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What do you expect for Guild Wars 2 this year?

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Just a few things.


* A return to Northern Ascalon / Charr homelands

* How to Dance vol. II

* A new set of cultural armour

* New gait / emote choices.


I'd have mentioned something related to WvW but I've come to the conclusion that it's unsalvageable at this point, and I'd be better off waiting for a different game to do that.

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More gemstore updates- THAT'S LITERALLY IT. That's all they care about. new backwings- mount skins. new playable content? sure- but it will be sub par and short lived like everything after HoT.

~~ LS1 was the best the game has produced nothing will ever compare. casuals would've had a nightmare because it was a bit challenging. truth hurts. ~~


What I hope for that will not happen since gemstore is the only focus on the game now.

**Wish LIST**

* a new map with longevity- active events that are rewarding and fun- not just a meta every hour with shitty RNG drops.

* New hair and faces- Never going to happen again unless we get an expansion, truth be told.

* new cultural armors and weapons. T4

* underwater exploration



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Not much ?


We will get 4 LW episodes with 4 new maps, some class balance changes, 1-2 raids and 2-3 fractals.


I expect the story to continue to suck. Maps are not likely to be good. Class balance changes will continue making changes to meta builds and ignoriny anything not meta.


This will probably be the lowest year for the game.


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For me the main two things are:

1. Stop putting visual effects causing motion sickness, or give us an option to cancel them.

2. Please re-add true jumping puzzles, as in such that requires toon jumping. For now, the new ones rely on using mounts only. It's fun too, but for me, that's no more a JP. That's a mount exercise.

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*More events regarding lore for the Lost city of Orr and the sceptar of orr.

*Abbadons return or perhaps more godly returns

*Lore and events describing the Isle of Janthir

*Reasons to visit Fire Islansd Chain

*Unveiling of Cantha, now that elder dragons are dealt with (cathans return home)

*Story of the Tengu and their reason to guard entrances to the Crystal Desert

*Finally making a Hall of Heroes or Heros Ascent as once described in an early dev blog in 2012.

*Bringing back the Underworld and other godly realms.


I have much more expectations...


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1: Tricycle toy with tassels to fly kites on in wvw, cause what asuran doesn't wanna go big wheeling in the borderlands.

2: We're only days into 2019 I'm still backlogged reread #1.

If we're talking about things out of our control, I want my buddys back.

Keeping the fires lit in this damp guildhall while I grow into an old asura "who can't have little grey goatee #Anet " is rather boring, but I've broken into the inner vault, though I don't know what the rock and crystal thing was supposed to be, it wasn't a cookie as I licked it after I couldn't find any stash of cookies in there.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Why are people predicting only 4 episodes in Season 5?


> Season 2 had 8 episodes, Season 3 had 6 and Season 4 is going to have at least 6. I don't remember seeing anything about Season 5 being shorter than all the rest so I would expect it to have at least 6 episodes.


Theyre predicting what comes for this year, not the total amount of the episodes in the season.

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I wish for basically what WP speculated.

* LWS5 takes us to Blood Legion Homelands to search for Kralk's original resting place (to find out a secret about him).

* We find out about Kuunavang and/or some special reason to go to Cantha.

* Segue toward Cantha for expansion #3 which will launch sometime in 2020.


I also wish they would release the following in the gem store:

* SAB mount pack. I'm talking the full 8-bit and everything.

* The long-lost school uniform outfit.

* The fan favorite paper bag helm skins.

* A swimsuit outfit for the summer.

* A skeleton COMBAT tonic for Halloween.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Why are people predicting only 4 episodes in Season 5?


> Season 2 had 8 episodes, Season 3 had 6 and Season 4 is going to have at least 6. I don't remember seeing anything about Season 5 being shorter than all the rest so I would expect it to have at least 6 episodes.


U sure they predicting what season 5 will have and not what 2019 will have? Hell if i wanted to set your expectations to realistic id say 3 episodes even.

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I agree with others would like a setting for particle effects and spell density. Its getting to seizure inducing levels when a fight begins and you have all the spells, infusions, boss effects all comboobulated in a giant mess. Cant see anything and its a visual garbage pile. I am hoping for a slider or setting to turn off or down the effects.

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> 2) Reduce PoF aggro range to 600 like the rest of the game.


This this, x1000 times this. Y'know, some times one has to check the map before continuing. Not all of us have 'git gud' enough to recall from memory every inch of PoF, but kitten if you can find a safe space to stop on your mount and press 'm' :(


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