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Are gankers bad players?


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Hello everyone,

My question is simple, but I don't want to create some misunderstanding.


"Bad players" I mean players who lack skill and enough knowledge of the game to play their profession in a 1vs1.


WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode, and ganking is done by almost everyone to mantain partecipation and to get the heavy loot bag.


But what I discovered during my roaming career is one thing.

If I meet two or three players of the same guild, and I am alone and they attack me in a fair 1vs1 and the other 2 players just watch their mate, in this case those players are pretty good duelers and know how to fight on their profession.


In all the other cases when people chased me 2vs1 3vs1 4vs1 5vs1 6vs1 and so on just to get the kill on me, with siege dropped after they got me, when I find one of those same guys alone in a 1vs1, even playing meta roaming builds, boonbeast, core war, condi mirage, everybody of them wasn't able to do anything in that 1vs1 and they barely dropped me under 80% health even tho silver gold platinum and mithrill rank and not at their first day of WvW.


So my thought is: ganking will make you remain a bad player?

I mean everyone is capable to go for clean up or outnumbered kills and win against one guy alone.


Please don't say that WvW is not a 1vs1 gamemode etc.

I know that already and people play the way they want to, but ganking has a price in my opinion, you won't improve as a player and at your profession.

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Choosing to participate in the team game as the smallest possible team is a personal choice to be outnumbered in most situations.

Groups of more than one player don't stop to cull down to even numbers, why should a solo be any different?

Part of solo roaming is knowing these facts and acting accordingly.

Passive-agressive posts lashing out against these facts accomplish nothing.

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While WvW isnt a "1v1 gamemode" it actually is. Solo roamers jobs are to cap camps, sentries, scout, help defend walls and take care of other roamers. This typically includes needing to 1v1 other roamers to save your stuff from being capped from them as its their job as well...thus the need to 1v1 in WvW is a thing, thus technically WvW can also be a 1v1 game mode.


Also stating that it doesn't invalidates anything and everything a roamer does...thus makes it a somewhat ignorant statement. You may not solo roam or engage in 1v1 fights, however that doesnt mean that 1v1 fights are not part of the gamemode. Its a warzone. 1 or 100, you are a threat to all enemies.

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Players who usually play solo are more of a threat to me from my personal experience. However saying "ganking = no skill" is just not true. When you fight a 1v1, never assume a second player from afar will just sit and watch. Don't just blow your movement skills and hope for the best. 90% of the times when I get ganked it's just me getting ahead of myself + poor positioning.

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> So my thought is: ganking will make you remain a bad player?




But people don't care about that. This is WvW. Besides open world pve, it's the best place to get carried without needing to learn how to play. Also with this state of gameplay, it's also hard for people to take it seriously, much less get good at a game that is a failed esport.


Also, pips. Sry.

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As with anything...everything should be taken with a grain of salt.


Gank squads can range from Amateur to Special Ops level.


That being said...my personal observation is that:


Amateur gank squads typically run you over in the field & chase you down based upon their team Outnumbering your team.

Quantity & Pure Opportunity are the key to victory. Players get better over time.


Mob gank squads are typical pug based & zerg sized. Players may develop bad habits depending on this gank mode.

Play style needed to win is very similar to beating "Tequatl the Sunless" comes to mind.


Due to a horrible Match-Up model....we're often stuck in a continual 800 pound gorilla in the room scenario...which only encourages these types of Mob based encounters to win. We really need to replace our Match-Up model (Fixed 3 way in Tiers) with something else...IF we wanted a more diverse ecosystem of fighting Play styles...but sadly...most of the WvW community here don't want that...imho


Special Ops gank squads are able to spawn camp & preventing your whole server from leaving...IF You outnumber them.

Quality & Continual Preparation are the key to victory. Players are damn good.


So being in a gank squad doesn't make you a bad player...just depends upon what level that you're operating at.

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> @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> I've always thought "ganking" meant 100 to 0ing someone unexpectedly (e.g. from stealth).


"Ganking: It is a word commonly used in online video games, usualy used in an MMORPG. Ganking is the process in which a group of characters gang up on one or more players that do not have a chance to defend themselves..." Meaning, outnumbering.


I am referring to those people who go for outnumbers kills, from 2vs1 up to 10vs1 and so on, but even 5vs2 10vs5 etc.


But being mainly a solo roamer I'm referring to those guys who don't let you run even 5vs1 until they get the kill, when I find one of those guys alone, they have zero chances in 1vs1, ganking made them bad players.


Instead a lot of respectful guilds if they notice I'm alone they send one guy to try to kill me and the others just watch the fight and ress their mate if I win, notice this happens around the map, i'm not talking of /bow duels in duel spots.


The only moment I do outnumber is inside a camp or tower or if I need a sentry, In all the other cases I never jump into someone 1vs1 and make it a 2vs1, that's a kill that even a blind person can do and I don't see the point of that for just one loot bag, but yeah, everyone is free to play the way they like.


I was just observing how gankers tend to be worse players than average.


Happened literally 5 minutes ago, 2 soulbeasts chased me and killed me jumping on my body with siege dropped, one gold and the other one mithrill rank.

I found the mithrill rank guy alone in the next 5 minutes, he saw me and attacked me first, i won against him in 15 seconds and at the end I was full health and didn't used half of my utilities and skills, just an example.

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Depends what you consider "good players" and "bad players".


I see people playing condi mirage, soulbeast, neverdie druid, infinite sustain warriors, perma stealth dead eyes, never die guard/scourge combo etc etc. They get lots of kills and it takes a lot more random people to kill them.


Does that mean they're good as they keep rotating class and builds to whatever busted build is around? I used to know some people I thought were pretty decent on mesmer, turns out they just play whatever is insanely strong and move on when the nerfs hit.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Happened literally 5 minutes ago, 2 soulbeasts chased me and killed me jumping on my body with siege dropped, one gold and the other one mithrill rank.

> I found the mithrill rank guy alone in the next 5 minutes, he saw me and attacked me first, i won against him in 15 seconds and at the end I was full health and didn't used half of my utilities and skills, just an example.

You didnt jump on him and dropped a cata? You're a horrible ganker!


Wait what siege did you get? Because that's really a show how much they love you. Yesterday a WSR zerg did whatever they wanted on ROS hbl and when they killed me they dropped a sheild gen on me. A **guild** sheild gen. The good stuff. That's like someone egging your door with a Fabergé. And what you've probably already guessed by now, of course it was AMX.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Happened literally 5 minutes ago, 2 soulbeasts chased me and killed me jumping on my body with siege dropped, one gold and the other one mithrill rank.

> > I found the mithrill rank guy alone in the next 5 minutes, he saw me and attacked me first, i won against him in 15 seconds and at the end I was full health and didn't used half of my utilities and skills, just an example.

> You didnt jump on him and dropped a cata? You're a horrible ganker!


> Wait what siege did you get? Because that's really a show how much they love you. Yesterday a WSR zerg did whatever they wanted on ROS hbl and when they killed me they dropped a sheild gen on me. A **guild** sheild gen. The good stuff. That's like someone egging your door with a Fabergé. And what you've probably already guessed by now, of course it was AMX.


If I see you I'll drop one of my spare omega golems if I have one :)


Also yeah AMX...we ask them/yell very loudly at them to stop moa pulling the com but AMX is like ANet, they do whatever they please and leave you going o.O

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Gankers aren't inherently bad, they just play worse because they're more confident and less conservative with their skills because they know they have the numbers advantage.


It's also not impossible for someone to be better in a group than they are solo. Some players don't know how to manage themselves alone but are good at spotting openings, weak targets, watching allies and opponents cooldowns, etc. which make them strong supports or +1's. It's true that ganking too often will make it more difficult to improve as a solo player but that doesn't mean you can't improve as a group player.


And that aside, what does it matter? How many people do you think are roaming or ganking because they want to be the next God of PvP? As far as I'm concerned, most people do it because they have fun doing it and it's as simple as that.


Too many people would rather make excuses for why they lost rather than accepting it and trying to understand it. Yes, being outnumbered is a perfectly valid reason for losing, but _how_ did you get outnumbered? If for example you nose dive in to a 1v5, then it's hardly the fault of those who killed you.


Just remember that WvW is a team environment. If you prefer to be solo you should know and accept that at times you're going to be dealing with more players than you can handle. Prepare an escape plan, know that a 1v1 may turn in to a 1vX and look inwards to understand your failures rather than outwards blaming others for what you perceive as shortcomings.

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In a 1vX you will often see enemy players standing around "pressing 1". You will often see them throwing away their ranged advantage, for some mysterious reason, by closing from 1200+ to sub 600 range when they could have continued to freecast from 2000 range. They often cannot balance offense and defense.


They are often rangers and deadeyes. There is a reason why people called rangers free bags for the first 4 years of the games life.


15:55 is the perfect example of a player who spends way too much time ganking (in both the 100-0 and Xv1 sense) and his play suffers for it,

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Gankers aren't "bad players", they're playing the game as intended. Block people from reaching an objective. Militaries perform blockades all the time, this is effectively a gankers role.


As someone who really only plays in zergs with a glassy build, gankers suck. But they're not bad.

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Gankers remind me of cheesers in RTS games. The bad cheesers know their cheese well but can't follow it up with quality transitional gameplay if things don't go their way. Good cheesers know their cheese well _and_ know when to transition into more standard gameplay.


Gankers are carried by their build in the first 5~10 seconds of the fight. That's what they're built to do. That's what their traits and utilities are for. But after those few seconds a good portion of their abilities are on cooldown and if their gank didn't land well they're forced to fight, ya know, properly. The bad players die and/or run away, the good players are able to make the most of the situation and continue the fight.


I wouldn't generalize gankers as good or bad inherently, its just one of many different chosen styles of gameplay.


~ Kovu

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