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What are you climbing with this season?


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I'm out of ideas and off season ranked has blown my mind. I feel like i don't know what to play. Finished a few wins short of plat in my first season playing mainly, core guard, SB boons and sniper and mesmer. Feel like getting good with FB, scourge, holo, rev and reaper but idk..


or should i stick to one or two roles/classes. Help a brother out!


What are you climbing with this season?

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I only played D/P DD and S/D Core Thief in season 14. I thought I would go on with Thief but then discovered Revenant. Since you can actually fight and still be mobile as a Rev I‘ll prefer it over Thief so S15 will be Rev only.


For you I’d say play what you like. If you like all professions just play them all and switch accordingly to what your team needs. You probably won‘t get to the same level of gameplay (skill wise) as when you only played one or two professions tho but that decision of what and how to play is up to you.

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I think tactically it would be best if you learn different roles to play but not too many classes. So I'd say pick 2 classes that give you the most variety of roles you can play, and stick with those.

Personally, I intend to play Guardian. I play both core and firebrand so those give me 2 effective roles I can pick between.

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Same as always for me: ele, all varieties of it, been trying a D/D tempest and D/D weaver builds, condi and power, as well as mixed, having more success with the mixed so far but then again, its preseason, people are running weird builds too so no saying if it will work once we get back to the same monotomous meta of having 2-4 mirages, 1-3 holos, 1-3 soulbeasts in every game....


As for you, I would recommend you to pick a class that you find fun, ideally I would go away from the builds which are very well known for their powerlevel (like those you describe), challenge yourself to play something that requires more skills to succeed, those are usually fun even if you know they arent the most effective, but make sure you intrinsically enjoy playing them. I personally enjoy eles as a concept and gameplay, so even if they are weak right now, I still find ways to make them "work" to the best of my abilities.


best of luck!

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> @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > Fresh air core ele cause I hate myself and find no joy in any class except ele...

> >

> > Help pls.

> > I'm a masochist and addict.


> Is this build still useful at doing anything?


I use it as a less mobile thief. Dance around the edge, play with people to bust their cooldowns early and then try to rotate quickly into air to burst the suckers down.


Easier to do when everyone is half health or exhausted themselves from panic button pressing. It forces me to learn positioning, patience, and glancing at the map to keep track of classes that hard counter me like mirage or thieves.


This is coming from someone who did nothing but bunker, so this playstyle teaches me to do what I couldn't do as a support/healer.

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Choo...Choo.....with no balance patch i expect the Mirage/Boonbeast train is getting pretty crowded.


I roam on Power Rev so was thinking of playing that but i dunno.....those shards are calling me so might hop on the mirage train before it pulls out of the station.


"Mirage is not OP and you all need to L2P"

....sorry just practicing my responses to the future nerf threads in case i become a "mesmer main"



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> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> Choo...Choo.....with no balance patch i expect the Mirage/Boonbeast train is getting pretty crowded.


> I roam on Power Rev so was thinking of playing that but i dunno.....those shards are calling me so might hop on the mirage train before it pulls out of the station.


> "Mirage is not OP and you all need to L2P"

> ....sorry just practicing my responses to the future nerf threads in case i become a "mesmer main"




Haha that’s awsome shit right there,ur already sounding like a mez main

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I was going to fall in ranks with DD Tempest then climb as Mirage to fall as DD Temp again...

When I get frustrated that I cant be carried on Mes because im dying to other condi mesmers ill switch to boonbeast lol


Jokes aside... I only play when I play with friends so most likely we'll end up trolling as usual and not going very far. Use builds like double trap DH, double PP thief or use our identical looking mesmers with the same name, sex, title and build to extra confuse people and so on.

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> @"Czerny.6530" said:

> Climbed silver to gold 1 last season with holo but didn't really have time to get many games in.... Tried some scourge this season. Lost every placement, silver 3, 4-14 so far. Guess I was carried by holo after all.


Scourge is a build that's kind of easy to understand the basics but doing well requires some moderately decent footwork and positioning if you don't have dedicated support because the enemies will always target you and focus your first because you're such an immense threat in the team fight unless they happen to be the randoms I'm queued with.


You also don't have Elixir S's invuln and 5 seconds of stealth or Guardian's Renewed Focus, which even if you aren't actively need them serve as a deterrent from getting focused which scourge doesn't have.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Scourge is a build that's kind of easy to understand the basics but doing well requires some moderately decent footwork and positioning if you don't have dedicated support because the enemies will always target you and focus your first because you're such an immense threat in the team fight unless they happen to be the randoms I'm queued with.



Yeah I'm discovering how powerful the active and passive defensive were on the other classes I've played (Holo and core guard). I'm running triple stun break utilities and stability shroud, and it still doesn't keep me from evaporating when I get dived by 3 people who teleport on top of me and my team doesn't know how to peel.

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> @"Czerny.6530" said:

>it still doesn't keep me from evaporating when I get dived by 3 people who teleport on top of me and my team doesn't know how to peel.

if you know the enemy has 3 or more classes like rev/core guard/thief/holo/mirage coming mid at the opening split you're better off standing as far away as you can until they engage someone else regardless of how long it takes them to do it, just run in after they've thrown some of their burst on someone with iframes.


it's just the way it is when matches have you start with no life force even though your survivability is balanced with life force-based mechanics in mind.



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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Revenant - seriously the most engaging and entertaining spec I've played so far besides maybe elementalist.


I agree with this. Personally though rev just doesnt click with me in terms of effectiveness, it seems it requires me to play with a different mindset, specially vs condi users, which just feels like they make my life miserable, also, having so little sustain after playing ele for so long just feels soooo low.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Revenant - seriously the most engaging and entertaining spec I've played so far besides maybe elementalist.


I hate Revenant. Like a lot. Even the things I like about Revenant I hate because they feel shoe-horned into a class when they would fit better elsewhere.


I hate the class thematically, it feels completely lacking in theme. Rather than actually filling in a niche that Guild Wars 2's classes lacked, namely an Anti-Paladin, it's basically trying to be everything at once and just feels like a mess. Necromancers feel like necromancers. Thieves feel like thiefs. Warriors feel like warriors. Rangers feel like rangers. Revenants feel like some hideous hybrid of thief and warrior in terms of execution. "Enter the mists" skills like Phase Traversal, Death Strike, Unrelenting Assault just ripping off thief shadowsteps.


Even the fun stuff about the revenants, like a variety of individual skills that are fun to use, just feel like thief or warrior skills. Like Sword skills 3,4 and 5 would feel more exciting and fitting skills for an offhand sword thief Elite specialization.


It's always bummed me out that rather than give us a real class they basically threw all the leftovers from the fridge into a blender and made a smoothie out of it. And I'm not exactly interested in a salami, kiwi, apple, sour cream, sriracha sauce, yogurt, loaf of bread, onion and carrot smoothie.

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