my server. I have been on the same server since launch. It seems people only want to play with friends if they can play in T1. T4 has been quite interesting lately.

> > >

> > > My main is in T4 and that's a lie lol. It's dead, the most "roaming" you'll typically see is running into the same solo roamer over and over for an hour and banging heads until someone logs or switches maps.

> > >

> > > People want to play in T1 because the player quality and quantity on both sides is vastly improved. I can solo roam, duo roam, or 10 man squad with havoc guilds just about any time of the day and find engaging activity. Can I do that in T4? The pugs hardly dodge and walk backwards since all the new people get sent down there and all the veterans are in T1. T4 is for garbage duelers that like bullying fresh installers.

> >

> > While I can't argue with the quantity of players on T1 servers, I can definitely argue with quality. I've been on BG and left due to the lack of skill there. How I define skill may differ from your definition, but nope, T1 is not where I want to be.

> >

> > All the vet players are most certainly not in T1. "T4 is for garbage duelers that like bullying fresh installers"? Just...no.


> The "vets" I have seen in T4 were literally too garbage for T1. Their guild was food nightly. Yet in T4 they have fun destroying Footmans and Squires all night.


> I have met many people on BG that I can say are among the best players in WvW from what I've seen (I've been on ET twice, DR, JQ, SoS twice, IoJ/YB during links, and now NSP).


> I can help you meet some good BG players to let you see if there's still a lack of skill level lol. You sure you didn't just get kitten because you died one time because a pug couldn't rez you?


You funny. Come play with me sometime. :)


I've been on DR, Mag, BG, SoS, IoJ, FA, SBI, HoD, SF, and EB. I might be forgetting one. It seems I only ever get linked with HoD and CD, though we did once get NSP.


But no, I disagree with blanket statements. They make you sound elitist, at they're just not true (they're your opinion). Skew it how you wish, I'll wait for the actual, factual numbers.

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