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Place your bets. Is ________ (massive spoiler)

Daniel Handler.4816

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It's reasonable to assume that she comes back because she consumed Joko's power. But I think it will be a different, yet to be revealed, secret. Remember, Glint took her aside to "explain the secrets of ascension," and we didn't hear it. Vlast also hinted at some part of the plan that hasn't been revealed to us in the corrupted parts of his messages.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:


> > It's not entirely how I thought it was going to end, I wasn't actually expecting Aurine to die although I can't see it being permanent since we've already established that Kralkatorrik cannot be destroyed without being replaced.

> >

> > Aurine is the only being we know of who can achieve this goal


> eh...?


> What about the Pale Tree? She is on a level like Glint was. Inclusive prophetic abilities and visions. The only difference between Glint and Pale Tree - the Tree did not need the Forgotten, Zephyrites, dwarves and other gullible slaves to work for her. She just makes them. A lot. Every day.




I still suspect the Pale Tree may take on the role one day but not as a replacement to Kralkatorrik.

She could pick up the remainder of Mordremoths essence and i'm betting that she will eventually when we really start to fixate on the plot to replace all the dragons not just one of them.

Kralkatorrik was the primary focus atm for multiple reasons, He's the only one largely active since we've not heard a peep out of the Sea Dragon and he's the only one we had an actual replacement for and were in the process of grooming for the role.

When Mordremoth and Zhiatan fell we didn't know the consequences of killing an Elder Dragon.. hence the mess we're in now with Kralkatorrik being so overwhelmingly powerful.

We also do not know the requirements of replacing a dragon either, Aurine was our candidate for Kralkatorrik because her mother believed she could do it herself and failed.. it's possible that there must a strong link to each individual Dragon in a being with similar properties or powers.. Glint, Vlast and Aurine being crystal dragons not to mention family ties to Kralkatorrik himself could have made them the only beings on Tyria with the potential to replace Kralkatorrik.

Likewise The Pale Tree or another of it's kind may be the only beings capable of succeeding Mordremoth and restoring the current power imbalance.

Kunnavang and Albax may be able to share the load replacing the Sea Dragon as they belong to a species of sea dragons themselves.

As for the others time will tell but there could be potential for the Great Dwarf as a god like entity to replace Primordus resulting in what remains of the Stone Dwarf race becoming a collective Elder Dragon which would be pretty awesome.


It's unclear why the Pale Tree didn't assume the role upon Mordremoths death.. it could be she didn't want it or she didn't know it was even possible.

Could also have been Aurines interference as her Egg took a good chunk of his magical energy when he fell.. although while some may say that's evidence of beings connected to different dragons being able to absorb the other spectrums and potentially being able to replace them.. I think it's also important to point out that the only beings on Tyria who have actually displayed traits of fallen Elder Dragons.. are the other Elder Dragons.

Aurine never displayed any traits from Mordremoth and Zhaitan.. no death or plant magic.. likewise no Necromancy from Joko either, She did seem to get something from Balthazar though which is still something we have yet to find out what.


Maybe when she's back we'll see that connection she made to Caithe come into play when we destroy Kralktorrik.

Aurine is supposed to replace him and regulate the magic rather than horde it so perhaps her connection to Caithe also connects her to the Pale tree and using that she may be able to channel Mordremoths power to the Pale Tree ascending her as Mordremoths replacement and fixing some of the imbalance.

Sharing the load so to speak.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Doubt it. At least not permanently. She ate Palaway Joko, and Krakatoric did not eat her or her energy after killing her. She also has a bit of Zhaitan in her, which may help the Regen Process. There is even a bit of foreshadowing in the final battle when Braham yells out "Don't you remember when enemies who were dead STAYED dead."


Given the importance of this event, we're going to see the end of Season 4/ the new expansion coming out soon. That would probably explain all of the clothing errors that have been popping up.


If there is another episode, it'll most likely introduce the character to Bubbles (Selbbub?) the sea Dragon who will offer the player the chance to defeat Kralkatoric. Either that or our characters will have to go into the Mists and reclaim Aurine.

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Well without Aurene we can’t kill Kralk or Tyria will explode. If he stays alive reality is destroyed.



But this whole thing has gotten out of hand because if reality is destroyed won’t the elder dragons go with it? Won’t they eventually starve or at the very least fight each other for magic? I don’t know. The story has just gotten out of control.

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To be fair, it's just as likely that any other being than Aurene can replace Kralkatorrik as long as such a being can absorb magic without either disintegrating or going ley-crazed. Aside from the gods, other dragon minions and dragons should be able to devour that much magic without issue. In such a case the Pale Tree, Malyck's Tree and any of the surviving "good" dragons like Shiny, Albax and Kuunavang could be potential candidates to take an Elder Dragon's power. And given the existence of artifacts like the Shadowstone, I would imagine that mere mortal races could also feasibly do so with enough preparation.


Even if Glint's Legacy plan had worked out without a hitch, she and her scions would only have been able to replace three Elder Dragons out of six anyway. Unless Glint intended for the three good dragons to counter the three evil ones in a neverending cycle of yin and yang, she and the Forgotten must've had some beings in mind to take the place of the rest to truly balance the All. Even if Aurene succeeds in her task in the end, the All still requires multiple beings to balance it (at least four from the looks of it), so we'll need to hunt down those other candidates and persuade them to take the dragons' place while making sure these replacements won't go power-hungry after they're exposed to that much delicious magic.


It makes me wonder if Glint was in contact with other ancient and wise dragons like Albax and Kuunavang, but surely she must've been aware of the existence of Shiny, who would be about Vlast's age, in northeastern Vabbi. It has been curious that the plot has yet to touch Shiny despite him being easily reachable and being potentially good after he was raised by Goren's descendants and djinn in the Hidden City of Ahdashim. Goren was referenced a few times in PoF via an ascended trinket and ambient dialogue, so his contributions in Nightfall are still remembered, and that should also be the case for Shiny. Of course it's possible that Shiny has become pampered after being taken care of for over two hundred years (his first uttered words were "Feed me, Goren!" and "Goren is my mommy!", after all, and it's curious that a saltspray like him could communicate with words immediately after hatching whereas crystal dragons like Aurene need help with speaking in Common likely because of their telepathic abilities), so it might take some effort on our part to steer him to become a responsible adult if so. :)

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> @"Kossage.9072" said:


> Even if Glint's Legacy plan had worked out without a hitch, she and her scions would only have been able to replace three Elder Dragons out of six anyway. Unless Glint intended for the three good dragons to counter the three evil ones in a neverending cycle of yin and yang, she and the Forgotten must've had some beings in mind to take the place of the rest to truly balance the All. Even if Aurene succeeds in her task in the end, the All still requires multiple beings to balance it (at least four from the looks of it), so we'll need to hunt down those other candidates and persuade them to take the dragons' place while making sure these replacements won't go power-hungry after they're exposed to that much delicious magic.


To be honest... that, plus the fact that they never shared their plan with useful figures among the modern races even though it's been clearly detrimental to their cause, plus the fact that the gods knew about it but still walked out... it all has me half convinced that the Legacy was never meant to be (fully) implemented in this cycle. Their cabal didn't have enough pieces in place for it to work now, and it'd neatly explain why they kept potential allies in the dark and why the Six didn't back it if they knew all along that it couldn't save us.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> a) never saw the 'confirmation', is there any link?

> b) not-a-mordrem doesn't mean anything. The sylvari form could just be kind of a larval state. A waiting state until M. is ready.

> c) Pale Tree dream, Malyck kitten is the dream? hm, big difference, no?


1) I'd have to dig a lot through reddit, unfortunately. But iirc, it was Bobby Stein who confirmed it.

2) Except that sylvari don't come out of Blighting Trees, Mordrem do. In addition, Mordrem Guard are never corrupted, technically; we have confirmation as of Festival of the Four Winds that the Mordrem Guard can - and some have - reverted to their original looks and personality (albeit changed from the experience of succumbing to Mordremoth).

3) Not sure what you're saying, but Malyck has no connection to the Dream of Dreams, yet otherwise functions like other sylvari (just different moral code really - which is pure nurture not nature).


> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> Well without Aurene we can’t kill Kralk or Tyria will explode. If he stays alive reality is destroyed.



> But this whole thing has gotten out of hand because if reality is destroyed won’t the elder dragons go with it? Won’t they eventually starve or at the very least fight each other for magic? I don’t know. The story has just gotten out of control.


My understanding, given Kralkatorrik's wants as shown in Edge of Destiny, would be that he'd just end up consuming until all that's left is himself he'd create a world in his image.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > a) never saw the 'confirmation', is there any link?

> > b) not-a-mordrem doesn't mean anything. The sylvari form could just be kind of a larval state. A waiting state until M. is ready.

> > c) Pale Tree dream, Malyck kitten is the dream? hm, big difference, no?


> 1) I'd have to dig a lot through reddit, unfortunately. But iirc, it was Bobby Stein who confirmed it.

> 2) Except that sylvari don't come out of Blighting Trees, Mordrem do. In addition, Mordrem Guard are never corrupted, technically; we have confirmation as of Festival of the Four Winds that the Mordrem Guard can - and some have - reverted to their original looks and personality (albeit changed from the experience of succumbing to Mordremoth).

> 3) Not sure what you're saying, but Malyck has no connection to the Dream of Dreams, yet otherwise functions like other sylvari (just different moral code really - which is pure nurture not nature).


> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > Well without Aurene we can’t kill Kralk or Tyria will explode. If he stays alive reality is destroyed.

> >

> >

> > But this whole thing has gotten out of hand because if reality is destroyed won’t the elder dragons go with it? Won’t they eventually starve or at the very least fight each other for magic? I don’t know. The story has just gotten out of control.


> My understanding, given Kralkatorrik's wants as shown in Edge of Destiny, would be that he'd just end up consuming until all that's left is himself he'd create a world in his image.


So ultimately, it’s in everyone’s favor to kill Kralk then. Even the other dragons? But we can’t let them access the capabilities that he has anyway. Seems odd the stakes are so high and we only have a few parties interested in the fight against him. Jenna couldn’t at least spare a few watchknights or something?



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Whilst i disagree with so much of their thought process behind how they crafted this arc, this feels like a nod towards trying to say shes gone without outright saying it and that its the effects of her death not her resurrection which is next to come.


Could be a misinterpretation, but im now going with her staying dead

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> So ultimately, it’s in everyone’s favor to kill Kralk then. Even the other dragons? But we can’t let them access the capabilities that he has anyway. Seems odd the stakes are so high and we only have a few parties interested in the fight against him. Jenna couldn’t at least spare a few watchknights or something?


Well, keep in mind that a lot of people tend to be unable to think outside their direct, personal issues and problems to deal with.


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> That interview for me is simply saying: she's dead. peeps like to think she's alive but she's not. But maybe something interesting with Caithe, it's confirmed to be branding so corruption.


The interview didn’t confirm anything. And we know it was branding that aurene did to Caithe. But it wasn’t corruption as said in the story itself because Caithe accepted it willingly.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> https://www.forbes.com/sites/hnewman/2019/02/08/developers-explain-why-a-major-character-had-to-die-in-guild-wars-2/#4a412a82a1f2


> Whilst i disagree with so much of their thought process behind how they crafted this arc, this feels like a nod towards trying to say shes gone without outright saying it and that its the effects of her death not her resurrection which is next to come.


> Could be a misinterpretation, but im now going with her staying dead


It’s pretty ambiguous even after the interview. I can see how you would reach that conclusion but if they did go that direction I would hate to think of what they have planned to fix this otherwise.


Because at this point it’s either misdirection or it will wind up in a total ass pull.



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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > That interview for me is simply saying: she's dead. peeps like to think she's alive but she's not. But maybe something interesting with Caithe, it's confirmed to be branding so corruption.


> The interview didn’t confirm anything. And we know it was branding that aurene did to Caithe. But it wasn’t corruption as said in the story itself because Caithe accepted it willingly.


GuildChat actually called it branding. For all intents and purposes, it was the same as corruption, except there was no mental enslavement. Just like whatever the Pale Tree did to make sylvari, or Glint to make facets.


TBH, not a big shocker of an action.

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