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Sylvari Home Instance - Some gripes

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Perhaps the only negative thing about being a talking cabbage (i.e., Sylvari) is the home instance. When I arrive, I am only greeted by a broken golem off in the distance, so that I can't really hear what its saying. The layout seems to be designed to be as uncooperative as possible, with barriers and walkways that are unintuitive at best. But most of all, the real wincing thing are the ambient NPCs that stand around saying "duuuuuhhh...", "uuuummmm...", and "uh-uh...". I mean, really, why do I want to hang out with these dimwits with their negative vibes, and why would I ever have invited them to my home in the first place?


(On the plus side, its nice that these are the level of the gripes I can come up with, for a game with so many features.)

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The layout is actually quite intuitive; it's based on the celtic imagery of spirals. All you have to do is follow the inside edge and you'll get every node (apart from the christmas tree and gemstore garden plot) even if you gather them through a wall ^^ The worst one for me is tied between Salma in Divinities' Reach and the Great Lodge in Hoelbrak- having to double-back a lot and npc's being so close to the nodes makes them frustrating imo.

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The layout is confusing at first, but once you have a route down to where you need to go, I find it quick and compact to get to stuff. Place I like least is Norn home instance, which feels like you need a mount.


> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> the real wincing thing are the ambient NPCs that stand around saying "duuuuuhhh...", "uuuummmm...", and "uh-uh...". I mean, really, why do I want to hang out with these dimwits with their negative vibes, and why would I ever have invited them to my home in the first place?


Too true! Can't argue with you there. :lol:



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My main gripe with Salad-town is that wacky inn/cafe/bar or what to call it up on the north end, that spans all 3 floors, and is a bewildering myriad of different hidden roads, I always get lost in there when trying to map complete the map. Other than that, starting to get the hang of the rest. Thankfully only 1 poi in there.

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> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> But most of all, the real wincing thing are the ambient NPCs that stand around saying "duuuuuhhh...", "uuuummmm...", and "uh-uh...". I mean, really, why do I want to hang out with these dimwits with their negative vibes, and why would I ever have invited them to my home in the first place?

lol! Overall I like the Grove and sylvari home instance, but it is very strange that the npcs are standing around saying "uh-uh" all the time. Maybe they ran out of VO budget when they got to the Grove home instance?


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> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> and why would I ever have invited them to my home in the first place?

It's not really **your** home though. I don't even think Sylvari actually have a concept of owning a house as an individual.

As a Norn you don't have anything, your "home" is just the main building where everyone gathers.

The whole home instance idea was a good concept, the execution however, hasn't been the best.



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> @"CharterforGw.3149" said:

> > @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> > and why would I ever have invited them to my home in the first place?

> It's not really **your** home though. I don't even think Sylvari actually have a concept of owning a house as an individual.

> As a Norn you don't have anything, your "home" is just the main building where everyone gathers.

> The whole home instance idea was a good concept, the execution however, hasn't been the best.




Pretty much, if you look at the other races as well, none of them have a own "house".


* Norn have a huge hall where a bunch of other drunk Norn sleeping off their drinks, and even a couple of merchant hawking their wares, a few kids playing around, etc.

* Charr have a huge courtyard where blood legion is practicing drills, among other things.

* Asura has a research lab....

* Sylvari basically seems like a general sleeping quarter for the latest batch of clueless seedlings that just fell of the tree. (Probably explains all the Uh uh, and Duuh.....)

* Humans have an entire nieghbourhood, including a noble quarters, a hospital a orphanage, a small trading place in the middle, and a few different streets around with houses, and an inn. For all practical purpose it's almost a mini village within the city proper.


To actually have a personal house sort of, you could claim that "this empty building is mine!" in the human home instance at least, but harder in the others. I guess a Norn could claim "This is MY bed! No one but me shall sleep out my stupor in it!" but it wouldn't feel the same...

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I don't mind the Sylvari home instance too much except for the HoT chests (airship cargo, auric chest, crystallized supply cache) which seem to be a bit removed from everything else. My human character that started with the "noble" story line does appear to have her own house in Salma District though. Up in the noble section there's that house where you sometimes find Faren standing in the living room which I think is the player character's property.

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> @"Okami Amaterasu.9237" said:

> I guess my only "gripe" would be that you can't talk to any of your former npc allies about stuff, but oh well. They kind of did that with Sun's Refuge but didn't take off with it, so maybe they can do it again with a hub-map in LWS5, wherever that is.


> Also, that Branded devourer corpse as a node . . . just . . . *shudders*


Sadly the only character that farms my home instance never left the city, and is walking around carrying bags of stuff on behalf of the rest of my krewe.


I should pop in there on my main just to say 'hi' :)


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