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Who is Komalie?


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So I was going through GW1 Prophecies Prima Guide and as I was looking at maps I came across something interesting on the Perdition Rock page. Each map is labeled,


-Region Name-

Map Name


-Komalie's Rest-

Perdition Rock


But also the Mission maps are labeled,


-Komalie's Rest-

Ring of Fire

Abaddon's Mouth

Hell's Precipice


Well we all know that region as Ring of Fire Island Chain. So I did a search for Komalie on both GW1 & GW2 Wiki and found,







Idk maybe there is a back story behind the name Komalie.

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The blade was named after the Door rather than after a person who may have owned it.

The Door of Komalie being sealed by Mursaat soul batteries which were charged by sacrificing people on bloodstones.. hence the sacrificial blade.


As for the name itself there is no known lore or information about any character called Komalie in the Guidlwars franchise.

It's possible that there was a character named Komalie (likely a Mursaat) who first sealed the portal thus giving it it's name but there's nothing to confirm that.


I can't say for sure where Anet got their influence for the name but it's possible it's an altered form of another word which is a common practice to do in fantasy games etc.. specially if you want to capture the same meaning.

It could be related to Komali which appears to be a name meaning tender in various cultures such as Hindi and Indian.. tender also having several meanings itself.. one of which is requiring tact or careful handling which could be the inspiration for naming the Door of Komalie as it is something that the Mursaat carefully protected and killed to keep closed for a long time.


All I can do is speculate though.. without any information from one of the developers there really is nothing to go on.

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From what we know the Door of Komalie was a gate to The Foundry of Failed Creations. The Foundry was originally used to imprison Margonites in the Realm of Torment and was operated by the Forgotten.


Komalie doesn't sound like a Forgotten name, so the door being named after its head warden seems unlikely.

The bigger demons that were imprisoned in the Realm of Torment had names like Hunger or Fury, so Komalie being a badass demon is also unlikely.

From the naming scheme for the [Margonites](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Category:Margonites "Margonites") Komalie could very well have been a Margonite.

The titans usually have [two names](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Category:Titans "two names"). Komalie could be the first or last name of a titan.

Of course there's still the possibility of Komalie being / having been someone / something completely different.

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So I think I may have figured some of it out and some of it is best guess,


* Lord Odran experimented with a rift to the mists near the bloodstone in the ring of fire island chain but oops it lead to the Domain of Anguish.

* The mursaat, lead by Komalie, realized the threat through the flameseeker prophecies and constructed a means to lock the rift.

* A servant of Abaddon deceived Komalie into self sacrificing himself on the bloodstone to charge the batteries and the lock.

* The deed was done by a Sacrificial Blade that was later used in subsequent sacrifices to power the soul batteries.

* Komalie (name meaning tender/delicate) was pulled into the Realm of Torment where Abaddon deceived and corrupted him into The Fury (who is flanked by Guardians of Komalie npcs). The Fury served as a means of taking over the Realm of Torment and creating an army.

* For years the Door of Komalie would remain charged due to the large energy boost from the sacrifice of a mursaat (similar to the Lich).

* Optimus Caliph (name meaning Highest Successor) saw the soul batteries' power waning and saw his turn coming to self sacrifice.

* But by chance a human named Saul D'Alessio gave Optimus Caliph another option. The White Mantle would serve as a front for the Mursaat's interest in new sources of charging the soul batteries and thus was created the Eye of Janthir. An item capable of sorting out beings with magical apptitude.

* Vizier Khilbron was made aware of the flameseeker prophecies and the mursaat's part in the creation of the Door of Komalie, by a Servant of Abaddon.

* He misled the Heroes into driving the mursaat back into their keep that protected the Door of Komalie.

* When the fortress was breached the Door of Komalie opened, all the mursaat were wiped out.

* Thus the mursaat's fear of extinction from the time of the elder dragons lead them to some self-fulfilling prophecy.


Its really interesting how so few people in prophecies actually say the name Komalie and the first instance that I am aware of is that by Vizier Khilbron. The story I see is pretty much a mirror of Vizier Khilbron/The Cataclysm , Shiro/The Jade Wind and Komalie/Creating and latter Unleashing the Titan Army. Think it ended up being a side story later inferred upon by the addition of DoA and the npcs Guardian of Komalie. The story was more or less left for us to ponder rather than for the story writers to dictate to us.


End of crazy theory.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

An issue with your theory is that The Fury was imprisoned (alongside the most troublestone Margonites) in the Foundry of Failed Creations for an undisclosed period of time. While when exactly the Forgotten lost control of the Realm of Torment and its prisons is unclear, it's suggested to have happened around the same time Abaddon sent several agents to Tyria - which happened to be around the same time Odran opened his portals (which made me think Odran might've caused some (un)intentional mayhem allowing Abaddon to act and thus manipulate Shiro and the Flame Legion, and later Khilbron).


Also the fact The Fury is a general of Dhuum, who was merely on loan to Abaddon. Though that's minor.





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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> An issue with your theory is that The Fury was imprisoned (alongside the most troublestone Margonites) in the Foundry of Failed Creations for an undisclosed period of time. While when exactly the Forgotten lost control of the Realm of Torment and its prisons is unclear, it's suggested to have happened around the same time Abaddon sent several agents to Tyria - which happened to be around the same time Odran opened his portals (which made me think Odran might've caused some (un)intentional mayhem allowing Abaddon to act and thus manipulate Shiro and the Flame Legion, and later Khilbron).


> Also the fact The Fury is a general of Dhuum, who was merely on loan to Abaddon. Though that's minor.


> https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Aurus_Trevess




Odran opened his portals over 200 years prior to the cataclysm. The fury/tormented komalie could have indeed been imprisoned for that long. And as it is the forgotten running the prison, corrupted or not, a mursaat would definitely be considered an ancient evil, whether from 200+ years of torment or from the ole days when they abandoned all the other races to the elder dragons.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Odran opened his portals over 200 years prior to the cataclysm. The fury/tormented komalie could have indeed been imprisoned for that long.


Yes, I mentioned that. Alongside the fact that Abaddon's minions escaped into Tyria 200 years prior to the Cataclysm. When two/three powerful demons escape into Tyria, it's unlike the Forgotten still had full control over the prisons that should have been keeping them locked up. So the Fortune Teller that manipulated Shiro, and the titan that manipulated the charr, (if not also Razekiel) being in Tyria 200 years prior to the Searing/Cataclysm suggests that the Forgotten lost control of their prisons around 200 years prior to GW1, around the same time Odran opened his portals (which is why I suggested the theory that Odran may have had something to do with that situation and/or Abaddon's minions getting into Tyria).


> And as it is the forgotten running the prison, corrupted or not, a mursaat would definitely be considered an ancient evil, whether from 200+ years of torment or from the ole days when they abandoned all the other races to the elder dragons.


Nothing suggests the mursaat live so long. The mursaat as a race may be an ancient evil, but not an individual.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> Nothing suggests the mursaat live so long. The mursaat as a race may be an ancient evil, but not an individual.


They wouldn't have to. If I'm following Justine's idea, then The Fury was Komalie's soul, not the living mursaat itself... besides which, we also have the Margonites as a precedent for demonic corruption granting immortality.


I'd be more inclined to doubt on the basis of the Fury taking a human form, and that knowledge of the Door had spread into the human kingdoms, suggesting that the name predates the mursaat putting the area on lockdown.

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> @"Aaron Ansari.1604" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> > Nothing suggests the mursaat live so long. The mursaat as a race may be an ancient evil, but not an individual.


> They wouldn't have to. If I'm following Justine's idea, then The Fury was Komalie's soul, not the living mursaat itself... besides which, we also have the Margonites as a precedent for demonic corruption granting immortality.


Justine's idea is that Komalie sacrificed himself to seal a rift that Lord Odran made, and his soul turned into The Fury after being twisted by Abaddon in the Realm of Torment.


In other words in the theory, Komalie lived circa 700-800 AE.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> perhaps inst a person, just a geographical location in Mists or Tyria so the name: [Door of "that place"].


Agreed, Komalie could just as easily be a location or even the name of some long forgotten or distant civilization. For all we know it could be the name of the civilization that Mursaat were before they possibly transformed into Mursaat.






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