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What will wvw be like in gw3?

Duck Hunt.8027

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Seeing as support for competitive modes in the current iteration of the game has gone from primary feature in gw1 to vestigial, and games wholly devoted to RvR are coming... I'd say gw3 will really be into PvE. Maybe they'll change the name to something more descriptive like Prettier Maple Story

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Seeing as support for competitive modes in the current iteration of the game has gone from primary feature in gw1 to vestigial, and games wholly devoted to RvR are coming... I'd say gw3 will really be into PvE. Maybe they'll change the name to something more descriptive like Prettier Maple Story


I do like how your name chose three specific initials,


But yeah, from front burner to barely on a warmer.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Seeing as support for competitive modes in the current iteration of the game has gone from primary feature in gw1 to vestigial, and games wholly devoted to RvR are coming... I'd say gw3 will really be into PvE. Maybe they'll change the name to something more descriptive like Prettier Maple Story


> I do like how your name chose three specific initials,





Unintentionally lol is still lol


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> @"derd.6413" said:

> what's with all the GW3 posting bud? it's not gonna happen in the foreseeable future


Because whole PvP and WvW side of GW2 think that current situation can't be improved or won't be improved until something really drastic changes and well one such thing is GW3.


I'm one of those that would really love if they turned the page and made something totally new as we've seen that they have no idea how to handle PvP/WvW part of the GW2 at all. Even raid community is in semirevolt it seems. Tbh, any part of community that is not totally casual seems to be diminishing in numbers and increasing in anger.


WvW was complaining since release basically. High end PvP community just left when ANet stopped with esports thing (and that bunker meta with HoT release). High end PvE is realizing that everything is trivial and not interesting and that they have nothing to do aside from raid release every 6 or 9 months or what was it.

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> @"SloRules.3560" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > what's with all the GW3 posting bud? it's not gonna happen in the foreseeable future


> Because whole PvP and WvW side of GW2 think that current situation can't be improved or won't be improved until something really drastic changes and well one such thing is GW3.


> I'm one of those that would really love if they turned the page and made something totally new as we've seen that they have no idea how to handle PvP/WvW part of the GW2 at all. Even raid community is in semirevolt it seems. Tbh, any part of community that is not totally casual seems to be diminishing in numbers and increasing in anger.


> WvW was complaining since release basically. High end PvP community just left when ANet stopped with esports thing (and that bunker meta with HoT release). High end PvE is realizing that everything is trivial and not interesting and that they have nothing to do aside from raid release every 6 or 9 months or what was it.


non of these issues would or need to be addressed with a new game tho and there's no reason for anet to even think about gw3 given how well gw2 is apparently doing

i honestly think alot of ppl underestimate just how much you can do without releasing a sequal

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There will be gw3.... *a small laugh can be heared around the room*

...with WvW in it. *whole room bursts out laughing*


Lets be real, this game has changed 180 degrees, from PvP-masterpiece gw1 to killing dragons and casually slacking around PvE-mediocre project. They tried, didn't work, happens.


_my opinion_

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I would like it to be an integrated and open world experience, having nations vs nations, Kryta vs Elona vs Cantha

battle for territories just like GW: Factions


PvE players can freely roam around within the safety of their inner territories, but at border territories, you have open air land sea warfares


your crafting profession actually means something, you are supplying weapons, armors, foods and other supplies to the front line


the Corsairs smuggling goods and technologies from other nations, the Black Lion company doing underground shady business


Something that would live up to the lore of Guild Wars, https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Guild_Wars

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No game exist in the vacuum, they all borrow parts from other popular games. GW2 borrowed a lot from the games that were popular 10 years ago, but pretty much nothing from the games that currently draw in most players.


If we look at the Fortnites and Pubgs of today, there are some quite obivous lessons GW3 should learn from:


- WvW (or PvP or GvG) mode can not be something additional, bolted on top of the main game using systems loosely taken and tinkered from PvE. It simply does not work as half-baked extra map where you can fight other players. Either it IS the game, and everything revolves around it, and skills and classes are designed for it, or there is no point even to add it.


- It needs to have smaller, clearly defined timeframs. The idea of maps ticking for points 24 hours no matter if anyone even enter the map, has clearly failed. 15-30 minutes max for each round, after that everything gets reset and everyone can try again. You will not be punished fro something that happened last Friday.


- It needs to be balanced between each side, there can not be fights where one side has only 5 players on the map while other "server/guild/color/group" has 50. That is just not interesting and not fun.

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