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Why didn't the human gods step in to intervene Kalk in the mist?


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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> Oh, gee. You're right, how could I be so blind?


> Of course I'm not referring to the Gods and Ex-Gods that turn into villains, I'm referring to Gods that left Tyria.



'The gods being antagonists is laughable!'


hey remember that time where the gods were antagonists


'no no those don't count'


Did Bath Salts also 'leave' and then come back? Them leaving only means they're not still watching Tyria

Theres also something to be said for a lack of action thats as bad or worse then an action


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To clarify: It is a LOT more satisfying to actually do things ourselves and not have the option to throw the gods at them

But it still bears a level of justification to explain WHY. The gods not having Tyria's best intentions in mind could be such a justification, there's a precedent for it. Is it likely? Eh. But then, its not like Tyria is the first world that they fucked up and were like 'mulligan'

If you believe the Garden of the Gods, they're in the process of doing that right now (at least they're doing it for humans, hopefully others get to come along for the ride?)

I'm not sure that I can call the 'hey third time is the charm' exactly 'good' policy.

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> @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> > Oh, gee. You're right, how could I be so blind?

> >

> > Of course I'm not referring to the Gods and Ex-Gods that turn into villains, I'm referring to Gods that left Tyria.



> 'The gods being antagonists is laughable!'


> hey remember that time where the gods were antagonists


> 'no no those don't count'


> Did Bath Salts also 'leave' and then come back? Them leaving only means they're not still watching Tyria

> Theres also something to be said for a lack of action thats as bad or worse then an action


Not only are you twisting words, you're omitting lore. [Garden of the Gods](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Garden_of_the_Gods) explicitly states that the Six Gods are looking for a new inhabitable world without world-shattering threats like Elder Dragons, and that once they do they'll return to bring people to that new world.


Most likely there's an addendum of "if the Forgotten's plan fails" since [it's heavily hinted that the Six knows of Glint's Legacy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystalline_Memories).


If they acted directly, the world would be in far more danger, since not only would their battles with the Elder Dragons devastate the landscape (just as how when they fought among eachother the Crystal Sea turned into the Crystal Desert), while their victory (before Glint's Legacy is ready) or loss would mean world destruction outright.


So there is no lack of action. The Six Gods are performing Plan B (find new home), because their presence and assistance hinders Plan A (replace the Elder Dragons).

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> > > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> > > Oh, gee. You're right, how could I be so blind?

> > >

> > > Of course I'm not referring to the Gods and Ex-Gods that turn into villains, I'm referring to Gods that left Tyria.

> >

> >

> > 'The gods being antagonists is laughable!'

> >

> > hey remember that time where the gods were antagonists

> >

> > 'no no those don't count'

> >

> > Did Bath Salts also 'leave' and then come back? Them leaving only means they're not still watching Tyria

> > Theres also something to be said for a lack of action thats as bad or worse then an action


> Not only are you twisting words, you're omitting lore. [Garden of the Gods](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Garden_of_the_Gods) explicitly states that the Six Gods are looking for a new inhabitable world without world-shattering threats like Elder Dragons, and that once they do they'll return to bring people to that new world.


> Most likely there's an addendum of "if the Forgotten's plan fails" since [it's heavily hinted that the Six knows of Glint's Legacy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystalline_Memories).


> If they acted directly, the world would be in far more danger, since not only would their battles with the Elder Dragons devastate the landscape (just as how when they fought among eachother the Crystal Sea turned into the Crystal Desert), while their victory (before Glint's Legacy is ready) or loss would mean world destruction outright.


> So there is no lack of action. The Six Gods are performing Plan B (find new home), because their presence and assistance hinders Plan A (replace the Elder Dragons).


Konig, all you are doing is pulling stuffs out of lore (like you always do), and this is totally on the presumption the human gods believe the threat of the Elder Dragons to be contained within the world of Tyria


the topic is speculation on why the human gods not acting on now Kalk is now capable to traverse outside the world of Tyria and into the Mist, which may mean Kalk possible capable to going to different worlds via the Rift in the future


so keep on throwing old lores written in the old days of GW1 isn't helping the community to speculate and share new ideas and theories

just like Anet's writers, they arent fully sticking to the old lores, that's why there are discrepancies in the lores we read

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I wasn't even referencing the OP, but the person who was derailing the topic with "all of the gods are evil".


Also, from GW1, seriously? Try Path of Fire. They plot that effectively started this discussion.


My opinion on the matter of the OP has been stated: they're not doing shit about Kralkatorrik because they're not omniscient, they probably don't even know that Kralkatorrik is rampaging in the Mists surrounding Tyria. And even if they did somehow know about Kralkatorrik invading their former campsites in the Mists, Kralkatorrik is still technically confined to Tyria's neighboring regions, thus not an immediate threat to them, and still viable to be defeated by mortals utilizing the Glint's Legacy plan.


If they came in to save the day without a replacement, they're still destroying Tyria, which negates the entire purpose of them leaving. They wouldn't step in, I'm certain, until Kralkatorrik leaves the areas surrounding Tyria. By which point, Tyria would likely be destroyed, due to Kralkatorrik's absence furthering the imbalance of The All (no doubt having the same effect as killing Kralkatorrik).

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"Glint: The Forgotten told me much, but not everything... What did they tell the Six? What do the gods know that I do not?" Is the quote Konig is referring to, for those who can't be bothered reading through the link he gave.


I think we can safely assume there is/was cooperation between Glint, the Forgotten and the Gods.


Damn, I forget how excited I got at the end point of this mission when first playing it. Meeting only Kormir was a partial disappointment.

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I still wouldn't call garden of the gods a reliable source. The person comes off as a bit unhinged. The other mistake I see is all gods are fallible isn't the same as saying all are evil. We've also literally had an Anet writer say something along the lines of power corrupts in regards to Balthazar. At this point considering they're fallible and everything else we've learned, I think expecting them to be paragons of good is the more unrealistic viewpoint.

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the main reason is that narrative of they simple come in and solve things would be extremely cheap and will cause cry rivers of "they steal my protagonism",......, if gods come to scene will be probably a "indirect" help, like come to help expel kralkatorrik from the mists or trap him. and it would not be a new thing, in GW1 or GW2 lore the gods intervention is limited just to a "lending a hand".

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