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Does this spell the end for gw2 pvp?


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So i just discovered from Angeels that he has quit gw2 and that he is no longer maintaining the Gods of pvp website.


Now all we have as a current resource is a handful of dedicated streamers and metabattle which is barely up to date with the current 'meta'.


Is anyone out there capable of picking up where Angeels left off?


Or does this truly spell the end for the GW pvp community?


How will new players be motivated to learn without valuable resources like Gods?


Sad times indeed. I hope someone can breathe some life into it because too many good people are leaving rn.


Maybe the end has been and gone already but i for one have only been playing less than a year and dont intend to quit anytime soon.


It would be reassuring to know that there are people out there that give a kitten about our community...

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> @"bbop.9706" said:


Why would this be a case of end of anything? Streamers come and go all the time, this game and it's Metas existed long before his website, which is very very young/new website, so it will continue the same way as it did even now without the slightest change or impact, it's just a website after all.

Now Metabattle might not be **always** up to date, but honestly mostly it is and the builds in there **are** Meta.

Meta builds don't always pop up out nowhere being created by individual known person that has experience with editing it to the website who would instantly put it there so it would seem like its "instantly up to date", no, sometimes builds are a product of community that appears slowly and gains on users, so it's understandable that sometimes Metabattle just can't instantly have the emerging build while to players it would seem the build is already represented a lot in the game.



It's fine

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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> So i just discovered from Angeels that he has quit gw2 and that he is no longer maintaining the Gods of pvp website.


> Now all we have as a current resource is a handful of dedicated streamers and metabattle which is barely up to date with the current 'meta'.


> Is anyone out there capable of picking up where Angeels left off?


> Or does this truly spell the end for the GW pvp community?


> How will new players be motivated to learn without valuable resources like Gods?


> Sad times indeed. I hope someone can breathe some life into it because too many good people are leaving rn.


> Maybe the end has been and gone already but i for one have only been playing less than a year and dont intend to quit anytime soon.


> It would be reassuring to know that there are people out there that give a kitten about our community...


That hardly has anything to do with what is maintaining player base or pushing it away. Nothing at all.


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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Metabattle is better anyways. Godsofpvp just list the builds with no description of how to play them. It was a fanboy site because the guy who made it wad a "god of pvp". Metabattle is everything godsofpvp is times one hundred.


RIP players ... metabattle is hardly manipulating ratings

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Good to hear a few positive feelings about the state of pvp, but anyone who follows the established top pvp streamers and (ex) pros such as Jawgeous, ROM, hybrid, boycee etc. will realise my concerns. You can feel it and also see the dwindling player base at plat level and higher.


They are the ones trying to keep the scene alive right now and when they go, it is effectively dead unless someone else picks up where they leave off. As a relatively new player, i have learned so much from the above streamers and their enthusiasm motivates me and gives me confidence to invest my time (and money) in the game.


ROM even hosts tournaments using his OWN funds because he loves the game, but the cracks are showing and even he is resigned to defeat. Anet doesnt give a shit about the competetive scene. You only have to watch a good streamer for 10 minutes to realise how pissed everyone is at the lack of balance, support and communication. but we love the game still.. it's mechanically the best of it's kind rn.


The only thing i see saving it from a slow death is a drastic change that will incentivise the 'pros' and bring back all the great player (an official competetive mode with financial rewards like before). But that won't happen without a major rework of pvp (balance, more game modes etc).


Maybe an expansion will offer this but I highly doubt it since Anet focus soley on PVE content these days.



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PvP died as soon as elite specs were released with 0 input from any developer that focused on or cared about competitive gameplay. Corrections came far too slowly since PoF dropped.


Here we are one year later and Mirage is stronger than release because of the absolutely-much-needed-super-urgent Phantasm and clone rework. Let’s take the one class that is S-tier in all 3 game modes and prioritize THAT class for the biggest revamp since release. Then let’s say we are going to revisit clone/phantasm generation speed at a later date but never do it.


Mirage is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to poor choices and neglect of competitive game modes over the last year+.



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"Sad times indeed. I hope someone can breathe some life into it because too many good people are leaving rn."


The people "leaving rn" are the second (or should I say 3rd/4th?) wave of good players getting near the top end of GW2 PvP.


Many are only where they are because so many other good players have left before or succeed because of how accessible the damage and power is on meta builds atm.


Having said that, I'm not happy Angeels is leaving but he wants to refocus his life and I respect that, all the best in the future.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > established top pvp streamers and (ex) pros such as Jawgeous


> lmao




i wasn't saying Jawg is a pro player, but hes a caster and knows pvp as well as championing the game for us. He does great work for the pvp community.

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