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The sad irony of the Forgotten


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So, the Forgotten figured out how to cleanse a creature of the brand, but apparently they didn't share that secret with anyone. So, there is a way to save the last of the forgotten who got branded by Kralkatoric, but no one except those branded Forgotten knows how.

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I always figured that finding a forgotten who isn't branded would be a major step in the story. So far we found the old ruins used for ascension in GW1. No Forgotten there. We also found one of their cities, Kesho. No Forgotten there either. I find it kinda hard to believe that Kralkatorrik branded every single Forgotten without fail, when there are human settlements or dwarven ruins only 100 m away that escaped the brand.

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Well there is this possibility of a rumor about a hint..


if u wander around in the raids u are able to find trails of a "snakelike" Body wich was imprisoned there but seems to have managed to escape.


therefore it could be the last / one of the last forgotten wich were captured but managed to escape from the danger that the PC fi.. i mean managed to escape the White mantle

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