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May we have this outfit please?


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Thats been on every Mesmer's wishlist since beta. And they'll never sell it, because it'd be impossible to sell anything else after it. Had a similar problem with Anise's replica, the Exemplar's Attire....


I understand that apparently what we got was the concept art version..... Anet didn't like the butt piece either, and replaced it when they did Anise's model.




![aaaa] (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/en/uploads/forum_attachment/file/149558/H_anise.jpg "aaa")


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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Thats been on every Mesmer's wishlist since beta. And they'll never sell it, because it'd be impossible to sell anything else after it. Had a similar problem with Anise's replica, the Exemplar's Attire....




I play charr mesmers. It looks nice but it's never been on my wishlist because I can picture how that'd turn out. :s

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Thats been on every Mesmer's wishlist since beta. And they'll never sell it, because it'd be impossible to sell anything else after it.


Not *every* mesmer's wishlist. My first one (now a Chrono) is quite happy in full Aurora (light Temple armour) dyed medium-purple, and my Mirage wears ... this:

![](https://i.imgur.com/R9nWDgB.jpg "")


That said, the set in the OP *is* gorgeous.

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  • 1 year later...

Why the hell is this not released yet?!?

People have been asking for this for years and it's already in the game. How hard can it be??


But no, Anet rather create yet another Flame skin from scratch or some other sparkly shiny BS.

They don't get that some people don't want their characters to look like a christmas tree with glowing wings.

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