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Any news on a balance patch? When can we expect the next balance patch?


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> @"Blasino.3128" said:

> I actually wish they would stop trying to balance this game. I do not think its ever done very well, and it is a waste of resources. Focus on other areas that brings in the most revenue to keep this game alive.


thats EXACTLY why balance is a mess, they are focusing too much on pve and letting other part of the game suffer.

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> @"Blasino.3128" said:

> I actually wish they would stop trying to balance this game. I do not think its ever done very well, and it is a waste of resources. Focus on other areas that brings in the most revenue to keep this game alive.


Well, it will not happen because changing numbers on skills is what need the less ressources and give feeling of "something is done" for pvp.


Bigs changes would need a lot of ressources, like they put in pve and living story, and they don't want to do it.

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> @"Spartacus.3192" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

> > > Would appreciate answers!

> >

> > they are gonna nerf all core traits so all PoF elites get toned down a little bit and all HoT/Core builds will be unplayable just like always.

> >


> Gotta prep the way for new elites for MOAR expac sales.


At least we would get a new meta then instead playing the same builds on all classes since pof release

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I think the last balance patch shows that the systems team is not afraid to significantly shake up the meta. They had no issues "killing" chrono and "destroying" warp portal (if you believe the forum outrage), two patches ago they changed the majority of traits to counter "passive triggers" even if it meant significant shaves to the DPS of classes such as necromancer.


However, ANet resources are somewhat scarce, so it takes time to decide what to balance and how. I am just pretty sure they won't listen to the community's idea of balance, since that usually doesn't go well.


Not that ANet is perfect, but even changes which the whole population were against usually weather on just fine in the end (remember when sand savant changed from "shade cooldown -20%" to "+100%" and the whole forums lit up proclaiming that scourge was now effectively dead in wvw? Yeah, that really killed them of).

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> It doesn't matter, nothings gonna change. They will nerf sb, mby mirage and mby holo, but for so small values, that ur not gonna see a diffrence


Dev 1: What classes are we nerfing today?

Dev 2: There is a note on the table.

Note:SB Mirage Holo

Dev1: SB? Mhhh Soulbeast or Spellbreaker? Ehhh.... Probably the later.



Warrior nerfed again for no reason.

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> It doesn't matter, nothings gonna change. They will nerf sb, mby mirage and mby holo, but for so small values, that ur not gonna see a diffrence


I think the same thing too. None of the changes get the last 2-3 patches had any impact on the meta. But Anet will randomly nerf a couple of underperforming builds for no reason!

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