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Expanding Fractals

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This is an idea for allowing more gradation in fractals, plus allow easier addition of fractals in the future:


* Change the level limit from 100 to 150.

* The tiers would be expanded to fit the new numbering scheme.

* Agony Reduction (AR) required would be the same as the level number.

* Difficulties in each fractal would remain the same as now unless the fractal changes **relative** position. They would just get new numbers.


So, Tier 1 would be from 1 to 37 (or 38, depending on how you round it, and so on throughout this post). Tier 2 from 38 (or 39) to 75. Tier 3 from 76 to 112 (or 113), and Tier 4 from 113 (or 114) to 150.


Number 1 (#1) would stay as is. #2 would become either #2 or #3. There would be a hole at the other of #2 or #3. #3 would become #4. #4 would become either #5 or #6, with a hole in the other number's slot. And so on.


Using theShattered Observatory fractals as examples (the top of each tier, at fractal numbers 25, 50, 75, and 100), fractals 75 and 150 would be at exactly the same difficulty as fractals 50 and 100, respectively, are now. Current number 25 would become either 37 or 38, and current number 75 would be either 112 or 113. Both would have the same difficulty as they do now at levels 25 & 75, respectively.


Using the bottom of each tier as another set of examples:

* Volcanic level 1 would stay exactly as it is now.

* Aquatic Ruins 26 would be renumbered as 38 (or 39).

* Volcanic 51 would become number 76.

* Aquatic Ruins 76 would become 112 (or 113).


This gives 50 "holes" in the fractal matrix that could be filled, either with copies of existing fractals (at appropriate difficulty levels), or new ones. It also allows for rearranging them.



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> Difficulties in each fractal would remain the same as now unless the fractal changes relative position. They would just get new numbers.


Pretty much sums it(?). There are still slots available for every fractals tier, for now. Based on how often we get a new fractal added, there's plenty of time for things to change/happen before set in stone. Imo, no need to rush and implement something that may get players confuse (in this case, the blank levels).

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Repeat, yes, but in the same way they do now. A copy of Snowblind placed in the new structure between what are now fractals 3 and 27 would have difficulty between those two levels.


The purpose of this idea, though, is to allow for greater flexibility for future fractal creation. Observe what happened with Siren's Reef. They had to insert seven versions of it, scattered from level 12 to 78. That meant that they had to remove four other fractal instances from the matrix. In some cases, they simply eliminated them. In other cases, they moved them to another spot, and eliminated or moved what was there.


This idea gives them a lot more freedom to move things around, and allow more difficulty options for each fractal zone.


The AR change simply means making it easier to know how much AR you need. That's the reason I chose 150, but it's not necessarily limited to that.

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Not practical with the AR imo. It will require new players to have ascended get go from start for fractals if AR is required according to the levels.


Wasn't aware there will be repeated levels.

>Number 1 (#1) would stay as is. #2 would become either #2 or #3. There would be a hole at the other of #2 or #3. #3 would become #4. #4 would become either #5 or #6, with a hole in the other number's slot. And so on.

You probably saw the flaw when you mentioned this. New fractals are closing the level seams in fractals from having repeats atm.


Ps: With repeats and how fractal dailies are randomized, we're almost having *Deepstone daily* :lol:.



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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> Not practical with the AR imo. It will require new players to have ascended get go from start for fractals if AR is required according to the levels.


> Wasn't aware there will be repeated levels.

> >Number 1 (#1) would stay as is. #2 would become either #2 or #3. There would be a hole at the other of #2 or #3. #3 would become #4. #4 would become either #5 or #6, with a hole in the other number's slot. And so on.

> You probably saw the flaw when you mentioned this. New fractals are closing the level seams in fractals from having repeats atm.


> Ps: With repeats and how fractal dailies are randomized, we're almost having *Deepstone daily* :lol:.




I forgot about there being no agony for the first 20 levels. So, change all of the numbers to be 1 to 170, where 21 - 170 have AR requirements 20 smaller than the level, and 1 - 20 would have zero agony.


Yes, I realize that their current goal may be 25 fractals, with one per tier. But, this idea (with the above change) would give them 70 more level slots to play with than they have now.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > Not practical with the AR imo. It will require new players to have ascended get go from start for fractals if AR is required according to the levels.

> >

> > Wasn't aware there will be repeated levels.

> > >Number 1 (#1) would stay as is. #2 would become either #2 or #3. There would be a hole at the other of #2 or #3. #3 would become #4. #4 would become either #5 or #6, with a hole in the other number's slot. And so on.

> > You probably saw the flaw when you mentioned this. New fractals are closing the level seams in fractals from having repeats atm.

> >

> > Ps: With repeats and how fractal dailies are randomized, we're almost having *Deepstone daily* :lol:.

> >

> >


> I forgot about there being no agony for the first 20 levels. So, change all of the numbers to be 1 to 170, where 21 - 170 have AR requirements 20 smaller than the level, and 1 - 20 would have zero agony.


> Yes, I realize that their current goal may be 25 fractals, with one per tier. But, this idea (with the above change) would give them 70 more level slots to play with than they have now.


How would adding 50 slots as you say in OP now add 70 slots all of a sudden?

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> They haven't even filled in the duplicate fractal levels , why would they do this?


As I said in the title, to allow more gradation.


But, they definitely have filled in levels. In fact, they had to take out four previously-existing duplicates in order to make room for Reef (and rearrange many others). There are four Aquatic Ruins, but six Thaumanova Reactors, for example. Each tier has one Aquatic, but tiers two and three have two Thaumanovas.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > It would remove some of the level anomalies. Like, there's only one T4 volcanic, but two Swamps.

> > I don't see that as a problem. Why do you ?

> >


> Because they are anomalies.


Yes, it's a fact that it's uneven because 100 levels is only divisible by 5 and 2 (and multiples thereof), so until there are 20 or 25 fractals, some fractals will appear more than others. But facts aren't by themselves issues.


So I ask again: why is this a _problem_? How does it hurt the game or the community? How does it help the game or the community to have it be exactly even?

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