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I miss Guild Wars


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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> I do think the OP has a legit point here. The incentive to go do something with friends as a group is extremely low. I think the problem is the way the world is made. Except for a few exceptions, the content is either solo-able OR the content requires a massive group. There are no fun, repeatable 4-5 man group dungeons. Sure, one could argue fractals but personally I don't think fractals are fun to do nor can you really do them without bit of planning. Guild Wars 2 is devoid of the "hey guys lets go do X" thing. There is no spontaneity to GW2 which is what to GW was all about. There are more things that I miss about GW like the mixing of classes for example which was AWESOME to tinker with.

Fun fact: what you describe is exactly the way I play GW2. Log on, see who's online, gather a couple of friends and go off to play together. Map exploration, story, smallscale wvw, fractals, dungeons, resource gathering, achievement hunting, there's always something to do and always people to do it with. Sure we could do all that solo, too, but why spend your time alone when it's a lot more fun with others?


Could your problem possibly be less a problem of incentive and more a problem of just not having enough friends that enjoy the game (or maybe you yourself not enjoying it as much as you think)?

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> omg please don't bring up villainy of galrath ever again.


> but yeah I feel you man. gw1 was my first mmo… and well, you cant really beat your first mmo experience (your first good one ofc).


> edit

> holy kitten. I think I remember you man. I tried to do that galrath quest once or twice before, it took about an hour and failed both times. then you come and tank it... yeah lol I remember you! wow that's crazy. welp thanks again for that I really hated that quest. pretty sure I adapted your healing hands build after that.


It is very possible. I would spam in LA and do running to ToA and then towards the Galrath. I would just run all the way there and then tanking Galrath and his minions. The fight was a bit on a longer side, but all the skipping of mobs was worth a bit of a wait I guess :)

Balthazar's Spirit - Mending - Healing Hands - Healing Breeze - Sprint - Doylak Signet, for attack skills usually Sever Artery and Gash, I sometimes changed it into Penetrating Blow and Disrupting Chop to get rid of his Healing Signet.

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I really miss playing Silkroad Online back in 2006-2009 with it's various great community driven PvP modes. Nothing I have played since ever came close to giving me the same level of enjoyment no matter how much better these games actually were. Nostalgia really goes a rather long way, doesn't it?

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> Guild Wars 2 is devoid of the "hey guys lets go do X" thing. There is no spontaneity to GW2 which is what to GW was all about.


That is a community thing. If you are devoid of "hey guys lets do X" then you are just hanging out with the wrong crowd.


And. . .yeah. GW isn't what I'd call spontaneous. Maybe you remember wrong, but it was 100% instance based. You went out, you did a mission, you returned to base. There was no "oh, this is happening, let's do this for a second!" that there is in GW2.



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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > Personally I would gladly give up dodge and jumping to have a semi-decent combat system


> It all comes down to personal preference. I HATE the combat system of GW1 but I absolutely adore Gw2's. Gw2's combat system feels dynamic, fast paced and kind of action like, but especially different to most other MMOs.

> Gw1's combat system feels stiff, slow, unsatisfying and... unoriginal. Most traditional MMOs have a similar combat system.




Indeed, gw2 is fast, action and gw1 slow.

The thing is gw1 is strategic with huge depth to it, somewhat reactive, skills had risk to it, to do good you had to knew a good amount of hexes, conditions, enchantments and other effects to react accordingly, gw2 on the other had is shallow, every single skill is the same with a different flavour, every skill has a safety net to it, and it's just mash in quick succession, there is little to no mind games, apart from dodge bait, and reactiveness to it.


Talking about games with the deck building aspect to it, The Secret World was also influenced by it, too bad the execution is flawed and has as much depth as gw2.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > Personally I would gladly give up dodge and jumping to have a semi-decent combat system

> >

> > It all comes down to personal preference. I HATE the combat system of GW1 but I absolutely adore Gw2's. Gw2's combat system feels dynamic, fast paced and kind of action like, but especially different to most other MMOs.

> > Gw1's combat system feels stiff, slow, unsatisfying and... unoriginal. Most traditional MMOs have a similar combat system.

> >

> >


> Indeed, gw2 is fast, action and gw1 slow.

> The thing is gw1 is strategic with huge depth to it, somewhat reactive, skills had risk to it, to do good you had to knew a good amount of hexes, conditions, enchantments and other effects to react accordingly, gw2 on the other had is shallow, every single skill is the same with a different flavour, every skill has a safety net to it, and it's just mash in quick succession, there is little to no mind games, apart from dodge bait, and reactiveness to it.


> Talking about games with the deck building aspect to it, The Secret World was also influenced by it, too bad the execution is flawed and has as much depth as gw2.


GW has a much more interesting system of counters, and PvE helped train players to understand them so they could fight more effectively against human opponents in PvP.


The real problem is that GW1 was balanced around group versus group fights, and usually the player group for an area had a known size based on the nearby outposts. GW2 OW is the core of gameplay, and is designed to support (is maybe even balanced around) solo play. Add to that there are no secondary professions, and suddenly everything has to be dumbed down or else certain professions might be severely disadvantaged.


It's probably a solvable problem, but maybe not until a hypothetical GW3 or a least a 2.5 that involves a massive overhaul to gameplay mechanics.


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Quite surprised by the many condescending posts in this thread. :-(


OP never called for GW2 changes. Op simply praised a game he/she (along with some of us) loved. Along with that praise he explained the feelings lost as some of the moments in Guild Wars is not likely going to ever happen again. Yes: I "miss" something can be a praise, even if I full well know things wont magically change: I miss my grandmother! - That does NOT imply that v2 (my mother) was a failure!


However... Kneejerk reaction on this forum seems to be: Whats your point OP?, GW2 is better because MMO, Stop being entitled... Whatever conceited/condescending "Meh - I'm in the know" post. Sorry - This IS obviously "the community" here :(


Guild Wars (You know, no "1" - The original game) and GW2 are different games. The original had dual classes, 1300+ skills and a Coop setting for a RPG.

The followup, who happens to share name/lore are (supposedly) much easier to balance with a very limited set of skills. Hmm: You be the judge of how well that turned out!


As for GW2 wonders of mobile combat and "red circles of double jumping" being fast/responsive: Please don´t embarrass yourself in this thread unless you have real experience as boon/infuser or e-denial mesmer in GW. (Yeah GW2 "mesmer" is a joke compared to what the class (originally) brought to the table to actually be unique/classdefining.)

I Never heard a class-A E-surger or infuser complain about halls or GW's being "slow" gameplay)


And yes OP: I miss and mourn what we can't have today in GW - But we still have the announced/weekly AB's and some active guilds :-)


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> @"Halandir.3609" said:

> Quite surprised by the many condescending posts in this thread. :-(


> OP never called for GW2 changes. Op simply praised a game he/she (along with some of us) loved.

I guess my issue is then why come to forums for GW2 to praise a different game? To me, that was just asking for confrontation. /shrug


EDIT: This section of the forums is titled "Guild Wars 2 Discussion" so that's why I question the creation of this thread in the first place if it is only to praise the original Guild Wars.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Halandir.3609" said:

> > Quite surprised by the many condescending posts in this thread. :-(

> >

> > OP never called for GW2 changes. Op simply praised a game he/she (along with some of us) loved.

> I guess my issue is then why come to forums for GW2 to praise a different game? To me, that was just asking for confrontation. /shrug


> EDIT: This section of the forums is titled "Guild Wars 2 Discussion" so that's why I question the creation of this thread in the first place if it is only to praise the original Guild Wars.


If you go to ANet forum Chats you'll find a month (May) about gw1. How dare ANet talk about a different game on gw2 forums?!

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Halandir.3609" said:

> > Quite surprised by the many condescending posts in this thread. :-(

> >

> > OP never called for GW2 changes. Op simply praised a game he/she (along with some of us) loved.

> I guess my issue is then why come to forums for GW2 to praise a different game? To me, that was just asking for confrontation. /shrug


> EDIT: This section of the forums is titled "Guild Wars 2 Discussion" so that's why I question the creation of this thread in the first place if it is only to praise the original Guild Wars.


Sure, but try this: There is NO "officially Anet-endorsed Guild Wars-Only" forum/response channel. GW2 would not exist without "Guild Wars" being a "thing" - Most Guild Wars fans have a lot of respect for Anet: This is their only official "Forum" - Fans might drop by and (since there is no general "Anet games" forum) this is the closest thing to a catch-all. (And Yes -We can/do still buy storage expansions/outfits etc from Anet)


Guild Wars players are (imo) still quite big fans of Anet no matter how GW2 was/might have been a disappointment on a personal level.

But hey: Lets follow your enlightened path of wisdom: Shun the GW'ers - Let them spew GW2 hate and whatever where ever they go instead... Sorry: Thats a no win!

Heh - Naah, I have bought 2 GW2 accounts, 1 (mostly unused) HoT account and 3 full (all campaigns and expansions) GW accounts: Hate it as you will - I'll stick around.


And no... GW2 is NOT what I hoped for. But that is Anets choice of direction. Me (or other Guild Wars players) are not here to argue with that. Nor are we going to belittle or ridicule GW2 elsewhere. Anet may have abandoned Guild Wars, but Guild Wars players have not necessarily abandoned Anet.

We might voice (unwanted) opinions here - But we only do that because we:

1. Have a PAID GW2 account. (Posting here is kind of locked otherwise)

2. Still have a lot of respect for Anet as a games developer.

3. Accept that GW2 is what it is and fans like that!


But hey: Keep telling us just how welcoming and inclusive the GW2 "community" is... :/


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Let's be a bit realistic here.

I really hate comments saying "Oh if you miss it go play it" or "stop looking at from the nostalgic way" etc. I don't mean to sound rude here, but these comments absolutely trigger me.

That being said...


From a realistic point of view, yes GW1 is an outdated game now, in everything. Certainly it still runs, but I myself can't really go back to play it anymore, as I know that FUTURE is out there waiting for me, where GW2 is actively updated with an active playerbase, while GW1 is slowly dying.

On top of that, it's absolutely out of date from the combat perspective and other gameplay views as well, as in too many invisible walls, no movement freedom and a lot of instanced content/zones.

Let's face it, many players who played GW1 are playing GW2 because they love the franchise, lore and what GW stands for.

Many of us simply love it, but we can all agree that GW2 did not really capture the magic and spirit that GW1 had. In a couple of ways:


1. GW2 combat is beautiful and smooth, but it's limited to weapon skills. We're lacking the freedom of GW1 builds, which was the main fun of GW to begin with. Builds had templates and it was way easier to switch the build without having to "print screen" and memorize the build layout. People expected GW2 combat would carry over the skills and the charm of GW1 builds, but it did not. GW1 combat was more tactical and less active, GW2 combat in general is more superior, but it can definitely do with a lot more tweaks and love to give players more choices.


2. Hero Points are way too easy to obtain and they really give no sense of 'satisfaction' or achievement. Looking at GW1 elite skill capture was really fun to do and it gave players this RPG feel, a sense of satisfaction once getting that skill too.


3. Combat/Effects/AoE is all over the place in GW2, making the game look absolutely messy and chaotic when in larger fights. It's an eye-sore and I find myself getting quite dizzy and 'blind' later on. Which wasn't the case in GW1. It's definitely a step backwards compared to GW1 effects, which were a lot peaceful and friendlier to the eyes than this.


4. Open world feels...not really like open world. We're still 'instanced' in zones and there's a whole load of mess going on around us too. Meta event here, event there, bounty here and there, but the zones and content give us no feeling of mystery, adventure, exploration unlike in GW1 where you actually felt fear in specific zones, then you'd get this LotR vibe in those volcanic zones of Ring of Fire and Fissure of Woe...then Realm of Torment..brrr!

Heck most of the zones had way more depth in GW1 than in GW2...and also way too much chatter going on almost everywhere (NPC chatter) which does end up ruining the immersion especially if it's some 'annoying' NPC voice like with the Thunderhead Peaks Skritt that totally killed the immersion after finishing the story.


5. Music. Music in GW2 feels misplaced most of the time. I primarily speak of Core zones and core world. Fantastic job with new composers though, they nailed it with HoT, PoF and living story.

That being said, the Core Tyria zones really have annoying music most of the time:

- It's repeatable, like a playlist that is on loop all the time.

- Zone changing doesn't change the music. I will TP to Orr and Divinity's Reach music will still play until it's done.

That wasn't the case in GW1. If you change the zone, music will change with it, absolutely letting you feel more immersed. On top of that the music was placed more than well in GW1. You were in Old Ascalon and you'd get the eerie, sad music playing. You wouldn't get some cheerful tune playing while adventuring through there.


6. Story. GW1 story had taken itself way more seriously, without annoying humor kicking in and absolutely ruining the whole feel of threat and seriousness - which is the case in GW2. They nailed it with the latest "All or Nothing" episode, where story finally took a darker and more serious turn. Up until then, I really didn't take character deaths seriously either.

Up until "All or Nothing" I felt no depth nor connection to GW2 story. It was more like a 'casual ride' through story which would always result the same as in: meh some progress, then killing the Dragon, with some side character or annoying character dying a meaningless death.


7. Colors. GW1 had the colors/contrast right. GW2 has moments where you can't look at whiteness and all the bright parts of it. Contrast tends to be way too high in some zones, just look at PoF zones, you can't even see proper details on your character's armor. Turning PostProcessing off doesn't solve the problem as it makes the game look way too dark instead.

GW1 had eye-friendly colors which didn't make your head hurt after a couple of hours of playing it.


8. Guilds, Community, Guild Halls. Realistically looking, GW1 had a warmer and much nicer atmosphere and interaction between players. I have made countless of friends in GW1, made long lasting friendships that are still lasting. These same people aren't even playing GW2 anymore, that connection was lost with the game.

I won't forget the times when I was first starting, how people kept taking me to these hidden places in Pre-Searing, showing me around and we'd hang out in the zones, sitting atop the mountain and just observing the sea, going out to tame these rare ranger pets, and many other adventures.

Guilds had more connection and warmth too. People were tied to their guilds and felt a strong bond with it. Guilds meant something...now it just feels like people join guilds to get benefits and never talk to guildies.

It's the case with the guild I am in. People come across each other in open world and despite being guildies they never even greet each other. We end up doing Fractals in a guildie group and guildies just leave once we are done, without even saying anything. What happened?

On top of that, Guild Halls felt WAY better in GW1 than GW2. Now it's a whole load of mess with annoying decorations and items totally ruining the feel of guild hall, making it look like some Asian MMO, having guild halls decorated with such ... bad style.

Plus it's impossible to get a guild hall if you're a small guild now, if you want a mini community with close friends.


9. PvP. GW1 PvP was way more superior. GW2 is chaotic and all over the place. Looking at WvW I just can't help but groan every time I see the endless amount of AoE and stampede of people just rushing around the field. Normal PvP is also all over the place. Way too many people just jumping/dodging/spamming clones around that you sometimes don't even have time to turn before you find yourself downed and dead. I love the more 'peaceful' approach in GW1 where you actually had time to ponder your skills and approach. This is just a whole load of mess IMO.

Alliance Battles in GW1 were AMAZING, so was Jade Quarry. I used to spend ages in these two PvP modes, having a load of fun with my Interrupt Mesmer and Necro.


Looking at it now, GW2 just carried over the GW name and lore without giving us majority of the things that players loved about GW.

I really wish we get more of GW1 vibes back, the GW1 atmosphere, that 'silence' you'd get when in zones, just listening to the wind or that deep sound underground...hearing Charr growls far in the distance or that thundering sound. GW2 atmosphere will always get ruined with random chatter, events or hearts popping up constantly as you go.


I have grown to accept it. GW2 is a totally different game than GW1. GW1 times have died, but I am grateful to all the best memories this game gave me. The priceless time, the time where I've grown up, the time of my first MMORPG, the time where I met so many amazing people.

GW2 is an amazing game too, but it is not what GW1 used to be to me. Still, I will support this game and developers and praise them for their great work.

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I think the problem with this kind of thread is a few things:


1. Lamenting GW1 just to do so has little value to the players of this game. It might come as a surprise, but some of us didn't play GW1. Even if you did, what did you come away with from this thread? Some renewed sense of what you will never experience again? To what purpose does that bring for you?

2. Regardless of the size of the game or what it offered, they all eventually get to a point of 'maintenance' mode; so accept it. The same will happen to GW2 and I suspect that it's closer than we think it is due to the upcoming popularity of mobile gaming.

3. Those of you that stopped playing GW1 did so for a reason, which likely led you here. If you came here because of what GW1 was, and not for what GW2 is or might be in anticipation, then you have only fooled yourself into leaving something you really enjoyed. The remedy for that is not threads like this one.


The thing that is particularly weird about this thread is that even after speaking to the OP privately, it seems that there isn't a purpose to this thread other than to provide a eulogy to what GW1 was. Don't live in the past and definitely don't lament what GW2 isn't because of it.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> Let's be a bit realistic here.

> I really hate comments saying "Oh if you miss it go play it" or "stop looking at from the nostalgic way" etc. I don't mean to sound rude here, but these comments absolutely trigger me.

> That being said...

> ...

> I have grown to accept it. GW2 is a totally different game than GW1. GW1 times have died, but I am grateful to all the best memories this game gave me. The priceless time, the time where I've grown up, the time of my first MMORPG, the time where I met so many amazing people.

> GW2 is an amazing game too, but it is not what GW1 used to be to me. Still, I will support this game and developers and praise them for their great work.


Great post - Thx!

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> if gw had jumping and a proper trading post it would of been perfect.


These would've killed map design, the combat, and the community.


> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Still trying to figure out why someone misses something they can play. If you miss it, go play it. I'm willing to bet you will quickly remember why you stopped playing it too.


Yes, they'll remember: they've played it all, several times over. There's no new content because of GW2. Most fun part of GW1 was experimenting with build but the last balance patch was like 7 years ago so things have gone somewhat stale.


Other thing is, you **can't** play every part of it. Most of the PvP modes are dead or kept alive by bots.

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Meh I still play it but I can as I have had a strong love for tweaking my party just like the old games such as Icewind Dale.


People that never played a heal/prot monk in gw1 cannot truly appreciate what was lost when the community shrank and hero monks became good substitutes for human players. It got worse when people started to cheese the game with Necro/Rit healers heroes. Playing a support monk with a full hero team is just an exercise in frustration as the AI will not perform correctly if the player is not actively being offensive.


But yeah I have a good time still in gw1,

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I think the problem with this kind of thread is a few things:


> 1. Lamenting GW1 just to do so has little value to the players of this game. It might come as a surprise, but some of us didn't play GW1. Even if you did, what did you come away with from this thread? Some renewed sense of what you will never experience again? To what purpose does that bring for you?

> 2. Regardless of the size of the game or what it offered, they all eventually get to a point of 'maintenance' mode; so accept it. The same will happen to GW2 and I suspect that it's closer than we think it is due to the upcoming popularity of mobile gaming.

> 3. Those of you that stopped playing GW1 did so for a reason, which likely led you here. If you came here because of what GW1 was, and not for what GW2 is or might be in anticipation, then you have only fooled yourself into leaving something you really enjoyed. The remedy for that is not threads like this one.


> The thing that is particularly weird about this thread is that even after speaking to the OP privately, it seems that there isn't a purpose to this thread other than to provide a eulogy to what GW1 was. Don't live in the past and definitely don't lament what GW2 isn't because of it.


What people here are trying to say is that they are missing things that didn't get carried over from GW1.

Without GW1 there wouldn't be GW2.

GW1 carried over its loyal players to GW2.

It's natural the GW1 players who spent years and years and dedication and love in that game to come and provide feedback on things they're missing in GW2.

It's not that people 'hate' or don't like GW2, it's that GW2 really didn't deliver what we were promised. People love GW2 and would love to see it improve and bring some things that we are missing.

Remember that first GW2 trailer?

"We're taking everything you loved about GW1 and putting it in GW2!"


We're providing criticism because we love the game and we love ANet. We want the franchise to keep going and we also want to enjoy the game more. Of course we'll remember what we liked about GW1 and hope we get some of those vibes back in GW2.

Why are people so negative and unreasonable when talking about these things? Is it really that hard to understand that some of us really miss the feel and atmosphere and community/interaction that GW1 provided? We just want that kind of feel back in GW2, I hardly see that as a 'negative' thing...more like an improvement.

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> @"Halandir.3609" said:

> But hey: Keep telling us just how welcoming and inclusive the GW2 "community" is... :/


You really had to go there? I fail to see how my post was considered trolling. I merely voiced my opinion. Maybe you shouldn't read into other's posts things that probably aren't there. ;) Typical of some people who don't like open discussion to shut down their opposition with name calling. It's a shame it comes to that.


Aside from that part, I found your reply to be well thought out.


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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I think the problem with this kind of thread is a few things:

> >

> > 1. Lamenting GW1 just to do so has little value to the players of this game. It might come as a surprise, but some of us didn't play GW1. Even if you did, what did you come away with from this thread? Some renewed sense of what you will never experience again? To what purpose does that bring for you?

> > 2. Regardless of the size of the game or what it offered, they all eventually get to a point of 'maintenance' mode; so accept it. The same will happen to GW2 and I suspect that it's closer than we think it is due to the upcoming popularity of mobile gaming.

> > 3. Those of you that stopped playing GW1 did so for a reason, which likely led you here. If you came here because of what GW1 was, and not for what GW2 is or might be in anticipation, then you have only fooled yourself into leaving something you really enjoyed. The remedy for that is not threads like this one.

> >

> > The thing that is particularly weird about this thread is that even after speaking to the OP privately, it seems that there isn't a purpose to this thread other than to provide a eulogy to what GW1 was. Don't live in the past and definitely don't lament what GW2 isn't because of it.


> What people here are trying to say is that they are missing things that didn't get carried over from GW1.


Here is the problem. Those things aren't 'missing' unless you have some insider knowledge that Anet intended to carry them over and didn't. Unless you got a list of things from Anet that explicitely state they are porting from GW1 to GW2 ... then I'm going to conclude you don't have that knowledge.


As I said; people came here from GW1 because of what GW1 was, not what GW2 is or might be. That's not Anet's fault that people had their own misconceptions.


Here is the other problem; why did all those people stay once they realized GW2 wasn't GW1? More unreasonable expectations that GW2 would somehow morph into GW1 part 2? I don't think there is full truth being stated here.

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There once was a game called Guild Wars 1,

and it lived up to its name because it had Guild vs Guild which was considered an Esport by some.

It had a spectator mode so people could observe matches,

And it was balanced often with patches.

The game was abandoned by its community,

for the promise that Guild Wars 2 would bring more unity.

But the reality shows that catering to the mainstream players sunk the game to new lows.

And now all that's left is nostalgia for the time when gaming was a unique culture.

Remember PvX wiki? (https://gwpvx.gamepedia.com/PvX_wiki)

The link to the website of our past I still browse with pity.

I guess all that's left is to wait for this game's dying breath,

And hope Arenanet sells the copyrights of Guild Wars 1 to someone,

who can make it into the Esport it always should of become.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > I think the problem with this kind of thread is a few things:

> > >

> > > 1. Lamenting GW1 just to do so has little value to the players of this game. It might come as a surprise, but some of us didn't play GW1. Even if you did, what did you come away with from this thread? Some renewed sense of what you will never experience again? To what purpose does that bring for you?

> > > 2. Regardless of the size of the game or what it offered, they all eventually get to a point of 'maintenance' mode; so accept it. The same will happen to GW2 and I suspect that it's closer than we think it is due to the upcoming popularity of mobile gaming.

> > > 3. Those of you that stopped playing GW1 did so for a reason, which likely led you here. If you came here because of what GW1 was, and not for what GW2 is or might be in anticipation, then you have only fooled yourself into leaving something you really enjoyed. The remedy for that is not threads like this one.

> > >

> > > The thing that is particularly weird about this thread is that even after speaking to the OP privately, it seems that there isn't a purpose to this thread other than to provide a eulogy to what GW1 was. Don't live in the past and definitely don't lament what GW2 isn't because of it.

> >

> > What people here are trying to say is that they are missing things that didn't get carried over from GW1.


> Here is the problem. Those things aren't 'missing' unless you have some insider knowledge that Anet intended to carry them over and didn't. Unless you got a list of things from Anet that explicitely state they are porting from GW1 to GW2 ... then I'm going to conclude you don't have that knowledge.


> As I said; people came here from GW1 because of what GW1 was, not what GW2 is or might be. That's not Anet's fault that people had their own misconceptions.


> Here is the other problem; why did all those people stay once they realized GW2 wasn't GW1? More unreasonable expectations that GW2 would somehow morph into GW1 part 2? I don't think there is full truth being stated here.


For real? People supported GW1 development for 7 years so yeah they sort of expected anet to keep on the path for GW2 that their customers supported for years. GW2 was pitched as a solution to the problem of not being able to develope further into GW1 due to limitations in tech and also the bloat of each new starter area with new professions. Why didn't the players "go back"(some did) to GW1? Idk might have something to do with ENDING DEVELOPMENT on GW1.



I get it, GW1 and GW2 are different games. That is NOT how GW2 was sold to the GW1 customers. So yeah some still harbor some dark feelings about the whole matter.

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > It's probably a solvable problem, but maybe not until a hypothetical GW3 or a least a 2.5 that involves a massive overhaul to gameplay mechanics.

> >


> It's not a problem, at least not to me. Gw2 gameplay mechanics are exactly as I would like them to be.




To each his own, and all that. I like the mobility of GW2 core combat, though I don't really feel like positioning is nearly as tactical as it could be.


But as far as story and OW PvE, all professions end up playing like a slightly different twist on the same basic concept, in part because there isn't much depth to counterplay, or skills that do anything especially unique (and those that do, like SoI and epidemic, tend to get nerfed), and every profession needs to be able to solo OW/story content. Most of the interesting or novel gameplay is therefore completely parallel to the normal combat system -- adventures, masteries, special skills or environmental weapons, stealth sections in story missions, and so on.


I think they went wrong at a fundamental level by making race skills just flavor, and locking players into a single profession, thus ensuring they needed to create 8 different jack-of-all-trades professions. They should have made each race a differently-flavored jack-of-all-trades solo-friendly "primary profession", and made the professions a role-focused, group-oriented "secondary profession", that you could eventually learn to swap as in GW1. For structured group content, players could be restricted to profession skills, and professions could play very differently.


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > I think the problem with this kind of thread is a few things:

> > > >

> > > > 1. Lamenting GW1 just to do so has little value to the players of this game. It might come as a surprise, but some of us didn't play GW1. Even if you did, what did you come away with from this thread? Some renewed sense of what you will never experience again? To what purpose does that bring for you?

> > > > 2. Regardless of the size of the game or what it offered, they all eventually get to a point of 'maintenance' mode; so accept it. The same will happen to GW2 and I suspect that it's closer than we think it is due to the upcoming popularity of mobile gaming.

> > > > 3. Those of you that stopped playing GW1 did so for a reason, which likely led you here. If you came here because of what GW1 was, and not for what GW2 is or might be in anticipation, then you have only fooled yourself into leaving something you really enjoyed. The remedy for that is not threads like this one.

> > > >

> > > > The thing that is particularly weird about this thread is that even after speaking to the OP privately, it seems that there isn't a purpose to this thread other than to provide a eulogy to what GW1 was. Don't live in the past and definitely don't lament what GW2 isn't because of it.

> > >

> > > What people here are trying to say is that they are missing things that didn't get carried over from GW1.

> >

> > Here is the problem. Those things aren't 'missing' unless you have some insider knowledge that Anet intended to carry them over and didn't. Unless you got a list of things from Anet that explicitely state they are porting from GW1 to GW2 ... then I'm going to conclude you don't have that knowledge.

> >

> > As I said; people came here from GW1 because of what GW1 was, not what GW2 is or might be. That's not Anet's fault that people had their own misconceptions.

> >

> > Here is the other problem; why did all those people stay once they realized GW2 wasn't GW1? More unreasonable expectations that GW2 would somehow morph into GW1 part 2? I don't think there is full truth being stated here.


> For real? People supported GW1 development for 7 years so yeah they sort of expected anet to keep on the path for GW2 that their customers supported for years. GW2 was pitched as a solution to the problem of not being able to develope further into GW1 due to limitations in tech and also the bloat of each new starter area with new professions. Why didn't the players "go back"(some did) to GW1? Idk might have something to do with ENDING DEVELOPMENT on GW1.


> Tl;dr

> I get it, GW1 and GW2 are different games. That is NOT how GW2 was sold to the GW1 customers. So yeah some still harbor some dark feelings about the whole matter.


Yeah for real ... why would anyone with a sense of MMO gaming expect Anet to make GW2 simply GW1 part 2? Support GW1 doesn't make a debt that Anet needs to repay those GW1 players; GW1 players got entertainment value for playing GW1 ... setting expectations that GW2 would just be more GW1 makes little sense.


Regardless, I don't know how GW2 was sold to GW1 customers and I don't think that matters either; anyone starting a new game should examine a game based on what it delivers to you as a customer, not based on your experience with another product. I know as a new player to GW2, I got what I was sold ... an MMO that had features of other mainstream MMOs that did it different, with no sub. If your still bitter about all this, you should get over it. Certainly no reason to voice that continuously here, even over 6 years after GW2 release.


Really, I get people have issues with GW2 ... that's natural. But to push those issues with the idea that you didn't get what you were expecting because you played and loved GW1 when it was active is just sour grapes.

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